played it a bit last night... it's certainly hit or miss. mostly hit, as I'm really enjoying it, but shit like the Hair and grass (especially in the first town) are just bad .
It also feels like there's little to no lighting a majority of the time, then other times the lighting is awesome. the game could have used SSAO, because I don't see lighting baked in to ANYTHING. most of the props and buildings are completely flat
outside of those things the game is pretty awesome so far. would recommend for sure!
Yeah, I agree (from the videos and screens I've seen) that the lighting looks great when it is dramatic but a little underwhelming when there's no direct light source. The ambient lighting was pretty flat in GTAIV as well from what I remember. A lot of games up until now have had a similar problem but I think SSAO will fix that in the future.
I'm pretty excited to give RDR a try by the way. It looks like a lot of fun!
Did anyone get a pack of those playing cards from a midnight sale for RDR? I drove to three palces last night trying to find them, but nobody had any. I would be willing to trade goods or services with anyone who could possibly help me get a pack
I've got the game sitting here on my desk, it's killing to wait another three hours to get home!!
seriously this game is awesome. it has the randomness of fallout 3 but its gta, in the wild west. its so fun and looks gorgeous. for the amount of flat land they have there is always something to find and ride out to.
im never going to get any work done now
Got my copy... aaand can't play it til I get home cause of meetings scheduled on either side of my lunch break. Ahh well, I wanted my first experience of the game to be on my big screen anyways.
awesome so far, but is anyone having problems in the multiplayer with dropping connections? i tried for about 30 minutes to get a game going with a couple people and i kept getting sent back to singlepayer with "network connection lost" as the error, this is on 360
awesome so far, but is anyone having problems in the multiplayer with dropping connections? i tried for about 30 minutes to get a game going with a couple people and i kept getting sent back to singlepayer with "network connection lost" as the error, this is on 360
I keep experiencing the same thing. the game is awesome so far, I cant wait to check out some of the multiplayer.
Someone selling a product emailed a magazine to say their product was awesome?
Sounds like you guys are blowing this out of proportion. The email didn't say anything about a bribe or how they were watching his family, it was just some over-zealous self promotion.
the atmosphere and clouds and lighting is f'ing epic. the characters are detailed so well, all the folds and wrinkles in the cloth is great. the scenery is terrific. the animations and voice acting are superb. Even the really subtle things like the layer of dust floating above the ground is done really well.
a big congrats to everybody that worked on it, this looks like a masterpiece and im sure it will play like one as well.
i feel all giddy, its like when i played GTA for the first time. an epic journey awaits!
edit: you sure theres no ssao? im pretty sure i saw a bit of it, under chickens, around my feet, i doubt they were cards. maybe theyre just really subtle.
they need to fix the multiplayer issues. those mainly being invisible horses, people, and weapons. ive been playing with my buddies for a few hours and most of the time everyone was invisible. and when you cant auto-lock, it pretty much makes it impossible to shoot them.
Honestly the only real disappointment so far was stepping into a river and dying instantly.
Guess that's their invisible wall.
Same thing happened to me...I wanted to see if there was any fishing. I kept walking deeper, hmmm maybe I can check out the underwater flora. *dead*
One of my favorite moments while exploring was when I heard a pack of wolves howling, I went to go check it out and I saw at least 5-6 of them ambushing an innocent traveler. Time to collect wolf pelts!
Really like this game. Though it isn't just 'GTA in the Wild West'...It's a pretty good description of it. A lot of my time last night went to hunting then gambling my money away at the poker table. Sadly, I've blown away a few innocent people when I thought they were shooting at me - which lead to a downward spiral. Being a bad guy feels pretty good!
If I had to pick the most disappointing part, so far, it's controls - especially while on a horse. I just find myself riding off into the sunset or jumping over things i never meant to. Still not that big of a problem though.
Edit> AND i can't stand the main character's voice, he sounds like the guy from Big Love. All I can think about is going home to my 3 wives.
I was out in the middle of nowhere hunting a flock of vultures. One fell, and like a scene from Duck Hunt, a bunch of coyotes came running to the fallen bird like they were going to steal it from me. Guess what they didn't do, because I killed them.
played for about 13 hours yesterday. got 30% through the game, and spent alot of time running around killing people. my highest bounty (on my head) was 1800. lol
fucking LOOOVE this game. soo good. the animations are just... omg. so good. The horses are so reel. even when controlling them. I find its best to just press A to move forward and then press left or right to turn. dont hold up and turn like you usually would.
siiiick game though. so so good. Havent really found anything to complain about with it. the missions are cool, and different.
only one thing I should warn you guys about... COUGARS... those fuckers are deadly.
only one thing I should warn you guys about... COUGARS... those fuckers are deadly.
