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Red Dead Redemption



  • Shogun3d
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    Shogun3d polycounter lvl 12
    Yeah that doesn't really make sense. Instead you should be able to use a button to mark points on the target before coming out of dead eye to snap in however many shots you've marked.
  • Canadian Ink
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    Canadian Ink polycounter lvl 12
    oobersli wrote: »
    its got to the point that my fiancee demanded we fix her 360 and buy another copy so we're not fighting over who gets to play. I've yet to play single player and its one of the best games I've played in a while. I loved GUN and always wanted something like it but larger scale.. bam here it is.

    I'm sure this weekend after drinking we'll try bare fist bear hunting.

    I also loved gun. This is the game I wished that game was when I was playing it...if that makes sense.:)
  • psychoticprankster
    HonkyPunch wrote: »
    Anyone else hating target painting in Dead Eye? I was having a lot of fun just hitting "bullet time" and dashing into a room pulling off headshots on everyone in there. Suddenly target painting is introduced and I can't do shit. Not to mention it will paint a target on ANYTHING you move your crosshair over, including innocent people and YOUR OWN HORSE.
    I'm hardcore raging because I was trying to save a hostage and I just put a bullet into their face, and like 6 into my horse while dragging the crosshair to the actual enemy.
    for the love of god, can I turn this feature off?

    Ok the multiplayer been broken, the the preorder DLC not downloading and now this crap...I'm having second thoughts about this game...I'm not paying for something that is broken.
  • slipsius
    DLC not downloading? i havent heard that yet.

    i know i was confused about the pre-sale outfit you get. i typed the code but didnt have it when i went to change. turns out its just like every other outfit. you have to do tasks to complete it. its not just given to you. (i CANT get ANYONE to duel me in armadillo.. pissing me off!)
  • psychoticprankster
    slipsius wrote: »
    DLC not downloading? i havent heard that yet.

    i know i was confused about the pre-sale outfit you get. i typed the code but didnt have it when i went to change. turns out its just like every other outfit. you have to do tasks to complete it. its not just given to you. (i CANT get ANYONE to duel me in armadillo.. pissing me off!)

    2 of my friends tryed downloading their preorder DLC and there is something wrong with the server and they wont even download...
  • slipsius

    ok, ya, that happened to me and my friends. you just gotta keep trying. if you keep pressing y to type in a code, the code will stay there so you dont have to keep typing it in. it took me probably 10 tries before it went through.
  • Xoliul
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    Xoliul polycounter lvl 16
    Ok I think I might hafta buy this with all the good comments here.
  • Spug
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    Spug polycounter lvl 12
    kaburan wrote: »
    Yeah that doesn't really make sense. Instead you should be able to use a button to mark points on the target before coming out of dead eye to snap in however many shots you've marked.

    Just wait till you get dead eye III :)
  • ElysiumGX
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    ElysiumGX polycounter lvl 20
    After GUN was released, I assumed there would never be a AAA quality game set in the Old West. This game is going to prove me wrong. I'm only hearing good reviews about, except from those that own a PS3. And all the videos for it are amazing. I will be getting it soon. I'm tempted to see it looks to be a better game than GTA4. Characters and environments look awesome. And the voice acting is perfect.
  • Sean VanGorder
    I just picked this up after work today, but I have to wait for class to get out tonight. Then I will be spending one uninterrupted night in the ol' wild west.
  • flaagan
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    flaagan polycounter lvl 18
    FYI for anyone who dislikes the 'target painting upgrade' to Dead Eye mode... SIGN UP TO ROCKSTAR SOCIAL CLUB...

