WIP Modified 1977 Holden Toreno / Exposed Motor / Widebody Just trying to figure out a good way to unwrap and texture this. Confused about substance. (Student) [ additional image removed by moderator ]
Hello guys, I'm new here. I wanted to share my new character model WIPs here to get some CC's. I hope you like it. It is also designed by me, so I can get some critics on it as well. Thanks
I've been working on this Tau mech whilst at staffordshire University, learned a lot along the way and am proud of the end result. It's rigged for posing and I'm working on animations, but here is the current result in Unreal Engine 4. Modelled in 3DsMax and textured in Substance Painter.
Working on this piano concept by Yuumei, tweaking some final lights and materials before I move onto adding some lil animated goldfish. Thread with my tests here
New project I've started, working on a set of Roman era amphorae. Seams are since I'm using a tiling texture to eventually get as many different amphora shapes from one material.
more shots/higher res: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/nbrr4
Working on my hard surface skills, stuck mainly to fleshy creatures so far and I wanted to branch out a bit.
Hi there!
This is a platform for moving people around a sci-fi environment, I used Modo for modeling and Substance Painter for texturing.
Other images on my portfolio: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/NY9xq
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PC thread: http://polycount.com/discussion/185985/under-the-great-bridges-artstation-challenge-environment
You can view the new images here: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/Z98kZ
The comparison shots can be found here: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/65lAx
Just trying to figure out a good way to unwrap and texture this. Confused about substance. (Student)
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Substance-UE4 using parallax mapping
Narrowed 15 ships down to 4 to take to final concepting and then 3D!
Student Work: Group Project (AIE)
Final Render.Doom 2016 Inspired Scene. 26/04/2017
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Lowpoly with Normal Map:
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Hey folks,
think I’m pretty much done with the HP. Got all the main parts and most of the details. Rest will be done with textures
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my thread is here
Artstation: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/YEqwP
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worked on this character and decided to do a photo shoot session!
Wrapped up the futuristic safe I concepted, and made game ready for the Sketchfab Residency. Also put a little secret inside for Rick and Morty fans. I documented the creation process on the forums: https://forum.sketchfab.com/t/artist-in-residence-futuristic-safe-vault/13162/36
Some more renders on my artstation: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/XEBO0
enemy robot model ive been working on for a UE4 project.
thread: http://polycount.com/discussion/182313/ue4-demon-shrine-corridor-environment#latest
artstation: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/GZXW1
For more detailed renders, https://www.artstation.com/artwork/nba2O
New project I've started, working on a set of Roman era amphorae. Seams are since I'm using a tiling texture to eventually get as many different amphora shapes from one material.
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can follow it here: