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Explosions at Boston marathon



  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    dempolys wrote: »
    Just to remind you all, today is Patriots Day... These people really wanted to send a message


    Patriots Day is pretty much unkown outside of Massachusetts and Maine
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    Some crazy shit to wake up to.

    For some reasons its always struck me as more vile and horrendous when this stuff happens at sporting events, like Munich etc. I guess that's cause sport is meant to be this universal thing where everyone puts differences aside for a while.
  • dissonance
    frell wrote: »
    There were bomb sniffing dogs at the start/finish


    Tons of conspiracy nuts screaming at that already :P
    There always are.

    Got a panicked call from my sister this morning while eating lunch, apparently she heard/felt the first two and watched the streets turn into a panic from her apartment, and I was on the phone with her when the third one was detonated, then the jammers went up and we had to use landlines. Truly some crazy, surreal shit.

    Are all the polycounters okay?
  • blankslatejoe
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    blankslatejoe polycounter lvl 19
    I know the harmonix guys had the day off due to the marathon, and a few others have been signing off on twitter/fb. Haven't heard from everyone yet. Most of us local polycounters are based "outside the city" though.
  • Karmageddon
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    Karmageddon polycounter lvl 7
    Geezus christ I must be the last person to have heard about this, I was on a road trip and had no idea.
  • Kwramm
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    Kwramm interpolator
    shit I just saw this on the news :(
  • slipsius
    This is terrible. I absolutely do not argue that fact. But holy hell I hate the media. How fast they through out "Terrorists" and "al-qida".... Seriously, just stop already. Remember the days when a bomb would go off, and all they said was they are looking for the bomber? Prior to 9/11, there was never any mention of terrorists when something like this happened. Now they're just afraid to admit that maybe it could be an American that did this.
  • blankslatejoe
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    blankslatejoe polycounter lvl 19
    Actually, I've been IMPRESSED with the media--all the media I've been listening to is like 'we can't jump to conclusions', 'we aren't going to say the t or b (bomb) words yet, because we just don't know', 'it could be one person, but its pretty coordinated' and etc.

    All except the NYpost, of course, which seems to be basking in traffic stirred from misinformation.

    But generally, at least here in the Boston area networks, I think the media is using this as a time to distinguish themselves from the twitter rumormill and seeing their jobs "as a responsibility". It makes sense--they can't compete with twitter's information speed or abundance--so all they have LEFT is accountability. I just hope that behavior creeps into the normal/national reporting.
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    Yeah, I agree Slip. God save us if the perps are even a little brown, and have curly hair; the U.S. will have found their 'in' to Iran.

    I think this event was a little low-key to be related to Islamic extremism, this has the distinct whiff of 'domestic terrorism' all over it. Which has been the case with all acts of terror, shootings etc., since 9/11.

    But politics kinda takes a backstage when you hear one of the three dead is an eight year old boy, and all those people that have had their lives irrevocably altered by losing limbs; I can't even imagine. Horrific.
  • slipsius
    Ah, blank, Im not in the area myself. Im just reading all the articles online, and seeing some online streaming. Today it seems to be a lot better than yesterday, but I definitely saw those thrown around a lot yesterday.
  • Ruz
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    Ruz polycount lvl 666
    From what I have read its more likely to be right wing extremists ie home grown terrorism. the thinking behind this is the size of the devices and choosing Boston with the historical implication as well as the the tax deadline.
    horrible thing to happen whoever did this.
  • ambershee
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    ambershee polycounter lvl 17
    Actually, I've been IMPRESSED with the media--all the media I've been listening to is like 'we can't jump to conclusions', 'we aren't going to say the t or b (bomb) words yet, because we just don't know', 'it could be one person, but its pretty coordinated' and etc.

    Our national media were throwing the 'al-Qaeda' name around willy-nilly within a couple of hours :/
  • blankslatejoe
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    blankslatejoe polycounter lvl 19
    Well, I was tuned to regional networks car/tv--not even US national ones. And also, its worth mentioning that Boston is as liberal a place as it gets so... I suppose if there's a place where newscasters would be hesitant to jump to conclusions it would be here. Still, I thought they've handled coverage with aplomb.