    You can download cheats from there that will allow you to set Dead Eye back to level 1 settings... among other things.
  • slipsius
    just got another upgrade to dead eye. i now paint the targets myself. they arent auto! woot!
  • HonkyPunch
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    HonkyPunch polycounter lvl 18
    Sweet. I just think it's unnecessarily difficult. Maneuvering my crosshair around people i don't want to shoot ends up getting me dead. Anyway, sweet game. Multiplayer is probably the greatest thing ever. I hunted one guy down consistently, following him all over the place until our battle culminated in a graveyard, using tombstones for cover. Damn fun stuff.
  • flaagan
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    flaagan polycounter lvl 18
    I have to say, I love sandbox games, especially what with playing them on a HUGE tv. I had a nice experience where I was just roaming around, and came sauntering up over a small hill on my horse, and was suddenly on a cliff edge overlooking an absolutely astounding and seemingly never-ending expanse of desert. I just stopped and kind of watched that scene for a good few minutes.
  • cw
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    cw polycounter lvl 17
    mine's coming tomorrow - i'm so excited!
  • Parnell
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    Parnell polycounter lvl 18
    just showed up today:)
    LOVE it so far. Whoever made the horse model should be given a raise. The horses are so awesome!! I'm trying to figure out how to capture people on bounties not kill them. I tried shooting them in the legs and the dude just gets up and tries killing me so i shot him again in the legs and he died. I spent over 20 minutes just beating on him with my fists, stole all his weapons and just kept pulverizing him but he never stayed down or let me arrest him. Anyone got any tips on how to get the bounty without killing them? I figure there's just some button i'm missing.
    Seems that if you can catch them alive it's twice as much, and I want to get as rich as possible in this game
  • Quokimbo
    flaagan wrote: »
    I just stopped and kind of watched that scene for a good few minutes.

    I have found myself just looking at the scenery...I actually pulled my wife over one time and was like, "Baby! I am riding the open range!!" Hahaha
  • Gav
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    Gav quad damage
    Parnell wrote: »
    just showed up today:)
    LOVE it so far. Whoever made the horse model should be given a raise. The horses are so awesome!! I'm trying to figure out how to capture people on bounties not kill them. I tried shooting them in the legs and the dude just gets up and tries killing me so i shot him again in the legs and he died. I spent over 20 minutes just beating on him with my fists, stole all his weapons and just kept pulverizing him but he never stayed down or let me arrest him. Anyone got any tips on how to get the bounty without killing them? I figure there's just some button i'm missing.
    Seems that if you can catch them alive it's twice as much, and I want to get as rich as possible in this game

    Get the lasso from Bonnie :) I had the same issue, I wasted at least 4 bounties with leg shots
  • flaagan
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    flaagan polycounter lvl 18
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 20
    It was mid afternoon. If I had to guess, I'd say damn near close to 3 when I came across Macallister. A stranger to
    me, I rode up to his camp and asked if I could stay for a spell in return for a favour, if he needed one.

    We shot the shit for awhile. He, a single man interested in some plot of land so he can spin himself a water well. Me,
    a traveller looking for answers who had some time on his hands. While he was telling me of this water well he'd like to
    build, he told me there was a gentleman by the name of Pleasant who owned the land he wished to dig on.

    Being the mischiveous adventurer that i was, I offered to talk to Mr. Pleasant and see if I can purchase that plot of
    land off of him. While the words came out of my mouth, I damn well knew what I really meant. I had a feeling
    Mr. Macallister knew too.

    I gathered my things, called for my beautiful blonde horse Pretty, and rode off to Mr. Pleasants land just north of
    Armadillo with a not-so open mind about how I'd get this land from him. If at all.

    I arrive about 20 minutes later. It had started to cool and I could hear some light howls off in the distance. I tied off
    Pretty and made my way up to see if Mr. Pleasant was there.

    'What in sam hell do you want?' he asked, setting the tone for the rest of the evening. I told him I'm interested in
    moving my family out this way, and was interested in buying a plot of land off of him if he'd be willing.

    'Why in the hell would you want to live up here? The land is dryer than them nuns over in Travellers so you won't get
    any farming done.'

    'I suppose its the scenery.' I said.

    'Well, either way it'll cost you $200.'

    Shit. Mr. Pleasant just sealed his fate. With $24 to my name, thats a purchase I simply cannot afford. I explained to him
    that I'll have to find a new place somewhere North as I can't afford his price, and I thanked him for his time.

    As I left I walked to the South of his house and when I was out of sight I brought it out. It stinks like bourbon, dirt, and
    time. It's torn. But it'll serve its purpose. My bandana.

    Unfortunately for Mr. Pleasant this was my only option. I don't enjoy taking this sinful route, I just hope that hiding my
    face is enough to get me up there some day, when it's my time. But for now, I want that house.

    I circled around to the north end of his house. Mr. Macallister was still on his porch, facing south. Without thought, I put
    one in the back of his left knee. I couldn't have the mean old bastard try and run off on me as I searched throgh his
    house. While he scrambled to find his way, I searched and found it. I had the plot. With Mr. Macallister immobile I knew,
    and I bet he knew, that the 'transaction' was final.

