Share your hand painted environment, characters, props, textures, whatever! The thread focus is handpainted stylized textures, not aiming to be photorealism.
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Hey! love your use of color, looks very vibrant, the pink especially. I do have a few suggestions:
- as fas as this shovel should make any sense (it's a cool idea! don't get me wrong), the tubes don't really seam to lead to anything, they run into the blade, which is really thin, so what is the purpose? and where is the air leaking out of the tubes coming from?
-you might want to suggest a hole in the tube, since the air is escaping
-I think the metal actually turned out good! But some small cuts / scratches might be good, but that's just a minor thing
@seducedpigeon looks pretty good. I would try to avoid using pure black though, the texture seems a little too contrasty
@afklamer looks amazing! I love the detailed look to the metal. Are you planning on doing some fantasy related art in the future? would be cool with your style of handpainted textures, it's funny to see how everyone always paints textures in different ways/styles.
and if you're interested in seeing it in 3D:
Ok so, here is something i did on my free time, WoW inspired
Artstation with marmoset and sketchfab viewer:
Hey everyone
i am a huge fan of handpainted textures like the textures of blizzard! i just want to learn to handpaint so does anyone know where i can find some good tutorials for some different materials like stone, sand, wood etc.?
here are my first tries for some cobble and soil / dirt.
Studying other people handpainted textures also really helps (I leanred the most by doing that). Look for ways to make details and pay attention to lighting and material definition. I noticed you use some texture brushes on your textures, which sometimes is a good choice, but I think it takes away the stylized look, try to paint details by hand, rather than using a texture brush to do that. Also pay attention to the side of your details, the cracks are way to small in comparison to the bricks. I think you can make your hishlights a little more prominent (not lighter! but "thicker"). And try to avoid using pure black, there's a lot of black in the brick texture, maybe fill it up with some dirt instead.
But really the best tip on handpainted textures is: keep practicing, and find some tutorials on lighting and materials and use that in your textures.
I might make some more tutorials on my channel soon(the wood tutorial is quite old by now). I want to be a little more confident with my textures and then I'll make tutorials on handpainted textures!
hope this inspires some of you
, needs more contrast, color variation and better grains.
Well i've been trying to do handpainted before but stopped and i'll give it a try again. Trying to understand it more and more. Stylized games /art, was always my favourite. When i play games, i prefer the "realistic" ones. but in term of style. I'd rate games like WoW, Darksiders, Ratchet, Jak, Mario, Zelda with more higher! Always loved that style!
I made a tiny forest scene, and wanted to share it with this thread as well.
I actually have a topic with the progress, so for the people who are interested in that they can find more info over there heh.
This is a work in progress hand painted asset for my company portfolio. Feedback and coments are more than welcome:
Hello everyone,
Trying to hand paint a ground texture...
This is my latest (and first) handpainted scene I did:
This is a WIP of "The Pigeon Post", a postal service run by Pigeons for Pigeons. My main inspiration for this model was the world of Animal Crossing in which I am a huge fan of.
The tree trunk and leaves are currently being worked on.
Any thoughts and feedback will be most welcome.
Many thanks!
EDIT: Added images.
Super old repimp, all under 500.
I decided to pull my pirate props together and include my puppy model that I never showed off properly! Hug your pups! And let them little pirates if they want (atleast for today)!
Might have to politely ask for your water technique!
I love seeing all the wonderful works posted on this thread, it's a major inspiration (as well as study material ^_^)!
Just recently i've been learning the basics in general!
This was a stab I took at a study in values, going for something tile-able for a desert temple-type wall,
or something of that sort!
Had a ton of fun making this!
More info about Legends of the brawl at!/content/49170
My hand painted textures.
turntable render
I finished this guy a little bit ago, forgot to post him on here.
Story: "Equip a Mara with your fortune and good luck is yours to keep."
- Halloween Candy Special Skin: "Instead of bringing you fortune it's bringing you death."
Flat diffuse. Hand-painted textures. 9294 Tris and 1024 X 1024 map
Responsible for all aspects, including concept.
ArtStation Marmoset Viewer Link here!
More texture breakdown and stills are on my Artstation
You can find the modelviewer, and older work on my Artstation:
I'll update this thread with some new works soon!
One step in way to game development. Sketchfab link
Here's a steampunk cat i did a little time ago to practice sculpt and texture in blender, the concept art is not from me, found it on internet ( i couldn't find the name of the person who draw it so if anyone knows... that would be nice)
cheers !
More hand painted stuffs from me
Marmoset viewer
ZUG ZUG: Solid work! You could try and make the tiled texture on the roof miss one or two "bricks" so you can mix up the overall look of it. I also would try and avoid mirroring the rooftop tiles on the middle, right now it shows a V shape from a distance. This is a really old video of mine, but I make a tiled brick wall texture, and I believe I talk about making it tileable. You might be able to use it for your benefit!