Share your hand painted environment, characters, props, textures, whatever! The thread focus is handpainted stylized textures, not aiming to be photorealism.
- 1 embed maximum (1 image, or 1 video, or 1 Sketchfab, etc.)
- Anim GIFs must be less than 2 mb
- Externally-hosted images must be less than 500 kb
- Uploaded images must not exceed 1000 pixels in any dimension
- Don't upload PNG, use JPG
- Breaking these rules may cause merciless editing by a Moderator
- Why these rules? See WAYWO Usage.
@TOMENJERRY Nice painting
It's finished everyone! There are more images in thr thread. I hope you like it
I'm fairly new here, following the thread for a long time and now decided to share my recent work.
For more please visit my Artstation:
@87ROACH love the golem!
Here's another prop I made. It's a rework of a pot you find in the WoW night elf "zones". The texture is 512x512. both halfs share the same uv's but are not mirrored, but rather rotated (if you get what I mean), so there's no mirroring seam.
@ANTONIONEVES The consistency throughout all the textures here is awesome. Great palette choices.
@87ROACH that golem character is sexy ... in a handpainted fashion i mean.
Low poly game character practice from me. This lil guy is called Looty. Already posted him in the 'what are you working on thread 2016' but he's handpainted so thought i'd plonk him down here also.
This is some great stuff
@Tomenjerry - where can see we more of this as you work on it? those assets are lovely.
I guess this would be a good place for my final Blizz Art Contest submission! You can see it on my Artstation or on Sketchfab.
Any comments and critiques are welcome.
However I'm not totally happy with it, don't know what I can do to make it looks better. Any idea? Thanks!
Here's my newest piece for my class. The goal here to be as closest to the original concept.
'Moon House' concept by Catell-Ruz.
Here's a sketchfab version as well:
I had a lot of fun with this project. I hope you guys enjoy it ! Cheers !
@tomenjerry Your painting is very interesting, keep sharing!
@GhostBlades Thank you very much!
@beccatherose Thanks! This mount is very funny, i followed the progress on brushforge
@juyi nice! looks like 2d painting
On a separate note .There are some really nice work above here and good references for colours
It doesnt tile quite well yet, and I shouldve changed the general shape and size of the planks, but thats for me to take as feedback to the next painting!
hope you like it!
@derugin.s I can't see anything?
@rabbitbrains nice texture!
@antonioneves thanks dude! I will
this is my base color (hardlight layer) on top of my AO, very WIP:
@ybourykina thanks! The model looks great! should be nice with textures
Im looking for some feedback, i really want to make it good enough to put it to my portfolio. but i lost track of things i should change. Ive been looking at it for so long. Started it back in july or smth like that. then left it, and pick it up around 2 months ago, to make it look nicer and smoother.
more progress on the matchlock musket, it's around 7k tris
thread here:
Hello everyone, I'm new here and I'm also new to low-poly modeling and hand painted textures..
My first tool/weapon I've done in blender and texture done in photoshop I'd appreciate feedback and some tips! And if anyone knows a good tutorial that could help please let me know
Been slowly chipping away at this over the last couple of weekends. Gonna replace the smoke with some more blobby/cartoon smoke soon
holy crap, that's some nice work
Yea, how could anyone not like that? Terrific stuff. Does feel blown out though with the white light. I would think the light range would be more warm to cool,.... but it's still a great piece.
Here's a little something I've been working on in my free time. Not quite done yet on the textures and I still would like to pose him and give him an expression so he's not so static.
(Wild star fan art - Smuggler)
Concept art - Smuggler
@YBOURYKINA : The cloth of your Hades' skirt has a nice flow to it. Can't wait to see it in it final state!
@glenatron: The silhouette overall is really pleasing to look at overall on the house and I definitely think the bloobby smoke would be a nice touch to it overall.
@SUMMERS: The texture on your magda is looking lovely. I think there was some depth lost in the hair though but the style overall is great!
Hey! This is mine
Love this thread, so much inspiration it hurts =D
Since my last post is still pending approval I'll try another shot, had a thread running last weeks prepping a portfolio piece
This is my first real attempt at texturing anything.. I got a long way to go
@glenatron Hey looks really good! I do think that there should be at least one element tht is a little more saturated, like the roofs. but nice work !
I finished finally a shovel i was making for past week.
I was trying to learn paintig metal a little bit better. but it didn't turn out as i would want to. its m'kay tho. Practice makes you.... awesome?
@Braingraft That Leo the Pedobear
@Afklamer Im loving those textures, so pretty! thats a great portfolio piece :O