Oh yeah I forgot the most important part of the game ever.
Welllllllllllllllllll sh*t, if it aint the cap'n himself!
Oh and Glottis, you go to sleep for 3 days in the game and we all know it doesn't take that long to reach where Adam went (I forgot) so it'll be DLC to fill in the 3 days gap.
Most likely he had a memory wipe at the end and was put back to sleep so it leaves Eidos with a nice space to sell some DLC.
the way they potray shanghai people is completely inaccurate .
but the article " "embodies a strain of racist stereotype that renders black people as less than human, as the worst that society has to offer."
its a bit too much. for stylized game like deus ex.
the npc quality sure it not that good compared to yakuza 4 , but eventually if they continue to hire more character artist, voice actor, and animator , it would be better in next sequel.
well, the issue is she behaved like a 1930's parody of a black person. I hope I didn't miss anything important by skipping here, I basically talked to her once, went "holllyyyy shiiiiiit!" and never talked to her again.
... after went trough the youtube footage about that scene, yea, its kinda terrible and under developed NPC. I assume, the one who manage the voice acting ,npc design and animation pretty much rushing into raw game design script.
Oh you know what also made me sad. As far as I can tell, they didn't include the awesome CG trailer when you don't press "Start" at the opening menu. I dunno, it just seemed like something I'd put into the game because of how top quality and breathtaking it was.
Oh you know what also made me sad. As far as I can tell, they didn't include the awesome CG trailer when you don't press "Start" at the opening menu. I dunno, it just seemed like something I'd put into the game because of how top quality and breathtaking it was.
it had a load of weird bits that didn't happen in it though. Barret fighting Alan in Heng Sha, Yelena shooting up crowds of civilians. It seems like it was done before they nailed the plot. You get a 720p version of it with the augmented edition.
Not that i disagree about it being awesome, it gives me chills watching it when the choral parts kick in.
Imagine if they'd got all the cut scenes done that well:poly122:
dr. megan reed >.< so evil, no matter what choice you chose in those 4 ending, the true ending and ( possibly lead to sequel ) is the sequence after credits. just like MGS
dr. megan reed >.< so evil, no matter what choice you chose in those 4 ending, the true ending and ( possibly lead to sequel ) is the sequence after credits. just like MGS
Spoilers for both HR and Deus Ex here:
It leads in pretty well to Deus Ex already. The "nanite chimaera" she's talking about is the "Grey Death" which is the driving force behind much of the story to the first Deus Ex. It's a virus composed of nanotech machines that bond with a regular human's cells (presumably with the help of Jensens' DNA) and replicate themselves like a cancer. Bob Page's companies are then effectively able to control the world's populace by being the only source of the vaccine "Ambrosia" in a similar way to how the Augmented folks were controlled by the distribution of the Neuropozyne drug.
It leads in pretty well to Deus Ex already. The "nanite chimaera" she's talking about is the "Grey Death" which is the driving force behind much of the story to the first Deus Ex. It's a virus composed of nanotech machines that bond with a regular human's cells (presumably with the help of Jensens' DNA) and replicate themselves like a cancer. Bob Page's companies are then effectively able to control the world's populace by being the only source of the vaccine "Ambrosia" in a similar way to how the Augmented folks were controlled by the distribution of the Neuropozyne drug.
Yah... that revelation made me wish
I could've shot her.. I gotta say, the game felt very open right up til when you finally meet her again, then it hit a linear track hard.
the way they potray shanghai people is completely inaccurate .
but the article " "embodies a strain of racist stereotype that renders black people as less than human, as the worst that society has to offer."
its a bit too much. for stylized game like deus ex.
the npc quality sure it not that good compared to yakuza 4 , but eventually if they continue to hire more character artist, voice actor, and animator , it would be better in next sequel.
jesus christ there isn't a rolleyes emoticon big enough.
