Well, that was a waste of time. Just beat the end boss and realized I missed the two optional endings (I thought, "huh, maybe those guys are down the elevator"), so I didn't even bother to finish the game (my saves long since overwritten, and no backtracking allowed). Also, I guess there is DLC or something if you bought the game? I'm not sure how I was supposed to know that, or how to unlock it.
There was a lot of bullshit in the game, but it was mostly centered around the stupid bossfights. Why is my guy the biggest pussy in the universe? He gets his ass kicked by every single boss in melee, and dies when he's hit by half of a shotgun blast while hiding behind cover. Meanwhile, some random robot chick can take 200 .50 cal bullets to the head before she dies.
Why are all the upgrades shittier than you expect? The recharge upgrades are bullshit, which makes the energy capacity upgrades bullshit (side note: fucking candy bars are the most precious commodity known to man in this game. Guess what game designers; having to fucking scrounge for candy bars doesn't make me feel like a badass) The hacking upgrades don't do what they say they do ("reduce chance of being detected by 45%" lol). the running upgrades seem to double the amount of time it takes to recover. A lot of shit that I would expect to be passive is active, which would be okay if punching a guy didn't take a whole fucking energy cell. Seriously? My guy can't even punch someone without having to take a little nap afterwards?
I felt like this game was a lot like Deus Ex, but with a "worst of" collection of modern game tropes smeared on the top. Stupid revenge plot, forced failure in annoying cutscenes, shitty contrived bossfights, and over-tested to remove most of the fun.
I was a pure stealth character and I got by pretty well. The rooms are filled with guns and ammo, just grab a rifle, toss a couple of grenades and shoot
The trick is to not tackle them head on, but to play with your strengths. If you can turn invisible, use that to confuse them. If you have a tricked out revolver, a couple of exploding head shots will easily bring them down.
Yes, the boss fights are hard, but they're not Ninja Gaiden hard.
I do kind of regret boosting my hacker abilities, though. I don't feel like I've powered up nearly as much as I would have liked to by the first boss fight (maybe I need to start over).
Heh, in my no kill / no alarm playthrough I got to Montreal and the part where you summon the elevator and he guards all rush to the area was piss easy because I just blocked the doors with vending machines which seemed to stop one side from spawning.
Funny enough, this game is incredibly short if you focus on the main missions only. I literally cloak ran past all the infiltration bits and thanks to my previous playthrough I knew all the routes. Also, I friggin hate how the tranq rifle randomly kills NPC's. I have to check every single one to make sure there isn't a skull icon.
I was a pure stealth character and I got by pretty well. The rooms are filled with guns and ammo, just grab a rifle, toss a couple of grenades and shoot
The trick is to not tackle them head on, but to play with your strengths. If you can turn invisible, use that to confuse them. If you have a tricked out revolver, a couple of exploding head shots will easily bring them down.
And when you don't? Or have no tricked out weaponry because you had been using the tranq? Have no invisibility? Oh, I found a method (see previous page and especially PVP cartoon). But I also took awhile to figure it out.
And when you don't? Or have no tricked out weaponry because you had been using the tranq? Have no invisibility? Oh, I found a method (see previous page and especially PVP cartoon). But I also took awhile to figure it out.
I play as take-down stealth with no invisibility.
I simple kicked into quake-mode, took down bosses with no tricked out guns, simply from what I had looted earlier in the missions.
EMP's are not upgradable, they simple go from the range of AWESOME to AWESOME.
I play as take-down stealth with no invisibility.
I simple kicked into quake-mode, took down bosses with no tricked out guns, simply from what I had looted earlier in the missions.
EMP's are not upgradable, they simple go from the range of AWESOME to AWESOME.
Quake mode didn't work for me. Remember there is actual drift with these weapons. I also always play most games (except Serious Sam) on the hardest mode. Where the enemy can kill you in a few shots. See last page for how I did it.
It sucks when you throw the emp and it misses because you only have a targeting reticle when in zoom mode.