    I couldn't, however, have him surviving long enough to get to the Marshall. Already with a $130 bounty on my head for
    a crime I didn't commit in Tumbleweed I didn't want to risk it.

    It was getting darker, so men were return to their wives, poker tables or - in most cases - whores. The roads were busy
    surely risking another bullet would bring too much attention. As I thought about what to do with the old man, the sun
    lowered just enough to cast its long orange shadows.

    A howl, off in the distance.

    I knew how I'd quiet the old bastard.

    I put Mr. Pleasant on the back of my horse and rode north, towards the howls. I rode Pretty to the highest hill in the
    area and ducked behind a rock, just out of sight of any roads near by.

    Getting Mr. Pleasant off the horse was easy. I think the old man accepted his fate: Either death by hungry wolves, or
    by the scorching sun in the morning.

    I rested him up on top of the largest rock, and stomped him once to let him know he'd best stay put.

    'What? What are you doing you son of a bitch!" He screamed.

    'It was a pleasure, Mr. Pleasant.' I said, as poored my last bottle of animal scent on to his chest.

    As I rode off, I removed my bandana and wondered if I made the right choice. Looking down at the Pleasant land
    dead, I noticed the long shadows were gone and was replaced with constant darkness. Off in the distance, the
    growling of feasting wolves was muffled by an old man's scream.


    I love this game.
  • EMC3D
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    EMC3D polycounter lvl 14
    Been playing it today, really good game, haven't got far on SP, but almost rank 13 online. A few major glitches at the moment but i heard Rockstar will be fixing them, so all is good.
  • Marine
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    Marine polycounter lvl 19
    The time played seems broken, started playing this morning and I've clocked up 2 days and 4 hours...
    It's fucking awesome though
  • EMC3D
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    EMC3D polycounter lvl 14
    Marine wrote: »
    The time played seems broken, started playing this morning and I've clocked up 2 days and 4 hours...
    It's fucking awesome though

    Canna' wait to unlock the bull mount, and a sombrero!
  • HonkyPunch
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    HonkyPunch polycounter lvl 18
    Shit, adam, can you actually put animal scent on people you've tied up? I wanted to feed some people to bears but hadn't really been able to find a way to do it yet, short of tying them up and leaving them in the woods.
    (Nicestory, btw)
    This game makes me painfully aware of my inability to draw animals.
  • crazyfingers
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    crazyfingers polycounter lvl 10

    I keep tellin' myself I'm glad i don't have this game, that i'm better off not playing it so i can get work done... yep, that's what i keep tellin' myself ;)
  • Moosey_G

    I keep tellin' myself I'm glad i don't have this game, that i'm better off not playing it so i can get work done... yep, that's what i keep tellin' myself ;)

    Sweet jesus, really?
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 20
    HonkyPunch wrote: »
    Shit, adam, can you actually put animal scent on people you've tied up? I wanted to feed some people to bears but hadn't really been able to find a way to do it yet, short of tying them up and leaving them in the woods.
    (Nicestory, btw)
    This game makes me painfully aware of my inability to draw animals.

    I just put it on the ground on/around him really. I exaggerated some to write that up :D
  • ErichWK
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    ErichWK polycounter lvl 12
    I got in a pretty bad fight with some random gang..but prevailed. I whistled for my horse to come back...and nothing.. whistled again...nothing.. Turned the camera a bit and saw my beautiful horse I've had since the beginning of the game shot dead. I was heartbroken. D=
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 20
    Yeah my first horse died and I was actually thrown a bit.
  • ErichWK
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    ErichWK polycounter lvl 12
    I gave mine a name and everything! It sucked cause the next horse I got was nowhere near as fast or had as good as stamina.
  • Slum
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    Slum polycounter lvl 18
    ErichWK wrote: »
    I got in a pretty bad fight with some random gang..but prevailed. I whistled for my horse to come back...and nothing.. whistled again...nothing.. Turned the camera a bit and saw my beautiful horse I've had since the beginning of the game shot dead. I was heartbroken. D=

    Pause > Game > Load > Autosave.

    I was doing the mission where you have to shoot the rope to save a guy being hung, and my horse jumped directly in front of the shot, taking a slug straight to the brain stem.
  • Wahlgren
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    Wahlgren polycounter lvl 17
    Getting the game in a few hours and I've planned on gaming aaaaaaaaall day. Hey i don't have a job and the gf gotta study. As I said before. Add Wahlgren on live if ya wanna go.