HAHA! "You bein kinnah vague cap'n, but mebbe I dun need to know the pacifics!" FOR FUCK'S SAKE! They had to be laughing their asses off most of the recording session!
Did any of you notice that some of the voices were switched(bug)? I saw white guys talk like black guys and some of the white females spoke chinese in the final stage.
Yes, because the long history of Australian bartender oppression and hate in the west is a totally offensive subject
In the end we can find an outrage in everything, which makes games murder simulators, sexist, rape simulators, and now very racist.
I would've agreed with people calling it racist if every black man and woman in the game being exactly as the Trish character, but they're not.
Now everyone with alternative hairstyles, tattoos or piercings belonging to gangs in the game, now that's a fun generalization
In the end, much like the Australian it's just a case of bad voice-acting, that's all.
Still loving the game, still haven't beat it yet I'm just now going back to Hengsha or wherever the hell. I've spent a huge amount of time replaying parts to see different outcomes and exploring as much as possible. Got all the augmentations I really cared about awhile ago so anything from here on out's just extra bits so far as that goes.
So far as the "racism". I wasn't offended by anything in the game so far. I talked to Letitia first time I walked through that area, but it didn't even occur to me that it was "representing" black people in a negative light. And I still don't feel that way. I thought "Haha, well this person's got one hell of a goofy personality" - I didn't think "This is supposed to sound like a black person". I thought she sounded like someone who was plenty smart, maybe just had a few screws loose. Additionally, working a tech support job I talk to people from all over the country (and indeed, the world) every day. And I've talked to people who sound pretty much like that several times before. I have even had someone call me "cap'n". (Holy hell, I've also had people call me a robot. No shit. I am Adam Jensen!)
It's also hard to say they're being racist when you turn the corner and encounter another black lady who is also a very capable, determined, and reputable cop who wants you to help her take down some corrupt asshole.
In China - I noticed some stereotyped voice acting going on, but as I encountered more and more characters and people to interact with I encountered all sorts. And I realized when all was said and done, that this was one of the most immersive and realistic (feeling) experiences I'd ever had.
I'm so tired of people finding racism in everything. I guess I can kind of see how that voice acting may be somewhat offensive, but after living in downtown Pittsburgh for the past 3 years, I can assure you, there are people that ACTUALLY talk like that.
In the end, much like the Australian it's just a case of bad voice-acting, that's all.
Thats an excuse. Unless your part of said culture, and can see that. You are only speaking as an outsider looking in.
As it is, its more than bad acting. Its bad writing and directing. I met the main writer last year at Pax, and I dont know if she was in charge of this part, but I could see her allowing this because of lack of multiculturalism. In other words, she seemed "white bread" without even the butter.
I liked that phony Aussie accent in Deus Ex btw, had the best argument with him about government types. Sides, Aussie is a nationality. Not a race. Unless your saying its offensive because he was supposed to be Aborigine?
So you can have crazy bums in games so long as they're not black otherwise its racist? and its ok to put a silly accents on Australians so long as they're not black because that makes it racist?
Really? Because she sounded too "urban" and not intelligent enough, this is cause for offense?
What about the Latino badguy who speaks with a mexican-american accent? He wasn't too smart, was a violent criminal, and had a "stereotypical accent". Yet I haven't heard anybody cry foul over that yet.
What if I went out and found 20 real people who genuinely speak and act that way? Do you find them, as people, offensive?
I'm sorry, but I think this is just blatant, sad, pathetic race-carding if I've ever seen it.
And a little mediocre voice acting. I mean...this like the crys of racism against Lucas, when Jar Jar Binks spoke like a cliche southern black. "Yousa massa" etc.
All that shit stopped the minute it came to light the guy who performed, and invented the voice and mannerisms of Jar Jar....was a black guy. Not Lucas.
Save your self-rightousness, outrage and vigor for real problems.
Really? Because she sounded too "urban" and not intelligent enough, this is cause for offense?
