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How The F*#% Do I Model This? - Reply for help with specific shapes - (Post attempt before asking)


  • Filip5
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    Filip5 polycounter lvl 9
    Hey guys, I wonder if any of you know how to model the bottom curvate of ship hull. I got the basic shape but dont really know how to approach this.

  • Klaus Hustle
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    Klaus Hustle polycounter lvl 8
    Maybe i'm missing your point here, but it's pretty simple to control the form with a lowpoly model

  • Filip5
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    Filip5 polycounter lvl 9
    Well I managed to get it done, hard way. I adjusted every vertex point to fit the shape. Ship hull is not regular like your boat thing.

  • seb3d
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    seb3d polycounter lvl 11
    @Filip5regular or not does not really matter @Klaus Hustle example can be adopted easily to your boats shape. in any case his topology is much cleaner and more easy to control while your´s already showing shading issues.
  • Klaus Hustle
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    Klaus Hustle polycounter lvl 8
    yeah it wasn't meant to resemble your example exactly, but you know now how to make your life a bit easier maybe.
  • philipp.bogdanovskiy
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    philipp.bogdanovskiy polycounter lvl 5
    PicSim said:
    Hi guys,
    How would you model this to create a modular ground? I tried tileable texture but it's not quite the same result. Create different unique hi-res models and bake it? If so, how would you model it in a fast way, nanomesh or arraymesh?

    Thanks a lot!

    I suppose it’s not a direct modeling task, you might get better results using procedural engines like Substance Designer or Houdini. As it seems to me from what I see - it could be achieved by warping noise and displacing geometry with the result. Check out some of Daniel Thiger’s stuff if you’re decide to go Substance Designer way of dealing with this. More complex aproach would be using spline instancing.
  • sacboi
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    sacboi veteran polycounter

    Filip5 wrote:

    Well I managed to get it done, hard way. I adjusted every vertex point to fit the shape. Ship hull is not regular like your boat thing.

    hmm...blocking out the initial shape of the hull shouldn't present too many issues, as @Klaus Hustle's example portrays however in my opinion I'd suggest that you revisit your particular approach modelling this vessel, which seems to be an 18th Century British 'two decker' Frigate Man-of-war?! because as this project further develops the main challenge you'll face is maintaining a clean topology, once those gun ports are cut...

    Anyway I'll recommend taking the time browsing through the linked tutorial, covering most aspects generating a asset of this complexity, although utilising Blender but I think straightforward enough translating into your app of choice, should you so decide implementing of course.



  • bitinn
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    bitinn polycounter lvl 6
    Hi all,

    I am trying to figure out a simple question: Is there a nicer way to extrude into the mesh and clean up extra geometry in 2018 (using Maya)? I found following post in 2014, it was asking exactly what I am trying to achieve. But the instruction given is confusing to me.


    To add, I think what @throttlekitty was saying is: add an edge loop to match how much you are going to extrude inside, and then you can clean up geometry that way. Is this still the best way?

  • throttlekitty
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    throttlekitty ngon master
    @bitinn that's funny that i immediately had a flashback to that thread before reading on. To me, that's still the best way: to have an edge loop to land on first. Or you could delete faces, extrude, bridge, then line up a new loop afterward. Or use a boolean and resolve geometry as needed afterward. In the first gif, I switched to the move tool so I could snap to the vertex along that loop- since my selection was flat, I didn't need to move the pivot first. I'm also deleting the inner and outer faces from the extrude in two steps since I didn't want to change the camera for this demo, usually I'd rotate the view around and box select both sets in one shot.

  • Whoolkan
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    Whoolkan polycounter lvl 6
    Axi5 said:

    Yeah this stuff is always a pain. If you just want a tube, my quick-tip for this is to apply a paintFX basic brush to the profile, then go to Modify-> Convert->PaintFX to Geometry (Go into the settings and disable triangulate/non-quads)

    You could also try the Create Tube tools in Bonus tools.

    One favorite way I use very often, is to create a Cylinder, turn up it's height divisions a lot and then apply a curve warp deformer to it (if curve warp is missing make sure it's enabled in your plugins). Then uncheck "Keep Length". The nice thing about this method is that it allows you to use multiple profiles like the Curve Extrude function does, but deforms better.

    Regarding your current settings nothing looks particularly wrong. You might try changing the Result position to "At Path", sometimes this produces a slightly nicer result.
    Many thanks!
    i ultimately managed to do it the old fashioned way in a couple of minutes with a bunch of toruses. About the create tube tools, i totally forgot them and didn't knew about the curve warp deformer at all (with this appication at least). Thanks for the suggestion, i will def look into both methods to see if i can pull off something interesting.

    bonus pic for the result, was modeling a shock mount for the mic i have on my desk

  • Whoolkan
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    Whoolkan polycounter lvl 6
    Axi5 said:

    Yeah this stuff is always a pain. If you just want a tube, my quick-tip for this is to apply a paintFX basic brush to the profile, then go to Modify-> Convert->PaintFX to Geometry (Go into the settings and disable triangulate/non-quads)

    You could also try the Create Tube tools in Bonus tools.

