There's a pic of someone, supposedly transporting the bomb in a back-pack; looks identical to FBI photos of the remains of a bag at the scene. White dude.
To normal people yes, the holiday would barely register; but to some constitution humping federal government fearing lunatics...
Sickening and frightening that these weapons were made so simply. So they wouldnt even have had a detonator?
I lean toward blaming a right wing extremist but there isn't any proof. They could have picked the time and the day because it was a well known day for large crowds to gather and it was right in the heart of the city on a very well publicized event. I also heard that typically the Red Sox play an early game that day so it ends before the race does and a lot of people that leave the game, walk a few blocks to the finish line to watch it wrap up, it was about the time the game let out that the bombs went off.
So yea it could be a right wing extremist trying to "take back" a liberal city that has fallen off the "patriotic path". Or it could be that the person just figured that would be a good day to inflict a lot of pain and get a lot of coverage.
I'm not a fan of right wing politics but no one knows for sure what the motive was and I think we should wait and see rather than jump to conclusions that could be wrong.
It's kind of ineffective at spreading a message or making a point if no one actually makes a point or publishes a message. So then it looks more likely that the message was just "terror, you aren't safe anywhere".
There's a pic of someone, supposedly transporting the bomb in a back-pack; looks identical to FBI photos of the remains of a bag at the scene. White dude.
You keep bringing up race, stop trying to manufacture controversy. We hate to upset you but there isn't a Muslim witch hunt going on in the US right now.
There's a pic of someone, supposedly transporting the bomb in a back-pack; looks identical to FBI photos of the remains of a bag at the scene. White dude.
You mean this one? Doesnt look white to me. Anyway, why does everything have to turn into a race issue....all....the....time?
This may fall into the 'pointless speculation' category, but with what little info we have, doesn't it seem just as likely to be the work of a madman with no real agenda, as is the case with many shootings in the US?
It seems like if it was some terrorist organization or extremist trying to make a point, they would have owned up to it and somehow found a way to let their point be known. Al Qaeda was never shy about taking responsibility for their attacks as far as I am aware.
Now, Im not saying I believe any of this, and a lot of those pics, well, the fact that most of them are center framed is kind of weird. but, it will be interesting to see if any of this comes true.
Or just as likely a proactive member of the NRA taking advantage of the situation. In other words, neither, because with being anonymous, its easy to lie. Can we please act like adults in here and stop posting hyperbole? We game artist get enough crap as it is without an additional label as conspiracy nuts.
This goes for the internet picture detectives or followers with cherry picking suspicion as well.
Not saying it couldn't be backpack guy but to me it just looks like he's holding his backpack in front of him, so as not to keep hitting the people behind him. Also I like that the author found the circle tool by the time he got to the second picture.
During times like this the news sites tend to get bogged down and I can rarely get a video feed to play.
There are LOTS of contradictory reports coming out right now as to whether there has or hasn't been an arrest.
Yeah there are too many reports conflicting one another. I'm watching a few news stations now, back and forth and apparently 2 reports "very close to investigations" said that there has been no arrest, they found a suspect in a video but haven't actually found him yet and are looking.
Hmm, a friend linked me to this. I haven't seen any news reports about it and there's really no way to determine any authenticity so i wouldn't take it too seriously. But it's definitely kind of scary if not just a joke in very poor taste.
Hmm, a friend linked me to this. I haven't seen any news reports about it and there's really no way to determine any authenticity so i wouldn't take it too seriously. But it's definitely kind of scary if not just a joke in very poor taste.
It wasn't a joke, it was a security company that launched their site at the wrong time, and Tumblr, being the White Knight that it is decided to jump on it.
They were going to do the entire "Action" ad that a German company did for their TV station about pressing a button, and action unfolding, that's it.
Bad timing honestly, I guess they weren't fast enough in taking it down.
It wasn't a joke, it was a security company that launched their site at the wrong time, and Tumblr, being the White Knight that it is decided to jump on it.
They were going to do the entire "Action" ad that a German company did for their TV station about pressing a button, and action unfolding, that's it.
Bad timing honestly, I guess they weren't fast enough in taking it down.
Ah I see, that makes sense. Good to hear really. Do you have a source so I can tell my friend who linked me this?
-nevermind I see they edited the site with the info
Well, at least that's how it stands at the moment.
Yep, the sad part is, two of the suspects on the list were apparently UCC (UnderCover Cops), and 2 more people who spoke Arabic were detained on a plane.
Suspect list is all over the place at the moment, and most likely will be for the coming week, and the internet with all of it's "here is proof on who did it" emails won't be helping the case.
Please stop watching the pile of racist and ignorant garbage that FAUX NEWS spews out on a daily basis. Dont even watch MSNBC since they are not completely fair either.
There is a difference between the FBI bringing in somebody for questioning versus the internet going "This guy did it!" and moving on to the next one saying the same thing over and over again. There is also a huge difference in sending a tip to the FBI versus telling everybody on the internet about it. Crimes are not solved by the number of likes.
