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Deus Ex: Human Revolution



  • Thegodzero
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    Thegodzero polycounter lvl 18
  • vik
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    vik polycounter lvl 13
    I really hope it won`t be just a lame shooter... :poly122:
  • arshlevon
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    arshlevon polycounter lvl 18
    just copy the first 2 and add fancy grafix and i am there... love that franchise
  • PixelMasher
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    PixelMasher veteran polycounter
    the last half of the trailer is pretty cool, dont get the whole angel thing, kinda weird.
  • ae.
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    ae. polycounter lvl 12
    Have neverplayed any of the games :( anyone have a link to any videos that breakdown the franchise? ive tried googling it but to no avail.
  • arshlevon
  • Krynn72
    arshlevon wrote: »
    just copy the first one and add fancy grafix and i am there... love that franchise

    I was pretty skeptical that this game would be anything more than a mediocre fps at first. They said they've taken out shadown based stealth (now its all based on line of sight, or augs im assuming) and they have regenerating health, which are both pretty big steps in ending up with a dumbed down game. But Theres a Q&A on IGN that makes it seem like they understand that the second one was balls and that they should focus on making it more like the first. They seem to genuinely care, and seem to have enough time to make sure things work. The trailer also impressed me, because it wasn't just things blowing up and shootan like I would expect for a game trying to appeal to the masses, and actually has some intellectual value in it.

    I'm now not as pessimistic as I was before.
    the last half of the trailer is pretty cool, dont get the whole angel thing, kinda weird.

    Its not an angel thing. Its the Icarus myth.
    ae. wrote: »
    Have neverplayed any of the games :( anyone have a link to any videos that breakdown the franchise? ive tried googling it but to no avail.

    Its way too complex for me to begin explaining it. Its got a really good, really deep story, which makes it hard to sum it up. Especially since there are multiple endings in each game haha.
  • Parnell
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    Parnell polycounter lvl 18
    I love this series so much, even though Deus Ex2 was a disappointment I still played it in it's entirety. Deus Ex 1 still is a great game (I played it about a year ago)
    Can't wait for this!!!
  • Slum
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    Slum polycounter lvl 18
    no fscking way! There's been a serious lack of good cyberpunk games in the last handful of years.
  • Slainean
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    Slainean polycounter lvl 18
    I honestly laughed out loud at most of the trailer, and I'm a fan of the first game. Anyhow, I'll be playing it.
    the last half of the trailer is pretty cool, dont get the whole angel thing, kinda weird.

    It's a very heavy-handed reference to the myth of Icarus.
  • teaandcigarettes
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    teaandcigarettes polycounter lvl 15
    I will remain sceptical; Warren Spector is doing Epic Mickey and Harvey Smith seems to be doing casual games.
    I've got to admit though, teaser looks interesting; loved the Rembrandt reference.

  • ScoobyDoofus
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    ScoobyDoofus polycounter lvl 20
    The narration sounds like it came from The Christian Bale School of Tough-Guy Voices.
    That said, looks like it might not suck. Cautiously optimistic.
  • konstruct
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    konstruct polycounter lvl 18
    I`m completely with you krynn. The fact that there is nods to some higher level concepts (icarus) in this trailer makes me have faith. The second one was just so dumbed down compared to the first. Not really in terms of game-play, but more so in terms of that social commentary / statement arena. It really had some heavy concepts that I feel games need to start pushing. Especially if we ever hope to transcend this, "adolescent, saturday morning, kiddie bullshit," that keep getting signed for game after game.

    I`d be lying if I said the robot sunglasses don`t have me a bit worried.
  • CrazyMatt
    What's up with the overdone spec/gloss map on the skin for the character?

    I liked the first 2, I sure hope the 3rd holds up like them. Although I await more in excitement for the news on their other project "Thief 3"!
  • dur23
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    dur23 polycounter lvl 20
    The dudes in the building next to mine are bustin their butts on this one. They've got a pretty awesome team. Lead of course by Jim Murray, who's a friggin beast of a man.
  • oXYnary
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    oXYnary polycounter lvl 18
    Having that symbolism at the beginning really took it home. No dumbed down version. Yaeee!!

