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Red Dead Redemption



  • firestarter
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    firestarter polycounter lvl 19
    Ott, I watched the very same video after posting :) I still don`t get how he so calmly kept the indicator in the centre, whenever I tried it was like a heavily weighted ball on a matchstick flip-flopping left to right... obviously I'm missing something.
    You`ll get honour for shooting the gun from the hands (+50 with golden guns) it's really easy so long as you don't get panicked about it, just calmly draw, aim for the hand, bam!
    One guy bragged about how it took men days to die from the wounds he'd inflicted. So I shot that chump to schribbons!

    The vistas are awesome, the dawns are fantastic.
  • whats_true
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    whats_true polycounter lvl 15
    For the cheating, do it FAST and your gona get caught. Do it slow and youll get it. At least i think thats how it works~~
  • flaagan
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    flaagan polycounter lvl 18
    Ott wrote: »
    I've heard you get more fame if you shoot their gun out of their hand or only shoot once, but I might be confused.
    Yup. Killing them gets about 50 fame, shooting the gun out of their hand gets about 100.

    I've found the best way to do it is wait til you go into dead eye with the forced draw, and then hold off on actually drawing and aiming until the gun's halfways between the holster and aiming at you. Even then, it's difficult, but if you can't get it targeted, you can always kill the fool.
  • Tom Ellis
    Ok I'm gonna say some controversial stuff... Played a good few hours, I gotta say, I don't like it.

    I tried so hard to find it interesting but I just think the story is dull and it's sooooo sloooow.

    The biggest reason though is that numerous times I found myself thinking 'this is just GTA, but they swapped out the cars for horses, and made the towns smaller and spread them out a bit'. And when I think that, I would just rather play GTA.

    Yes the animation and character physics is great, but it is in GTAIV too. Yes the scenery looks lovely the first time you ride through but having to ride through 50000km of desert every mission gets very old, very fast.

    I dunno, I just really don't think it's that great. I either look at it like GTA with horses, in which case it's just not as enjoyable as GTA, or I try to see it as not GTA and it's just boring.

    This is coming from someone who's clocked a LOT of GTA hours, right from the first top-down, so I'm not new to the sandbox genre. I think it's a love it or hate it thing with this game and currently it seems I'm the only one in the world part of the latter.

    *runs and hides*
  • flaagan
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    flaagan polycounter lvl 18
    Creation.. fair enough, gotta say though.. GTA4 is not fun to play once you're done with the storyline. This game is keeping me from playing the storyline with all the other stuff to do, and just exploring in general is real nice.
  • tommywomble
    gunna pick this up tomorrow :D
  • crazyfool
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    crazyfool polycounter lvl 13
    I got my copy today :D have to say Im loving it so far, just got my lasso and laying down the law haha. I was doing a bounty mission and his bandit buddies came riding after me and I accidentally shot an innocent mans horse meaning when I got to the lock up there was a posse waiting for me haha, not cool.

    Only things Im not in love with are the one bit alpha on the hair and grass as its extremely ugly in places and I have to agree the lighting is real dodge in some places also, shadows in weird directions in interiors and then selected objects not even casting shadows. I think the fact I finished call of juarez bound in blood last week isnt helping, that was such a beautiful game, very under rated imo.
  • flaagan
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    flaagan polycounter lvl 18
    This game's environments are absolutely incredible looking... you just keep thinking "it can't get any more beautiful than this"...

    ....and then you get to Mexico... holy shit. :poly142:
  • odium
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    odium polycounter lvl 18
    It just gets better and better. I did my first dual and shot the gun out of his hand and yeah, you get loads of fame/honour points.

    Earlier on, I was riding along a ridge out in the wild and I saw a bunch of men raping a woman while tied up. So, I get over there on my horse and take out all 6 or so gang members in one dead eye go, while on horse back. I get off, loot the bodies, and the womans all like "Oh, mister, thank you stranger, now untie me!" So I think "Fuck it", pick her up still tied up mind you, and stick her on the back of my horse and just roam the wilderness for a bit.

    This is one of the best games I've played in a loooooooooooong time, its REALLY hard for me to fault it. Its not perfect, there are a few times where simple things get in the way, clipping, or control, but my word, this is a game I'll be spending hours on and loving very second.
  • Wahlgren
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    Wahlgren polycounter lvl 17
    Found any interesting easter eggs? Rockstar games usually have a ton...
    btw, the gambling rocks and I want that bastard bill dead... NOW!

    I'm currently running around in my white nice gentlemens attire and shooting up bad guys with my golden guns! :)

    EDIT: Also. thieves landing at night when it rains... zomg. It's extra nice to gamble there and hear the rain fall on the roof. Veeeeery atmospheric.
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 20
    The more I've been seeing of the sub gameplay stuff, the more I like it. Previously, I just saw about 10-15min of running through the desert on horseback, shooting. Didn't look impressive to me at all. But much like GTA (imo) all of the smaller game content is what really makes the experience special. I'll probably pick it up once my 360 gets repaired.
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    Vassago wrote: »
    The more I've been seeing of the sub gameplay stuff, the more I like it. Previously, I just saw about 10-15min of running through the desert on horseback, shooting. Didn't look impressive to me at all. But much like GTA (imo) all of the smaller game content is what really makes the experience special. I'll probably pick it up once my 360 gets repaired.

