I posted around a year ago my MOON environment and at the time it was a second year uni assignment. But recently as I had a little time, I wanted to give the lighting and the roughness textures a little TLC as I had received some great feedback and advice for improvements but never found the time until recently to make the changes. More shots on https://www.artstation.com/artwork/w5vPV
I've been looking around this forum for years, now I've finally found the courage to post here. This is a piece I'm currently working on, I did it for a workshop with Adam Skutt. Also met some polycounters over there who really helped to step up my game.
I'm sitting in my quiet lab, working and come upon your attractive piece of work created in SD6. The words, "holy f***!" escaped my lips when I saw your graph set up. Mine have gotten pretty crowded and intertwine with a lot of others but that is nuts. Impressive work @Jenn0_Bing
Hello! After what seems like forever I finally finished my crusader project. I have had a lot of fun playing Diablo over the years so I decided to make my crusader. I took some liberties with elements and had a lot of fun with it.The transmog pieces I use in game are not what I typically envision as "crusader"esque so that was part of the fun. I also got to learn substance painter and finally learned the Zmodeler tools.
I put a lot of progress and high-rez Toolbag images in my sketchbook thread.
Pass 2 WIP on sculpt. More refined shapes have been added. (There's still a long way to go on sculpting and texturing.) Anyway, my goal this time will be to go wild on colors and be less monochromatic from my other work. I also really want to go in and detail/refine his entire body much farther. He's going to be PBR rendered and what's awesome is he's already game-ready with wires + unwraps.
Did some more painting this lunchtime, decided to keep the spikes minimal as I'm thinking of adding a weapon and didn't want it to get to busy. Still painting to do but appreciate any feedback. Based on a concept by Carlos Ruiz
Finished a particular character I liked (also a new avatar for me!). More shots + Marmoset Viewer (and a silly video) in my Artstation: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/RBBbD
Some nice things here! Just made/published some pictures based on a wood material finish filter (created in Substance Designer) I worked on for Substance Source materials:
Hi Polycount! I've been working on a Sci-fi environment inspired by the old Alien Movie. I had a blast doing it and learned a lot. Check it out more on my Artstation! Or look at the WIP thread here
More shots on https://www.artstation.com/artwork/w5vPV
Cross post from my Bloodborne hunter thread
More over on my Artstation too, along with a couple of mini-breakdowns!
Something I was working on last Sunday
MORE big pictures can be found here
View the wireframe and ROTATE you can on sketchfab
armored universal truck A.U.T - CF2
my best regards and the good inspiration for all
I've been looking around this forum for years, now I've finally found the courage to post here.
This is a piece I'm currently working on, I did it for a workshop with Adam Skutt. Also met some polycounters over there who really helped to step up my game.
Anyway let me know what you guys think!
Here is the linkt to the watch:
Check out the thread to see everything about it.
I put a lot of progress and high-rez Toolbag images in my sketchbook thread.
High poly M24 grenade +flag sleave and belt/boot clip variants, gonna get the low poly and texturing done tomorrow.
Swiss SIG 510 battle rifle I'm working on. For more full res pics check out the thread: http://polycount.com/discussion/183004/wip-stgw-57-sig-510#latest
(There's still a long way to go on sculpting and texturing.)
Anyway, my goal this time will be to go wild on colors and be less monochromatic from my other work. I also really want to go in and detail/refine his entire body much farther.
He's going to be PBR rendered and what's awesome is he's already game-ready with wires + unwraps.
rendered in marmoset.
high res - https://www.artstation.com/artwork/6XzY0
For more details you can also take a look at our thread here:
just finished my Chiappa Rhino project. Check out my post for some details
Here's the link:
More shots + Marmoset Viewer (and a silly video) in my Artstation: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/RBBbD
fill this canvas with as many low poly staffs and wands.
More images here ARTSTATION
Process on artstation https://www.artstation.com/artwork/4qelq
And a breakdown of my texturing process HERE is a link to the fullsized image
Marble (https://www.artstation.com/artwork/Aab8X)
Brick wall: (Done for the very cool "Bi-weekly substance" thread !
Just made/published some pictures based on a wood material finish filter (created in Substance Designer) I worked on for Substance Source materials:
More pictures/details here:
More pics and high resolution here: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/abXEL
More~ and video here:https://www.artstation.com/artwork/bPY9a