Also... losing so much sleep because of this game.
It's so easy (relatively speaking) to be a deadly assassin, but I'm enjoying the challenge of going through as a non-deadly ninja and just putting people to sleep.
I'm seriously on the fence about this one. I was planning on picking it up on Tuesday. Before this week, I had never even seen an in-game screenshot or any gameplay footage. Though now after seeing some actual footage (even though reviews look good), I am so turned off by it and need somebody to change my mind.
I must be crazy but it just looks like a final fantasy shooter, if that even comes close to making sense. I hate Final Fantasy. What game is it most like in terms of combat? Mass Effect, Gears of War?
Combined with the fact that I'm addicted to swtor beta right now, this game just looks so "meh" to me.
Depending on how you play, it can feel like a different game, but so far my experience has been that the game plays a bit like Metal Gear Solid, in that you can sneak around, when hostiles are aware of your presence, there is an alert mode where they look around for you.
That is the stealth element. Depending on what augmentations (read: talents) you pick up, it can be a lot different. You can play a strong-man, run and gun controntational character, where you can smash through walls and throw dumpsters at people.
The conversation/dialog gameplay could be loosely compared to Mass Effect, but it's much better. It's much more dynamic and it feels more like an actual conversation, instead of "oh, I'm going to be good, evil, or neutral here"
It's a great game, but if you've got other stuff filling your plate, wait till its on sale.
I'm seriously on the fence about this one. I was planning on picking it up on Tuesday. Before this week, I had never even seen an in-game screenshot or any gameplay footage. Though now after seeing some actual footage (even though reviews look good), I am so turned off by it and need somebody to change my mind.
I must be crazy but it just looks like a final fantasy shooter, if that even comes close to making sense. I hate Final Fantasy. What game is it most like in terms of combat? Mass Effect, Gears of War?
Combined with the fact that I'm addicted to swtor beta right now, this game just looks so "meh" to me.
OH NO! this is totally off the mark. Final Fantasy? the only reference i can find to final fantasy is a poster of FF XXVII in Pritchard's office.
This game is way different. There is a style to the game. It's not after realism, but a uniform style with minimalism painted feel to it that blends all of the game together. The style, the architecture and the design to me are amazing.
This is not a shooter if you don't want it to be. This game can be played in so many ways. It sometimes feel like Mass Effect 2 in the way you interact with people, but it has really cool action approach if you are into shooters. For example, i have to talk to this police officer, it gives me a MO on him and i have to study what he says and give a good answer to keep him talking, or to convince him otherwise. I don't think i have seen this in many games. LA Noire tries it but ends up being a little confusing and most of the time some of the decisions don't make sense. Here they do! My preference tends to lean to No killing, stealth and pro humanitarian. So i will try to take down with out killing, i will always go for the mission as long as no human lives are at stake. But you can do whatever you want. There are tons of ways you can get to an objective, and i just don't mean how you walk to an actual room, but information that you might gain might change your plan, maybe someone you talk to, or you talked before helps you out. Augmentations to me is what makes this game different. Depending on what you decide to augment will be your exp with the game. I can see so many chances already where i know i will go back to replay the game and try things differently. For example, i had to go take care of 2 guys that i had to silence, i knew exactly what to augment to feel good about the way i do it. I dunno.. it makes more sense when you play the game.
Anyways.. my rant probly doesn't make any sense. But what you should give it a go. I don't think there is a demo, but no screenshot or review really or this comment make justice to how awesome this game has been so far to me. You really just have to play it. Smooth controls, good writing, I think the game looks amazing and different. I love the bombardment of the media and how it's portrayed. I love the missions and sidequests. I am just having a lot of fun with this game. Hopefully this, and maybe other opinions will change your mind to play the game, so you don't miss out on something awesome.
EDIT: i guess its only fair to write some of the things i have noticed that i don't like. One of them being the low res people that are around and inhabit the world. Some of the textures don't look high res, and the animation and lipsync of some of the npcs could be way better. BUT! everything comes together quite nicely. This was something i noticed and i have not been upset or give it any other thoughts the more i play the game. This game sets a good mood and atmosphere and it just grasps your attention. I really loose track of the time when i have been playing it. I think i am almost at 10 hrs and i have been doing some of the main story and running around detroit doing side quests that are pretty awesome.
Damn, thanks guys. That actually does really sound like something I would like to play. There really aren't any games I don't like, but I've lately been playing a lot of Witcher 2, FIFA and swtor. So the depth of this game seems like just the sorting thing I would dig.
