Finished it Saturday night, I liked the ending, but it's a bit polarising from what I've read.
Just need to finish up the final Sharpshooter challenge for the Legend of the West outfit, then I'm going to murder everyone in each major town.
I just stabbed a bald eagle in the face.
I was playing free roam and trying to knife a charging bear, but apparently my character thought the eagle that was attempting to take flight was more of a threat, and spun around, and plunged a knife into it's head.
Then i was mauled by a bear.
Maaan is this game good!! I agree about the parts that had music with lyrics. Really effectful felt like you was playig a cutscene. I hope they do huge DLC like they did for GTA4 and i hope they are already working on more red dead! :P NEEED MOOOOORE
Played a whole bunch of free roam gang hideouts and some PVP with coworkers and some others last night, I really hope they add more hideouts as DLC, or more options for the hideouts (survive wave afterwave of enemies with no ammo crates, perhaps?). There was someone on the server that had a golden buffalo rifle, and our entire posse had a hard time killing the guy and making him stay dead. We ended up going into a six player deathmatch setup and I proceeded to dominate, which thoroughly peeved my coworkers.
oh man, that song that played when you first get into mexico combined with the new scenery was so great. i was riding up a hill, and as i got to the top, the song got better. it was bliss, then i got attacked by wave after wave of wolves. as soon as i skinned the first batch, another one showed up. i probably got a thousand bucks worth of wolf pelts, meat, and hearts. in 10 minutes
The autosave feature is annoying as hell. i thought it saved to my actual save slot, so i loaded that, did a couple side missions, then found out that the last 3 or 4 major missions i did were saved to the autosave slot not the actual save slots 1-3. so now i have to redo all those damn missions.
its such a pain to have to ride across the damn country just to save your game. at least in GTA you could get to your safehouse quicker. meh, its the only major gripe i have with the game.
I just had my first encounter with a bear while trying to find beavers (none of this is a euphemism!). I put some bait on the ground by the river and hid behind a rock. I heard a noise behind me and turned around just in time to see a grizzly claw me across the face and send me hurtling down the cliffs to my death in the rapids below. It was awesome.
Picked it up on Friday but tonight was the first night to really get into it. Man, so much fun so far. I don't know how many times I had the intentions to start a mission, then found myself going after a bounty, or some other sidequest. Such a great job, some of the most fun I've had with a single player campaign in awhile.
Fucking amazing environments. Could drool over them all day. Love the atmosphere the game creates. Makes me feel like im in the west.
I will say there are a lot of just "empty" places on the map. So much land and nothing there but vegetation or a house with no one there, no story, no nothing. Many areas that seem just totally out of the way with no point or reason to ever go there then to just to say hey I went over there.
Just beat it - gotta say, 'meh.' for the ending. Still probably go back to try for 100%. At 93% now. Would love to know what others think...blacked out...of course.
The autosave feature is annoying as hell. i thought it saved to my actual save slot, so i loaded that, did a couple side missions, then found out that the last 3 or 4 major missions i did were saved to the autosave slot not the actual save slots 1-3. so now i have to redo all those damn missions.
Are you kidding? I like that it has a dedicated autosave slot, instead of the dedicated slots. Also, it seems fairly obvious when you pick a game to load, seeing as the first slot is named AUTO.
its such a pain to have to ride across the damn country just to save your game. at least in GTA you could get to your safehouse quicker. meh, its the only major gripe i have with the game.
People keep calling the bears the 'ninjas of nature'...
I can see why...
Seriously, though, I think the cougars are the real ninjas. I was trying to do the "knife kill and skin two cougars" challenge last night using my coworker's suggestion (deadeye them in the leg then knife 'em), and every time I did that they'd run off to a bush and completely disappear like a fart in the wind.
Finished the game... interesting choice of how they gave the final mission. Gotta say I'm kinda glad they didn't do something like they did with Niko and the gal he liked in GTA4 (really fucking hated them for killin the gal if you chose the 'be a good guy' option).
That being said, with what they did do, I'm not sure I can continue doing the Challenges, cause it feels odd to do them now...
I have to say, one big gripe I had with the dueling system (besides that you couldn't challenge NPC's nor were there any duel competitions), was there really wasn't a solid tell as to whether you could kill or disarm the competition. This meant I played half the game before I accidentally disarmed someone, made an effort to disarm after that, and numerous times in a few missions got blasted repeated before I said 'eff it'..
