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Polycount Community Chest Event



  • Shock
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    Shock polycounter lvl 5
    after some feedback i simplified the design a bit so it can fit easier to all the individual submissionstyles:


    would look like that on the final workshop page:

  • kendmd
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    kendmd polycounter lvl 5
    Looks better Shock, but do you think you can remove the black outlines? Also maybe make greentooth more like a metal button/screw instead of an icon, like add a bevel to it?
  • No Pie For You!
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    No Pie For You! polycounter lvl 6
    Must we use this outline for this comp?
  • Anuxinamoon
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    Anuxinamoon polycounter lvl 14
    Not sure if Player sets are allowed int his chest, but I'm really getting a good feel for this set now that I'm in the polish stage.

    Things I'm annoyed about, cloth; its super annoying the shoulder piece and I dunno how I'm going to pull off the belt with the tri limit.
    Hair; too much Same Width Strokes. I may have to go back and refine. *shudder*
    Shoulder; Might be tough to fit in budget.
  • Shock
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    Shock polycounter lvl 5
    worked a bit more on it :) how about that?
    the first monochrom version is my favourite because it can easily
    fit with all the different colors that will appear inside while
    the green one might not look as harmonic in combination with some


    would look like that:

  • Mr.Khann_Ha_Ha
    to Shock
    Good work.
    I think - 2ver. more recognizable for polycount
  • Snowstorm
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    Snowstorm polycounter lvl 5
    Not sure if Player sets are allowed int his chest, but I'm really getting a good feel for this set now that I'm in the polish stage.

    Things I'm annoyed about, cloth; its super annoying the shoulder piece and I dunno how I'm going to pull off the belt with the tri limit.
    Hair; too much Same Width Strokes. I may have to go back and refine. *shudder*
    Shoulder; Might be tough to fit in budget.

    Looooooooove the hair! Doesn't look like there's too many same-width strokes to me, though the front looks a little rounded and pudgy. And the pieces don't really look like they'll totally burst the poly limits. It'll be FINNEEE.
    Shock wrote: »
    worked a bit more on it :) how about that?
    the first monochrom version is my favourite because it can easily
    fit with all the different colors that will appear inside while
    the green one might not look as harmonic in combination with some

    Wow, awesome work! I really like the green one, but both of them look really professional.

    Also as someone who uses the standard english UI on steam "von Snowstorm" has a nice ring to it :P
  • mihalceanu
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    mihalceanu polycounter lvl 6
    Shock : the green version looks cool

    I made a test with the textures at the ingame resolution ; kinda low on the back slot , and I find it preety bussy atm .
    I might remove one bag from his shoulder and change the color around a bit; suggestions welcomed:)

  • No Pie For You!
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    No Pie For You! polycounter lvl 6
    well i might be a bit early, but. i`ve finished it. my first actual set. yey!

    things are starting to pile up for me so i will not make any more major modifications to the presentation image..... i tried to make some hand drawn lines but I JUST CAN`T DO (draw) IT YET* !

    so without any more jibberish, i give you

    Sound of the Mabak Woods
    by No Pie For You

    i used the shock`s polycount contour, and i will update it if needed.
    hope i did everything alright for the admission part this month....
    cheers all and thanks for the guidance
  • Shock
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    Shock polycounter lvl 5
    ive uploaded both thumbnail layouts as .png with transparency,
    u can either choose the monochrom or the green one for ur submission:

    green http://i.imgur.com/ccMo01T.png

    monochrom http://i.imgur.com/78DomTl.png

    ive also updated the first page second post with the files.
  • TomGT
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    TomGT polycounter
    Hey guys! A little late to the party.

    I'm a 3D modeller and most likely will be doing my own thing due to scheduling issues. Nice to see some great assets coming along! Hopefully I'll be able to contribute.
  • belkun
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    belkun polycounter lvl 7
    So many good stuff here since our last Naga update! Really liking that WD from mihal specially. Been a while since I saw anything I liked for him (can't trade my Skrillex hair!) but this is looking great so far! The hairstyle is cool and that green glow on the staff is awesome.

    Here's how everything is looking so far on our end. Weapons are done and all LODs + textures are good to go! Just gotta do some extra tweaks and polish the rigging and start on the masks before doing promos.

