Share your hand painted environment, characters, props, textures, whatever! The thread focus is handpainted stylized textures, not aiming to be photorealism.
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Here is some of my old hand-painted/pixel-art work from the PSP title "War of Sonria".
Here are a few other random hand-painted textures I painted a while back for practice.
@ PLyczkowski: those last two characters (especially the girl) are really awesome!
@ Screwonhed : that wood is simply amazing! It's looking fantastic!
Some stuff I did:
cracked ground:
Here's some of my old stuff. This semester I'm going to be revamping this scene.
This is kind of a cross-post as I'm doing a hand painted environment atm >.< but I want to support the initiative!
Yes, I used that sand one as base for the cracked texture. (I'm also working on 2-3 more desert themed ground textures)
I hope that they'll blend better this way... I'll see if it works out, haha.
I'm looking forward to see that scene revamped.
Pixelatedkiwi - I was looking at that the other day, I love your style and can't wait for the finished environment. Are you planning to put anything in the wagon?
The mud/dirt around the flagstone I think I totally cop'd out and just filtered the crap out of a CG-Textures dirt photo and did a bit of a paint over to help with the feel, and make it tile.
Couple I never got around to finishing, but I liked where they were headed.
Wanted to practice stone/rock texture, semi-realism feel, but ended up getting distracted by getting ready for some work.
Man Jacque I'd love to see a vid of your painting sometime.
Critique would be awesome!
Well here is a one of my few ventures into hand-painted stuff. Need to do this more but love that there is a thread for it!
Anyways, here's my most recent hand-painted stuff! I had dusted off my old favorite game Quake 3 recently, and made a couple of new skins for it. Or, to be more accurate, they are redone, less sucky versions of skins I never quite finished back in the day. :poly128:
Note that I didn't make the meshes, those just ship with the game! If you are familiar with the game, I'm sure you'll recognize them as Bones and Orbb.
I'm not sure if anyone is still interested in playing with these skins, but you can actually download them here if you want:
Some samples of my head mod for Morrowind. 36 heads done so far, approx. 80 more to go, wheee!
Most recent:
Older stuff:
Freelance: (Just rendered this out for this thread actually, been sitting on my h.d.
(I made the character and composite here, not the environment)
Just made this and edited my post, so I'm not spamming the thread:
Turn Table:
So you've been holding out on us, then? :poly108:
What else have you got? Show ussssss! :poly142:
I always wondered what is it that defines BL style. Bold lines or over saturated colors or lighting. Whatever it is, you pulled it of spectacularly. Well done!
That looks amazing!
Bloody brilliant!!
I'll post mine once I am done, though it won't be remotely as good as anything else posted here. :P
Great job !!!! I like them alot. Q3 was the shit back then and it still is!!!
Yes show us more!!!
Hmmm, there's a bunch of stuff I've never posted, I'll have to sort thru them I guess..
I've got this medic guy cooking on low-fire, he's an old-time SDKer
And the best part is, you can still export it to work in Quake 3. :poly108:
The game-ready version of the model can still be downloaded here:
Awesome work fellows.
Really sweet work! I like that second one you posted, that damaged paint looks great! But I think you could darken that black gummi part of the handle a little to seperate it better from the metal parts. Right now the values are really close and make it hard to see/recognise.
For that cat-sword. Haha. Nice idea!
I really love the blade and tail. But the hilt could use a little more contrast. (as the whole weapon also could, but especially the hilt looks low contrasted) And that cat head. I'd remove that outlines, you don't have them anywhere else, so tthey feel kinda off. Do paint in sharp edges and shadows instead to define that fur and so on. Or at least I would ask myself if the outlines (since you also did the scretches this way) would really need to be pure black.
I understand that if your aiming for an artstyle like borderlands2 with heavy use of outline, but if you just want to do some details with simple lines then maybe a darker color of the same hue might be a better choice. That's at least my opinion.
Quick paint over:
Not the best one and I hope you don't mind. I still hope this helps you somehow.
I also did some color correction to push the contrast.
Nice one! But you could add some shadows to the lava, even if it's supposed to be a glowing. It would help to fake depth.
A small and quick paintover for you, too! I hope you don't mind.
Excuse any mistakes within my English. Great work everyone!
@Griffin: I always try to make specular colors as complementary as possible for different materials mostly so that it actually stands out :poly124:. Or if that doesn't work well, which it didn't for the orange crystal because the colors kept getting pushed towards white when it was lit, I try to create some sort of color harmony (blue colors get a neon pink/purple highlights, red colors get yellow/green highlights, green colors get neon blue/aqua marine highlights, etc.). Thanks for the compliment