Now... who's up for some downloadable mini-addon stories? I know I am!
I almost only played online, only did like 5/6 missions in the SP yet, but am more than 30 hours into the online (and only lv31, when I see some legendary level 5 and level 50 I'm thinking there are a lot of cheaters who modified their savgames, but I have to say I'd love to have that bull mount )
I really wish there were more gang hideouts to do, also saw you could tam mustangs in the multiplayer, but couldn't figure out how to do so...did all the hunting challenges too so gang hideouts is all I can do now (gangmatch, etc isn't much of my thing, I prefer to play coop with friends) so I hope they'll add more stuff, I'd love to be able to attack a train or defend it against attackers, or rob banks, or take and hold a fort against other players, horse/carriage races, convoy attacks/defend etc, there's so much cool stuff that could be done and most of them are in one form or another already in the SP game and in GTA4...
this game seriously rocks my pants.. love everything about it and thats only in SP
I did think it was a pity that you cant rob dead bodies of clothes and weapons to sell. you would have thought in those times weapons would be very valuable and a nice source of income.
and srsly you can live in the same building with hoes and cant bone them?? wtf !!
Was playing last night, and a rainshower in Armadillo left puddles on the ground after it finished that slowly dried up and made appropriate vfx (splashes or mud glops) and sound fx while walking around them. And even for that dynamic factor it still looked better than most static "just finished raining" scenes I've seen in games. My jaw was open for a minute or two straight. The attention to detail is just incredible in RDD, even down to the way an idle horse will hang out in the shade of a tree if you leave him alone for a moment.
Did anyone else find Blackwater a bit lackluster after the rest of the game? It seemed a bit lacking artistically and also a bit flat and empty compared to the other areas. The other zones in the North Eastern part of the map are great (I really like the transition through Tall Trees as the ground gets more snow-covered etc.) but I just feel like the town area was thrown together without the same care and attention. It's a small gripe, but it's kind of funny considering how vibrant and full of detail the city in GTA IV was.
Nick... I'm wondering if blackwater was done like that on purpose to contrast how awesome the western and mexican areas were. Just to kinda say look how gorgeous the west was before we filled it with buildings and cities and made it all modernized.
No? Maybe? Maybe I'm just hoping that is what the thinking was behind it.
Jesse - there's definitely a theme of progress/cities = bad running through the game, but I don't think that entirely validates the look of Blackwater. You can make an environment look dull and depressing while still being intriguing. I think that the town feels empty and less cohesive then the rest of the game. Maybe they could have played up the bustling, industrialised nature of the town by having more civilians moving around; noise and activity at the docks; smoke and pollution from motor cars and factories etc. I think that rainy weather (which was used to represent the character of Thieves' Landing) might have complemented Blackwater too. But yeah, maybe I was just enjoying the rest of the game's environments so much that I had an overly negative reaction to that area.
Still playing through it, haven't been sticking to the story much, but one kind of annoying thing...
Anyone else think skinning takes far too long? given the amount of animals you can end up killing in one area. I found a neat little trick which may be helpful to anyone who feels the same..
First get on your horse and slowly trot past the corpse, on it's right side, dismount and spam Y (Xbox, whatever) whilst still holding forward, and you will dismount, skin and mount your horse again without having to play though the really long animation.
It might just be me killing too many animals and not wanting to waste anything, heh.
Loving the story so far, i hope it doesn't spend too much time in Mexico.. Nothing against Mexico it's just all the characters feel like stereotypes ripped right out of GTA. Especially De Santa.
Yah, I found that annoying too - same with camping while fast traveling. 'K, got my camp immediately destroy it and run west!' Generally, I find there's too many cut scenes in general...every duel, entering every card game, going to bed, leaving a shop, etc.
So what about the multiplayer, anyone enjoying that? I am not yet sure about it. I really hate it when I am at a gang hideout shooting and then suddenly another multiplayer player shoots me down. Some of them have ridiculous good aiming and you will loose everytime.
I do like the fact that you can make a posse with friends and just ride out and go enjoy some shooting at the gang hideout (but it does get boring). The quick matches and gangs matches do not seem to work (because there are a lot of empty server).
just beat the game, and i love the transition they gave it. totally epic.
anyone else that beat it
notice that they buried john in the same spot where you meet the strange man for the last time?
i kind of want to run around as jack and do bandit stuff, just because of what happened to john. i love when games can tug at you emotionally and make you think you want to do things.
i wish the single player minigames were in multi, and i wish i could actually play multi without getting dropped
Just need to finish up the final Sharpshooter challenge for the Legend of the West outfit, then I'm going to murder everyone in each major town.