Also, who cares what news program you watch as long as you are smart enough to make rational sense of irrational programming.
Depends on the severity of what you're implying, Frell, and how much the misinformation catches and spreads. For instance, this guy is now worried that his name will forever be google-linking him to being a suspect cause of some radio idiot who couldnt read:
While those images do look very convincing, and possibly the right person, I'm going to wait until investigators release information. I really hate when the media starts railroading innocent people, when they come up with their own conclusion.
While those images do look very convincing, and possibly the right person, I'm going to wait until investigators release information. I really hate when the media starts railroading innocent people, when they come up with their own conclusion.
Exactly, the internet-mob is already (and as seen in this thread) taking the first best suspect picture to pass around,
Analyzing pictures is one thing, but the internet is generally bad at handling the situation when a bunch of faces have been singled out, and they're generally bad at thinking outside that one picture they saw being spread around facebook.
Also: INFOWARS have already found the suspects to be alien reptile people from within the government.
What I find disturbing is not so much the fact that people are actively combing photos looking for odd behvior (that's actually pretty cool since it can basically help the investigation), but rather, the fact that not a *single* one of these red circled, accusatory images have any some sort of disclaimer on them, indicating that this is speculation and not necessarily the actual bomber being spotted. That would take about 5 seconds to add !!
What I find disturbing is not so much the fact that people are actively combing photos looking for odd behvior (that's actually pretty cool since it can basically help the investigation), but rather, the fact that not a *single* one of these red circled, accusatory images have any some sort of disclaimer on them, indicating that this is speculation and not necessarily the bomber. That would take about 5 seconds to add !!
I'd say since these images originated from 4chan all that info was in the actual image thread, accompanying the image, image working as a "look here about what I'm writing on", to later be spread threadless.
Of course yeah - but I would think that 4chan users would know enough about internet culture to realize that said images will probably be reposted out of context and misinterpreted dozens of times pretty much instantly ...
So yea it could be a right wing extremist trying to "take back" a liberal city that has fallen off the "patriotic path". Or it could be that the person just figured that would be a good day to inflict a lot of pain and get a lot of coverage.
I'm not a fan of right wing politics but no one knows for sure what the motive was and I think we should wait and see rather than jump to conclusions that could be wrong.
It's kind of ineffective at spreading a message or making a point if no one actually makes a point or publishes a message. So then it looks more likely that the message was just "terror, you aren't safe anywhere".
You keep bringing up race, stop trying to manufacture controversy. We hate to upset you but there isn't a Muslim witch hunt going on in the US right now.
You mean this one? Doesnt look white to me. Anyway, why does everything have to turn into a race issue....all....the....time?
It seems like if it was some terrorist organization or extremist trying to make a point, they would have owned up to it and somehow found a way to let their point be known. Al Qaeda was never shy about taking responsibility for their attacks as far as I am aware.
Looks like this is unrolling like a batman scenario etc, etc, etc.
This goes for the internet picture detectives or followers with cherry picking suspicion as well.
During times like this the news sites tend to get bogged down and I can rarely get a video feed to play.
There are LOTS of contradictory reports coming out right now as to whether there has or hasn't been an arrest.
Yeah there are too many reports conflicting one another. I'm watching a few news stations now, back and forth and apparently 2 reports "very close to investigations" said that there has been no arrest, they found a suspect in a video but haven't actually found him yet and are looking.
I hate how they start bothering grieving family members so shortly after the tragedy.
They were going to do the entire "Action" ad that a German company did for their TV station about pressing a button, and action unfolding, that's it.
Bad timing honestly, I guess they weren't fast enough in taking it down.
Well, at least that's how it stands at the moment.
-nevermind I see they edited the site with the info
Suspect list is all over the place at the moment, and most likely will be for the coming week, and the internet with all of it's "here is proof on who did it" emails won't be helping the case.
that guy might be guilty, but we have a thing called "innocent until proven guilty" in this country.
Also, who cares what news program you watch as long as you are smart enough to make rational sense of irrational programming.
for all you know that guy could be a local polycounter taking a day off in a public event.
people's lives get ruined because of false accusations.
as for that is another site with a host who thinks there are alien reptilian living among us.
Also, this is a pretty well-audited compilation, being pretty regularly updated:
Ohh!! Shutup !!!
Exactly, the internet-mob is already (and as seen in this thread) taking the first best suspect picture to pass around,
Analyzing pictures is one thing, but the internet is generally bad at handling the situation when a bunch of faces have been singled out, and they're generally bad at thinking outside that one picture they saw being spread around facebook.
Also: INFOWARS have already found the suspects to be alien reptile people from within the government.
I'd say since these images originated from 4chan all that info was in the actual image thread, accompanying the image, image working as a "look here about what I'm writing on", to later be spread threadless.