I just have to try it for myself then, I'm sure the dialogue/conversations and character development are good. It's the combat that had me really turned off, but now I'm leaning towards giving it a shot again.
hehe i watched this video today, and the action and how this trailer makes the game feel is totally how the game has been so far :P Pretty epic trailer... you can feel like a badass.... seriously! anyways.. if you do end up picking the game up let me know what you think. Not many people here at work have been playing it and i am so excited to talk to people about my exp and hear theirs.
I have not played the Witcher 2 but i really want to play it.
The e-mail instructing employees to remove the game from the store shelves was sent to store managers, and a copy was forwarded to Take a look:
I dunno what people are complaining about as far as the visual quality of the game, I think it looks spectacular. About the only 'complaint' would be the animations during conversations, but I'm chuckling about those being like a throwback to the original.
I know a few guys that were treated very poorly on this team. Not to mention their involvement with the salary collusion fiasco in Montreal.
Hmm I don't know about that, I am curious to see how stable their salaries are going to be on the long run. Those who got hired two years ago on the projects had great salaries boosts from what I heard, maybe there wern't enough money for those who helped closing the game... I agree that is a shame. But overall they had a good budget.
The music... My God the music... The Gorram music... Oh my... I actually think I've had a boner most of the way through...
The games great, clearly. Graphics are hit and miss, controls need work still, and its no different from the *hush* beta *hush* but my God... THE MUSIC...
If every film and game for the next 10 years sampled this soundtrack, I honestly wouldn't give a shit...
Im up to the 1st boss fight with the Giant American looking dude...I cant seem to get past this point for the life of me...this game is VERY sparse on giving you ammo...
Really makes you take the direct "batman" route and go stealthy with the majortiy of the start of the game if you want to make it.
That dude is extremely vulnerable to concussive grenades. Just drop one on him and shotgun him in the face. Not sure what difficulty you're on but on normal I have way more ammo than I ever need. Only suggestion would be to hack more and aim for the head so you aren't wasting ammo.
I'm having no trouble with ammo at all... at least for all the lethal guns. I bought out the two gun runners by Sarif on non-lethal weapons just so I could continue my stealthy ways when away from them.
I know a few guys that were treated very poorly on this team. Not to mention their involvement with the salary collusion fiasco in Montreal.
There were a lot of internal politics involved, but again, with most of the middle management coming from Ubi, color me surprised.
Either way, I suppose I can guess of whom you're talking about and I'll agree, there were sadly some really weird situations.
It could have been handled so much better, I'll agree on that.
Hopefully we'll see how the dust settles post release.
/cross fingers
It was a brand new studio, everyone was new, no one knew each other, probably a lot of juniors, they had to build a team relationship, establish workflows and pipelines, learn the tech (which is apparently pretty bad) and finish a game in less than 3 years.
And you guys are surprised that some things went wrong?! I'm actually surprised everything didn't went to shit and they managed to ship such an excellent game, I had zero expectations when I knew who were going to be working on the sequel to arguably the best game ever made, which engine they would be using, etc.
So, considering everything they went through, and the project they just put out, I say it's almost a godly achievement.
So props to all the team, big respect, and if anyone here thinks that this game and this team doesn't deserve their money, well... their loss.
It was a brand new studio, everyone was new, no one knew each other, they had to build a team relationship and finish a game in less than 3 years.
I'm surprised that you guys are surprised that some things went wrong, I'm surprised everything didn't went to shit, I had zero expectations when I knew who were going to be working on it, and which engine they would be using.
So, considering everything they went through, and the project they just put out, I say it's almost a godly achievement.
make that 4 years, while initially planned for 24ish months.
Things go wrong with every projects, and this one was no exception.
And despite that, it seems the project still stand on its 2 feet, I suppose it says something about the perseverance of the people involved.
That being said, this doesn't give any excuse to forget how some things were really poorly done or handled. And it sure must not become a jail free card.
But at this time, it seems some people are enjoying the game and I'll take that.
Yes indeed it doesn't, I think now it's time you guys have a really big post-mortem, be proud of the game you just shipped, and don't forget the things that went wrong, rather learn with them and avoid them in the next devcycle.
It was a brand new studio, everyone was new, no one knew each other, probably a lot of juniors, they had to build a team relationship, establish workflows and pipelines, learn the tech (which is apparently pretty bad) and finish a game in less than 3 years.
And you guys are surprised that some things went wrong?! I'm actually surprised everything didn't went to shit and they managed to ship such an excellent game, I had zero expectations when I knew who were going to be working on the sequel to arguably the best game ever made, which engine they would be using, etc.