Tell me about it. I was out bird hunting and as I dropped a hawk from the sky, I ran toward the corpse for precious feathers. MISTAKE. Running directly towards me was one of those fucking cougars. BAM. DEAD. Even though I was mauled to death, it was awesome to see how much life is going on in the world.
Yeah, hunting has been fun. Reminds me of when I would play Oregon Trail as kid. I'd skimp out on buying food/oxen/medicine and just spend all my money on bullets to hunt. Who cares if Johnny contracted gangrene and had to lose a leg.
I just noticed last night that there are little animals drawn on the map that show territory for different game.
This game is awesome so far. I think the lighting and shading on the terrain look pretty amazing for a video game. Those wolves can be lethal. I love the way they can drag down your horse.
This game is damn amazing! The voice acting is top notch and am getting really into the only gripe is that the lighting indoors is awful, I can't see anything because everything is really really dark. Am I the only one with this problem on the Ps3?
played for about 13 hours yesterday. got 30% through the game, and spent alot of time running around killing people. my highest bounty (on my head) was 1800. lol
fucking LOOOVE this game. soo good. the animations are just... omg. so good. The horses are so reel. even when controlling them. I find its best to just press A to move forward and then press left or right to turn. dont hold up and turn like you usually would.
siiiick game though. so so good. Havent really found anything to complain about with it. the missions are cool, and different.
only one thing I should warn you guys about... COUGARS... those fuckers are deadly.
Anyone else hating target painting in Dead Eye? I was having a lot of fun just hitting "bullet time" and dashing into a room pulling off headshots on everyone in there. Suddenly target painting is introduced and I can't do shit. Not to mention it will paint a target on ANYTHING you move your crosshair over, including innocent people and YOUR OWN HORSE.
I'm hardcore raging because I was trying to save a hostage and I just put a bullet into their face, and like 6 into my horse while dragging the crosshair to the actual enemy.
for the love of god, can I turn this feature off?
vassago, you gotta take it slow and walk around the towns. if you appreciate the little details you will love this game. for example, there was a blacksmith that picked up his tools, pulled a red hot horse shoe out of the furnace, started beating it, put everything down, went to the horse troth and dipped his head in a bit and then went back to work. i mean, thats freakin great. so much ambient animation going on.
Then maybe you should play it to better understand 'the little things' that, so far, has made this game a lot of fun to play.
It's the first game where I've naturally walked through towns as I was in character for that moment.
Adam, exactly! My wife was watching me play and wanted to know why I was walking so slowly in the towns or trotting along trails on my horse, but I just can't imagine sprinting around all the time like in GTA. The Man With No Name doesn't sprint from the saloon to the general store - he casually saunters over there, because his balls are too big to be running that fast
Vassago, I can't imagine anyone viewing this game as average. Aesthetically, I've never played anything quite like it. What's another average game that you think is a close comparison to RDR?
yea I totally agree about the sauntering all over the place, its not too slow and it just looks so bad ass. this game seems ridiculously immersive, I was rolling around in multiplayer with a 6 man posse of friends taking on the gang hideouts, super fun.
there is so much to do its a lil overwhelming at 1st, I can see myself spending lots of time at the poker table wish that was in multiplayer.
Animals are pretty much infinite. I found this out the hard way while knife fighting bears in the mountains. After taking down the 3 I found, I called my donkey over to head back to town, when suddenly a bear dashes down from the mountains, and MAULS EL PUEBLO (I call him that, because the character I chose looks like Fidel Castro, so i'm riding "The People" (I think thats what it means)). And then charges me, swiping my face off and pushing me down a mountain.
boy does it ever feel good to kill a cougar. Nasty little things. Finally got my lasso last night, really fun hog tying people - though, I'd advise NOT lassoing deer.
boy does it ever feel good to kill a cougar. Nasty little things. Finally got my lasso last night, really fun hog tying people - though, I'd advise NOT lassoing deer.
My friend had cougers attacking him every 5 minutes last night. there seems to be alot around.
Got it off of's $15 off deal, so I'm still waiting for the snail mail to get it to me, fingers crossed it arrives before the three day weekend!
its got to the point that my fiancee demanded we fix her 360 and buy another copy so we're not fighting over who gets to play. I've yet to play single player and its one of the best games I've played in a while. I loved GUN and always wanted something like it but larger scale.. bam here it is.
I'm sure this weekend after drinking we'll try bare fist bear hunting.
Anyone else hating target painting in Dead Eye? I was having a lot of fun just hitting "bullet time" and dashing into a room pulling off headshots on everyone in there. Suddenly target painting is introduced and I can't do shit. Not to mention it will paint a target on ANYTHING you move your crosshair over, including innocent people and YOUR OWN HORSE.
I'm hardcore raging because I was trying to save a hostage and I just put a bullet into their face, and like 6 into my horse while dragging the crosshair to the actual enemy.
for the love of god, can I turn this feature off?