    Some other heartening tidbits:
    Due to the marathon drawing thousands of runners for a 26 mile race, there were tons of medical supplies and staff actually at the site. Every year there are apparently runners who push themselves too hard and end up in life-threatening situations. I didn't know that before yesterday...but I guess it makes sense. Anyway, that meant you really couldn't get a faster response time.

    Also, the T, the boston area subway, was open again about 2 hours after the explosions. They'd closed it to check the stations I think, but I think most of us expected the T to be out all day, if not multiple days. Heck, some wet leaves on the rails have closed entire lines down before...but it felt like this was the Transit Authority giving a big "F-U, you ain't getting us down" to whoever caused the explosions, and that made me happy.
  • slipsius
    Ya, apparently the medical tent had around 1000 emergancy beds, which was more than the hospitals. And really, the had around 10 surviving amputees. That right there shows the quickness of the response.
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    odd, so far the general news vibe I'm hearing is "we can't jump to conclusions, that's what caused so many problems with the Centennial Olympic Park Bombing in '96"
  • sneakymcfox
    While over-speculation is probably inappropriate at this time, if the media is going to discuss possible perpetrators should they just not mention al-queda? I mean the idea that a terrorist group would commit a terrorist action is not insane (even if most likely in this case it wasn't them. And to avoid using the word terrorist or bomb just seems childish to me.
  • Shiniku
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    Shiniku polycounter lvl 14
    This is terrible news, my heart goes out to those affected. I hope we get some solid answers soon in regards to what caused this.

    I was looking through some photos taken at the scene, and it is very powerful//moving stuff. It is terrifying to think such a thing could happen at any time in such an urban environment. Much respect to the first responders and those who tended to the wounded.

    Westboro baptist church announced today that they will be picketing the funerals of the victims. I try not to hold much hate or anger toward anyone, but those guys really make me upset sometimes.
  • praetus
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    praetus interpolator
    Until they find conclusive evidence or a group takes responsibility they really shouldn't be mentioning any group by name, honestly. There is nothing to show that the attack was a domestic terrorist vs a group or person of any nationality or racial descent. Until they have concrete information, they need to not comment or speculate.
  • dissonance
    Ruz wrote: »
    From what I have read its more likely to be right wing extremists ie home grown terrorism.
    Homegrown, maybe, but not rightwingers; they'd go after government employees or a federal building, not civilians.

    As for the news coverage, I gave up on American newsmedia a long time ago. Everything about this attack I learned from a mix of 4chan (which was actually the best and most accurate source for the first two or so hours), twitter, reddit, and people on the ground.

    Shiniku, ignore the Westboro jackasses. They thrive on attention, and the last thing any of us should be doing is giving it to them.
  • blankslatejoe
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    blankslatejoe polycounter lvl 19
    it's not childish, sneakymcfox. In the days after 911 there were instant retaliations across the country on Muslim-American citizens who were entirely innocent. I heard about exchange students getting beat at the college I was going to and of normal everyday people of Middle-eastern decent getting harassed/harmed/etc. And that was BEFORE the word "terrorist" became essentially synonymous with "middle eastern".
    People are emotional and some have a gut-instinct that calls them to action. That could be outlet into some very wrong directions.
  • ambershee
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    ambershee polycounter lvl 17
    dissonance wrote: »
    Shiniku, ignore the Westboro jackasses. They thrive on attention, and the last thing any of us should be doing is giving it to them.

    They're profiteering, it's how they work. The idea is to incense people so far as that they'd commit some kind of felony against them - then Westboro sues and often wins :/
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    I look forward to seeing the dozen or so Westboro Baptist protestors with a thousand peaceful counter-protesters between them and the funerals.
  • Mark Dygert
    I look forward to seeing the dozen or so Westboro Baptist protestors with a thousand peaceful counter-protesters between them and the funerals.

    It's awesome when the bikers get involved, line up in the street as if parking, where the westboro brats can't go and keep their motors running drowning them out.
  • MainManiac
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    MainManiac polycounter lvl 11
  • Equanim
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    Equanim polycounter lvl 11
    Whatever you see/read/hear on this, make sure you at least cross reference. It's good practice in general.
  • Shiniku
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    Shiniku polycounter lvl 14
    I look forward to seeing the dozen or so Westboro Baptist protestors with a thousand peaceful counter-protesters between them and the funerals.
    I have respect for those that do this, but it is a shame it is necessary, and it just turns what should be a private and solemn event for those grieving into a media spectacle.

    dissonance is correct however, we shouldn't give them any attention. I wish I hadn't been subjected to this news from them, but I probably should not have shared it, giving them more attention.

