Havent posted anything in like never! I stalk the shit out of this thread and look at all this crazy good stuff...so decided it's about time I threw something up here. Hopefully he's recognizable
hello i have been working on a Zbush Texture and this is what it looks like in MARMOSET DIF,SPEC,NRL, detail NRL and DISPLACE
i know k have a seam but it from the normal map i need to fix that Feedback
really lacking in color, theere's really not much that's readable. it's a good start, but you need to start punching colors and contrast, blur your eyes and you'll see how bland of a read it is.
I'm actually searching colors for my burlesque Fire spitter, all feedbacks are welcomes!
Really, I need some feedbacks to decide :poly124:
I like 3, 5, & 6, but I think black hair could look better on both. The tip of her braid gets somewhat lost when you squint at the color schemes you have now. Taking the gold seam highlights from the corset on 4 and adding it to 3 might also be a good idea to push the warm color scheme on 3.
Today I'm proud to present to you guys the Lamborghini Egoista model exclusively made for the folks over at sketchfab. It was built in 3 days using all the reference images I could find.
Low poly model for optimal web display. Built with blender 3D and uploaded to sketchfab......... this is the final Lamborghini Egoista. The car was built as part of comission work for sketchfab, and I'm proud to say that I did manage to build a car in only 3 days.:poly136:
I'm currently building the high poly version of this car for a personal project.
As always comments and critique is welcome.
Building the Lamborghini Egoista (Guide)
I started this one for a low poly model, but I wanted to try the fibermesh, even if it isn't available for game... The low poly isn't finished yet but this one is:
Like many of you suggested I started experimenting with 3D printing. My colleague has a 3D printer and he was more than happy to experiment with my model.
We tried a small one first, and now he is printing a bigger one in pieces.
The pedestal on that one still needs to be done.
I like 3, 5, & 6, but I think black hair could look better on both. The tip of her braid gets somewhat lost when you squint at the color schemes you have now. Taking the gold seam highlights from the corset on 4 and adding it to 3 might also be a good idea to push the warm color scheme on 3.
Tried out to tweak an modify the last of my old test with some filter to see if new colors comes out.
I also tested an other color set with your advices and some color variations I added.
Unfortunately I can't really join the Dragonball Challenge on Zbrush Central since I'm more of a Mudbox guy, but that doesn't keep me from having a little fun.
Havent posted anything in like never! I stalk the shit out of this thread and look at all this crazy good stuff...so decided it's about time I threw something up here. Hopefully he's recognizable
Can't say grammar was ever on the list of things I thought I'd have to fix for this model but hey, if you're going to f**k Chechnya you may as well do it right, right?
hey guys. long time forum stalker, finally mustered up a bit of courage to show one my recent works that im not too embarrassed about.
C&Cs if u have the time please..
First attempt at a gun:
Carl Grimes from The Walking Dead?
Love it.
really lacking in color, theere's really not much that's readable. it's a good start, but you need to start punching colors and contrast, blur your eyes and you'll see how bland of a read it is.
Well, I was going for Morgan Freeman...but now that you mention it...haha/jk.
I like 3, 5, & 6, but I think black hair could look better on both. The tip of her braid gets somewhat lost when you squint at the color schemes you have now. Taking the gold seam highlights from the corset on 4 and adding it to 3 might also be a good idea to push the warm color scheme on 3.
Today I'm proud to present to you guys the Lamborghini Egoista model exclusively made for the folks over at sketchfab. It was built in 3 days using all the reference images I could find.
Low poly model for optimal web display. Built with blender 3D and uploaded to sketchfab......... this is the final Lamborghini Egoista. The car was built as part of comission work for sketchfab, and I'm proud to say that I did manage to build a car in only 3 days.:poly136:
I'm currently building the high poly version of this car for a personal project.
As always comments and critique is welcome.
Building the Lamborghini Egoista (Guide)
Sketchfab Lamborghini Egoista
Sketchfab Lamborghini Egoista (Rim High Poly)
here is a shot of Venom wip .
you can see more here http://cgptt.me/2013/05/31/venom/
From my thread:
Like many of you suggested I started experimenting with 3D printing. My colleague has a 3D printer and he was more than happy to experiment with my model.
We tried a small one first, and now he is printing a bigger one in pieces.
The pedestal on that one still needs to be done.
Shameless cross-post
Tried out to tweak an modify the last of my old test with some filter to see if new colors comes out.
I also tested an other color set with your advices and some color variations I added.
Here's a little something I've been working on. Just another Khaleesi fan art...
Nice start sefice ! Really hope you finish it.
looking pretty spiffy Arno
Unfortunately I can't really join the Dragonball Challenge on Zbrush Central since I'm more of a Mudbox guy, but that doesn't keep me from having a little fun.
Hair is a placeholder.
Knew who it is straight away, looking good!
Thx Moof, its a half half thing. This characters are all first done in zbrush and for the last tuches in PS
Can't say grammar was ever on the list of things I thought I'd have to fix for this model but hey, if you're going to f**k Chechnya you may as well do it right, right?
Very work in progress at the moment, alot of damage and detail to be added.
Turn table with wires:
and also
This model you see is a remake of my previous model.
Please dont blame me for modeling skills. I do have idea that i tryied so hard, unless someone have an idea what should i fix in my modeling way.
C&Cs if u have the time please..
Looking awesome.
Super clean, love it.