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How The F*#% Do I Model This? - Reply for help with specific shapes - (Post attempt before asking)


  • Lómerel
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    Lómerel polycounter lvl 2
    I'm having trouble with a part. that I don't know what could be the best way to adjust the topology.

    A, B and C:
    - No tris nor ngons

    1, 2 and 3:
    - A lot of ngons.

    The two parts render without artifacts:

    But the subdivision on the right is a total mess:

    I tried again the next day in this two are what I came out with:
    I think the one on the right is the cleaner one, but after many tries it would be great to have a couple more of eyes on this.

    Sorry if this isn't the best place to ask this! I thought it would be better to use an existing thread and not make another one. If this is wrong tell me and I will correct it :)

    Thank you!
  • Laura
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    Laura null

    Hi ! I m new here and I have some difficulties to make this part. I would like to know how you could start it. 

    Thanks ! 
  • .Wiki
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    .Wiki polycounter lvl 8
    Laura said:

    Hi ! I m new here and I have some difficulties to make this part. I would like to know how you could start it. 

    Thanks ! 
    Could you show your current progress?

    A big mistake is to model everything as one piece. So try to split the mesh into its parts.

    Parts are:

    -The bolt that holds the lever
    -The lever
  • MaxHoek
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    MaxHoek polycounter lvl 10
    Hey @Shaz_Snow , I dont know if I can help you with that.
    My attempt starts with a little more simplified geo, so the programm works instead of you ;) 

  • KrissyH
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    KrissyH polycounter lvl 5
    Hi I need some help with this grass on the roof, I am learning how to do more stylized modeling and I can't quite wrap my head around how to model this cleanly. 
    Here's what I've tried so far 

    I know I can replace the tufts with 2 planes but the base of the grass is what I can't decide on.  and here's the thread of my WIP for this model if you need more pictures http://polycount.com/discussion/201581/gravity-falls-mystery-shack-wip  Please help. :)
  • BonusEventus
    this is my first post and I'm new to high poly / low poly work flows. 

    I'm modeling a space capsule. The low poly is required to have 24 vert circles for both top and bottom end caps.

    What you see bellow is the high poly. I'm intentionally not using sub-d because I'm worried about the curvature being to different come bake time.
    I've used boolean ops to cut away cavities for the RCS ports at the front of the capsule (front is y up). I cleaned up the booleans but I'm having a hard time avoiding high-valence vets. I'm getting a lot of smoothing issues.

    I'm confused as to what I should do in a situation where, sub-d modeling would greatly curve the mesh and make wavy normal maps come bake time. 

    Here's the prior high poly attempt using sub-d modeling.

    Shading errors in when normal map applied.

    Waviness at the end caps.

  • AJWhyles
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    AJWhyles null
    Hey guys, 

    First post on Polycount! Just wondering if someone could help me out? I've been trying to replicate the attached reference photo as cleanly as possible but I just can't seem to find a good solution. 

    The issue is getting the supporting edge loops around the wedge so it cuts in nicely but without effecting the shape of the cylinder. You can see in the pictures that I'm getting a slight crease coming from the corner. 

    Below is the reference photo and then my attempt. I've been trying for quite some hours now so any help would be massively appreciated! 

    FBX - https://we.tl/I4UTRAWv5R

  • Laura
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    Laura null
    @.Wiki I have the base but I don't know how I can make those curves 
  • snakedogman
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    snakedogman polycounter lvl 8
    AJWhyles said:
    Hey guys, 

    First post on Polycount! Just wondering if someone could help me out? I've been trying to replicate the attached reference photo as cleanly as possible but I just can't seem to find a good solution. 

    The issue is getting the supporting edge loops around the wedge so it cuts in nicely but without effecting the shape of the cylinder. You can see in the pictures that I'm getting a slight crease coming from the corner. 

    Below is the reference photo and then my attempt. I've been trying for quite some hours now so any help would be massively appreciated! 

