Share your hand painted environment, characters, props, textures, whatever! The thread focus is handpainted stylized textures, not aiming to be photorealism.
- 1 embed maximum (1 image, or 1 video, or 1 Sketchfab, etc.)
- Anim GIFs must be less than 2 mb
- Externally-hosted images must be less than 500 kb
- Uploaded images must not exceed 1000 pixels in any dimension
- Don't upload PNG, use JPG
- Breaking these rules may cause merciless editing by a Moderator
- Why these rules? See WAYWO Usage.
Demo Reel link:
Portfolio Website:
All World of Warcraft inspired demo reel. Now to start on all new work! Nearly everything is hand-painted. I've never taken a painting or design class in college. 50+ people went in the credits as inspirational artists or all who helped me pursue World of Warcraft. Marmoset viewers are on ArtStation. Katia Bourykina, Jared Krichevsky, Justin Goby Fields, Zeb Wood and just so many others to thank that they all had to go on a thank you list.
You should definitely add a subtle vertical gradient bake. Right now my eyes are drawn to the boots because they are the brightest, and a different color than everything else.
(ArtStation entry:
It looks good so far, if it was me I'd take the screen there and do a paintover in photoshop real quick with it in pure greyscale mode just to try to differentiate the material types and forms a bit more. The metal could stand out more, same with more contrast on the wood (especially if the glowy thing is casting light...even if you don't want to bake that in you'd still want a bit more light on it overall). Also the glowy gem could have more of a gradient on it (either say, more greenish teal near the bottom, or white/yellow near the center). It's pretty cool so far!
Friendly greetings,
Jens Patteeuw
C&C always appreciated! ^^
Here I share a model that I made. Its a Fan art for LOL. I made from the concept to the final textures. C&C are so welcome
KASPARS_PAVLOVSKIS - sweet! The animation works great with it.
Here's a hand painted axe I wanted to share.
And here's what I'm currently working on, a rune stone diorama.
Feedback is welcome
@ETOTHERIC Thanks for comments
Here comes next piece from the same environment called "Battle Village"
"One Man's trash is another Murlocs treasure"
A mini WoW inspired environment I just finished up.
Great Work by the Way ! You guys always keep me motivated to get better...sometimes you make me jealous though, then i get my grumpy 5 minutes >:(
2 models I made based on my own design
A couple known Sketchfab bugs are listed there. Things to avoid for now, until we get them solved.
So addicted to this thread, very inspiring all around. Looking forward to making the archer that accompanies this bow
My first post here
I've been working on this for some time and I'd like to show this to you. This thread has been a great source of inspiration for me and there is truly some really impressive work here.
I hope this fits the thread
I will be expanding upon this environment a lot in the coming months so if you wish to see more of the environment feel free to checkout my artstation page.
Direct link to project:
Direct link to first W.I.P. (more areas):
And is there a certain engine you used for set dressing? Great work and definitely gave you a follow over on art station.
I've been working on this since halfway through March I think. As this is also part of my graduation project it is only a small part of what I've build in that time.
All of this is made for UE4.
I've been working on this since halfway through March I think. As this is also part of my graduation project it is only a small part of what I've build in that time.
All of this is made for UE4
I've been working on this since halfway through March I think. As this is also part of my graduation project it is only a small part of what I've build in that time.
All of this is made for UE4
Hi rez images can be found on the full thread for the bow right here....
Also @glenatron Wow, I'm very impressed.
nice work
Sick design, some of the scenery looks like rendered geo. Did you paint on top of a render?
More stuff here