And when you don't? Or have no tricked out weaponry because you had been using the tranq? Have no invisibility? Oh, I found a method (see previous page and especially PVP cartoon). But I also took awhile to figure it out.
Thats when you have to make use of the weapons lying around
Best boss fight from the original didn't require a bullet fired. If you made he right choices you could shut him down with a phrase. Now that's rewarding a player.
yeah those kill codes were hilarious. I wish the bosses in HR entered the way the originals did..I loved reloading saves and planting mines at places where I knew they would walk through
yeah those kill codes were hilarious. I wish the bosses in HR entered the way the originals did..I loved reloading saves and planting mines at places where I knew they would walk through
It's quite beautiful if you look at this whole scenario, we get an awesome new entry in the deus ex series, and new players to the series get this awesome chronological sequel to human revolution that they've never experienced before.
but there are a lot of unwrapp errors, whole cables lyiong on the floor, mapped on them instead of being geometric, you see symmetrized uvs all over the place...
dunno, not saying its an awfull game, cuz its cool, but my expactations where higher...
also it feels a bit as if "skidding" and "climbing" are missing here and there...
Not sure whether it's been mentioned as yet, but word is the boss battles were outsourced to a studio called GRIP entertainment, hence why they don't seem to fit in the game in any way shape or form.
There's a video here: http://www.elecplay.com/watch/21/191/3/14#
that apparently explains is all. I can't watch it in Australia, so if someone in the US wants to have a look and give a run down on what the deal actually is, it'd be good.
That's interesting, I wonder why they decided to outsource the boss fights? They did a good job on everything else, and the bosses are the only weak spots I can think of.
That's interesting, I wonder why they decided to outsource the boss fights? They did a good job on everything else, and the bosses are the only weak spots I can think of.
They're a company into AI, so I think they might have done more in the game, but boss fights became all their design.
Still, I don't think Eidos Montreal was as unaware as everyone makes them out to be, they most likely knew the broad strokes of the boss fights, and they always said throughout development that the bosses were the few enemies that you had to kill.
Which is the biggest offender really, the bosses themselves, while uninteresting are technically more in depth than the ones from the original, but the fact that they are more boss fights than actual characters is what makes it worse.
Agreed, I would've loved it if the bosses were more fleshed out, maybe a couple of dialog scenes where you can really dig into their personalities and motives. Their designs point out to an interesting past, and I wish they explored that.
Just finished the game and I must say it's incredibly good. Not as good as Deus Ex1 speaking of decisions you can take and how you can influence the story but still, for a fresh studio it's an achievement.
The end credits and its cheesy pictures also make it worth buying.
and is it me or is there alot of characters walking around with really small heads?
6 hours later Im hooked love it.. been spending all of my points on hacking and dermal armor also the speech boost.
I let the guy in the first mission live, barret was a total pain in the ass, I had no ammo left bar the 10 mm and spent ages kiting the bastard around the room trying not to die.
I had high expectations for this game. I have not played through the first. The news, trailers, and gameplay really got me hyped. I love Mass Effect, and Blade Runner. It felt like this game was going to take those mediums, and mix something that would really make me love this game.
I am really disappointed, I played and got all of the endings. My friends and I (we marathoned the game two days straight) really feel like it left a bad taste in our mouth in mainly due to the endings. On the other hand, it's not the end of journey, it's the journey itself. We got sick of hacking, mainly because we're obsessive when it came to collecting things, so we kept hacking everything possible. Using the cover system was very awkward. The animation when having conversations was very jerky and over done. Like everyone had Parkinson. The story was, not that interesting and we figured out the mystery to unlocking human potential via augmentation well before that half of the game. The bad guys needed more story to make them interesting. I think, it is safe to say we had more fun being ADD and punching random people. Is that what was fun about it?
Don't take it the wrong way, I like the game, I just don't love it. So I have a lot mix feelings, so I am trying to play it a second time through in case I miss something. Plus, maybe this game was really geared to veterans of the previouse, so maybe that is another factor.