    One favorite way I use very often, is to create a Cylinder, turn up it's height divisions a lot and then apply a curve warp deformer to it (if curve warp is missing make sure it's enabled in your plugins). Then uncheck "Keep Length". The nice thing about this method is that it allows you to use multiple profiles like the Curve Extrude function does, but deforms better.

    Regarding your current settings nothing looks particularly wrong. You might try changing the Result position to "At Path", sometimes this produces a slightly nicer result.
    Many thanks!
    i ultimately managed to do it the old fashioned way in a couple of minutes with a bunch of toruses. About the create tube tools, i totally forgot them and didn't knew about the curve warp deformer at all (with this appication at least). Thanks for the suggestion, i will def look into both methods to see if i can pull off something interesting.

    bonus pic for the result, was modeling a shock mount for the mic i have on my desk

  • PicSim
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    PicSim polycounter lvl 10
    PicSim said:
    Hi guys,
    How would you model this to create a modular ground? I tried tileable texture but it's not quite the same result. Create different unique hi-res models and bake it? If so, how would you model it in a fast way, nanomesh or arraymesh?

    Thanks a lot!

    I suppose it’s not a direct modeling task, you might get better results using procedural engines like Substance Designer or Houdini. As it seems to me from what I see - it could be achieved by warping noise and displacing geometry with the result. Check out some of Daniel Thiger’s stuff if you’re decide to go Substance Designer way of dealing with this. More complex aproach would be using spline instancing.
    Thanks Philipp, I'll investigate in that way.
  • bitinn
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    bitinn polycounter lvl 6

    thx for the nice gif, it's pretty clear now :)
  • iacdxb
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    iacdxb polycounter lvl 6
    Hi, doing a bottle and at top stuck with bump edge... anyone can help me how can fix this...?
  • Klim3D
  • Joao Sapiro
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    Joao Sapiro sublime tool
    Klim3D said:
    what have you tried so far ? this isnt a topic to ask people to make the stuff for you, its for you to try and when you get stuck you simply ask for suggestions ;)
  • Klim3D
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    Klim3D polycounter lvl 6
    Klim3D said:
    what have you tried so far ? this isnt a topic to ask people to make the stuff for you, its for you to try and when you get stuck you simply ask for suggestions ;)

    Sorry, I want to know how this can be done, are there any examples for this? Thank you.
  • wirrexx
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    wirrexx quad damage
    Klim3D said:
    Klim3D said:
    what have you tried so far ? this isnt a topic to ask people to make the stuff for you, its for you to try and when you get stuck you simply ask for suggestions ;)

    Sorry, I want to know how this can be done, are there any examples for this? Thank you.
    we help eachother by finding solutions on your current model problems, not by letting one of us do the model for you. So make an honest effort to do the modell when you get stuck doing it, we'll jump in to help you! =)
  • wirrexx
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    wirrexx quad damage
    iacdxb said:
    Hi, doing a bottle and at top stuck with bump edge... anyone can help me how can fix this...?
    The problem for this solution is probably in every 3-4th page of this forum. Curved surfaces needs to be equaly distanced for them to be able to hold smaller details.You could fix this by pushing and pulling the vertex on your model until it dissappear. Or, try to bake it down apply a fast texture and see if it's really a problem. 

    The first thing i can tell you is that, sometimes tris and ngons work on a curvature and sometimes they don't, The issue could be because you have 2 tries connecting to the save vert. 

    the second thing i can say is that you need to have a bottle with enough geo to be able to hold that shape when subd. You can start with a low poly mesh and make the primary shapes and simply subdivide it when you need smaller details. =) 

    Try deleting this edge and see if you get a better shading. 

  • absorbentghost
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    absorbentghost polycounter lvl 6
    How would u guys clean this up without adding other pole loops?

  • Kanni3d
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    Kanni3d ngon master
    How would u guys clean this up without adding other pole loops?

    You're going to end up having TONS of poles regardless with a sphere that low resolution, and with those circle panel cutouts that high...

    That being said - increase the sphere's amount of subdivisons/edges, and have those cut outs be a bit less dense. Right now they're about 20 sided, when they can easily be 8-12 sided and hold up their shape :)
  • Klo Works
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    Klo Works polycounter lvl 9
    I try alot to achive this image: 

    my biggest problem when I start to sharp the area it start to show pinch.

    these area I want to make it sharp.