    I didn't think GTA HAD any smaller game content...unless you mean the bowling lol. I liken this way more to Shenmue... which is a compliment indeed :D
  • tommywomble
    This game has been sold out everywhere i've tried so far D:
  • duoxan
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    duoxan polycounter lvl 17
    first game to make me stop what i was doing and watch a sunrise/sunset
    wish you could do more in multiplayer free roam, its big, but what i would give to sit down and play some poker/horseshoes/whatever with buddies instead of just killing them hahaha
  • Matabus
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    Matabus polycounter lvl 19
    Game of the year. No question. I used to think it was Mass Effect 2 but I was proven wrong.

    ** Edit - Anyone here work on this? Particularly the environments? I want to personally give kudos. :)
  • Gilgamesh
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    Gilgamesh polycounter lvl 12
    Played it round my brothers last night, I am serious having withdrawal symptoms not being able to play it. Will pick it up tommorow I think, I really like the online play :)
  • Canadian Ink
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    Canadian Ink polycounter lvl 12
    Matabus wrote: »

    ** Edit - Anyone here work on this? Particularly the environments? I want to personally give kudos. :)

    ya no doubt...the sheer volume of high quality environments in that game are staggering.
  • Geezus
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    Geezus mod
    I love the game. Though, I spend most of my time playing poker and hunting right now. :D
    I will say, though, the first few missions are meh.
    And please...someone at Rockstar...slap the shit out of the designer that decided water = instant death. >< Atleast have the horse buck you off when you get close to the water or something! I was hunting for an hour and a half, decided to see if there was an animation for my horse to drink the water, or perhaps some sort of fishing side game....nope...only death awaited me. :(
  • odium
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    odium polycounter lvl 18
    I have to agree, I was totally shocked when I jumped into the water and found myself looking at a huge DEAD message... :( What the shit is this, GTA3 all over again? I would rather have invisible walls blocking me from swimming too far out or maybe even sharks with lasers beams on their fricking heads...

    One of the very, very, very few flaws about this game.
  • ErichWK
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    ErichWK polycounter lvl 12
    I love the conversations you have with whomever you are riding with on the way to your mission/objectives. Really helps make going from point A to B super interesting, to the point where I look foreward to the banter more than the fighting... also, anyone love how polite john marston is?
  • psychoticprankster
    Some tips for you guys: When racing to get the edge on your opponants use stamina to get near another racer and then hold down on the A botten to follow or ride along side the other racer or the x botten (PS3) and when your stamina builds up use it to get to the next racer, then hold down the A botten (360) or x botten (PS3) and rinse and repeat with all the other racers to get into first place, once your near the guy in first place follow or ride along side him aswell and then once you see the finishing line on your mini map bolt for it.

    Another tip: If you wish to power level online do all the gang hide out missions as they can give you up to 1000 XP plus bonus XP for other smaller parts of the mission.

    I'll try to leave a handy tip or two here everyday if i have the time.
  • Target_Renegade
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    Target_Renegade polycounter lvl 11
    I'm liking the treasure hunting, its cool recognising a place then getting the treasure.

    psychotocprankster: yeah, its great for the XP, i die a couple of times, but you get new weapons so its worth it. Better than the people who spawn kill you relentlessly sometimes.

    PSN: d_unique
  • HonkyPunch
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    HonkyPunch polycounter lvl 18
    This will probably come across as a total dick thing to do, but I love picking a player and just following them, and trying to snipe them. It's awful, but it's really entertaining seeing people scramble for cover. Though sometimes it ends up just being a straight up shoot out, and if they kill me I leave them alone. Also, just murdering the police may not seem like a very fast way to level up, but you get 5xp per kill, and occasionally bonus points, +7 or +10 ish, for "wanted chains" and "kill chains" and all that stuff. I've gotten up 3 levels doing this kind of thing.
  • ErichWK
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    ErichWK polycounter lvl 12
    I am proud to say...this game has taught me to kick ass in Texas Hold 'Em. Who says video games can't teach you anything productive??
  • Lamont
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    Lamont polycounter lvl 16
    Did anyone find the GTA San Andreas Easter Egg? When you go into the town, and you run fast enough, you will see two nuns standing near the saloon. Follow the one that leaves, and she will go into a hotel. Open the door and you will see two cowboys playing GTA San Andreas on a wooden TV on a PS3. But if you are late, you will not see it. The room will be empty with a normal bed.