    Here's hoping the game play isn't either (alah what killed 2).
  • piippo
    The best thing is, based on all the QA they seem to know what Deus Ex game needs. They get the IP. I would love to see some in-game footage.
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    Cool teaser, I am looking forward to this. Didn't think much of Deus Ex 2, but the first one is one of my favourite games of all time!

    Stick with the prod!
  • Zwebbie
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    Zwebbie polycounter lvl 18
    ae. wrote: »
    Have neverplayed any of the games :( anyone have a link to any videos that breakdown the franchise? ive tried googling it but to no avail.
    You can get Deus Ex for $10 on Steam, and it's well worth that. If you're afraid that it doesn't live up to your standards of 2010, don't be. It's still ten years ahead of everything. It's great at creative gameplay. For example, the game has an augmentation (which is sort of a power that drains your energy meter) which allows you to lift heavy objects. Now you can grab large crates and make stacks of them to climb up to buildings. There's also one that allow you to run faster and jump higher, which initially allows you to outrun enemies, but eventually allows you to jump off or onto buildings. There's only one character in the game that you have to kill. Someone even played through the game without using any objects, including augmentations, weapons, keys, and so on. The designers didn't intend this, of course, but it shows how far the game can go. Couple that with memorable characters and a long play time and you've got the best game ever.
    Edit: you can also kill people by jumping on them or throwing your inventory on them. That alone is awesome.

    Invisible War, the sequel, was dumbed down, the choices were made more obvious, there wasn't much room for creativity and the setting wasn't as immersive. It plays a lot like Mass Effect, but without the sex scenes, if you ask me.

    As for Deus Ex 3, I'm not completely convinced. I don't see, for example, the lack of first aid kits as a sore miss. I liked that you had to carefully balance whether you'd use an aid kit, heal yourself with an augmentation or hope that you'd run across a medbot soon, but hey, Deus Ex was larger than that. What I'm afraid of is the mentality behind it, being that 'scrounging for med packs (med pack wasn't even the term in DX, so that shows how much they've played the game) would interrupt the flow of the game'. The original, at all times, let the player dictate the flow, and my kill-nobody playthrough was much slower than my shoot-people-in-the-face playthrough.

    Edit: about the choices, I'd argue that some of DX's best moments were when it didn't throw the choice into your face. For example, you're told by everyone to keep the terrorist leader alive. If you kill him for the heck of it, the game just continues and responds to that. It presents you with the rules of the game and has you figure out the solutions, rather than telling you that you can things in way x, y and z. The former encourages you to be creative, the second is the low standards we're all used to today.
  • Snefer
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    Snefer polycounter lvl 17
    The first one is my nr1 favorite game ever :) And yeah, judging by the QA-session, they seem to concentrate on the right things. If it is one game that needs a remake its Deus Ex.

    ScoobyDoofus: have you played Deus Ex? JC Denton sounds like a bag of gravel dipped in whiskey. ^^
  • vcool
    Zwebbie wrote: »
    You can get Deus Ex for $10 on Steam, and it's well worth that.

    It was 4.99 on Monday, and I thought "Nah I'm not gonna play it again" then I saw the trailer now and now I want to play it. But it's 9.99 again :(
  • kendo
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    kendo polycounter lvl 18
    Still to this day over 10 years on Deus Ex is my favorite game, it is one of the few games where you had to wonder what ramifications your actions would have, such simple things as walking into a woman's toilets could result in a disciplinary.

    Its clear that the team really cared when they made the first game (http://www.edge-online.com/magazine/the-making-of-deus-ex) and although they have some large boots to fill i have high hopes for this incarnation.
  • rawkstar
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    rawkstar polycounter lvl 19
    i loved the first game to death
  • Vonklaus
    please have a good story, I loved the previous Dues ex and hopefully this one won't disappoint
  • Ride
    Am i going to be the first one who thinks they're going to butcher this? Bleh, this isn't Deus Ex, looks more like Prince of Persia in the future. Could be good tho, but im very skeptical.
  • PixelMasher
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    PixelMasher veteran polycounter
    ahhh yea i see the icarus ref now, cant belive i missed that.

    new concept art from kotaku looks pretty dope, not your usual scifi look.


