Final images

Hi everyone,
This is a personal project that I'm working on.... So, I want to share the wips with you all. It will be a top down scene, everything will be lowpoly painted. I want to make a house in some high mountain with some pines and maybe something else.
Feel free to take a look and tell me what you think, I hope you like it

I agree - that's a nice tree. You've really captured the essence of a pine.
Very good tree indeed. It seems to be a 3D model, is that correct? If so, did you model it by hand or did you use a soft like SpeedTree for example?
the trees look rreally great! lvoing the crispness + softness of them at the same time
This scene will be epic!
@darkmag07 Thank you
@Fenyce thank you, about bark texture, it is not a square, it's a big piece, like you and Shem did...the green thing was painted on the texture. I will show in the next post
@HitmonInfinity Thank you
@Sebvhe thank you
@sprunghunt "essence of a pine"... I liked to hear that... thanks
Hi @DanielR17 yes, it is a 3d model. I did in 3dsmax without any another soft... thanks
Hey fellows, @tsabszy , @felipealves I'm glad you like this, thanks
@clinington Thank you man Thanks
@Rhoutermans thanks
@le0tard Thanks, I'm posting the unlit material (without any lights).
@Dave Jr yes... It will be
Hi everyone, these pine trees are done... I attached some images. The first, they are in the game engine (unreal) It is just a diffuse material with a light coming from the sky.. Also I'm showing the textures and the unlit material, looks good I think, just the painting... The last image is just to we see the silhouette, I think it is important to the general mood.
What I did to finish the trees?
added a single branch tree. (instead of three together)
improvements on the textures
added a cone pine
improvements on the silhouettes
So, now I'm thinking to do another tree, maybe a giant sequoia, the red ones...
@Ehsan Gamer Thanks, I will try
Hi @MattyWS , well...hmm.... I think it depends, I'm not specialist about game engines but.. I noticed we have more possibilities in unreal engine, so, I'm using to learn more about.
@Makkon Thanks
@amirabd2130 Thanks
@r4ptur3 Thanks
Good work !
how big is your texture map? I can't wait to see your upcoming posts
@Yourdays Hi, the texture is 1024 pixels, but I painted bigger than that!
@SimonT Thanks
I think there's some waste in the UVs though. I think it could have been reduced by a quarter.
Also there's unnecessary overdrawing with those alpha planes. You could more closely match the branch form with the geometry, remove triangles and reduce the tricount !
Tileable textures! (my favourite part)
I made four different textures to blend on terrain, this way I can paint and create different combinations. I think four is enough for now.
Also, I created a small scene to see how the elements looks like together. what do you guys think? I put the third person character, just to feel how is to run through these pines... the feeling is good
I want to start the terrain props, like stones, grass, maybe a log of wood broken, that sort of thing...
Nice work!
Only reason i say that is your already making a lot of good assets and everyone loves the style. Just something to think about, otherwise loving the updates.
Can you talk a bit about how you set up the shaders to pull off that subtle lighting and atmosphere?