Hey guys, recently I finished a project in unreal: Old Castle
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It was a lot of fun to create all the animations and shaders as well as post fx and sequences in unreal. Check out the video on youtube or artstation as well.
Working on a style bust for a Frazetta piece. Still trying to nail the look of the face before moving on to the hair. More angles over at my sketchbook, and I'd love some C&C if you stop on by!
Making good progress with the textures. Not totally set with the colors yet, still experimenting. Might add some more color on the upper part, but usually, going from my references, that “tower” is unicoloured. Will see
Heya everyone, just finished up my latest project in time for Transistor's third anniversary! I love this game so much and really enjoyed making this prop and playing with refractive materials. Check out the artstation page for the viewer and some more images!
Currently working on a Jak model, from the Jak and Daxter franchise. WIP thread is here (although there's not much in it yet, but feedback is still very much welcome):
My big tutorial (68min+Eng sub) about creation the sci-fi armchair concept in 3D-Coat, retopology in InstantMeshes and SketchRetopo + AutoUV in 3D-Coat and rendering it in Vray + VRScans.
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EDIT : woops sorry for not respecting the one image rule, thought it was enough to just do the 1000px resolution thingy x)
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Some sketching.
Banjo model.
First real attempt at any type of modeling.
How am I doing, not a pro, far from it.
Still need to make the hands.
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recently I finished a project in unreal: Old Castle
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It was a lot of fun to create all the animations and shaders as well as post fx and sequences in unreal.
Check out the video on youtube or artstation as well.
Thank you
woops didn't follow the 1000px rule, there we go:
You can view the others on my artstation here: https://www.artstation.com/artist/bounch
My character for the Artstation challenge - Ancient Civilizations: Lost & Found Game Character Art (real-time).
Full thread - https://www.artstation.com/contests/ancient-civilizations/challenges/16/submissions/16424
Concept by: Anna De Cicco - https://www.artstation.com/contests/ancient-civilizations/challenges/14/submissions/15124
Project Thread: http://polycount.com/discussion/186756/stylized-game-prop-putt-putt-onion-hut#latest
High resolution shots on my artstation: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/6DJ4w
I've been trying to make good looking rocks lately for and animation I'm working on.
Link to the project page: http://polycount.com/discussion/187295/wip-junktech-cliff-scene#latest
Might add some more color on the upper part, but usually, going from my references, that “tower” is unicoloured. Will see
Finished Art Test for Digital ExtremesHigh resolution shots on my Artstation: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/2aR5J
click for more images and flats.
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Heya everyone, just finished up my latest project in time for Transistor's third anniversary! I love this game so much and really enjoyed making this prop and playing with refractive materials. Check out the artstation page for the viewer and some more images!
@Shriken: That looks really cool! Getting some Berserk vibes from it.
Building a showcase scene for some photogrammetry textures I made, I'll post progress here: http://polycount.com/discussion/186555/my-quades-3d-scan-thread#latest
wip: http://polycount.com/discussion/175722/wip-shredder#latest
You can follow me on Artstation and you can follow the project on Youtube. Stay tuned, kichma out.
@Shriken That looks really cool! I thought it was the dianoga in the trash compactor from Star Wars at first!
Working on my Dryadic portal scene
This is my Nausicaa fan art inspired by : Rousteinire :'s illustration.
More images here
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More renders here: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/GZlDQ
More Screenshots on my Artstation page: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/JQoDZ
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Experimenting with some lighting ideas in Unity