Oxy - if I remember correctly, this lag is actually partly caused by the heavy graphics postprocessing. Disabling it made the game more responsive for me (on the "press" demo/beta version)...
Turning off Ambient Occlusion made the biggest difference. Its still there.
I swear to god, why the fuck do they mess with the Unreal Engine in that way? Epic includes the code for both to work. Why do they mess with or delete part of it??
Erm... this is not Unreal Engine, it doesnt even look like UE, what makes you say that? This is running on a Modified Crystal Dynamics engine. (Same engine that powered previous Tomb Raider games)
Erm... this is not Unreal Engine, it doesnt even look like UE, what makes you say that? This is running on a Modified Crystal Dynamics engine. (Same engine that powered previous Tomb Raider games)
4. REAL PISSER: Unless Im mistaken and its something in my system.. They took the cheap way out on the PC. IT HAS THE CONSOLE GAMEPAD CONTROL DELAY WITH MOUSE. Like it takes 1/4 second from when I move my mouse initially for it to show on screen. (Unacceptable on a AAA release.. Totally unacceptable.)
I wish publishers didn't withhold demo releases for reasons like these.
4. REAL PISSER: Unless Im mistaken and its something in my system.. They took the cheap way out on the PC. IT HAS THE CONSOLE GAMEPAD CONTROL DELAY WITH MOUSE. Like it takes 1/4 second from when I move my mouse initially for it to show on screen. (Unacceptable on a AAA release.. Totally unacceptable.)
Unfortunate I agree. The solution for most people is to disable vsync and it removes the lag on mouse movement. OR keep vsync enabled but make sure triple buffering is enabled as well. The former worked for me and I got to keep vsync on fortunately.
I wish publishers didn't withhold demo releases for reasons like these.
To be fair, I got rid of 95% by turning off AO... So its acceptable if you can live without, or have some SUPER high end rig that can process AO fast enough.
Also, anyone notice they still have compact disk like media in 2027?
To be fair, I got rid of 95% by turning off AO... So its acceptable if you can live without, or have some SUPER high end rig that can process AO fast enough.
Also, anyone notice they still have compact disk like media in 2027?
Is it out somewhere already? We don't get it in Europe till Friday. No spoilers please Pity to hear about the PC version. I have the augmented version for PS3 preordered. HMV are giving the game away with both DLC packs and a copy of Blade Runner on Bluray for 44.99!
This game is so much fun! I lost track of time while playing it. It's immersive, so far well written and the mood and atmosphere is amazing. Facial animation is a little stiff, but no big deal really. It might just be me being over thinking about it since i played LA Noire.
But so far, the game is pretty awesome. I am playing it on PC with my 360 controller :P
Picked this up yesterday on the fly from Target (came with a free $10 gift card, woo!) after reading some great reviews.
Really enjoying it so far. This is definitely going to be one of those games to play through two or three times. Got everything maxed out, AO/DX11 included, no black dots or mouse lag that I'm noticing. Facial animations do look a bit off if you really focus on them, but as a whole the game is really involving. There's a nice immersive feeling to it.
Steam's screenshot feature is great for this, get some neat wallpaper images from the cutscenes.
Really enjoying it so far. This is definitely going to be one of those games to play through two or three times. Got everything maxed out, AO/DX11 included, no black dots or mouse lag that I'm noticing. Facial animations do look a bit off if you really focus on them, but as a whole the game is really involving. There's a nice immersive feeling to it.
Steam's screenshot feature is great for this, get some neat wallpaper images from the cutscenes.
You should post some DX10 compared to DX11. So far i don't think it makes that much of a difference, but i might be mistaken. Overall i think it's a beautiful game, the CG cutscenes kinda take a little away... but its a no biggie. The game is still pretty awesome to play and it does capture your full attention. So far, i am enjoying it a lot.
Im playing it on 360 and enjoying it so far. there are a few frame rate hitches but whatever, viewing the world on a 50 inch tv is way more enjoyable for me.