What about the Latino badguy who speaks with a mexican-american accent? He wasn't too smart, was a violent criminal, and had a "stereotypical accent". Yet I haven't heard anybody cry foul over that yet.
What if I went out and found 20 real people who genuinely speak and act that way? Do you find them, as people, offensive?
I'm sorry, but I think this is just blatant, sad, pathetic race-carding if I've ever seen it.
And a little mediocre voice acting. I mean...this like the crys of racism against Lucas, when Jar Jar Binks spoke like a cliche southern black. "Yousa massa" etc.
All that shit stopped the minute it came to light the guy who performed, and invented the voice and mannerisms of Jar Jar....was a black guy. Not Lucas.
Save your self-rightousness, outrage and vigor for real problems.
Dude, why are you taking this so personally? What self righteousness? Racism is a real problem. But to be fair, for me personally, it wasn't direct racism as more promoting a bad racial stereotype from ignorance.
Seriously, why are you guys who thinks its not an issue getting so defensive about it?
Dude, why are you taking this so personally? What self righteousness? Racism is a real problem. But to be fair, for me personally, it wasn't direct racism as more promoting a bad racial stereotype from ignorance.
Racism is a problem. This is not racism. When you can turn around - literally turn around and see another person of the same race act "normal", you're not being racist. You're not portraying a race in a negative light. All you've got is a goofy character. In this game you have black chinese people, white chinese people, typical "asian" chinese people - white hobos, black hobos, white terrorists, black terrorists, thugs, scientists, police officers - all sorts of people within any one "race". No race is being portrayed in a negative light. There is no racism here.
Seriously, why are you guys who thinks its not an issue getting so defensive about it?
It bothers me a bit personally because as I said, it's not racist. If every black person in the game acted in such a manner, yes - reason for outcry. Or even if it was a significant portion of them, or maybe if the game had significantly more white people in positions that required education or something of the sort, then yes it'd be a problem. But this is the exact opposite of the case.
Personally? Defensive? Remember....we are talking about the outrage over a simple, marginal character in a freakin video game. One of many black characters in the game, who was homeless and spoke less than eloquently. And people are crying racism? Seriously?
I think its the folks expressing outrage who are, in fact, acting inappropriately defensive, and taking things personally. You might want to, ya know, re-look at your perspective on this issue.
Also...uh yeah dude. I know racism remains an issue in this world and always will be forever until the end of our species. It is in our very nature to form groups and to dislike those outside our groups. I lived in LA during the King riots. I've been jumped by gangs who didnt like "whitey". I have quit a high paying job on ethical grounds because my employer was a racist. I have seen and experienced racism first hand more than almost anybody I know. This is not it.
There are real problems, and there are imagined problems. This character, and its portrayal in the game, falls into the latter category.
"Black" is not by default a culture, it's a skin tone.
Sorry, meant ethnicity. What I attempted to say still stands though.
This game will enforce racial stereotypes in people as much as it will make them into murderers.
That makes no sense. Your trying to be smart in that going on about how some media/ignorance shows games are supposedly violent and thus make users do violent acts. Then compare it to a characture of a ethnic culture in a game in the same sort of unlogic.
What we have here instead is a idea about just enforcing ignorance in a media format. For those that have no other interaction than this, it reinforces the ignorance.
Anyhow, its cool we can even have this argument as we all are not racist. We are at the point in at least our growth on here that we can discuss this openly without someone actually attempting to argue for it because it does promote a racial stereotype they approve of.
In any case, be as it may what we personally feel about it. As I misstated. We are outsiders looking in. The people who can judge this the best are those that it actually attempts to represent. So in short, neither my nor your opinion really matters. We can say so what, or go on about it being un PC all we want. We are not the effected group. If the effected group does say something however, then we need to take notice and look beyond our own POV to attempt to see theirs.
Sorry, meant ethnicity. What I attempted to say still stands though.