    Maybe it's a hint to it being available on PSN?
  • HonkyPunch
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    HonkyPunch polycounter lvl 18
    Lamont that sounds exactly like one of those "secrets" from back in the day when there wasn't much internets to prove one wrong...
  • Wells
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    Wells polycounter lvl 18
    West Dickens is awesome.
  • JordanW
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    JordanW polycounter lvl 19
    this is like the best game ever.
  • Lamont
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    Lamont polycounter lvl 16
    HonkyPunch wrote: »
    Lamont that sounds exactly like one of those "secrets" from back in the day when there wasn't much internets to prove one wrong...
    Wait? We're all on the same internets? Damn!!
  • Martin Henriksson
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    Martin Henriksson polycounter lvl 9
    ErichWK wrote: »
    I am proud to say...this game has taught me to kick ass in Texas Hold 'Em. Who says video games can't teach you anything productive??

    Just dont go online and expect people to play as badly as the NPCs in RDR or you will become very poor ;D
  • PixelMasher
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    PixelMasher veteran polycounter
    me and a bud just had a massive battle with 3 other posses over a town for like an hr. the best part was when a 4 man posse was holed up in a church and he lobbed some dynamite in through the window, massive explosion, all dead. I really wish you could play poker with your buds though, that would be awesome.
  • fill3r
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    fill3r polycounter lvl 12
    After reading this thread I decided to pick it up. Now I am ruined on trying to get work done on the portfolio. :(

    But at the same time it is inspiring looking at all the environments. I just need to break away from playing and get some work done.
  • odium
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    odium polycounter lvl 18
    Seems daft they never added playing the games together as an online mode... Its really quite obvious in fact that people would want it :) DLC?
  • Entity
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    Entity polycounter lvl 18
    I love starting fist fights and then luring them into punching cops, started a riot where 5 cops were beating up 2 guys that way.
  • Wahlgren
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    Wahlgren polycounter lvl 17
    Had a run in with 40 wolves today. As soon as i had shot a group another group was hot on my heels... got a shitload of pelts and hearts now though. I'm holding on to it until i find the highest bidder on those parts :)

    Also. Liars dice = Crazy good money. Costs 200 to enter though but if you win (which is easy) ooooh booooy. Let's just say, money is not an issue anymore.
  • CJE
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    CJE polycounter lvl 13
    Anyone who plays on 360 and is interested in playing some free roam/Multiplayer, add me on XBL. Gamertag : MaliceX
  • psychoticprankster
  • Rick Stirling
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    Rick Stirling polycounter lvl 18
    Free roam Posse, clearing out gang hideouts - ace!
  • odium
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    odium polycounter lvl 18

    Never mind the fact he says cunt twice in 3 seconds, lets have a go because he drinks... In the wiki wiki wi wild west...
  • Wahlgren
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    Wahlgren polycounter lvl 17
    So what about the mexicans then? and the welshman? and more or less everyone else. Lot's of stereotypes in the game. :)

    Also, anyone know who pays the most for wolf pelts/parts? I got like 50 on me.... OF EACH :/
  • JFletcher
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    JFletcher polycounter lvl 13
    Having a blast so far, probably one of the best games I've played in my life, and I've pretty much only played a few hours. What's great to me is that side missions don't feel like side missions, and the bounty hunting stuff is just awesome. Gotta love getting people in a hogtie and riding them back to town. :)
  • sinistergfx
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    sinistergfx polycounter lvl 18
    Bah! I've been waiting for a 'proper' badass western game and this sounds like it, but my 360 is all packed up and in storage. So, PC version?
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    Bah! I've been waiting for a 'proper' badass western game and this sounds like it, but my 360 is all packed up and in storage. So, PC version?

    Possibly, GTA IV came out on PC about 8 months after the console release.
  • ebagg
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    ebagg polycounter lvl 17
    So if you piss the law off you pretty much have to ride your horse out of everyone's site then head back to town to pay your bounty off? haha it's definitely a funny dilemma for any game "hmmm I could kill all these cops...but can I afford to pay it off later...."
  • flaagan
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    flaagan polycounter lvl 18
    Got invited to a MP game last night by a coworker, was a bunch of the team vs gameplay (not free roam). Initially got my ass handed to me, but got a handle on the controls quickly. It was definitely an eye opener to suddenly have the person shooting at you not miss 90% of the time. :D
  • 3DLee
    If Rockstar doesn't release a PC version, I shall issue a bounty for their heads!
  • Wahlgren
  • PhattyEwok
  • Wahlgren
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    Wahlgren polycounter lvl 17
    Stumbled upon a bug today aswell. A stranger mission with a chick named Eva in mexico.

    She duplicated during a cutscene. I finished the mission and sent one of her on her way and the mission was a success (updated journal and everything).

    The copy was still there when the original had gone away and i couldn't miss out on the opportunity to hogtie her. Mission failed! while it was a success at the same time. I turned off the xbox so hopefully it didn't save it. I'd be pissed if it ruined my chances for an "all missions completed" achievement.
  • flaagan
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    flaagan polycounter lvl 18
    Notorious, I had that exact same 'duplicate' bug.

    Something of a minor gripe, at where I'm at in the game, I've come across a handful of duels where your only option is to kill the opponent, but you're not told so. Instead, I'd die a few times trying to disarm the opponent.
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