So, considering everything they went through, and the project they just put out, I say it's almost a godly achievement.
So props to all the team, big respect, and if anyone here thinks that this game and this team doesn't deserve their money, well... their loss.
So true, the game feels like a 'Deus ex' game. Which, in it's own right is something to be proud of.
Just got the game. Excellent job all and man the soundtrack, just draws me in.
Is it just me or is some of the soundtracks sound a bit like the Tron Legacy movie. I could be wrong. After all part of the Tron Legacy movie was made in Vancouver though if I am not mistaken and this game was made in Montreal. All made in the same country.
Is it just me or is some of the soundtracks sound a bit like the Tron Legacy movie. I could be wrong. After all part of the Tron Legacy movie was made in Vancouver though if I am not mistaken and this game was made in Montreal. All made in the same country.
Definitely the same sort of vibe. Michael McCann is the composer, did the audio for splinter cell. Daft Punk composed Tron's audio.
Yeah the soundtrack if £$^""£~# amazing! Feels similar to Tron Legacy which is another amazing soundtrack. Not getting this game for another month or two when I have my new PC, but the music is really building the anticipation for me.
It was a brand new studio, everyone was new, no one knew each other, probably a lot of juniors, they had to build a team relationship, establish workflows and pipelines, learn the tech (which is apparently pretty bad) and finish a game in less than 3 years.
And you guys are surprised that some things went wrong?! I'm actually surprised everything didn't went to shit and they managed to ship such an excellent game, I had zero expectations when I knew who were going to be working on the sequel to arguably the best game ever made, which engine they would be using, etc.
So, considering everything they went through, and the project they just put out, I say it's almost a godly achievement.
So props to all the team, big respect, and if anyone here thinks that this game and this team doesn't deserve their money, well... their loss.
Oh! An absolutely Amazing achievement. I really want to play the game.
But nearly 20+ or so people I see on a regular basis are not even at the studio anymore. Either let go, or have since left.
But like you said. Much of it stemmed from inevitable growing pains. And from nearly all accounts, Thief is an AMAZING project with kickass management, solid vision, and talented seniors from all facets of the industry.
I dunno. Same goes for Rockstar San Diego, and Team Bondi.
It pains me to see such an amazing product come from "THAT" kind of development cycle. It strengthens the resolve of those managers that it should be the ONLY way games should be made. And with such critical (and inevitably financial) success, there will be more money thrown their way to make more products in a similar fashion in the future.
I have everything maxed out including AO and dx11 with no problems aside from this in cutsceans, little black dots only on the face.
I got some artifact on the characters as well, I asked one of the graphics programmers here at crytek wtf it is, and apparently it's the tessellation going crazy. This game apparently only uses tessellation on characters anyway, so turn it off to fix this.
Finished it last night. One of the best games I have ever played, its on my top 10 list for sure. This and Fallout 3 are the only single player games I want to replay immediately following the first complete play through.
The atmosphere is incredible. I was having Dejavu moments of Bladerunner and Ghost in a Shell while I played this. So many awesome instances of running low on ammo and having to improvise with unconventional methods, and barely making it out alive.
A job well done. Very impressive for a new studio to create such a gem.
I ordered this game right after i tryed out leaked beta(well i was really afraid for the future of Deus Ex franchise). I love the artists work however animations are not perfect. I'd say it's very mediocre at least for everyone exept Jenson. Overall it is one of the best games for the last...decade i think or even more. GOTY.
Thanks for this, been listening to it most of the day and I really do like it allot. It's as you say a really good music to listen to whilst working ... quite 'motivational'
second boss is driving me insane. 1 hit and i die (or a few smg rounds). so much for being a sneaky non lethal type.
Its annoying because it hasn't been a problem so far.
story is compelling me to keep playing, and the music is fantastic.
but i expected more out of the facial animations, and the textures for anyone not adam are just... not all that hot.
with DX11 and tesselation on, i don't even see the difference between that and having it turned off.
I was in the US in march and I was amazed to see that used games are all the rage in the US. People almost exclusively only buy used games, and they're only like 10 bucks cheaper than a new one, and ALL that money goes to gamestop, not for the developers and not for the publishers, they must make shitloads of money with this busyness.
Here in Europe used games are not that popular, maybe you'll find a tiny shelf on a game store with some shitty used games now and then, but not nearly as much as in the US.
i picked it up from gamestation in edinburgh today and i have to say their preowned section is much larger than their new...
played it for a couple of hours...liked...great universe if alot of the voice acting is a tad cheesy....BUT...its another FPS in the end of the day and i cant be arsed...need to get someone over to my house they can play and i can just tooo lazy these days
Yup, saw it. Tried to take a screenshot but that didn't work apparently.