That makes no sense. Your trying to be smart in that going on about how some media/ignorance shows games are supposedly violent and thus make users do violent acts. Then compare it to a characture of a ethnic culture in a game in the same sort of unlogic.
Because everyone is smart enough to know that this is just a character in a game, we can't try to be protective about every bad portrayal of someone with a certain skin-tone or gender.
What we have here instead is a idea about just enforcing ignorance in a media format. For those that have no other interaction than this, it reinforces the ignorance.
But showing of african-americans as violent gun-wielding gangmembers in deus ex is totally fine? (which is by far a stronger stereotype today)
Anyhow, its cool we can even have this argument as we all are not racist. We are at the point in at least our growth on here that we can discuss this openly without someone actually attempting to argue for it because it does promote a racial stereotype they approve of.
In any case, be as it may what we personally feel about it. As I misstated. We are outsiders looking in. The people who can judge this the best are those that it actually attempts to represent. So in short, neither my nor your opinion really matters. We can say so what, or go on about it being un PC all we want. We are not the effected group. If the effected group does say something however, then we need to take notice and look beyond our own POV to attempt to see theirs.
Except it wasn't the effected group, there was no unison voice, it is a minority of a few people over the portrayal of a character, not a race.
We're not of different stuff, most African Americans are just that; Americans like many other independent of their skin-color, separation and defensively grouping up and using terms such as "outsiders looking in" just further strengthens the problem.
Yeah it's a shocker. I started a no kill, no alert playthrough and the first time I noticed was when I shot the two gang members in Detroit from a roof. No matter how many times I reloaded and fired anywhere on the body, switched between either guy, the first one shot always died from a tranq.
Also the achievement for no alarms needs to be better worded. I assumed it meant enemy "alarm" state for a while, made knocking out the entire police force a tough challenge. I literally piled boxes up around guys I wanted to knock out and then built a wall of boxes to drag the bodies away to a vent XD
Yeah it's a shocker. I started a no kill, no alert playthrough and the first time I noticed was when I shot the two gang members in Detroit from a roof. No matter how many times I reloaded and fired anywhere on the body, switched between either guy, the first one shot always died from a tranq.
Also the achievement for no alarms needs to be better worded. I assumed it meant enemy "alarm" state for a while, made knocking out the entire police force a tough challenge. I literally piled boxes up around guys I wanted to knock out and then built a wall of boxes to drag the bodies away to a vent XD
did you kill the bad guys in the prologue. i had to go back and sneak past them.
Just checked shooting folks in the head with the tranq just knocks them out instantly.
the next time a film made by a black director, depicting a bunch of black youths in some form of gang culture or criminal activity as the primary theme of the movie.
i'm calling racism on the grounds of steriotyping.
So you can have crazy bums in games so long as they're not black otherwise its racist? and its ok to put a silly accents on Australians so long as they're not black because that makes it racist?
I was joking about the Australian accent thing being offensive. You know being Australian myself and all... That's actually not the worst one in Deus Ex either. The girls who's cover charge you pay to get into that same bar are do an even worse impression of an Aussie accent.
I was joking about the Australian accent thing being offensive. You know being Australian myself and all... That's actually not the worst one in Deus Ex either. The girls who's cover charge you pay to get into that same bar are do an even worse impression of an Aussie accent.
I wasn't referring to your comment mate, it was what oxynary was saying that i didn't get.
I'm liking the game, currently in 'Shanghai'. How do I extend my inventory though? I think there should have benn at least one more row included in the default inventory size.
Welllllllllllllllllll sh*t, if it aint the cap'n himself!
Oh and Glottis, you go to sleep for 3 days in the game and we all know it doesn't take that long to reach where Adam went (I forgot) so it'll be DLC to fill in the 3 days gap.
