Share your hand painted environment, characters, props, textures, whatever! The thread focus is handpainted stylized textures, not aiming to be photorealism.
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Looks really cool! I like it with the more vibrant colors. The wood texture looks really good. And the smoke looks more cartoony, although the old smoke was pretty good too in my opinion.
Artstation high res:
Sketchfab Viewer :
GLENATRON: Love the model, nice stylization! What I would consider maybe is pumping up the colors a bit, since It's a nice fantasy setting, everything feels warm and welcoming, yet the saturation is really low, like it's in a dark fantasy scene, or in lord of the rings. I would also change the background colors to something that supports the overall fantasy tale you have coming off from the model and textures! Textures look really nice by the way, they seem well painted!
Did a mini scene for this little robot I made a while back:
Marmoset viewer file/more shots here:
Wasup polycount ! Finally got to finish my piece 'Fish House'. Original concept by Grace Liu.
I got a sketchfab version on my artstation page if you guys want to check it out. Thanks !
Finally coming out of my shell to submit my first Polycount post. Here's my fan art from Bravely Default/Second - Mephilia's wand.
This is my first post on Polycount! My model is fan art of Mephilia's wand from Bravely Default/Second, hope you like it!
I would love to know how you handle the smoothing groups!
I really don't have any experience of how you would work with smoothing groups on models like these.
Here is my May - Pokémon
More images over on my Artstation
I'm painting in poly paint right now. I just prefer the feel of the brushes and camera tumbling in zbrush to 3D coat. I think I'll take it to like 80% in Z and then finish it in photoshop.
I really love this thread, I am happy that I can add to it
This one was fun because we needed 3 variants of 3 different amounts of gold.
Fly-through video:
Mal is almost done, i'm leaving her for a bit until i get the other stuff done and then tie everything together better ^^
was trying to figure out his colors
So much cool art happening here! I'm going to have to go thru the last few pages to catch up!
Finished my shelf model which was done as a practice in a workshop event for the Handpainter's Guild. Had struggled with the wood, but it was a much needed refresher. I learned alot and will apply what I learned to the next time I do wood.
@YBourykina - thank you ! also really awesome characters as always
@Pixelatedkiwi amazing work! I love darksiders, it actually looks really good with the more traditional handpainted textures too! your textures are really inspirational shem! Are you planning one making tutorials in the future?
just a quick presentation:
you guys have any tips or suggestions? critique is more than welcome!
@YBourykina Thanks! Your entry is coming together nicely! Good luck for the competition.
Some stylized characters I have been working on for a game.
2 DONE, 1 TO GO.
These are my first hand painted textures.
Let me know what you guys think :P
Tips are always welcome.
warrior model
archer model
Some models made during this month's, Marmoset Viewer of each model on Artstation!
Legion Demon Goat Dragon
Marmoset viewer available here:
Thank you!