It's so easy (relatively speaking) to be a deadly assassin, but I'm enjoying the challenge of going through as a non-deadly ninja and just putting people to sleep.
I must be crazy but it just looks like a final fantasy shooter, if that even comes close to making sense. I hate Final Fantasy. What game is it most like in terms of combat? Mass Effect, Gears of War?
Combined with the fact that I'm addicted to swtor beta right now, this game just looks so "meh" to me.
Depending on how you play, it can feel like a different game, but so far my experience has been that the game plays a bit like Metal Gear Solid, in that you can sneak around, when hostiles are aware of your presence, there is an alert mode where they look around for you.
That is the stealth element. Depending on what augmentations (read: talents) you pick up, it can be a lot different. You can play a strong-man, run and gun controntational character, where you can smash through walls and throw dumpsters at people.
The conversation/dialog gameplay could be loosely compared to Mass Effect, but it's much better. It's much more dynamic and it feels more like an actual conversation, instead of "oh, I'm going to be good, evil, or neutral here"
It's a great game, but if you've got other stuff filling your plate, wait till its on sale.
OH NO! this is totally off the mark. Final Fantasy? the only reference i can find to final fantasy is a poster of FF XXVII in Pritchard's office.
This game is way different. There is a style to the game. It's not after realism, but a uniform style with minimalism painted feel to it that blends all of the game together. The style, the architecture and the design to me are amazing.
This is not a shooter if you don't want it to be. This game can be played in so many ways. It sometimes feel like Mass Effect 2 in the way you interact with people, but it has really cool action approach if you are into shooters. For example, i have to talk to this police officer, it gives me a MO on him and i have to study what he says and give a good answer to keep him talking, or to convince him otherwise. I don't think i have seen this in many games. LA Noire tries it but ends up being a little confusing and most of the time some of the decisions don't make sense. Here they do! My preference tends to lean to No killing, stealth and pro humanitarian. So i will try to take down with out killing, i will always go for the mission as long as no human lives are at stake. But you can do whatever you want. There are tons of ways you can get to an objective, and i just don't mean how you walk to an actual room, but information that you might gain might change your plan, maybe someone you talk to, or you talked before helps you out. Augmentations to me is what makes this game different. Depending on what you decide to augment will be your exp with the game. I can see so many chances already where i know i will go back to replay the game and try things differently. For example, i had to go take care of 2 guys that i had to silence, i knew exactly what to augment to feel good about the way i do it. I dunno.. it makes more sense when you play the game.
Anyways.. my rant probly doesn't make any sense. But what you should give it a go. I don't think there is a demo, but no screenshot or review really or this comment make justice to how awesome this game has been so far to me. You really just have to play it. Smooth controls, good writing, I think the game looks amazing and different. I love the bombardment of the media and how it's portrayed. I love the missions and sidequests. I am just having a lot of fun with this game. Hopefully this, and maybe other opinions will change your mind to play the game, so you don't miss out on something awesome.
EDIT: i guess its only fair to write some of the things i have noticed that i don't like. One of them being the low res people that are around and inhabit the world. Some of the textures don't look high res, and the animation and lipsync of some of the npcs could be way better. BUT! everything comes together quite nicely. This was something i noticed and i have not been upset or give it any other thoughts the more i play the game. This game sets a good mood and atmosphere and it just grasps your attention. I really loose track of the time when i have been playing it. I think i am almost at 10 hrs and i have been doing some of the main story and running around detroit doing side quests that are pretty awesome.
/2 cents
Damn, thanks guys. That actually does really sound like something I would like to play. There really aren't any games I don't like, but I've lately been playing a lot of Witcher 2, FIFA and swtor. So the depth of this game seems like just the sorting thing I would dig.
I just have to try it for myself then, I'm sure the dialogue/conversations and character development are good. It's the combat that had me really turned off, but now I'm leaning towards giving it a shot again.
hehe i watched this video today, and the action and how this trailer makes the game feel is totally how the game has been so far :P Pretty epic trailer... you can feel like a badass.... seriously! anyways.. if you do end up picking the game up let me know what you think. Not many people here at work have been playing it and i am so excited to talk to people about my exp and hear theirs.
I have not played the Witcher 2 but i really want to play it.
GameStop pulls copies of ‘Deus Ex’ from shelves.