Most likely he had a memory wipe at the end and was put back to sleep so it leaves Eidos with a nice space to sell some DLC.
well, the issue is she behaved like a 1930's parody of a black person. I hope I didn't miss anything important by skipping here, I basically talked to her once, went "holllyyyy shiiiiiit!" and never talked to her again.
it had a load of weird bits that didn't happen in it though. Barret fighting Alan in Heng Sha, Yelena shooting up crowds of civilians. It seems like it was done before they nailed the plot. You get a 720p version of it with the augmented edition.
Not that i disagree about it being awesome, it gives me chills watching it when the choral parts kick in.
Imagine if they'd got all the cut scenes done that well:poly122:
secret ending massive spoiler + epic dX 1 music
Spoilers for both HR and Deus Ex here:
Yah... that revelation made me wish
Its funny though, hearing canadian accents trying to emulate urban america.
jesus christ there isn't a rolleyes emoticon big enough.
For me it was just bad voice acting, and I was led to believe it was a HE.
HAHA! "You bein kinnah vague cap'n, but mebbe I dun need to know the pacifics!" FOR FUCK'S SAKE! They had to be laughing their asses off most of the recording session!
That is some Adult Swim level dialog, right there.
You've never heard a black person speaking with a new england boston accent then.
In the end we can find an outrage in everything, which makes games murder simulators, sexist, rape simulators, and now very racist.
I would've agreed with people calling it racist if every black man and woman in the game being exactly as the Trish character, but they're not.
Now everyone with alternative hairstyles, tattoos or piercings belonging to gangs in the game, now that's a fun generalization
In the end, much like the Australian it's just a case of bad voice-acting, that's all.
So far as the "racism". I wasn't offended by anything in the game so far. I talked to Letitia first time I walked through that area, but it didn't even occur to me that it was "representing" black people in a negative light. And I still don't feel that way. I thought "Haha, well this person's got one hell of a goofy personality" - I didn't think "This is supposed to sound like a black person". I thought she sounded like someone who was plenty smart, maybe just had a few screws loose. Additionally, working a tech support job I talk to people from all over the country (and indeed, the world) every day. And I've talked to people who sound pretty much like that several times before. I have even had someone call me "cap'n". (Holy hell, I've also had people call me a robot. No shit. I am Adam Jensen!)
It's also hard to say they're being racist when you turn the corner and encounter another black lady who is also a very capable, determined, and reputable cop who wants you to help her take down some corrupt asshole.
In China - I noticed some stereotyped voice acting going on, but as I encountered more and more characters and people to interact with I encountered all sorts. And I realized when all was said and done, that this was one of the most immersive and realistic (feeling) experiences I'd ever had.
Thats an excuse. Unless your part of said culture, and can see that. You are only speaking as an outsider looking in.
As it is, its more than bad acting. Its bad writing and directing. I met the main writer last year at Pax, and I dont know if she was in charge of this part, but I could see her allowing this because of lack of multiculturalism. In other words, she seemed "white bread" without even the butter.
I liked that phony Aussie accent in Deus Ex btw, had the best argument with him about government types. Sides, Aussie is a nationality. Not a race. Unless your saying its offensive because he was supposed to be Aborigine?
What about the Latino badguy who speaks with a mexican-american accent? He wasn't too smart, was a violent criminal, and had a "stereotypical accent". Yet I haven't heard anybody cry foul over that yet.
What if I went out and found 20 real people who genuinely speak and act that way? Do you find them, as people, offensive?
I'm sorry, but I think this is just blatant, sad, pathetic race-carding if I've ever seen it.
And a little mediocre voice acting. I mean...this like the crys of racism against Lucas, when Jar Jar Binks spoke like a cliche southern black. "Yousa massa" etc.
All that shit stopped the minute it came to light the guy who performed, and invented the voice and mannerisms of Jar Jar....was a black guy. Not Lucas.
Save your self-rightousness, outrage and vigor for real problems.
Dude, why are you taking this so personally? What self righteousness? Racism is a real problem. But to be fair, for me personally, it wasn't direct racism as more promoting a bad racial stereotype from ignorance.