    FBX - https://we.tl/I4UTRAWv5R

    Well, your result doesn't seem to look too bad in the render (you'll probably not be quite so up close to the object anyway), but you could always try MOAR GEO :D

    (this was starting with a 128 side cylinder)
  • AJWhyles
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    AJWhyles null
    @snakedogman yeah that works well, cheers man. :smile:

    Found one other way using the Shrinkwrap modifier in Blender and only using a 16 side cylinder. Following the workflow from this - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3rlMzsBWtPY

    Makes some weird shading around the join but once I put a material on it you couldn't see it at all. 

    Thanks for the reply! Looking forward to posting more on here. 

  • triton
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    triton polycounter lvl 7
    Hi guys,

    Any idea how do I model this piece?
    It's from an old camera mattebox.

  • snakedogman
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    snakedogman polycounter lvl 8
    First of all, as said many times before, the idea of the thread is that you post your own efforts first and not just post "how do I model this" questions.
    Second, I'd say get some good reference, really nice close-up image of the area. It's quite hard to see in this picture. Then realize that the object you highlighted is one shape (fold) repeated many times, so you only have to concentrate on figuring out how to model one "fold" and then duplicate it. Study how it looks when unfolded and that should give you and idea on how the object "works".
  • triton
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    triton polycounter lvl 7
    First of all, as said many times before, the idea of the thread is that you post your own efforts first and not just post "how do I model this" questions.
    Second, I'd say get some good reference, really nice close-up image of the area. It's quite hard to see in this picture. Then realize that the object you highlighted is one shape (fold) repeated many times, so you only have to concentrate on figuring out how to model one "fold" and then duplicate it. Study how it looks when unfolded and that should give you and idea on how the object "works".
    Sorry, I just wanted to see how others think and do this shape.
    This was my attempt.
    And I only had this reference.

  • franman
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    franman polycounter lvl 13
    Is there a way to slide a vertex along a spline in 3Ds Max or do I have to download some plug-in for that to happen?
  • JJKA0322
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    JJKA0322 polycounter lvl 3
    Noob Question: Trying to cut a hole in the mesh using boolean, then using the multi cut tool I am trying to add the connecting edges so when I export the mesh it triangulates correctly. as you can see when I make the cut it messes up the mesh and I cant cut the other edges in. Am I missing something? or can someone please tell me how to go about this the correct way. Thanks in advance.   

  • throttlekitty
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    throttlekitty ngon master
    @JJKA0322 Have an edge going across before you do the boolean.
  • rezinekk
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    rezinekk polycounter lvl 5
    Hey all,

    I am wondering how I would go around modelling this in Maya? I am currently following a tutorial by David Lesperance and he is using 3DS max and he did this using the spline and fillet tool, however in Maya I could not make this that way. I tried using booleans however that gives me a really messed up mesh even after deleting history. I have tried creating a triangle, beveling the corners and then extruding it however this seems like its really long winded and I am just wondering what the best way to go around this?

    Thanks a lot

  • JJKA0322
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    JJKA0322 polycounter lvl 3
    @throttlekitty It worked thanks so much. Also I am new to Polycount are their any good threads for learning basics on hard surface modeling?   
  • Eric Chadwick
    JJKA0322 said:
    @throttlekitty It worked thanks so much. Also I am new to Polycount are their any good threads for learning basics on hard surface modeling?   
  • triton
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    triton polycounter lvl 7
    Hi guys,

    This is a one big circle and I want to move the two lines outside, I did it with Scale Y+Z but it jumps in a big value and I can't see it because I have to zoom out to be able to grab the manipulation tool.

    Is there a way I can do that while I zoomed in so I can see in details?

  • A_Seba
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    A_Seba null
    JJKA0322 said:
    Noob Question: Trying to cut a hole in the mesh using boolean, then using the multi cut tool I am trying to add the connecting edges so when I export the mesh it triangulates correctly. as you can see when I make the cut it messes up the mesh and I cant cut the other edges in. Am I missing something? or can someone please tell me how to go about this the correct way. Thanks in advance.   
    I'm guessing you are doing the grenade tutorial from YouTube? When I did that part I connected the verts using the connect tool, not the cut tool. 