    Saw this article:
    Martin Richard Photo: 8-Year-Old Boston Victim Pictured With 'No More Hurting People' Sign

    "No more hurting people"
    Hurm, right in the feels. Very moving.
  • ErichWK
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    ErichWK polycounter lvl 12
    The news keeps talking about the 8 year old victim that died...though tragic I feel it's unfair to the other two who died. I haven't heard anything about them... they were people too.
  • slipsius
    ErichWK wrote: »
    The news keeps talking about the 8 year old victim that died...though tragic I feel it's unfair to the other two who died. I haven't heard anything about them... they were people too.

    same thing happened with the sandy hook thing. they only ever talked about the kids, even though a bunch of teachers and what not were killed as well. As if a kids life holds more weight than an adults. Even though the teachers probably gave their lives to protect the kids. It wasnt till like a week after that I even saw a story about one of the teachers.
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    frell wrote: »
    I cannot believe CNN said this was a right wing tea party extremist, CNN is worse than Fox sometimes.

    Maybe not right wing per say but extremists, sure. This definitely has Timothy McVeigh/Ruby Ridge type stink all over it. In Boston, on Patriot's day? C'mon.

    Only time will tell for sure I guess.
  • Isaiah Sherman
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    Isaiah Sherman polycounter lvl 14
    ErichWK wrote: »
    The news keeps talking about the 8 year old victim that died...though tragic I feel it's unfair to the other two who died. I haven't heard anything about them... they were people too.

    Sensationalist media America. Shouldn't be a surprise. This is all tragic.
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    Is it just me or does it seem like people are grasping at straws to be snarky & negative?
  • praetus
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    praetus interpolator
    ErichWK wrote: »
    The news keeps talking about the 8 year old victim that died...though tragic I feel it's unfair to the other two who died. I haven't heard anything about them... they were people too.

    While it is certainly possible that the media is going to focus on the kid for sensationalism, the reason you hadn't heard anything about the two women is that they had not released their information to the media yet. Typically the media will wait to release this information until next of kin has been notified by the authorities. The boys dad had just crossed the finish line when the bomb went off. One of the girls information had gone out earlier today. I don't know about the other one though.
  • MM
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    MM polycounter lvl 18
    * pointless speculation removed *
  • Ruz
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    Ruz polycount lvl 666
    well believe it or not, people with any kind of humanity do tend to feel more sad at the loss of a childs life, just don't know why some of you have a problem with that.

    perhaps you don't have kids eh? or are just being a bit spiteful/snarky
  • Mark Dygert
    A lot of people keep talking about "patriots day" as if it was some huge national holiday, right on par with the 4th of July. Being from the west coast, I've never heard of it and it seems to be a local thing, so if it does play a significant role it is probably someone from that area?

    Also, so far National Public Radio (which is normally a little slower and methodical in its reporting) is reporting that the devices where low tech, pressure cookers loaded full of black powder and nasty odds and ends like nails and BBs.
  • nick2730
    think the theory now is a pressure cooker designed like a shape charge. Probably used the back wall to act as a shape charge and direct it low and forward
  • ErichWK
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    ErichWK polycounter lvl 12
    Oh I am by no ways trivializing the death of a child, I just get bummed out whenever something tragic like this happens the media tends to focus on the youngest that have died...or find a face and make them sort of a fallen hero of the story, when there were a lot of lives affected and lives lost. I guess I just view all of them as important as the next.
  • Gav
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    Gav quad damage
    Vig - currently living in the area, I had no idea it was even a thing. Apparently, though, it's a holiday of sorts here (friends had the day of school, for example) - but I even heard it was only observed in Norfolk county...so...I dunno, it seems like a bit of a stretch to make it significant. again, though, I'm not even from here - so it might be a bigger deal than I think.