    Most of my pc-brothas are getting it for ps3 :(
  • Marine
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    Marine polycounter lvl 19
    anyone buying it for ps3 is missing out on a superior feature
    it looks like it says ride horsey when you go to jump on your horse
  • crazyfool
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    crazyfool polycounter lvl 13
    PS3 version only runs at 640p compared to 360s 720p, not a major difference but is noticeabley sharper on a 360
  • bbob
    baw, there was only 2 copies for ps3 in my local gamestop due to ash cloud silliness. So i cant play this before well into next week, if I am lucky..
  • Wahlgren
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    Wahlgren polycounter lvl 17
    I got it, i got it. Woo. Seems like i got the limited edition "for free". I did order the standard version though but eh. Free extra goodies is always nice.

    Anyway, time to be a cowboy!
  • Flava-Fly
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    Flava-Fly polycounter lvl 9
    Picked it up this morning, starts really strong! Hope it keeps up. Now I just have to work a zillion hours then I can play it again :<
  • psychoticprankster
    I just got the stratgy guide and I'm looking at all the things you can do in this game and my jaw just droped, " You guys have to get the stratgy guide" you guys will thank me, its so worth it. its 334 pages long, if anyone has a question though and for some reason can't get the stratgy guide just ask me or send me a message.
  • psychoticprankster
    flaagan wrote: »
    I have to say, I love sandbox games, especially what with playing them on a HUGE tv. I had a nice experience where I was just roaming around, and came sauntering up over a small hill on my horse, and was suddenly on a cliff edge overlooking an absolutely astounding and seemingly never-ending expanse of desert. I just stopped and kind of watched that scene for a good few minutes.

    I just got this game today and on my way to armadilo I stoped paying attention to the road and ended up at a cliff edge aswell and the view was amazing, wanna play some of the multiplayer later on tonight or tomrrow ?
  • odium
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    odium polycounter lvl 18
    I just picked it up. In the UK heatwave it was like walking in the desert just getting the game.

    Won't get a chance to play until tomorrow likely :(

    EDIT: Fuck, just read the manual and map while on the can... This game seems to epic to be true :( I may have to play it when I get in about 11pm even!
  • Disco Stu
    10 hours later. Great game!
  • Tom Ellis
    odium wrote: »
    I just picked it up. In the UK heatwave it was like walking in the desert just getting the game.

    I lol'd.

    True though, it's so damn hot!

    Just got it this morning, gotta wait til tonight to play it but judging by the reviews and the comments on here, I can't wait!!!
  • Ott
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    Ott polycounter lvl 13
    Someone seriously needs to explain how dueling works, as well as cheating at cards.

    The menus pop on screen so fast and there is no way to "practice" either of these that I have failed every attempt, or at dueling I just mash buttons. I know there are tricks to doing duels, but I really wish they had let you do some practices and let you actually read the instructions before you commit.
  • Rick Stirling
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    Rick Stirling polycounter lvl 18
    Got our copies today.

    Multiplayer tonight?
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    I checked it out from the office game library yesterday and had to return it this morning, much like cocaine, it is entirely too awesome.
  • firestarter
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    firestarter polycounter lvl 19
    I, rather craftily, booked 2 days off next week after Victoria Day, giving me a nice round 5 day stint of gameplay! Seriously, after work play just ain't enough.
    Ott, yeah the card cheating thing is all a bit odd, I can't get the hang of that at all, but the resulting duel for getting caught is really simple =\
  • Ott
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    Ott polycounter lvl 13
    Yeah, winning the dual is pretty easy and works close to the dead eye stuff as far as I can tell with painting targets and blasting the guy. It's an easy win, but the nuances of "faking the draw" or how to take only one killing shot are confusing. I've heard you get more fame if you shoot their gun out of their hand or only shoot once, but I might be confused.
  • Ott
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    Ott polycounter lvl 13
  • bbob
    damn.. I should stop watching these videos until i can actually have it..
  • odium
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    odium polycounter lvl 18
    Game of the year 2010. And with my standards, saying that in May is pretty fucking epic.

    I can honestly relate to people saying they didn't want to ride and instead wanted to just stop and look... The view goes on forever, and its all as sexy as hell. It doesn't look as nice in pics, but when your playing it, this is some damn fine work, and may be the best showcase of talent in many a year.
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