    While you have both vertts selected click this connect button:

  • JJKA0322
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    JJKA0322 polycounter lvl 3
    A_Seba said:
    JJKA0322 said:
    Noob Question: Trying to cut a hole in the mesh using boolean, then using the multi cut tool I am trying to add the connecting edges so when I export the mesh it triangulates correctly. as you can see when I make the cut it messes up the mesh and I cant cut the other edges in. Am I missing something? or can someone please tell me how to go about this the correct way. Thanks in advance.   
    I'm guessing you are doing the grenade tutorial from YouTube? When I did that part I connected the verts using the connect tool, not the cut tool. 

    While you have both vertts selected click this connect button:

    Yep u guessed correctly. Also I forgot to mention I am trying to follow it in maya so creating the high poly has been difficult as I cant make use out of smoothing groups, quad chamfer or turbo smooth. Think i might start again and try to keep everything quads in the low poly then adding the support loops should be easier for the hight poly. Atleast I hope thats how it will work. 
  • sacboi
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    sacboi veteran polycounter

    @rezinekk I'd come across this dev log for a Maya plugin - Hard Mesh last year:


    Could be just the thing to non destructively model your target piece.

  • triton
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    triton polycounter lvl 7
  • HashBrownHamish
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    HashBrownHamish polycounter lvl 5
    Hi this is a pretty basic shape but I can't for the life of me get it to work. I'm using a 2 turbosmooth workflow where the smoothing groups help define the hard edges. I want the box shape to insert into the cylinder without the pinching visible in the second pic

  • Joao Sapiro
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    Joao Sapiro sublime tool
    you need the geo to have more sides from the start ( the cilinder )
  • musashidan
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    musashidan high dynamic range

    ***ZBRUSH Expert Needed***

    Stop spamming the thread with these basic UI questions. Post in Tech Talk general. This thread is for specific MODELING techniques, not your inability to grasp the Zbrush UI. Have you looked at the ZB documentation? Rumour has it that it explains how the program features work.....
  • Ottomotto
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    Ottomotto polycounter lvl 5
    Hi, I'd like some help with a part im working on. I'm using 3ds max and turbosmooth, and I can't figure out how to do the topology without getting deformation. 
    This is the best way i could come up with but obviously its not working. 

    and here's the turbos smoothed result:

    ideally I'd want the highlight to be more or less straight. 

    Here's a photo of what I'm modelling at the closest angle I could get:

  • musashidan
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    musashidan high dynamic range
    @ottomotto your inline(control) edge at the base of the transition area is too tight. To get a more blended soft transition you will need to move some verts further away. Also, don't obsess over the 'all-quad fraud'. Sometimes tris and n-gons suit the topology better.

    As Voltaire once said: 'Eventually all n-gons and triangles in sub-division modeling revert to their intrinsic state: quads.'

  • Ottomotto
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    Ottomotto polycounter lvl 5
    musashidan Thanks, that's already helped, but I still cant figure out how to work this much denser area into the rest of the topology, adding more loops makes creases, and making triangles makes the surface lumpy.

    Triangle approach

    Adding loops approach:


  • Ottomotto
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    Ottomotto polycounter lvl 5
    Thanks for the help everyone, I'll give all these things a try.
  • Mad_Llama
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    Mad_Llama polycounter lvl 7
    Damn @perna  that's deep. teaching both philosophy and modeling at the same time you're the man 
  • AlbinoEgg
    New to modeling. Currently im focusing on bringing my polycount down as low as possible but I dont understand on when its okay to use triangles and when I should only be using quads. As an example, I am modeling a cactus and will be using a normal map for all of the detail (which I will be sculpting in ZBrush). Right now I have two versions of it:
    1.) all quads
    2.) triangles and quads (In Maya I used Mesh>Reduce)

    Which one is better? I understand that its important for the topology to be spread evenly, I feel that #2 looks more even. Thoughts?

