This is one of those games where I can barely contain my own hype over it. It's to the point now where at work the few of us who look forward to it have had to make an effort to tone our excitement down, since right now there's absolutely no way Redemption could ever live up to our expectations.
Looking forward for this, since I saw the first footage from the game. I'm really excited about this game and I'm not sure how you guys feel about it, but excitement for certain games gets rare the more games I've been playing over the years. So most titles coming up don't impress me that much anymore. (10 years back I'd probably shit my pants in excitement on every third title being released)
So many people are so hyped for this game, its ridiculous. I can't see it being anything more than a huge letdown for everyone. I mean, the videos make it sound like everything they're doing is the second coming of jesus, and everyone is just swallowing it wholesale. Do you guys not remember this happening with other games? Year after year this has been going on, and almost every single time the game turned out to be "meh" at best, and everyone got all upset.
Also, do you guys not remember the trouble the studio was having? And how they were saying the game was a complete disaster not even six months ago? Dial that hype meter back down a bit guys, you might like the game more for it, and you wont be wrecked when it turns out to suck.
Disclaimer: I preordered already and am waiting in cautious optimism with the hope that this game will make me shit myself (in a good way).
How do the trailers, which do nothing more than explain the mechanics of the game in one the driest - albeit effective - ways in a long time, come across as what they're doing is the 'second coming of Jesus'. I think you're confusing public hype with reality of the trailers content.
And I don't know about you, but generally when I get behind a game and it's hype I tend to enjoy it that much more when it comes out. It's all part of the joy of being a game, IMO.
So no, I shall not be dialling back my hype for this one
I tend to be the opposite way. The more hyped I am about a game, the less I like it once I played it. Possible exceptions being Mass Effect/Mass Effect 2. Games like Dragon Age, Assassin's Creed, and SC: Conviction had me bouncing in my chair with excitement, but were major letdowns once I played them. On the other end of the spectrum was Arkham Asylum that had completely flown under my radar and I had no expectations at all for it, and it absolutely blew me away.
With Assassin's Creed 2 I adjusted my expectations accordingly, and granted it was a better game but I could also enjoy the game much more thoroughly because I didn't expect it to be the salvation of humanity on a DVD.
I had a dream the other night that I got it before it came out, then woke up and got depressed that it was only a dream =(
But seriously, I gotta agree with adam, the videos are there to simply introduce you to the features of the game, not shamelessly promote things no one gives a fuck about. I personally have not been this excited for a game since GTA 4 and that game exceeded my expectations, I expect this to do the same.
How do the trailers, which do nothing more than explain the mechanics of the game in one the driest - albeit effective - ways in a long time, come across as what they're doing is the 'second coming of Jesus'. I think you're confusing public hype with reality of the trailers content.
And I don't know about you, but generally when I get behind a game and it's hype I tend to enjoy it that much more when it comes out. It's all part of the joy of being a game, IMO.
So no, I shall not be dialling back my hype for this one
Hmm, I didn't really say what I meant. I meant is that the trailers have kind of a "Peter Molyneux" vibe to them. They make it sound awesome, and they're cut so well that it looks like everything will play amazingly. That makes me incredibly cautious, because I've been burned by these sorts of things more times than I can count. I'm willing to stake money on my presumption that the game will not be as cohesive and solid as the videos make it sound.
And I'm in the same camp as East, in that the more hyped I am for a game, the more let down I typically am when I actually play it. Whereas if I play a game that is universally considered a let down, and I know this before I play it, I tend to enjoy it more, since my expectations were low.
I cant wait for this, I played the first game to death and held all my friends at gunpoint til they bought it too haha
the trailers do have the 'molyneux effect' but it just makes me wanna play it more and see if all the promises are true. Visually it looks pretty stunning, loving the lighting and texture work.
Regardless if you are expecting "the second coming of jesus" or just a mediocre game, it should be obvious to you that this game going to be in the style of Bully/GTA but set in the wild west with better shooting mechanics, new badass looking environments, and better RAGE engine. If you somewhat dig Rockstars previous sandbox games, it's no doubt that this one is gonna satisfy.
I mean come on, imo Rockstar does not let down. I understand the negative feelings people have toward them, and I feel the same way. However, they're a pretty smart publisher, it's not like them to hype something up if its not gonna follow through.
My PSN Is Quokimbo...I want to be an outlaw! Isnt that the multiplayer? Outlaws vs cops, and you can rob banks, and things of the pillaging nature?
Can I drag around the bodies of people I kill behind my horse? I know I saw a screen of it in one of my magazines...It would be great humiliation online!
I've really just become interested in this recently, multi-player looks ace! Already got Alan Wake pre-ordered but I have a game voucher I haven't used (because I despise the place) and think this might be the title to blast it on. I take it were not getting a demo before hand? How are the reviews shaping up?
looks pretty damn massive to me :P
Also, do you guys not remember the trouble the studio was having? And how they were saying the game was a complete disaster not even six months ago? Dial that hype meter back down a bit guys, you might like the game more for it, and you wont be wrecked when it turns out to suck.
Disclaimer: I preordered already and am waiting in cautious optimism with the hope that this game will make me shit myself (in a good way).
And I don't know about you, but generally when I get behind a game and it's hype I tend to enjoy it that much more when it comes out. It's all part of the joy of being a game, IMO.
So no, I shall not be dialling back my hype for this one
With Assassin's Creed 2 I adjusted my expectations accordingly, and granted it was a better game but I could also enjoy the game much more thoroughly because I didn't expect it to be the salvation of humanity on a DVD.
But seriously, I gotta agree with adam, the videos are there to simply introduce you to the features of the game, not shamelessly promote things no one gives a fuck about. I personally have not been this excited for a game since GTA 4 and that game exceeded my expectations, I expect this to do the same.
Hmm, I didn't really say what I meant. I meant is that the trailers have kind of a "Peter Molyneux" vibe to them. They make it sound awesome, and they're cut so well that it looks like everything will play amazingly. That makes me incredibly cautious, because I've been burned by these sorts of things more times than I can count. I'm willing to stake money on my presumption that the game will not be as cohesive and solid as the videos make it sound.
And I'm in the same camp as East, in that the more hyped I am for a game, the more let down I typically am when I actually play it. Whereas if I play a game that is universally considered a let down, and I know this before I play it, I tend to enjoy it more, since my expectations were low.
the trailers do have the 'molyneux effect' but it just makes me wanna play it more and see if all the promises are true. Visually it looks pretty stunning, loving the lighting and texture work.
Big question now is PS3 or 360???????
I mean come on, imo Rockstar does not let down. I understand the negative feelings people have toward them, and I feel the same way. However, they're a pretty smart publisher, it's not like them to hype something up if its not gonna follow through.
You know, I gotta wonder, why hasn't Rockstar used this for their advertising yet?
Far more appropriate would be:
(instrumental version was used as the Red Dead Revolver theme)
anyways.. I'm gonna be blasting this song when I get the game and have my posse in multiplayer.
Erich and I - YEEEHAAWWW
PSN: "Cruxe"
Can I drag around the bodies of people I kill behind my horse? I know I saw a screen of it in one of my magazines...It would be great humiliation online!
Heh, trying to display those subtraction skills of yours?
I hope this game is going to be awesome btw, just chilling playing cowboy :P
I do my best! haha , someone please put my into a medicaly induced comba till its realese day for this game...
For future, cowboy shootout reference.
Would be quality to have a polycount bear hunt!
Just be careful not to wander into a den of bears.
If this ^ is in the game I am TOTALLY sold!
(+1 to bears on horses)
this picture is funny because the bear eats him afterward!
Then again he has a super cool polar fox as his buddy