To me this is a game where it really shows how strong art direction can influence a project. everything feels cohesive and believable, love all the clutter of contemporary objects like books, folders and paper all over the place, makes it feel really real.
Also the bombardment of advertising everywhere is a scarily realistic portrayal of the future I think, look at every day life already, an ad before every game trailer, constant ads for useless shit in your face, so to me it seems totally realistic to expect this type of non stop sensory bombardment 10-20 years from now.
The weakest point of the visuals is by far the characters, jensen looks pretty awesome but npc faces are kinda hideous when combined with the super stiff animation and wonky lip synch.
The overall visual experience though is stellar, having all the textures be low detail hand painted surfaces with little wear and tear really allows the lighting to shine. the lighting and post process really seem to be the star of the show next to the completely awesome design of everything, thing seem properly designed and functional in this world.
Thats an awesome interview Pixel. I love the art directors approach to art, and the "thickness" of meaning that it carries. Also, the similarities with the color palette and some composition elements of Rembrandt paintings is way cool, and! with all that content you feel more comfortable,and perhaps is one of the reasons one feels so immersed when playing this game. So far i am very relieved the game lives to the hype and is surpassing those expectations so far.
That is FUCKED UP!
If it's been opened it's USED! I really hope they get sued for this. As devs we have to put up with such bullshit with them already for them to pull this is crazy.
hahah are you guys really surprised at gamestop being absolute cunts for the millionth time!? it seems like a total "fuck you" to customers as they frantically try to gain a grasp on the streaming/digital market as their physical media/used game market will dry up over the next 5-10 years, if not sooner. is it just me or does almost every ad/ news story about gamestop just feel so damn greasy?
fuck em, hope they go out of business soon and we experience a new renisance from gaming where digital distribution eliminates used game sales and deleopers/publishers are getting a bigger chunk of the profit. combined with the no overhead of packaging/discs hopefully it adds a nice boom to the industry.
Dick move on Gamestops part. Their policies suck ass and they're a horrible, horrible retailer, but it seems they're justified in removing those coupons.
I was in the US in march and I was amazed to see that used games are all the rage in the US. People almost exclusively only buy used games, and they're only like 10 bucks cheaper than a new one, and ALL that money goes to gamestop, not for the developers and not for the publishers, they must make shitloads of money with this busyness.
Here in Europe used games are not that popular, maybe you'll find a tiny shelf on a game store with some shitty used games now and then, but not nearly as much as in the US.
Anybody else not get their preorder content in the augmented edition? I preordered the augmented edition off amazon and didn't get the preorder content. Pretty annoyed by it On the bright side the game is incredible.
You know it's funny when I read up on it and went out to buy it, I walked into Gamestop first just to see what was up, maybe see if they had some extra Augmented Edition copies or something.
After I got my questions answered (they didn't have any extra copies of he Augmented Edition, they only had the standard version still in stock), I just walked out and drove across the street to buy my copy at Target because I've just gotten into the habit of not buying from Gamestop on a matter of principle (unless I don't think I could get what I'm looking for elsewhere).
Turning off Ambient Occlusion made the biggest difference. Its still there.
Erm... this is not Unreal Engine, it doesnt even look like UE, what makes you say that? This is running on a Modified Crystal Dynamics engine. (Same engine that powered previous Tomb Raider games)
I had no interest in this game at all. Now I have tons of interest in this game.
What's the "sexual content" it mentions in the rating? Anyone can provide details having played it?
Massive augmented mecha dicks.
I guess I assumed since Batman was, and I through this
That would explain the crappy facial animation then since the CD engine and facefx look horrible in that regard.
? thats not official lol, its just a fan art
i thought it was using unreal ( i made a post of that too oops >.<) but its actually uses heavily modified engine from tomb raider crystal dynamics
Im playing it, so far no mouse delay, or lag
I wish publishers didn't withhold demo releases for reasons like these.
Unfortunate I agree. The solution for most people is to disable vsync and it removes the lag on mouse movement. OR keep vsync enabled but make sure triple buffering is enabled as well. The former worked for me and I got to keep vsync on fortunately.