  • PrivacyEnt
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    PrivacyEnt triangle
    @Shock I really like the way you didn't just mirror the polycount smiley, but the keep it at same angle ^^
  • mihalceanu
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    mihalceanu polycounter lvl 6
    After a tons of skinning issues with the cape and the shoulder piece , I finnaly got to test it ingame


    and the ultimate animation :)

  • Sukotto
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    Sukotto polycounter lvl 8
    mihal: that is looking great! One minor thing but I think you could put a little of the green glow on top of the voodoo doll's head, with the reflected light on the rest of the branch, it looks a little disconnected.
    bruno: Coming along nicely! It might just be me but I feel like there is too much green in the palette, at least in the lower body. It might help distinguish the armor from the rest of the body if you make the green a slightly different shade, closer to teal. Just a suggestion though :)
    And here is my progress on my DP set. Just getting everything blocked in. I'm deviating from the concept slightly just so things read better.
  • Shock
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    Shock polycounter lvl 5
    wow mihal, i rly love ur work on the wd set. especial the totem.
    rly nice to see u doing such quality work again!
  • Nobiru
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    Nobiru polycounter lvl 2
    Hi! We done texture work with lich.

  • Insaneophobia
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    Insaneophobia polycounter lvl 5
    Update on our Doom:
    I'm currently working on making the masks look nice and such, while Blade has finished most of the textures, and is currently working on the wings.
  • Shock
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    Shock polycounter lvl 5
    looks a bit dark
  • Insaneophobia
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    Insaneophobia polycounter lvl 5
    yeah we might need to tweak the reds and the dark greys a bit :P
    This could be because I have almost no lighting on it here though. But thanks man, I'll work on that.
  • down_limit
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    down_limit polycounter lvl 10
    @mihalceanu wow man! in final its looks fantastic! hope then I'll see this woodoo ward ingame soon :)
    @Noы;ru great job. textures is well. skinning is well. but not shure in masks.. and imo: smoothing groups misplaced in your work. your items set does not need this!
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    Getting there - rough blockout/sculpt all done except for the weapon, and final highpoly started.
    I will probably have to remove a fair number of parts in order to fit within budget ... poly114.gif

  • GhostDetector
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    GhostDetector polycounter lvl 10
    @Nobiru- I like the textures but I think you need to give it more contrast between the base of the fabric and the ornaments (sigils) ontop. They're hard to spot and can make it muddy when looking from afar.

    @Mihal I like the ward but maybe add more occulsion between the limbs of the voodoo doll.

    @iSkutto, make the fur collar bigger and the necklace a bit smaller (you're diverting attention from the face to the neck). Nice sculpt btw.

    @Insanse, I'm assuming you're using marmoset, so if you need more lights add them or increase the brightness of an existing light. Its hard to give you a proper crit if the image you gave us isn't close to what it will actually look like.

    @Pior- Nice base so far. If you're looking to cut of parts, think of cutting out some of the armor on the limbs (forearms for example) and capping the edges with a band of cloth (Which would be placed on the elbow if you cut the forearm). It'll make the armor look a bit more rugged without making the armor seem incomplete (if it were whole)
  • Tvidotto
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    Tvidotto polycounter lvl 9
    mihalceanu wrote: »
    After a tons of skinning issues with the cape and the shoulder piece , I finnaly got to test it ingame


    and the ultimate animation :)


    wow, that animation is looking great!

    Do the wards have extra bones for that or you are using particles?
  • Nikey
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    Nikey polycounter lvl 10
    @Noы;ru, Oh, that's look great! :O
  • keinhangia
    @Pior: Awesome concept, very inspring. But I think its not nessecary to cover all her body like that. Boobies FTW! :poly124:
    @mihalceanu: Sick design and animation o.O

    BTW, here my concept for Storm Spirit set Seeing Triangle and me currently working on

  • Mr.Khann_Ha_Ha
    to keinhangia
    So badass SS)

    My concept has changed a little bit.
    Second version with a book still in the process.

  • Hunter-Killer
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    Hunter-Killer polycounter lvl 4
    @belkun- Set has come along really nicely, look forward to seeing it submitted!

    @mihalceanu- Set is looking great and the animation on the ward is perfect, nice work!

    @pior - Looking good, though yeah it's probably going to be a bit of a nightmare to fit it within budget!

    @mr.khann_ha_ha - Coming along well, I'd push the serpent theme further if that is what you are going for (like with the staff, head etc)


    Been jumping between projects but finally got round to the lowpoly and texture bakes of Clockbot. (Left is ground, right is flying)

  • Baddcog
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    Baddcog polycounter lvl 9
    So much great stuff.

    Reworked my armor piece a lot. New helmet and more cloth, added pauldrons. I think I have the base colors where I want. On to highlighting and masks. Working on new bracers too :D
  • Sukotto
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    Sukotto polycounter lvl 8
    Getting more stuff blocked in and starting to get some details worked in. Keep it up everyone!q6hWQml.jpg
  • kite212
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    kite212 polycounter lvl 15
    Awesome stuff guys! I have had a bunch of personal shit to deal with, but I am getting back at it! I will share my Earth Spirit later, I have all the pieces baked, I just want to rig it up and make my base textures. I started the potm today, current block out 714x9ei.png
  • BladeofEvilsBane
    Loving the subs for this event so far, great works all around!