Seriously, why are you guys who thinks its not an issue getting so defensive about it?
And yes, fletch, there is a difference.
Racism is a problem. This is not racism. When you can turn around - literally turn around and see another person of the same race act "normal", you're not being racist. You're not portraying a race in a negative light. All you've got is a goofy character. In this game you have black chinese people, white chinese people, typical "asian" chinese people - white hobos, black hobos, white terrorists, black terrorists, thugs, scientists, police officers - all sorts of people within any one "race". No race is being portrayed in a negative light. There is no racism here.
It bothers me a bit personally because as I said, it's not racist. If every black person in the game acted in such a manner, yes - reason for outcry. Or even if it was a significant portion of them, or maybe if the game had significantly more white people in positions that required education or something of the sort, then yes it'd be a problem. But this is the exact opposite of the case.
I think its the folks expressing outrage who are, in fact, acting inappropriately defensive, and taking things personally. You might want to, ya know, re-look at your perspective on this issue.
Also...uh yeah dude. I know racism remains an issue in this world and always will be forever until the end of our species. It is in our very nature to form groups and to dislike those outside our groups. I lived in LA during the King riots. I've been jumped by gangs who didnt like "whitey". I have quit a high paying job on ethical grounds because my employer was a racist. I have seen and experienced racism first hand more than almost anybody I know. This is not it.
There are real problems, and there are imagined problems. This character, and its portrayal in the game, falls into the latter category.
For you, but you cant say that for everybody.
"Black" is not by default a culture, it's a skin tone.
This game will enforce racial stereotypes in people as much as it will make them into murderers.
Sorry, meant ethnicity. What I attempted to say still stands though.
That makes no sense. Your trying to be smart in that going on about how some media/ignorance shows games are supposedly violent and thus make users do violent acts. Then compare it to a characture of a ethnic culture in a game in the same sort of unlogic.
What we have here instead is a idea about just enforcing ignorance in a media format. For those that have no other interaction than this, it reinforces the ignorance.
Anyhow, its cool we can even have this argument as we all are not racist. We are at the point in at least our growth on here that we can discuss this openly without someone actually attempting to argue for it because it does promote a racial stereotype they approve of.
In any case, be as it may what we personally feel about it. As I misstated. We are outsiders looking in. The people who can judge this the best are those that it actually attempts to represent. So in short, neither my nor your opinion really matters. We can say so what, or go on about it being un PC all we want. We are not the effected group. If the effected group does say something however, then we need to take notice and look beyond our own POV to attempt to see theirs.
Also, I'm an idiot who didn't realize shooting someone in the face with a tranq dart kills them. Oh, well, fuck it.
Because everyone is smart enough to know that this is just a character in a game, we can't try to be protective about every bad portrayal of someone with a certain skin-tone or gender.
But showing of african-americans as violent gun-wielding gangmembers in deus ex is totally fine? (which is by far a stronger stereotype today)
Except it wasn't the effected group, there was no unison voice, it is a minority of a few people over the portrayal of a character, not a race.
We're not of different stuff, most African Americans are just that; Americans like many other independent of their skin-color, separation and defensively grouping up and using terms such as "outsiders looking in" just further strengthens the problem.
Its an instant knockout. or so i thought, are you sure they're dead? do they get the little skull icon?
Also the achievement for no alarms needs to be better worded. I assumed it meant enemy "alarm" state for a while, made knocking out the entire police force a tough challenge. I literally piled boxes up around guys I wanted to knock out and then built a wall of boxes to drag the bodies away to a vent XD
did you kill the bad guys in the prologue. i had to go back and sneak past them.
Just checked shooting folks in the head with the tranq just knocks them out instantly.
i'm calling racism on the grounds of steriotyping.
Yep, skull. Maybe it wasn't the shot placing, maybe they just had an alergic reaction to the tranq