Demondog. Next step: hair cards. More: [This post has been modified for not respecting the WAYWO rules, please refer to the sticky - mod ]
More head practice. [This post has been modified for not respecting the WAYWO rules, please refer to the sticky - mod ]
new character I'm working on. Basically taking elements of ancient Indian armor and applying it to a ww1 style uniform. Fabric is still rough, and there's a bit more fleshing out to do, but this projects moving....
why not use a filesize limit rather than literal pixel size? I thought loading speed was the problem
Server recompresses all uploads.
1000x1000 with a lot of detail comes out to around 1 mb, which seems like a decent size limit. Also, page layout set all images to 900 pixels wide.
Most images under 1000x are around 500kb. Default is about 50 images per page. So that's around 25 mb per page.
We would prefer an automated solution, but we've asked our host Vanilla, and they returned with a very high estimate for the dev work. Like, an absurd amount. We're on a shared server with other clients of theirs, so security and stability are issues they worry about. Still, it's an absurdly high fee.
We want to move to a new host, one where we control things. But that's a mammoth undertaking, and we all have other jobs & lives. We're mostly volunteers here, none of the tiny income even remotely covers the time we volunteer here.
Anyhow, WAYWO. Some sketches I've been doing during my commute. More in my sketchbook thread.
Hey all loving the work you are all putting up, this piece was my attempt at getting a little better in sculpting areas i am week in any and all critiques are welcome and appreciated, i am at the point if i should go ahead and pose and texture now or do i need to do some more sculpting.
[This post has been modified for not respecting the WAYWO rules, please refer to the sticky - mod ]
why not use a filesize limit rather than literal pixel size? I thought loading speed was the problem
Server recompresses all uploads.
1000x1000 with a lot of detail comes out to around 1 mb, which seems like a decent size limit. Also, page layout set all images to 900 pixels wide.
Most images under 1000x are around 500kb. Default is about 50 images per page. So that's around 25 mb per page.
We would prefer an automated solution, but we've asked our host Vanilla, and they returned with a very high estimate for the dev work. Like, an absurd amount. We're on a shared server with other clients of theirs, so security and stability are issues they worry about. Still, it's an absurdly high fee.
We want to move to a new host, one where we control things. But that's a mammoth undertaking, and we all have other jobs & lives. We're mostly volunteers here, none of the tiny income even remotely covers the time we volunteer here.
i don't mean to be a dick so I won't make another post about this beyond this one - but it sounds like we're still talking about filesize, not pixel size, being the problem
will the server recompression ever come out to a *larger* file than the original upload?
when i shoot a .jpg out of photoshop i have 12 steps of compression available and i can target something to whatever limits required
if the filesize limit here was 1mb i could change compression on my end to get a larger px image in without burdening the site... but if it's a pixel limit, like 1000px, i don't really have options
@Amsterdam Hilton Hotel We don't have any control over the compression amount. All uploads are recompressed.
Oh, and don't worry about being annoying about this. We're totally open to discussion about the site and how it's run. Please feel free to start a new discussion on this, or reply in WAYWO Usage.
[ 1 mb png has been recompressed. please read thread rules, thanks. - mod ]
Hi All Some WIP renders/composites of a creature-a-day project. I've recently bought a Wacom MobileStudio Pro so I can fit in time for sculpting on the train to work and in the evenings (sitting at a desk when I get in is the last thing I want to do!). I'm not 100% sure as to how to present them at the the minute... it might be cool to have little bio's for each one with names, diets, food chain status etc., maybe a little fictional 3D world with their origin annotated on... All feedback welcome (on anything).
Hey everyone! I have been working on a Darksiders 2 fanart of a scyhte. sculpt and textures can be found on my artstation:
Still lots to do on it , tweak to make , things to fix.
WIP in progress.
Still very wip:
Just zbrush dynamesh sculpting for the moment. Awesome work by everyone here!
here is a link to my artstation post:
More pictures, variants and breakdowns at artstation:
Demondog. Next step: hair cards.
[This post has been modified for not respecting the WAYWO rules, please refer to the sticky - mod ]
Hardsurface study of an infobot from Ratchet and Clank
Actual thread here:
EVA 01 - Prime 1 Studio - Neon Genesis Evangelion
Eva02 sculpted for Prime 1 Studio. Participation of Keos Masons, Creative Director Johnny Pham and Prime 1 Studio Design and Development Team.
more at:
lol, love this just for the nostalgia. xD
I finished building a firepit for my backyard:
Been working on this character for my fmp. Loose likeness of Mad Mikkelsen.
Last work from my personal project !
It has been absolutely years since i dove into 3D but here's an arena level I made for my game project
Rendered in painter 2.2 Iray
Wanted to post some art I did for a game called Cleos Lost Idols.
why not use a filesize limit rather than literal pixel size? I thought loading speed was the problem
More head practice.
[This post has been modified for not respecting the WAYWO rules, please refer to the sticky - mod ]
To check them out and my other work come to my thread:
new character I'm working on. Basically taking elements of ancient Indian armor and applying it to a ww1 style uniform. Fabric is still rough, and there's a bit more fleshing out to do, but this projects moving....
1000x1000 with a lot of detail comes out to around 1 mb, which seems like a decent size limit. Also, page layout set all images to 900 pixels wide.
Most images under 1000x are around 500kb. Default is about 50 images per page. So that's around 25 mb per page.
We would prefer an automated solution, but we've asked our host Vanilla, and they returned with a very high estimate for the dev work. Like, an absurd amount. We're on a shared server with other clients of theirs, so security and stability are issues they worry about. Still, it's an absurdly high fee.
We want to move to a new host, one where we control things. But that's a mammoth undertaking, and we all have other jobs & lives. We're mostly volunteers here, none of the tiny income even remotely covers the time we volunteer here.
Anyhow, WAYWO. Some sketches I've been doing during my commute. More in my sketchbook thread.
[This post has been modified for not respecting the WAYWO rules, please refer to the sticky - mod ]
will the server recompression ever come out to a *larger* file than the original upload?
when i shoot a .jpg out of photoshop i have 12 steps of compression available and i can target something to whatever limits required
if the filesize limit here was 1mb i could change compression on my end to get a larger px image in without burdening the site... but if it's a pixel limit, like 1000px, i don't really have options
Chinese Lion
2 317 poly
Oh, and don't worry about being annoying about this. We're totally open to discussion about the site and how it's run. Please feel free to start a new discussion on this, or reply in WAYWO Usage.
Hi All
Can't get it out of my head!!