    Finished the textures for Insaneophobia's doom set! Fiddled around with the masks a little bit too but it's still a WIP (fixing some clipping and whatnot). Gif dump below:

  • mihalceanu
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    mihalceanu polycounter lvl 6
    BladeofEvilsBane: looking good , but I get the feeling that the feathers from his wings are somewhat broken , it gives it an unnatural flow imo ;

    I'm glad you guys like the wd set ; I finished the promo pic+video :
  • Insaneophobia
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    Insaneophobia polycounter lvl 5
    So after some crits from the people on the lovely polycount skype chat. We realised the head slot looked pretty tame from the portrait view, so BladeofEvilsBane, concepted some new stuff for the head to make it look more interesting. Meanwhile he also redid the bracers to make a cooler version of those as well.
    here's the WIP sculpt of the head item:
  • Pipotchi
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    Pipotchi polycounter lvl 4
    that doom head looks 50x cooler now, rly nice
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    Mihalceanu, congrats on finishing early !!
    Got the sculpt done on my end - now on to some serious lowpoly budget juggling ...

  • Anuxinamoon
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    Anuxinamoon polycounter lvl 14
    That looking siiick pior. You know... you dont have to make a quiver for the quiver slot. You could just build the quiver into the shell part of the cape and then use the misc budget somewhere else :)
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    As a matter of fact, at some point I was thinking of representing the arrows with spikes she would pluck out of her armor, but I ultimately decided that it would look too odd :)

    However now that I think of it, you just made me realize that nothing prevents me from *not* giving her a quiver at all ... which in turn would free up budget for the boots ... Time to try it out !!
  • agito666
    That looking siiick pior. You know... you dont have to make a quiver for the quiver slot. You could just build the quiver into the shell part of the cape and then use the misc budget somewhere else :)

    so i assume the shell part is shoulder slot, so the "quiver" if merge with the shoulder slot, so in future when i mix and match... will it be a problem? (just for mix and match users)

    well actually the problem already shown in TA sets....
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    I am actually planning for the shell to be the "cape" slot ... but this will all depend on how the budgeting pans out. As for compatibility with other sets, I think it can go both ways now : while compatibility is a good thing, I have the feeling that wilder incompatible combinations of items are ok too these days, as long as they somehow make sense. But it sure is something to be careful with, no doubt about that !
  • cakers
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    cakers polycounter lvl 6
    I am a little late but here is my first day of modeling of a ward I've been concepting. I am looking for any advice. This is definitely a WIP, the top is just blocked out not polished and the bottom has to many polys.

    I am going for a Tinker themed ward that screws itself into the ground when it is placed.

  • kite212
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    kite212 polycounter lvl 15
    So rigging this sucked 1000 times harder than I thought it would.need to bake lighting, gradient map, do colors, make masks, then this guy is done
  • Nikey
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    Nikey polycounter lvl 10
    Some progress with Ike's set for am



  • agito666
    @pior: if your WR set is bug themed, why not the bow also using insect's part like Mantis's arm? :poly124:
  • Sumers
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    Sumers polycounter lvl 10
    @Pior: i wish you will make wings as transperent particles with "trembling" animation and sparkling dust falling from them. oh, i can totally see it! :)
  • Markovnikov
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    Markovnikov polycounter lvl 6
    @Pior: Why not make two styles for the quiver; one more compatible with other sets, and the other"true" version for this set?
  • vertical
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    vertical polycounter lvl 9
    @ Sumers:

    With Moth dust impact particles when arrows hit enemies.
  • motenai
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    motenai polycounter lvl 18
    I started blocking out a set for Necro....i might not finish in time for the deadline though.

  • Vovosunt
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    Vovosunt polycounter lvl 4
    agito666 wrote: »
    @pior: if your WR set is bug themed, why not the bow also using insect's part like Mantis's arm? :poly124:
    Sumers wrote: »
    @Pior: i wish you will make wings as transperent particles with "trembling" animation and sparkling dust falling from them. oh, i can totally see it! :)
    @Pior: Why not make two styles for the quiver; one more compatible with other sets, and the other"true" version for this set?
    +1 on all of these
    Especially, on the bow idea. I mean the tiny insect wings are not "buggy" and impactful enough causing the bow to have the generic feel all WR bows have. Indeed, something like a mantis-arm would make it stand out a lot more IMO. Still love the power-rangers feel from it XD

    EDIT: also the wings could flutter during windrun.
  • mihalceanu
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    mihalceanu polycounter lvl 6
    Mysterious VoodooMaster by mihalceanu

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