  • Pavel7
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    Pavel7 polycounter lvl 5

    Hi,everybody!Help please!
    Explain how do I model this leather wrinkles? Please give тне visual examples.I speak English a little))
    (I am using 3ds max 2016)  
  • Bumblebee
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    Bumblebee polycounter lvl 3

    how would you guys approach this? I always get really wobbely result if you look at the smoothing. The surface doesnt look clean at all.
  • Kanni3d
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    Kanni3d ngon master
    Bumblebee said:
     I always get really wobbely result if you look at the smoothing. 

    Delete your support loops/unecessary geometry so that you can definite the shape and silhouette much easier. Then from that point, you can turbosmooth by smoothing groups to add geometry, or add manual support loops and go from there. The top triangular detail is well done :)
  • sacboi
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    sacboi veteran polycounter

    Where's your attempted example? 

    It is only after you've honestly tried modelling the referenced object without success and posting the result here, a possible solution/s are then offered by others.

    This thread is not a resource for getting someone else to do all the work for you which in the process of doing so you'll likely learn nothing sustainable.

    However that said, I'll point you towards youtube there's a few Max tutes detailing workflows for your query so check them out.
  • Evil_Fischi
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    Evil_Fischi polycounter lvl 3
    Hi there,
    I am struggleling with the modeling of a hatch like this one here:

    I started with a box that I spherefied and booled the inset, but how can I add supportloops to maintain hard edges on it?

    How can I maintain the sharp edges (yellow) while keeping a smooth round surface?

    Or is it easyer to use flowters for such a task?

  • wirrexx
    Offline / Send Message
    wirrexx quad damage
    Hi there,
    I am struggleling with the modeling of a hatch like this one here:

    I started with a box that I spherefied and booled the inset, but how can I add supportloops to maintain hard edges on it?

    How can I maintain the sharp edges (yellow) while keeping a smooth round surface?

    Or is it easyer to use flowters for such a task?

    heey Schatz, i could demonstrate it to you via skype later. but here's a small breakdown.


  • SnowInChina
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    SnowInChina interpolator
    i think the shape is even easier than what you do
    from what i can see, that part is flat on top, only the edges are beveled
  • Evil_Fischi
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    Evil_Fischi polycounter lvl 3
    @SnowInChina , no, I only chose an unfortunate perspective, it is not flat in the center but it has a slight curve to it.

  • sacboi
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    sacboi veteran polycounter

    I'd suggest just going with floating geo because there seems to be other inset details on that circular shape you'll have to bake down as well.
  • wirrexx
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    wirrexx quad damage
    @SnowInChina , no, I only chose an unfortunate perspective, it is not flat in the center but it has a slight curve to it.

    here's my demonstration, could gone with less polys, but the thing is, it's a very simple shape and has a very simple solution. Pay careful attention to where you want your support edges, where you need them. And try to fit you're polycount to that. Less is more, but this was Lazy.. doing artstation challenge.. fast. .

    1. I made my big shapes.
    2. I turbosmoothes my circle twice.
    3. Used prooboolean with no edge removal. Deleted half of my mesh because it's symmetrical.
    4. added support loops.

  • drinkwater101

    ZBUSH - Please let me know if you have a solution. Thanks in advance! 

    ​It seems that it might be a coordinates issue which is noticeable when the Deformation tool is used, but that is only my guess.

    ​Here are the steps that I followed...

    1.) Appended a Sphere
    2.) Used the Move Tool on the X Coordinate while holding Shift (I even went to Geometry>Position>Set 0 for the X Position)
    3.) ​Went to Deformation>Taper to 90 (X and Y Coordinates active)

    This is where the issue comes in....

    Mine vs. Tutorials version:

    Mine: Looks like a horizontal drop
    Tutorials: Looks like a vertical drop

     I found work arounds, but I would really like to know how to correctly do this. 


    Alicia B

  • EosOfOrcus
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    EosOfOrcus polycounter lvl 4
    Hi guys i'm working on this Shape for practice. I'm using as a reference a centerforce clutch. Right now i'm just going through making the grooves near the bolts on the clutch. I'm just going through trying to find out what's the best way for the edge-flow. I feel like on one hand i can have two ngons and keep the edges of the groove sharp or else i can terminate the edges and eliminate the ngons but i'll have smoother grooves. 

    I'm trying to see which method is more optimal and appropriate for this shape.

  • Yzii
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    Yzii polycounter lvl 2
    Hi everyone! 

    Guys I need help with solving issue I have with topology. I need to smooth surface on "front" of my mesh (blue circles) while preserving hard edges on sides (green circles). I know how to achieve this on acute angles, but Im unable to achieve this on obtuse angles. 