    For what it's worth, like Joe said, most of us (Polycounters) aren't anywhere near there...but I did have coworkers in the race and friends / coworkers watching the race that were pretty close to the blast but are all fine, if not in a bit of shock.
  • Mark Dygert
    ErichWK wrote: »
    The news keeps talking about the 8 year old victim that died...though tragic I feel it's unfair to the other two who died. I haven't heard anything about them... they were people too.
    It's a hell of a thing, killin' a man. Take away all he's got, and all he's ever gonna have. - Bill Munny, Unforgiven
    With kids,people realize that more is taken away from them.

    Look at this way.
    If someone dies in their 40's, half of their life was taken from them, at least they got to live half their life. But with a 8 yr old kid, they had 90% of their life taken away, they only lived 10% and half of that was learning to walk, feed themselves, not crap their pants. He had 4 maybe 5 years of actual fun and that was interrupted by having to spend 8hrs a day in school. He hadn't even gotten to some of the really fun stuff. He will never enjoy a deep appreciation of music or art, never drink a beer or do dumb things with his buddies, never drive a car, never get a job, never have a 1st love. But the others that died, they were around long enough to experience some if not all of that stuff, so they are a little luckier than the kid. It's tragic sure, but at least they got a little farther down the road than the kid did.
  • ErichWK
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    ErichWK polycounter lvl 12
    And I understand that, I truly do. But I dunno, I guess I still feel a life is a life. You know? I know those two adults who have died might not have been able to get their information released... but I guess I considered their lives as important as the child. Maybe I'm wrong?
  • leilei
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    leilei polycounter lvl 14
    WHDH showed a new picture with a shopping bag by the mailbox that has disappeared
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    ErichWK wrote: »
    I guess I considered their lives as important as the child. Maybe I'm wrong?

    Childern are also symbolic of innocence, but I do understand the argument that everyone's lives are important.
  • leilei
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    leilei polycounter lvl 14
    A 29-year-old woman was identified among those who died, that news was just in this hour.
  • Shiniku
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    Shiniku polycounter lvl 14
    ErichWk, I'm really unsure of what the point is you're trying to make or more importantly, why you're making it. The death of a child is generally regarded more tragic, because they have potentially lost more than the others.

    Is it just the sensationalist media trying to pull on our heart strings? Maybe a little, but honestly I think more journalists, like the human beings they are, are reporting more on the child because they were more emotionally affected by it just like I was. And, as someone else mentioned, not all info has been publicly released in regards to the other victims.

    Despite perhaps focusing a bit more on the child, I have not seen a single media outlet trivialize the lives of the other victims, and none see it as anything less than a tragedy.
    Is it just me or does it seem like people are grasping at straws to be snarky & negative?
    Well said...
  • Mark Dygert
  • ErichWK
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    ErichWK polycounter lvl 12
    Ah! Thank you for the heads up on the article! I am not trying to be snarky or negative or making points to make points, I'm just making comments out on things I've noticed from watching the major news outlets. I was just hoping that everyone who lost their lives would be given recognition the same, you know?
  • cptSwing
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    cptSwing polycounter lvl 11
    Having more compassion for a child's plight is probably a throwback to our lives in herds on the african plains? /OT
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    A lot of people keep talking about "patriots day" as if it was some huge national holiday, right on par with the 4th of July. Being from the west coast, I've never heard of it and it seems to be a local thing, so if it does play a significant role it is probably someone from that area?

    Also, so far National Public Radio (which is normally a little slower and methodical in its reporting) is reporting that the devices where low tech, pressure cookers loaded full of black powder and nasty odds and ends like nails and BBs.

    To normal people yes, the holiday would barely register; but to some constitution humping federal government fearing lunatics...

    Sickening and frightening that these weapons were made so simply. So they wouldnt even have had a detonator?
  • sneakymcfox
    Andreas wrote: »
    To normal people yes, the holiday would barely register; but to some constitution humping federal government fearing lunatics...

    Sickening and frightening that these weapons were made so simply. So they wouldnt even have had a detonator?

    Maybe, maybe not I think it's too early for anything to come of speculation cus you only have a few circumstantials to work off, if it is someone obsessive enough to hit those dates though then the choice of gun powder and metal balls wouldn't have been an accident either, that is how America won it's independence.

    All explosives need a detonator. If the rest of it's the crude I doubt it would have been anything more than a timer that set it off.
  • dissonance
    They (local authorities) suspected them of being remotely detonated; cellphone jammers went up an hour or so after the bombs went off.
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