Also, apparently Detroit has a subway in the future. I laughed at that.
To be fair, I got rid of 95% by turning off AO... So its acceptable if you can live without, or have some SUPER high end rig that can process AO fast enough.
Also, anyone notice they still have compact disk like media in 2027?
It was inspired by Blade Runner
or is it just me?
But so far, the game is pretty awesome. I am playing it on PC with my 360 controller :P
And here I thought that anti-zit augmentations would be the first thing they would make.
Jokes aside, how's the temperature of your GPU? I used to have similar issues in other games and it was always a case of the GPU being too hot.
*shakes laptop*
really frustrating when it just sits on a certain percentage and doesn't move... ever O_O
Really enjoying it so far. This is definitely going to be one of those games to play through two or three times. Got everything maxed out, AO/DX11 included, no black dots or mouse lag that I'm noticing. Facial animations do look a bit off if you really focus on them, but as a whole the game is really involving. There's a nice immersive feeling to it.
Steam's screenshot feature is great for this, get some neat wallpaper images from the cutscenes.
australia got it before europe. thats a turn up for the books
You should post some DX10 compared to DX11. So far i don't think it makes that much of a difference, but i might be mistaken. Overall i think it's a beautiful game, the CG cutscenes kinda take a little away... but its a no biggie. The game is still pretty awesome to play and it does capture your full attention. So far, i am enjoying it a lot.
560GTX here and it runs fine with everything turned on.
To me this is a game where it really shows how strong art direction can influence a project. everything feels cohesive and believable, love all the clutter of contemporary objects like books, folders and paper all over the place, makes it feel really real.
Also the bombardment of advertising everywhere is a scarily realistic portrayal of the future I think, look at every day life already, an ad before every game trailer, constant ads for useless shit in your face, so to me it seems totally realistic to expect this type of non stop sensory bombardment 10-20 years from now.
The weakest point of the visuals is by far the characters, jensen looks pretty awesome but npc faces are kinda hideous when combined with the super stiff animation and wonky lip synch.
The overall visual experience though is stellar, having all the textures be low detail hand painted surfaces with little wear and tear really allows the lighting to shine. the lighting and post process really seem to be the star of the show next to the completely awesome design of everything, thing seem properly designed and functional in this world.
speaking of which, here is a cool article on gamasutra about the art direction.
really diggin it so far, cant wait to play more.
That is FUCKED UP!
If it's been opened it's USED! I really hope they get sued for this. As devs we have to put up with such bullshit with them already for them to pull this is crazy.
fuck em, hope they go out of business soon and we experience a new renisance from gaming where digital distribution eliminates used game sales and deleopers/publishers are getting a bigger chunk of the profit. combined with the no overhead of packaging/discs hopefully it adds a nice boom to the industry.
Here in Europe used games are not that popular, maybe you'll find a tiny shelf on a game store with some shitty used games now and then, but not nearly as much as in the US.
I hope legal action is taken. This isn't the first time GameStop has opened games and continued to sell them as new.
THIS. These clowns are on the Blockbuster Video route.
I CANNOT WAIT to play Deus Ex. I have been so hyped for this for months.
Stopped playing because i was afraid it might sting me.
Because it's black and yellow. get it. buzz buzz. I'll be here all week.
I'm wondering what the point of bundling it only with the PC version is... limit trade-ins, like Valve got with PS3 copies of Portal 2?
Apparently they are now just pulling the PC version from stores now. Good thing they got exclusive DLC right?
After I got my questions answered (they didn't have any extra copies of he Augmented Edition, they only had the standard version still in stock), I just walked out and drove across the street to buy my copy at Target because I've just gotten into the habit of not buying from Gamestop on a matter of principle (unless I don't think I could get what I'm looking for elsewhere).
Now I come back and read this, haha!
just jakin with you guys steam ftw!
edit: ugh, aight had to go through the tools thing and find the dlc in the list and choose to install it... back to the game for me