I found that if you hacked everything it was a bit too much. But I noticed that it would tell you if you went close to them, which pcs where security hubs, so I only hacked those.
Try it on hard taikerr if you haven't, I think it's a lot better on that difficulty, forces you to play smart.
Well, went past Barret in a breeze on normal difficulty... If you pack a machine gun or automatic rifle and saved up some bullets and if you can land a couple of clever head shots, the guy's seriously easy.
All in all, I'm liking the game so far! I love sneaking around, taking out guards and the very open approach to exploration.
The art is great, but the characters seriously put me off sometimes, especially the jerking animations. It is indeed -as someone earlier mentioned- as if they're suffering from very severe parkinson.
The really annoying part for me is during dialogue characters move around like they are hyper active. Every time there is a cut scene I have an overwhelming urge to quit the game...
what the hell? Finally fixed my pc so no BSODs and went out to the shopping centre to get this game and not one retailer had copies for pc. guess i could get it off steam but now i'm takin it as a challenge to my mad shopping skillz to find a copy.
I think its the jaws that are the most disturbing, some of them are nonexistant,
Adam works out great though even with the headsize.
I was looking at the characters again and they do look odd.. like someone modelled them following a stylised artwork too closely. Oh and the women have messed up boobs too.. !!
adam has messed up proportions.. with or without the jacket, torso looks way too long and arms that look like they have ball joint connections to his shoulders making him look like a action figure toy..
There was a lot of bullshit in the game, but it was mostly centered around the stupid bossfights. Why is my guy the biggest pussy in the universe? He gets his ass kicked by every single boss in melee, and dies when he's hit by half of a shotgun blast while hiding behind cover. Meanwhile, some random robot chick can take 200 .50 cal bullets to the head before she dies.
Why are all the upgrades shittier than you expect? The recharge upgrades are bullshit, which makes the energy capacity upgrades bullshit (side note: fucking candy bars are the most precious commodity known to man in this game. Guess what game designers; having to fucking scrounge for candy bars doesn't make me feel like a badass) The hacking upgrades don't do what they say they do ("reduce chance of being detected by 45%" lol). the running upgrades seem to double the amount of time it takes to recover. A lot of shit that I would expect to be passive is active, which would be okay if punching a guy didn't take a whole fucking energy cell. Seriously? My guy can't even punch someone without having to take a little nap afterwards?
I felt like this game was a lot like Deus Ex, but with a "worst of" collection of modern game tropes smeared on the top. Stupid revenge plot, forced failure in annoying cutscenes, shitty contrived bossfights, and over-tested to remove most of the fun.
That depends entirely on how you build up your character and play the game. As well as what skill level you choose when starting.
The trick is to not tackle them head on, but to play with your strengths. If you can turn invisible, use that to confuse them. If you have a tricked out revolver, a couple of exploding head shots will easily bring them down.
I do kind of regret boosting my hacker abilities, though. I don't feel like I've powered up nearly as much as I would have liked to by the first boss fight (maybe I need to start over).
You must really suck at reading if you thought I wrote that the bossfights were hard.
Funny enough, this game is incredibly short if you focus on the main missions only. I literally cloak ran past all the infiltration bits and thanks to my previous playthrough I knew all the routes. Also, I friggin hate how the tranq rifle randomly kills NPC's. I have to check every single one to make sure there isn't a skull icon.
And when you don't? Or have no tricked out weaponry because you had been using the tranq? Have no invisibility? Oh, I found a method (see previous page and especially PVP cartoon). But I also took awhile to figure it out.
I play as take-down stealth with no invisibility.
I simple kicked into quake-mode, took down bosses with no tricked out guns, simply from what I had looted earlier in the missions.
EMP's are not upgradable, they simple go from the range of AWESOME to AWESOME.
Quake mode didn't work for me. Remember there is actual drift with these weapons. I also always play most games (except Serious Sam) on the hardest mode. Where the enemy can kill you in a few shots. See last page for how I did it.