  • sacboi
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    sacboi veteran polycounter

    ^ No, doesn't matter.

  • musashidan
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    musashidan high dynamic range
    AlbinoEgg said:
     I should only be using quads.

    Spread the word to fellow beginners: this is the biggest fallacy in modeling. Learning WHY is the important bit.
  • Ottomotto
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    Ottomotto polycounter lvl 5
    musashidan Thanks, that's already helped, but I still cant figure out how to work this much denser area into the rest of the topology, adding more loops makes creases, and making triangles makes the surface lumpy.

    Triangle approach

    Adding loops approach:


  • Ottomotto
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    Ottomotto polycounter lvl 5
    musashidan Thanks, that's already helped, but I still cant figure out how to work this much denser area into the rest of the topology, adding more loops makes creases, and making triangles makes the surface lumpy.

    Triangle approach

    Adding loops approach:


  • musashidan
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    musashidan high dynamic range
    @Ottomotto you're over-complicating it. Look at mine or Perna's topology. It's simpler and it works.
  • triton
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    triton polycounter lvl 7
    How do you guys make a hole in a cylinder shape without the strange effect on the edges? see the attached picture please.
    How do you make very smooth edges for the hole?

  • Sergey85
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    Sergey85 polycounter lvl 3
    Show the current edge.
  • triton
  • musashidan
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    musashidan high dynamic range
    It's not a strange effect on the edge. Think about what you've done. You've added an inset edge along the length of the curve. This changes the silhouette of the circumference. Remove the inset edgeloop.
  • triton
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    triton polycounter lvl 7
    It's not a strange effect on the edge. Think about what you've done. You've added an inset edge along the length of the curve. This changes the silhouette of the circumference. Remove the inset edgeloop.

    Thank you, I did remove it and it's better now.
  • jakemoyo
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    jakemoyo polycounter lvl 6
    I'm having a problem that i think has more to do with my fundamental misunderstanding of SubD modeling than the difficulties of this specific modeling task. How would i go about inserting this type of detail into a cylindrical form without disturbing every other part of the mesh? I'm trying to adhere to the angular form of the inset shape while still maintaining the cylindrical shape. Every method is problematic. I'm sure there's a way to do it but I'm unsure where to go.

  • iacdxb
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    iacdxb polycounter lvl 6
    Need some help in modeling.

    Doing a bottle, its with diamond shape, I did diamond shape and inner extrude each polygon. but when I apply HyperNurbs, it goes round shape, any idea how can U keep edges hard in diamond shape and where to add supporting edges to get diamond hard edges...?

  • SnowInChina
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    SnowInChina interpolator

    tightness of the edges defines sharpness of the pattern later on

    bend into cylinder, or along a circle

    ffd modifier/lattice into form

  • Unknown
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  • iacdxb
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    iacdxb polycounter lvl 6

    tightness of the edges defines sharpness of the pattern later on

    bend into cylinder, or along a circle

    ffd modifier/lattice into form

    Thanks you so much. regards.
  • Ottomotto
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    Ottomotto polycounter lvl 5
    Hi again, I'm making a car door hole and for some reason I get a crease around the edge. Also the OpenSubdiv modifier pulls loops together in a few spots for no reason as far as I can tell, the crease is set to 0. This model is for real time / game so I wouldn't want to subdivide any more.

    This is the unwanted crease / highlight:

    This is the topology, all edges have no crease value:

    Here you can see where some verts have been pulled together for some reason:

    Low poly:

  • Mohamed_Salah_Bchir
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    Mohamed_Salah_Bchir polycounter lvl 5
    Hello! Does anyone know how can i project that logo onto the surface, does it involve baking? because i haven't learnt baking yet. and if there other ways? thanks!

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