I know a few guys that were treated very poorly on this team. Not to mention their involvement with the salary collusion fiasco in Montreal.
whaaaat? really? have not heard any of this. Any place we can read on this? or is this something you heard from friends that work there?
Thats a shame.
Hmm I don't know about that, I am curious to see how stable their salaries are going to be on the long run. Those who got hired two years ago on the projects had great salaries boosts from what I heard, maybe there wern't enough money for those who helped closing the game... I agree that is a shame. But overall they had a good budget.
The games great, clearly. Graphics are hit and miss, controls need work still, and its no different from the *hush* beta *hush* but my God... THE MUSIC...
If every film and game for the next 10 years sampled this soundtrack, I honestly wouldn't give a shit...
Really makes you take the direct "batman" route and go stealthy with the majortiy of the start of the game if you want to make it.
I apologize in advance:
Wow that trailer spoils a lot of stuff
64 percent unlocked... crossing my fingers that it lives up to my stupidly high expectations
Either way, I suppose I can guess of whom you're talking about and I'll agree, there were sadly some really weird situations.
It could have been handled so much better, I'll agree on that.
Hopefully we'll see how the dust settles post release.
/cross fingers
And you guys are surprised that some things went wrong?! I'm actually surprised everything didn't went to shit and they managed to ship such an excellent game, I had zero expectations when I knew who were going to be working on the sequel to arguably the best game ever made, which engine they would be using, etc.
So, considering everything they went through, and the project they just put out, I say it's almost a godly achievement.
So props to all the team, big respect, and if anyone here thinks that this game and this team doesn't deserve their money, well... their loss.
make that 4 years, while initially planned for 24ish months.
Things go wrong with every projects, and this one was no exception.
And despite that, it seems the project still stand on its 2 feet, I suppose it says something about the perseverance of the people involved.
That being said, this doesn't give any excuse to forget how some things were really poorly done or handled. And it sure must not become a jail free card.
But at this time, it seems some people are enjoying the game and I'll take that.
So true, the game feels like a 'Deus ex' game. Which, in it's own right is something to be proud of.
Is it just me or is some of the soundtracks sound a bit like the Tron Legacy movie. I could be wrong. After all part of the Tron Legacy movie was made in Vancouver though if I am not mistaken and this game was made in Montreal. All made in the same country.
Definitely the same sort of vibe. Michael McCann is the composer, did the audio for splinter cell. Daft Punk composed Tron's audio.
Im 5 hours in and loving it, serious respect. working on Deus ex and making it live up to expectations is a hell of an achievement.
Oh! An absolutely Amazing achievement. I really want to play the game.
But nearly 20+ or so people I see on a regular basis are not even at the studio anymore. Either let go, or have since left.
But like you said. Much of it stemmed from inevitable growing pains. And from nearly all accounts, Thief is an AMAZING project with kickass management, solid vision, and talented seniors from all facets of the industry.
I dunno. Same goes for Rockstar San Diego, and Team Bondi.
It pains me to see such an amazing product come from "THAT" kind of development cycle. It strengthens the resolve of those managers that it should be the ONLY way games should be made. And with such critical (and inevitably financial) success, there will be more money thrown their way to make more products in a similar fashion in the future.
I got some artifact on the characters as well, I asked one of the graphics programmers here at crytek wtf it is, and apparently it's the tessellation going crazy. This game apparently only uses tessellation on characters anyway, so turn it off to fix this.
The atmosphere is incredible. I was having Dejavu moments of Bladerunner and Ghost in a Shell while I played this. So many awesome instances of running low on ammo and having to improvise with unconventional methods, and barely making it out alive.
A job well done. Very impressive for a new studio to create such a gem.
Thanks for this, been listening to it most of the day and I really do like it allot. It's as you say a really good music to listen to whilst working ... quite 'motivational'
I can't thank you enough for that link.
This track is like Blade Runner/Gladiator/TRON: Legacy
The face models however... The ears especially. They literally make it impossible for me to immerse.
Its annoying because it hasn't been a problem so far.
story is compelling me to keep playing, and the music is fantastic.
but i expected more out of the facial animations, and the textures for anyone not adam are just... not all that hot.
with DX11 and tesselation on, i don't even see the difference between that and having it turned off.
i picked it up from gamestation in edinburgh today and i have to say their preowned section is much larger than their new...
played it for a couple of hours...liked...great universe if alot of the voice acting is a tad cheesy....BUT...its another FPS in the end of the day and i cant be arsed...need to get someone over to my house they can play and i can just tooo lazy these days