I was playing free roam and trying to knife a charging bear, but apparently my character thought the eagle that was attempting to take flight was more of a threat, and spun around, and plunged a knife into it's head.
Then i was mauled by a bear.
When first entering mexico did anyone else get music that had lyrics? Its was pretty sweet and appropriate.
down a cliff killing both of us and the song was gone
The story in itself is as good as, if not better than, some of my favorite movies.
Brilliant game. Got 30% content left. Gotta get it all!
its such a pain to have to ride across the damn country just to save your game. at least in GTA you could get to your safehouse quicker. meh, its the only major gripe i have with the game.
Just made it to the North last god it's fucking impossible to find beavers. It took me a good 45 - 60 minutes to kill 5.
I will say there are a lot of just "empty" places on the map. So much land and nothing there but vegetation or a house with no one there, no story, no nothing. Many areas that seem just totally out of the way with no point or reason to ever go there then to just to say hey I went over there.
Still fucking awesome game.
physical distribution network ftl !
I went to about a dozen shops looking for this game..
thank god for steam on the PC
Are you kidding? I like that it has a dedicated autosave slot, instead of the dedicated slots. Also, it seems fairly obvious when you pick a game to load, seeing as the first slot is named AUTO.
Set up camp, save. Done.
I can see why...
Seriously, though, I think the cougars are the real ninjas. I was trying to do the "knife kill and skin two cougars" challenge last night using my coworker's suggestion (deadeye them in the leg then knife 'em), and every time I did that they'd run off to a bush and completely disappear like a fart in the wind.
so satisfying to climb off my dead steed and knife the little fuckers.
That being said, with what they did do, I'm not sure I can continue doing the Challenges, cause it feels odd to do them now...
I have to say, one big gripe I had with the dueling system (besides that you couldn't challenge NPC's nor were there any duel competitions), was there really wasn't a solid tell as to whether you could kill or disarm the competition. This meant I played half the game before I accidentally disarmed someone, made an effort to disarm after that, and numerous times in a few missions got blasted repeated before I said 'eff it'..
Now... who's up for some downloadable mini-addon stories? I know I am!
I saw Rick Stirlings name in the credits. True story.
Going online and having a bunch of your friends all up in your posse is a lot of fun
I really wish there were more gang hideouts to do, also saw you could tam mustangs in the multiplayer, but couldn't figure out how to do so...did all the hunting challenges too so gang hideouts is all I can do now (gangmatch, etc isn't much of my thing, I prefer to play coop with friends) so I hope they'll add more stuff, I'd love to be able to attack a train or defend it against attackers, or rob banks, or take and hold a fort against other players, horse/carriage races, convoy attacks/defend etc, there's so much cool stuff that could be done and most of them are in one form or another already in the SP game and in GTA4...
edit : but it seems that will hapeen haha
I did think it was a pity that you cant rob dead bodies of clothes and weapons to sell. you would have thought in those times weapons would be very valuable and a nice source of income.
and srsly you can live in the same building with hoes and cant bone them?? wtf !!
@Adam... hehe.. Neat song during the credits though, huh?
No? Maybe? Maybe I'm just hoping that is what the thinking was behind it.
What I need for DLC... roll back time, play as John in his outlaw days, and another new land area... Well here's wishing.
Definitely not play as
Alternatively play as a Native American doing bad things to whitey.
Definitely not play as
Anyone else think skinning takes far too long? given the amount of animals you can end up killing in one area. I found a neat little trick which may be helpful to anyone who feels the same..
First get on your horse and slowly trot past the corpse, on it's right side, dismount and spam Y (Xbox, whatever) whilst still holding forward, and you will dismount, skin and mount your horse again without having to play though the really long animation.
It might just be me killing too many animals and not wanting to waste anything, heh.
Loving the story so far, i hope it doesn't spend too much time in Mexico.. Nothing against Mexico it's just all the characters feel like stereotypes ripped right out of GTA. Especially De Santa.
I do like the fact that you can make a posse with friends and just ride out and go enjoy some shooting at the gang hideout (but it does get boring). The quick matches and gangs matches do not seem to work (because there are a lot of empty server).
anyone else that beat it