It sucks when you throw the emp and it misses because you only have a targeting reticle when in zoom mode.
Thats when you have to make use of the weapons lying around
dunno, not saying its an awfull game, cuz its cool, but my expactations where higher...
also it feels a bit as if "skidding" and "climbing" are missing here and there...
story is epic though until now!
There's a video here:
that apparently explains is all. I can't watch it in Australia, so if someone in the US wants to have a look and give a run down on what the deal actually is, it'd be good.
They're a company into AI, so I think they might have done more in the game, but boss fights became all their design.
Still, I don't think Eidos Montreal was as unaware as everyone makes them out to be, they most likely knew the broad strokes of the boss fights, and they always said throughout development that the bosses were the few enemies that you had to kill.
Which is the biggest offender really, the bosses themselves, while uninteresting are technically more in depth than the ones from the original, but the fact that they are more boss fights than actual characters is what makes it worse.
hurry up download... hurry up....
And I liked it.
Happens to everyone, as an example my first and favorite ultimas are ultima 8 and 9.
The end credits and its cheesy pictures also make it worth buying.
the visuals at the start kind of jarr a little..
and is it me or is there alot of characters walking around with really small heads?
6 hours later Im hooked love it.. been spending all of my points on hacking and dermal armor also the speech boost.
I let the guy in the first mission live, barret was a total pain in the ass, I had no ammo left bar the 10 mm and spent ages kiting the bastard around the room trying not to die.
I think its the jaws that are the most disturbing, some of them are nonexistant,
Adam works out great though even with the headsize.
I had high expectations for this game. I have not played through the first. The news, trailers, and gameplay really got me hyped. I love Mass Effect, and Blade Runner. It felt like this game was going to take those mediums, and mix something that would really make me love this game.
I am really disappointed, I played and got all of the endings. My friends and I (we marathoned the game two days straight) really feel like it left a bad taste in our mouth in mainly due to the endings. On the other hand, it's not the end of journey, it's the journey itself. We got sick of hacking, mainly because we're obsessive when it came to collecting things, so we kept hacking everything possible. Using the cover system was very awkward. The animation when having conversations was very jerky and over done. Like everyone had Parkinson. The story was, not that interesting and we figured out the mystery to unlocking human potential via augmentation well before that half of the game. The bad guys needed more story to make them interesting. I think, it is safe to say we had more fun being ADD and punching random people. Is that what was fun about it?
Don't take it the wrong way, I like the game, I just don't love it. So I have a lot mix feelings, so I am trying to play it a second time through in case I miss something. Plus, maybe this game was really geared to veterans of the previouse, so maybe that is another factor.
Try it on hard taikerr if you haven't, I think it's a lot better on that difficulty, forces you to play smart.
taikerr: you dont need to love it, personal preference n all that
All in all, I'm liking the game so far! I love sneaking around, taking out guards and the very open approach to exploration.
The art is great, but the characters seriously put me off sometimes, especially the jerking animations. It is indeed -as someone earlier mentioned- as if they're suffering from very severe parkinson.
Too bad sniper bullets are so fucking rare!
the first boss was a huge surprise. i only had a pistol on me. frustrating fight.
outside of the boss fights, i love the game.
Yes, I actually am playing stealth but happened to have that gear on me.
Really enjoying the game. I'm doing a no-kill playthrough, so it's fun working around that.
I was looking at the characters again and they do look odd.. like someone modelled them following a stylised artwork too closely. Oh and the women have messed up boobs too.. !!
adam has messed up proportions.. with or without the jacket, torso looks way too long and arms that look like they have ball joint connections to his shoulders making him look like a action figure toy..
just killed the woman easy peasy lemon sqeezy..
loving it so far game play wise
edit: Ok, google says they did. I must've been lucky not to get that loading screen until now. God, I hate ingame ads...
edit2: http://blog.gib.me/2011/08/23/deus-ex-human-revolution-no-ads/ Well, I guess I'll try this.