    Would you please help me out? (other aproaches then directly by topology are also welcome)
  • sacboi
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    sacboi veteran polycounter
    @EosOfOrcus either option is certainly viable and in my opinion it's just a matter of personal preference which solution would be the more applicable in terms of utilising other pipeline processes, if the intent here is for additional development of your referenced object - good work.
  • wirrexx
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    wirrexx quad damage
    Yzii said:
    Hi everyone! 

    Guys I need help with solving issue I have with topology. I need to smooth surface on "front" of my mesh (blue circles) while preserving hard edges on sides (green circles). I know how to achieve this on acute angles, but Im unable to achieve this on obtuse angles. 

    Would you please help me out? (other aproaches then directly by topology are also welcome)
    so this question comes up very often, going back a few pages would show you atleast 100 of solutions to this. The secret to this kind of models are to firstly model the curve, without doing the indend/cut. When you are happy with how the curve is flowing, subd a couple of times so your mesh has enough support edges that you only need to move a smaller vertices to make it hard as you want it.
  • Bumblebee
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    Bumblebee polycounter lvl 3
    so im struggeling alot getting the shape of the afg grip right. Has anyone any idea how to approach it?

    its especially difficult since on the one side it has like a 6 sides hard hole and on the other side it has a circular hole. If i try to make the 6 sided hole hard, the circle on the other side has inconsitent sides.. URRRGGHH
  • throttlekitty
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    throttlekitty ngon master
    @Bumblebee So don't have the cylinder joined in the middle. It's not critical for baking, so two halves of uneven-sided cylinder can just meet up but not be welded. Also, I think you've missed the profile I've tried to trace out here, get some more photos from other angles if you haven't already.

  • Klo Works
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    Klo Works polycounter lvl 9
    so, after I read different post here its all about adding more geo. 
    so this is the result, is that a good way ? or is there better way to handle it ? 

  • Bumblebee
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    Bumblebee polycounter lvl 3
    hey throttle, you got that incorrect, the "valley" actually goes all the way to the bolt. Its kind of a tricky thing to polygon model. 
  • Bumblebee
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    Bumblebee polycounter lvl 3
    Klo Works said:
    so, after I read different post here its all about adding more geo. 
    so this is the result, is that a good way ? or is there better way to handle it ? 

    if you see no artifacts, you re good.
  • yashar98
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    yashar98 polycounter lvl 10
    Hello everyone
    i don't no how to create the correct topology for this part of model :)

  • Thanez
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    Thanez interpolator
    @Bumblebee The solution to at least the hexagonal hole vs round hole is that the AFG is separated into two halves down the middle, so the two holes don't actually share geometry. See also how the right side has two smaller assembly screws, while they're not present on the left.

  • Taylor Brown
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    Taylor Brown ngon master
    Could anyone give me advice or point me in the right direction in regards to modeling with a distorted perspective? I want to challenge myself by recreating this but I'm a little stumped on how to get started.
  • sacboi
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    sacboi veteran polycounter
    Yeah! @crawl try your luck with proportional editing and see how that goes, there's a few online tutes floating around just hit one up applicable to your app of choice which will also make things a tad ezy'er for yourself in the long run.
  • Taylor Brown
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    Taylor Brown ngon master
    I'll definitely look into that. Thank you

    Edit: After checking it out, it looks like all I can do in Maya is use Soft Selection. Blender's implementation seems way better. Oh well!
  • wirrexx
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    wirrexx quad damage
    crawl said:
    I'll definitely look into that. Thank you

    Edit: After checking it out, it looks like all I can do in Maya is use Soft Selection. Blender's implementation seems way better. Oh well!
    Model it straight, use FFD modifiers.
  • sacboi
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    sacboi veteran polycounter

    wirrexx wrote:

    crawl said:
    I'll definitely look into that. Thank you

    Edit: After checking it out, it looks like all I can do in Maya is use Soft Selection. Blender's implementation seems way better. Oh well!

    Model it straight, use FFD modifiers.

    Agreed, for Maya will work as well.

  • Lómerel
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    Lómerel polycounter lvl 2

    Hi! I'm new here and I don't know much about 3D modelling yet, but from what I've read in this thread and trying to do the same shape as you, I came up with the following:

    - Does the shape has volume? the pinching you get could be because you don't have an edge to maintain the sharp edge.

    - The other thing could be that the control loop going around the shape is not following the roundness of the circle.
    <-- not the same as --> 

    I did the same shape as you put I didn't have that problem. Instead of cutting, I combined the upper part of a sphere with a cylinder.

    Please feel free to correct me! I need to practice subd modelling and I decided it would be good practice to try to do the shapes posted here.
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