Yeah its got to be fake, I amost took a heart attack when i saw it, thanks for the heads up, on some websites because of it some people are canceling their preorders for it.
haha some lucky bastard got it early somehow at work here and there is a big crowd around his station. looks pretty awesome, ive only seen a few mins of play but it looks cool. better frame rate than i was expecting based off the trailers.
Actually, I read you can hog tie people and put them on rail road tracks. If you can tie up animals, then chances are you can tie up a bear (if they exist in game) and put it on a horse. Though think about how fun it'd be to chuck an angry, tied up bear into a bar.
Set up myself on the "Rockstar Social Club" site with the same username that I have for 360, PS3, and here... flaagan.
I added friends on there to a few people who I've already friended on Live, if any of you are signed up on the social club / Live / PSN, go ahead and add me up.
I'll be getting RDR fro 360, so see you on MP if you're getting it on 360 too!
Actually, I read you can hog tie people and put them on rail road tracks. If you can tie up animals, then chances are you can tie up a bear (if they exist in game) and put it on a horse. Though think about how fun it'd be to chuck an angry, tied up bear into a bar.
According to the trailers, the bears exist in game, so techically, if you can boss around a tied lump of 700 pound fury, then it should be possible.
Even better, if you can break a bear in the same way you break horses in game. Bear cavalry anyone?
Hm, aren't UK Ratings usually a bit less forgiving than normal, as well? Maybe i'm only thinking of one news source.
BTW, bbob, if this game has bear Calvary it is instantly the best thing in the world. I think maybe you could rope up a bear cub (If they have baby bears, dunno bout that) and that would probably be light enough to sling over one shoulder, not to mention you would have the 700 lb ball of motherly fury chasing you to get the cub back..
I mean, that's just the kind of thing I want to happen, though just stabbing a bear will be enough..
The PS3 version of red dead redemption gets extra exclusive north America , not sure about Europe, 2 extra bandit hideouts that the X-box 360 version does not get.
I guess they are trying to boost sony console sales and people buying it on the PS3 if i wasn't also buying this as a present for a friend id buy it for the PS3 also just incease of any exclusives on ethier system in future for this game.
Ok everyone I'm forming a posse and your all welcome to join!
If you like:
Robbing banks
luring other players into traps and killing them
robbing trains
running from the law and building large bounties on your head
hunting bounties
or just exploring quitely from time to time
and playing the competitive mode aswell as free roam
Then my posse is for you were basicaly up for doing anything and everything with only our imginations to limit us.
Just leave me your 360 gamer tag and I'll add you to my friends list.
At this point in time the Meta-Critic score is up at 95! That puts it right in there with some big name games! Its based on quite a few reviews. I'm sure it balance out and final at a little less but things look encouraging for an awesome game.
Picked it up at the midnight release, played the last 3 hours. All I can say is omfg awesome. Story, acting, characters are fantastic. World is gorgeous and huge and filled with cool stuff to do. I can't wait to check out multiplayer tomorrow.
Man there's nothin that beats goin for a nice long bike ride with your goat.
PSN: d_unique" is this review fake or real ? I think its a fake personaly.
this is promising though, Game informer gives it 9.75/10
Yeah its got to be fake, I amost took a heart attack when i saw it, thanks for the heads up, on some websites because of it some people are canceling their preorders for it.
in the mean time this is the game worlds map I believe, can't confirm if it is acurate or not
Those are seriously cool.
I added friends on there to a few people who I've already friended on Live, if any of you are signed up on the social club / Live / PSN, go ahead and add me up.
I'll be getting RDR fro 360, so see you on MP if you're getting it on 360 too!
According to the trailers, the bears exist in game, so techically, if you can boss around a tied lump of 700 pound fury, then it should be possible.
Even better, if you can break a bear in the same way you break horses in game. Bear cavalry anyone?
Oh yes, that would mean a very happy bbob indeed.
**shakes fist at large pile of debt**
I can't wait to get a proper sit down with this.
me too rick...has come on leaps n bounds
BTW, bbob, if this game has bear Calvary it is instantly the best thing in the world. I think maybe you could rope up a bear cub (If they have baby bears, dunno bout that) and that would probably be light enough to sling over one shoulder, not to mention you would have the 700 lb ball of motherly fury chasing you to get the cub back..
I mean, that's just the kind of thing I want to happen, though just stabbing a bear will be enough..
I guess they are trying to boost sony console sales and people buying it on the PS3 if i wasn't also buying this as a present for a friend id buy it for the PS3 also just incease of any exclusives on ethier system in future for this game.
Rumoured list of cheats for red dead redemption:
First leaked gameplay video!
only annoying thing is how all the reviews compare it to GTA all the time but oh well
I think I posted this already in this thread, but oh well...
PSN = Quokimbo
Oh yes!!
If you like:
Robbing banks
luring other players into traps and killing them
robbing trains
running from the law and building large bounties on your head
hunting bounties
or just exploring quitely from time to time
and playing the competitive mode aswell as free roam
Then my posse is for you
Just leave me your 360 gamer tag and I'll add you to my friends list.
As i said, Im getting it for 360. Feel free to add "Wahlgren"
Let's form a polycount red dead redemption gang!
Hats off to the art and animation teams at least, it looks stunning. I might even buy this one, and I never buy console games
Psn Name
Hit me up, chumps. I'll be playing this shit for years.