So the boards don't get too crippled from such a massive single thread, I thought now would be the good time to kick things off fresh for 2009!
Happy new year everyone!
There has been SO much great work in the 2008 thread, I'm eager to see how things turn out for this year.
I'm not going to kick it off or anything besides starting the thread, I'll let someone else post pics

Admin. ninja edit: Check out the
What Are You Working ON? 2008 thread to see all the great works-in-progress from last year. 5,143 replies & WIPs posted!
Have been working on this for the GameArtisans sackboy competition. There were some amazing entries in this comp. I am still finishing this guy up, he doesn't even have normals yet, I need to work on the contrast levels of the wool on the actual sackman, etc.
my current uploaded state.
Also, thanks to everyone who commented on this in the other thread.
Best of luck to everyone in creating awesome art this year.
The WAYWO 2008 thread is closed for new posts and un-stickied (but of course still exists!).
pestibug - Thanks, I was actually thinking of splitting his feet into 2 longer toes. The reason they are humanoid is because I modeled them before I designed the head, so they definately will not stay that way.
Vrav - Yea, this is the lowpoly itself, but I like the way the forearms are, so I probably wont do more than bring the wrist loop up a bit. Thanks for your input though
teh sex
Why not keep the WAYWO 2008 thread stickied so that it remains up top for easy viewing regardless of it being locked out. If it is un-stickied and goes back into the general population post it will just be pushed down into oblivion to never be seen again. It'd be nice to have it kinda in one fixed place for archiving to kind of maintain a history of the year that was. Just a thought.
To clarify on what lighting detail is being lost due to crappy color and spec maps, the normals alone in action:
working on the poly's now.
For Crysis, only the HP for now
Also you could perhaps cap them with metal roughed up bottlecaps? is that what you are trying to do?
Edit: also the brown hips dont read well. I think that your red backdrop is competing with the readability of your character a little as well. Especially in the brown hips i guess.
heres a small update on my little composition. Next update should be the finished piece.
I am currently working on a project of mine that I had a while ago that I had drawn an outline, a scene setup, dozens of models/props and a back story to the in first month I had gotten into 3D work. I was very ambitious, but inexperienced so I had dropped the project as I could hardly model anything!
Though it was on a bookshelf, It didn't mean I had completely forgotten it. Unoccupied, and needing a fun project that is challenging enough so I could grow as a modeler/texture artist/render"er"/scene compositer, I have just begin to model said models/props and have decided I shall finish the project no matter the size (which is huge, IMO), and with time to spare. The projected goal is 2-3 months.
So far I have made little progress, but I have already learned how to create an environment with a displacement map, AND how to create/apply Bump and Specular maps, and how to create Heightmaps. All in a day.
(I know the lighting is unnecessary but I was just experimenting with the settings for Bump and Specular, and decided "hey, this looks cool".)
Character models:
(Although this pillar looks like it belongs in the medieval era, and my project is set in the distant future, the planet and the scene I will be rendering out is inside the ruins of an old extinct race that didn't make it past stones and swords.)
Hey Havok, I really like what you're doing.
I'm not sure of your workflow so maybe you'll get to this later, but it looks like if you flip the triangulation on your forearms it'll probably shade a lot smoother. But then maybe it's deliberate and will make sense with the texture.
(Photoshopped the arm on the right to guestimate what it'll look like flipped)
Also the toes might be higher detail than needed when compared to the lower poly forearms.
I'm really digging the look of it, nice work!
Eraserhead: That's awesome. I have a friend who has been bugging me to model one. It'd be pretty redundant now. Fully rigged and animatable?
I couldn't finish this broad. She was turning out okay.
Thanks! I was going for a 'patchwork' effect on the horns but I might use a bottlecap for one of them!
Thanks alot Kizza. I had that twist for a reason but I triangulated it anyways and it does smooth alot better so I may keep it like that. Thanks again.
Another update. Re-did the feet like everyone wanted and also added a blanket thing to his back and made the goggles bigger. Not really sure if I should cover his pelvis or not. Tell me what you think.
Zerafian: liking the feel of it, sort of like a snowglobe. the water could use some more love though
JasonLavoie: liking that building, nice and simple, care to post some construction/wires
Testing some modular stuff ^
zbrush detail sculpt that I just did on the head of a character I modeled last semester. not liking the way the low poly looks with the normal applied, would retopologizing and making a new low poly from this mesh be the best route?
for the same comp as blenderhead's, i just forgot to submit my entry
None of these are shown in realtime @ the moment because DirectX shaders don't show up in my viewport on my laptop. Booooo
fiveways - Wow, I really like the look of that building, keep it up.
Ani - I really love your style, but I'm sure you here that a lot.
LEViATHAN - Looking great, man. What is it for?
Jason - Yet another great looking building, nice job so far.
@Leviathan: What mod is that for? That's lookin mighty high for hl1, assuming that the face is gonna be attached to a body of similar detail . . . and not that he's a disembodied floating head. Like in power rangers, or something. I'm tired
@Marine: He reminds of cyborg, from Teen Titans. It looks nice, and the materials pretty cool too
for the future
Still lots to fix- size changes to some of the objects/ chains, and detailing to the leather/ pads etc but that will be done in Photoshop as ZBRUSH is really starting to struggle with these guys on my home computer!
these were for the teeth I Was discussing in tech ' talk
but I havent had a chance to go into zbrush yet to touch them up (been busy with some other projects)
I should start these over the weekend if all goes well!