To be honest, it wouldn't work as a skin for the knife because it isn't sharp at the end. And functioning as it's own item with it's own effect wouldn't work either.
Because it wouldn't matter how alert you are, if the spy gets close, which is more than possible, you're dead. Face-stabs are a problem for a reason.
I still support this thread though, I was liking the Demoman's cannon, but if it's not your style, it's good that you changed. Fun is important too.
valve is going to do with it what ever they want, so the possible description is just for kicks, and it not being a stabbing weapin, true, but I don't think it should stop me from using a cut-throat razor. In a nutshell, it looks cool
The demoman was getting silly, all the scottish stuff. I liked the gun I made for it and I might still build and submit it as a community weapon someday. I had to kill my darling for the greater good.
I am doing some research into a pistol replacement, and the theme being legacy, I might go with a duelling pistol. I will collect all the ref in a bit and start some thumbnails to see if I can combine the classic flint pistol, with a more modern 40's to 60's look. Plus I have to find a clever witty name for it ;P thats the hardest part
Thats a great looking flintlock pistol! the ones I have seen look very smooth and organic, which I think dont fit the universe very well. I might use this as a base for mine.
edit: it even has a ring in it, which pulls it back to the ring in my ockham's razor design
ah noo! not more goodies for that globe trotting back stabbing doofus hehe. Looks real good man, perhaps an ostentatious regency wig would go nicely with the legacy theme. Or maybe a phantom mask/ classic villain black eyemask something like that.
You need to be one strong fucker if you want to be able to snap an old steel razor in half, this puppy aint made of balsawood! The ring is there for the spy to play with when he opens it up.
I think it's a great idea, but LOTS of people have done it, so you gotta make it better than anyone else!
I couldn't find anything like it as an existing model for tf2, and if I am going to do it it will be a monocle, bushy eyebrow with a fake nose and attached to it a big gentleman's mustache
I'm going to leave that up to valve, I am sure they can see the humor in it and wouldnt mind to invest a bit more time to get it to work neatly (I hope :P) on the other hand, if anyone has any ideas on how to get this to work neatly with the spy's face, let me know!
The only thing I can think of is making facial hair (a beard) over the lower part of his face with these sticking out. But that doesn't really fit the meme.
I'm going to leave that up to valve, I am sure they can see the humor in it and wouldnt mind to invest a bit more time to get it to work neatly (I hope :P) on the other hand, if anyone has any ideas on how to get this to work neatly with the spy's face, let me know!
The problem here is that unlike the Camera beard who also covers his face, this item's interference with Spy's face will be highly visible :O
It is humorous, and it would be an awesome item.
However it would logically go against Spy having a clear voice, and it would look very strange when Spy attempts to talk.
I'm not saying you should give up on it, however I am saying that you should have a backup entry if you make this because there is a high chance Valve might not accept due to the issues it presents.
Because it wouldn't matter how alert you are, if the spy gets close, which is more than possible, you're dead. Face-stabs are a problem for a reason.
I still support this thread though, I was liking the Demoman's cannon, but if it's not your style, it's good that you changed. Fun is important too.
The demoman was getting silly, all the scottish stuff. I liked the gun I made for it and I might still build and submit it as a community weapon someday. I had to kill my darling for the greater good.
I am doing some research into a pistol replacement, and the theme being legacy, I might go with a duelling pistol. I will collect all the ref in a bit and start some thumbnails to see if I can combine the classic flint pistol, with a more modern 40's to 60's look. Plus I have to find a clever witty name for it ;P thats the hardest part
the misc item will be "the ripper coat"
and a real flintlock that has an angular look compared to other ones I've seen
edit: it even has a ring in it, which pulls it back to the ring in my ockham's razor design
Also, nice razor. I won't bother attempting to make my own, this one is already better. :P
I wish I could make stuff like this up but it's actually true.
Some images:
oh and I modeled the razor
Hope you like, its exactly 1000 triangles atm. I can optimize it if I need to
I might be able to start the texture process tomorrow night!
Nice. How does it fit in his hand? As mentioned before, could be a bit wimpy, size-wise.
Would you consider making it thicker?
I meant the handle/ring
Can think of a bunch of ingame uses for this, sure valve could easily also. Handle is a bit bright on the design though.
note: without the bowl hat
do it
you must.
*gazes at bowler sitting next to him*
but the misc Item looks like it would "fit" the spy...
rough texture map, AO baked in etc.
Yeah, I find this item funny but I can imagine that it might not go so well with Spy's facial animations.
So if you're going to do this item, I recommend you have another backup item in case Valve refuses this one.
The problem here is that unlike the Camera beard who also covers his face, this item's interference with Spy's face will be highly visible :O
It is humorous, and it would be an awesome item.
However it would logically go against Spy having a clear voice, and it would look very strange when Spy attempts to talk.
I'm not saying you should give up on it, however I am saying that you should have a backup entry if you make this because there is a high chance Valve might not accept due to the issues it presents.
This one