  • dejawolf
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    dejawolf polycounter lvl 18

    deus ex, and goldeneye.the kings of FPS.

    one of the reasons they rock, is because they have a mission-based game structure, instead of a checkpoint based structure. you're free to choose your own path through the level, and in what order you want to complete the objectives.

    most games nowadays, you move from checkpoint to checkpoint, where you trigger either a story piece, an action or spawn enemies.
  • acc
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    acc polycounter lvl 18
    I like the visual style and they do seem to care about approaching the IP intelligently, so kudos for that. On the other hand, the gameplay of Deux Ex is still ahead of its time and I think Deux Ex 3 will be proof of that.

    Currently game design is primarily focused on constantly telling the player what to do every moment of the experience, so I don't expect that this one will be much like the first two at all. I expect lots of "HERE'S A CHOICE! THIS IS THE CHOICE MAKING PART! FOLLOW THE GLOWING ARROWS. SHOOT THIS PERSON. FOLLOW THE GLOWING ARROWS BACK NOW. GOOD JOB".

    Honestly, I think the only way to do a truly accurate follow-up to the original right now would be to have an indie team do it on a small budget. Wouldn't look amazing, but they wouldn't have to dumb it down to sell 5 million copies to the mass market either.

    Well, hopefully DE3 is good on its own merits, at least.
  • KhAoZ
    I hope its better than Deus Ex 2. Personally though, I'm a lot more excited about Thief 4!
  • Malus
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    Malus polycounter lvl 18
    Omg...omg...omg...<breathes into paper bag>....OMG...OMG..OMG...

    I'm seriously not normally a fan boy for anything but Deus Ex 1 and the Thief series are some of the best games i've ever played.

    Can't wait.
  • Steve Schulze
  • vargatom
  • OBlastradiusO
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    OBlastradiusO polycounter lvl 11
    Never was into Deus Ex but that trailer kicked ass!
  • MartinH
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    MartinH polycounter lvl 8
    First Deus ex, best game i ever played, loved every second of it, 2nd one i stayed away from though. Really hope this 3rd one will draw inspiration from the first. Locations, story etc, gah im re-installing it right now!
  • Sandro
  • Mister Sentient
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    Mister Sentient polycounter lvl 18
    Deus Ex in name only. It's a totally different team with different ideas. I think it would be wrong to try to copy what has gone before. Their own interpretation of the Deus Ex universe would seem a more sensible direction. Personally I'm holding out for a point 'n' click adventure... but hey you don't always get what you want. :]
  • Gmanx
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    Gmanx polycounter lvl 20
    vargatom wrote: »

    Haha QFT.. I was thinking of doing just that. The second game was a major disappointment for me - since it was aimed squarely at the Xbox market and just didn't 'feel' right.

    I love the renaissance refs, all the Leonardo cues - and nods to the original Thief games intros/stylings.

    As for the interviews, words are cheap - and we've heard it before. Having said that, they've brought so much attention to the 'we're gonna be like the first game' that if it doesn't happen - it'll be a monumental fail.

    BUT, everything released so far rocks IMO, and I can't fault the team behind it - so kudos to them, but as far as gameplay style and depth, we'll see eh?
  • odium
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    odium polycounter lvl 18
    You know I've had the second game for years, came with my gpu free, and I never got past 30mins in, it was soooooo poor... Compared to the first, the first being one of my all time faves...

    The golden age is coming back. We have a new Thief, a new Deus Ex... I just hope they don't mess them up. Having loved Deadly Shadows to death, as well as DE1,they really do just need a refined version of both, and I'm there... I just have this bad feeling its gonna be consoleized waaaaaaaaaaaaay too much... There are no good RPG's these days...
  • carlo_c
    I'm so excited for this game, number one brings back some brilliant memories!

    Like some of you have said, I hope it takes what made number 1 so great and expands upon it, the whole upgrade system I loved and customizing weapons etc. I think I need to reinstall number one...

    I agree with you odium about number 2, it was terrible in comparison they really dumbed it down for consoles and playing it on the PC just made it even worse. Lets hope they don't go down that route again :(
  • Target_Renegade
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    Target_Renegade polycounter lvl 11
    I remember playing the first one and wasn't expecting anything too much, but it was a big wake up of awesomeness. The environments and locations, particularly Hong Kong, and the way the story had conspiracy and suspense were great. I remember the super agents running after me and I'd be laying mines down in wait, they scared the shit out of me.
  • eld
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    eld polycounter lvl 18
    Lets pray to every conspiracy we know that they'll try to follow the style of the original soundtrack.

