Update to my Miss Fortune entry for the Riot contest-- looking for a little advice in my thread for this current image. I did a quick concept to get the ball rolling with the over-all theme, but I moved away from it a little w/ this block-in-- are the stone pillars too much?-- let me know what ya think. thank you.
I have this props modeled but never took the time to bake it and texture it and i needed a props to test some features of marmoset and painter so ere it is.
Testing out some presentation layouts before calling things done. I'm feeling ready to start the new year off with a fresh character but you can see NEXT girl's full thread right over here if you're interested. Hope everyone is able to relax a little as we end out 2017!
Damn, WAYWO is on whole other level nowadays.
I rendered this animation a few days ago in Marmoset. Wanted to do something real-time-ish that was a bit different than environment art stuff.
Finally finished this piece
this is an in-game model 56k tris and 4k texture.
more shots and a 3d viewer here https://www.artstation.com/artwork/XLdwy
Here is my final work of 2017 !
I have this props modeled but never took the time to bake it and texture it and i needed a props to test some features of marmoset and painter so ere it is.
Like always nice works from everyone !!!
Higher res images on Artstation
More Images at:
That's a wip of my entry for the Beneath the Waves challenge:
Have a nice day!
Final project for 2017, practicing Substance Painter, rendered in Marmoset Toolbag 3
High res images here: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/33elJ
Sketchfab: https://skfb.ly/6vAAD
Happy New Year Everyone!!!
Finished this guy up in time for new year