Ya, i wasnt too happy about the target painting either. though, shooting your own horse? ive TRIED killing my own horse and it doesnt let me shoot. lol. im a dsperado, so when my horse dies, or isnt around,and i call it to me, i get a black stallion! its awsome.
as for teh target painting though, you just gotta be careful with it. dont move your cursor over people you dont wanna kill. move it around them. it made shooting peoples hats off for the sharp shooter challenge near impossible though. finally did it without dead eye. in armodilla, in the saloon, there is a guy with a top hat. it is by for the easiest to shoot off without blowing their head off.
I'll be getting it eventualy for the PS3 aswell though.
It also feels like there's little to no lighting a majority of the time, then other times the lighting is awesome. the game could have used SSAO, because I don't see lighting baked in to ANYTHING. most of the props and buildings are completely flat
outside of those things the game is pretty awesome so far. would recommend for sure!
I'm pretty excited to give RDR a try by the way. It looks like a lot of fun!
I've got the game sitting here on my desk, it's killing to wait another three hours to get home!!
im never going to get any work done now
I keep experiencing the same thing. the game is awesome so far, I cant wait to check out some of the multiplayer.
Sounds like you guys are blowing this out of proportion. The email didn't say anything about a bribe or how they were watching his family, it was just some over-zealous self promotion.
the atmosphere and clouds and lighting is f'ing epic. the characters are detailed so well, all the folds and wrinkles in the cloth is great. the scenery is terrific. the animations and voice acting are superb. Even the really subtle things like the layer of dust floating above the ground is done really well.
a big congrats to everybody that worked on it, this looks like a masterpiece and im sure it will play like one as well.
i feel all giddy, its like when i played GTA for the first time. an epic journey awaits!
edit: you sure theres no ssao? im pretty sure i saw a bit of it, under chickens, around my feet, i doubt they were cards. maybe theyre just really subtle.
Guess that's their invisible wall.
Same thing happened to me...I wanted to see if there was any fishing. I kept walking deeper, hmmm maybe I can check out the underwater flora. *dead*
One of my favorite moments while exploring was when I heard a pack of wolves howling, I went to go check it out and I saw at least 5-6 of them ambushing an innocent traveler. Time to collect wolf pelts!
If I had to pick the most disappointing part, so far, it's controls - especially while on a horse. I just find myself riding off into the sunset or jumping over things i never meant to. Still not that big of a problem though.
Edit> AND i can't stand the main character's voice, he sounds like the guy from Big Love. All I can think about is going home to my 3 wives.
fucking LOOOVE this game. soo good. the animations are just... omg. so good. The horses are so reel. even when controlling them. I find its best to just press A to move forward and then press left or right to turn. dont hold up and turn like you usually would.
siiiick game though. so so good. Havent really found anything to complain about with it. the missions are cool, and different.
only one thing I should warn you guys about... COUGARS... those fuckers are deadly.
Tell me about it. I was out bird hunting and as I dropped a hawk from the sky, I ran toward the corpse for precious feathers. MISTAKE. Running directly towards me was one of those fucking cougars. BAM. DEAD. Even though I was mauled to death, it was awesome to see how much life is going on in the world.
I just noticed last night that there are little animals drawn on the map that show territory for different game.
LOL thats awesome
I want 13 hours to play... waaah =**(
I'm hardcore raging because I was trying to save a hostage and I just put a bullet into their face, and like 6 into my horse while dragging the crosshair to the actual enemy.
for the love of god, can I turn this feature off?
It's the first game where I've naturally walked through towns as I was in character for that moment.
Adam, exactly! My wife was watching me play and wanted to know why I was walking so slowly in the towns or trotting along trails on my horse, but I just can't imagine sprinting around all the time like in GTA. The Man With No Name doesn't sprint from the saloon to the general store - he casually saunters over there, because his balls are too big to be running that fast
Vassago, I can't imagine anyone viewing this game as average. Aesthetically, I've never played anything quite like it. What's another average game that you think is a close comparison to RDR?
there is so much to do its a lil overwhelming at 1st, I can see myself spending lots of time at the poker table
Happened to me with God Of War III, I know your pain. Better not read the instruction manual too fast.
I'm sure this weekend after drinking we'll try bare fist bear hunting.
Ya, i wasnt too happy about the target painting either. though, shooting your own horse? ive TRIED killing my own horse and it doesnt let me shoot. lol. im a dsperado, so when my horse dies, or isnt around,and i call it to me, i get a black stallion! its awsome.
as for teh target painting though, you just gotta be careful with it. dont move your cursor over people you dont wanna kill. move it around them. it made shooting peoples hats off for the sharp shooter challenge near impossible though. finally did it without dead eye. in armodilla, in the saloon, there is a guy with a top hat. it is by for the easiest to shoot off without blowing their head off.