    No one can deny the fact that it was a part of the big thing that made deus ex.

  • Target_Renegade
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    Target_Renegade polycounter lvl 11
    I've tried playing the music files with VLC player and it works!:)
  • [HP]
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    [HP] polycounter lvl 17
    Ow gawd... I love this fucking game.
  • glynnsmith
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    glynnsmith polycounter lvl 17
    When the original game's music played in that first DE3 teaser trailer they had, I got goosebumps and I wanted to pump the air with my fist.

    I love the art direction in this, even if it's totally new for the franchise - I just really hope they can execute it to have both the gameplay and story depth of the first game, and to not develop it for consoles.
    ahhh yea i see the icarus ref now, cant belive i missed that.

    new concept art from kotaku looks pretty dope, not your usual scifi look.


    This isn't all that new. Check the Deus Ex 3 discussion boards for lots more, and at a better resolution :)

    *EDIT* Link!
  • greuh
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    greuh polycounter lvl 17
    yeah, we do have a lot of pressure over here on that one.
    I wish I could talk about it, but hopefully a lot more things will be made public at E3.

    Square really did an amazing job with that trailer considering how late they started on it. Though during all the WIPs they showed us, the place holder music was the one from that awesome star trek trailer #3, it was so damn epic ahah.
  • Zwebbie
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    Zwebbie polycounter lvl 18
    That's it, I'm reinstalling the original. I've played through it ten times and know the text by heart, but I can't resist with all this talk.

    I can't help but wonder, though. In the original JC wore sunglasses to hide the fact that his vision was augmented and that his eyes were bright blue. How does covering up your augmentations with sunglases that come out of your skull work, exactly?
  • eld
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    eld polycounter lvl 18
    Zwebbie wrote: »
    That's it, I'm reinstalling the original. I've played through it ten times and know the text by heart, but I can't resist with all this talk.

    I can't help but wonder, though. In the original JC wore sunglasses to hide the fact that his vision was augmented and that his eyes were bright blue. How does covering up your augmentations with sunglases that come out of your skull work, exactly?

    I thought he just wore them because he wanted to look cool, but noted the fact that it wouldn't hinder his vision during night, since he had augmented vision.

    Anna Navarre: "Don't tell me you're going to wear those sunglasses during a night operation?"
    JC Denton: "My vision is augmented."

    ps. reinstalled game too, its a gaming relic.
  • Zwebbie
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    Zwebbie polycounter lvl 18
    eld wrote: »
    I thought he just wore them because he wanted to look cool, but noted the fact that it wouldn't hinder his vision during night, since he had augmented vision.
    There's a public terminal in New York and one in Paris that states the following:
    "Denton is approximately six feet tall, with silver facial tattoos and solid blue eyes, the result of a genetic condition usually concealed by a pair of sunglasses."
    Obviously it isn't very reliable since it's a Most Wanted description for the public by MJ-12, and so it lies about the nature of his eyes. But it's clear that his eyes are the most obvious sign that he's augmented, so I always figured that the glasses are indeed to hide that. He's not making friends with Anna for wearing them, that's for sure.

    Feel free to disagree about this particular thing, but it's still odd that DX3 hammers on discrimination against augmentations, and yet, people get them for things as silly as being slick without spending two seconds to put on glasses. Not that it's going to make or break the game, but the original was actually remarkably plausible even in the little details.
  • SinisterUrge
    very stylish, like bladerunner for the 21st century
  • HonkyPunch
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    HonkyPunch polycounter lvl 18
    JC wears his sunglasses at night.
    Also im super excited for this and Thief 4.
    I recently reinstalled the thief series so I can play through it again, this time with a sound card. (The game doesn't feel the same without sound, really)
    I just hope Thief 4 still uses Garret (The fact that the end of Deadly Shadows is very similar to the opening of the 1st one is a bit worrysome as far as that goes)
    Though I can't see this Deus Ex game being too bad. I still enjoyed invisible war, though it wasn't NEARLY as good as the first Deus Ex. Loving the art direction, glad to hear they're shooting for the first game more than a "Casual market" and that they've officially said "NO" to multiplayer, because this is a "SINGLE PLAYER GAME" instead of tacking it on to appeal to a larger market.
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