Please, PLEASE, I-BEG-OF-YOU, release this independently regardless of who wins the contest. There is so much 'right' with the ockham's razor that I'm pretty much left a slobbering, lazy-eyed mess after seeing it in game. I'm not actually typing this - I'm tied down dictating it to my therapist by means of morse blinking because my hands keep trying to backstab her...ah, my mistake, him. The last one was a her. Such a shame.
I'm not going to let this go to waste, so if my pack doesn't make it into the finalists then I will release them as skins.
Working on the pistol on and off, having some problems modeling the body (because I never really concepted a finished piece so the look is still To be decided ), but I took friday off from work so I can work all trough the later hours tonight to get the thing finished in time, and seeing Laro's awesome modeling skills makes me want to raise the bar even higher! The hat I will try to do in the weekends, it will need some normal mapping so it won't be an easy piece. but It wont require any animating work from sparkwire so I dont need to worry getting it done asap. which is the case with the pistol.
I think the very last part of the "pulling out razor" animation looks a bit jumpy. It started out very nice and smoothly, but the last part went too fast and looked bad
Perhaps it's because the animation have him pulling the razor high into the air and the last part is him quickly taking the arm down... it looks silly, and might look better if he makes the arm not go so high. I imagine it would be quite tiresome for the Spy to make such a big arm movements every time he takes out his razor.
sorry for the lack of updates, I wildly underestimated how hard it is to model a Wheellock pistol.
So I took the day off from work (I have a normal day job in the bizz so I don't have an ocean of time on my hands, plus I'm married! :P) to get this thing to a finished state, I am at 75 to 80% right now. I need to model the whole flintlock mechanism, trigger and trigger guard, and a couple of screws. plus I want to model in some wear and tear for the wood. a crack here a crack there. I know its not essential but I think it makes the diffrence between a nice entry and an awesome entry. after that I hope spark still has some time to animate the sucker and while he would be doing that I can spend time puzzeling out the uv's and texturing it. And I propably have 1 full day to do the hat (sunday).
anyway, here is where I am now
hope you guys like it.
The problem is that it doesn't look like one, it gets thinner where every other handle gets thicker! and the ball just adds to the weirdness. I like how it's made very professional with smooth edges but the design isn't good IMO.
Love it. The only thing I'd like to see is more of a wheellock mechanism on top. You have the wheel, there's just no striker or anything suggesting one.
The problem is that it doesn't look like one, it gets thinner where every other handle gets thicker! and the ball just adds to the weirdness. I like how it's made very professional with smooth edges but the design isn't good IMO.
lawl, tell that to the good old chaps in the 16th century when it was first developed. its a classic wheellock pistol design. the only thing I did was twist the proportions a bit and add a silencer + magazine as "tweaks" the previous spy's made.
and norron, I'm working on the "dog", will add new pics when everything is done model wise.
If I remove the magazine there is no way to reload the weapon, so that is there to stay.
made some tweaks, still got 1 thing to do before I can call the modeling process finished, and that is the doghead. I modeled one before, but somehow the thing got mangeled up (backculling in max sucks) and was beyond repair. wasnt very happy with it anyway, so no harm done.
offcourse I do, my model sheet is on the left side on the gun thats why its mirrored.
all the references have the mechanism on the right side so its easier to model it on the right side and then mirror it.
thnx , thinking of appying a bit of normal mapping to the ribbon, not sure. anyway, the pistol's uv's are ready and I'm working on the texture, the hat has been uv'd and has a simple red and blue color slapped on so I have to work that a bit. So yeah, making progress!
protip, if you dont have a normal map, adding a blank normal map will greatly increase the appearance of your item. just the fact that it has a normal map seems to affect the shading, whether theres anything in it or not.
I think you'd be better off (at this point) just inflating the model a bit more so it doesn't look like a peice of cardboard. and soften the edges on it as well. fabric should really only be look sharp where it's been "cut". like the outer edges of a ribbon.
Try to fix it, but if all else fails... consider having the hat without it :O
There are times when detail makes something better, and there are times when it does not.
Working on the pistol on and off, having some problems modeling the body (because I never really concepted a finished piece so the look is still To be decided
I think the very last part of the "pulling out razor" animation looks a bit jumpy. It started out very nice and smoothly, but the last part went too fast and looked bad
Perhaps it's because the animation have him pulling the razor high into the air and the last part is him quickly taking the arm down... it looks silly, and might look better if he makes the arm not go so high. I imagine it would be quite tiresome for the Spy to make such a big arm movements every time he takes out his razor.
Other than that, excellent work from Spark
So I took the day off from work (I have a normal day job in the bizz so I don't have an ocean of time on my hands, plus I'm married! :P) to get this thing to a finished state, I am at 75 to 80% right now. I need to model the whole flintlock mechanism, trigger and trigger guard, and a couple of screws. plus I want to model in some wear and tear for the wood. a crack here a crack there. I know its not essential but I think it makes the diffrence between a nice entry and an awesome entry. after that I hope spark still has some time to animate the sucker and while he would be doing that I can spend time puzzeling out the uv's and texturing it. And I propably have 1 full day to do the hat (sunday).
anyway, here is where I am now
hope you guys like it.
and norron, I'm working on the "dog", will add new pics when everything is done model wise.
How much if any engraving or inlay will there be? Spy sure does love his fancy shmancy girly man weapons.
This is the best Spy pack ever, I need it in my TF2 NOW!!!!
subjective opinion encouraging current shape
made some tweaks, still got 1 thing to do before I can call the modeling process finished, and that is the doghead. I modeled one before, but somehow the thing got mangeled up (backculling in max sucks) and was beyond repair. wasnt very happy with it anyway, so no harm done.
I Like It.
all the references have the mechanism on the right side so its easier to model it on the right side and then mirror it.
The most unique Spy gun I've seen. I hope it makes it in!
oh yeah, and its 796 triangles
It fits Spy PERFECTLY.
added a bit more "texture"
I mean, it's so flat
will try my best
There are times when detail makes something better, and there are times when it does not.