That was posted yesterday by your fellow "lets all link to the conspiracies on the net" breathern. Hel, You even got beat to the punch by Mike who posted real official news from the FBI. You can only get credit for starting the thread. But your follow ups immediately dived into hearsay.
The guys in khakis are CST, National Guard soldiers who look for bombs. They're at every large public event, you just don't generally notice them. They're there to try to find a bomb and evac an area or lock down that area and assist first responders if a bomb has gone off. Basically they're crowd control.
ok, here is another fun speculative theory for you Peanut :P
those two guys were hired by NRA (financed by weapons manufacturers) and brain washed to carry out these acts to create more fear about security and government that would lead to more weapon sales.
I mean obviously going out in public for the next 48 hours would be a bad idea, but it will blow over very quickly after all of the FBI pictures circle around on twitter/facebook and make headlines everywhere
Yes Frell, lol. A 17 year old kid should hide inside for a few days just incase some vigilante nut hasn't heard he's innocent and might still be after him. What a drama queen right? There's nothing scary about everyone thinking you're the number one suspect in a case like this is there?
I never said it wasn't serious, and I never said HE over reacted, I said the people saying it would "ruin his life for years to come" over reacted, give me a break.
Wow, I feel about ready to throw up reading these last few pages. Can we give the conspiracy theories a rest? Speculating is one thing but I think some people are going too far. Real people were hurt here... this is not an episode of scooby doo. Have some respect and leave the investigation to the professionals.
Thursday, April 18, 2013 11:20
Responding agencies continue to investigate active shooter incident at building 32(Stata). Please stay indoors and away from Building 32((Stata) and surrounding area.
At 10:48 PM today gunshots were reported near Building 32 (Stata) which is currently surrounded by responding agencies. The area is cordoned off. Please stay clear of area until further notice. Unknown if injuries have occurred.. Although the situation is considered active and extremely dangerous, an investigation is underway. Updates will be provided at this site when more information becomes available.
frell you seem desperate to pin this on an arab, you are starting to disgust me. Please take it to stormfront.
You should not 'enjoy' speculating on horrific events like this. It should not be a stimulating exercise, three people are fucking dead. Might I suggest leaving the house this weekend, going to the movies, or on a road trip, or read a book or play some games, or hell, push some polys. Let the men who are paid to investigate do so and let's have less of your 'just sayin' '.
and apparently WHDH is reporting a shooting and explosion situation in Watertown too
Apparently it's related to the Boston marathon bombing and is involving one of the suspects and gun fire.
I personally feel if you find any information you should just give it to police. Feel free to post all the videos and photos you have from the incident, but don't go naming penitential suspects. People are irrational and you don't need to smear someone's name just because they look like someone.
FRELL just little kiddo who enjoy witch hunt stuff, what to expect ... his entire post just screaming FOX news and quality.
hoahm ..
you guise never seen something like this aren't you? the suspect won't go away. sit back and relax , let police do the job. if you see them, report it to police.
I didn't investigate anything, someone else pointed it out hurr durr. I just say "oh cool" post it here to piss you guys off and then go back to work. You really think id waste my time CREATING speculation? I haven't created or edited any pictures in this thread, I've found all of them
frell you seem desperate to pin this on an arab, you are starting to disgust me. Please take it to stormfront.
You should not 'enjoy' speculating on horrific events like this. It should not be a stimulating exercise, three people are fucking dead. Might I suggest leaving the house this weekend, going to the movies, or on a road trip, or read a book or play some games, or hell, push some polys. Let the men who are paid to investigate do so and let's have less of your 'just sayin' '.
No actually I had no clue he was Arab and honestly did not care, I was expecting this to be some mentally unstable white dude from inside the US from the get-go
^ Agreed. Exploiting a currently unfolding situation just for your trolling pleasure in a community of professionals (some that even work in Boston) is just damn shameful.
Anyway they got to his uncles in Maryland, one couldn't believe it, and the other regarded the suspect that was shot as a "loser". Lots of relatives questioned, no doubt they have the correct guy identified, and the dead suspect is his brother (Tamerlan Tsarnaev) who is 7 years older.
Update from BPD twitter, for those in the area: #WANTED: Police seeking MA Plate: 316-ES9, ’99 Honda CRV, Color - Gray. Possible suspect car. Do not approach.
Stay safe you guys. They're warning everyone to only answer the door for uniformed police/fbi.
Im glad they have suspects and know who they are looking for. Like I said, it wasnt any of the people in those initial pictures. Good riddance to the dead one...
I get that they are not from the US. And I get that they are muslim. But, again, as soon as they found this stuff out, all thats being said is Al Qaida now. One of the news reports I just watched said Al Qaida at least 5 times in the same sentence. It's possible to do bad things without being apart of that group. The only good news report ive seen so far is the one that said they havent lived in russia for quite a long time, so much so that they should be looking at who raised them lately, rather than way back when. They moved long before they were a mature age. Just because they came from a different country, doesnt mean they are part of a specific terrorist group. But I dunno. Maybe Im just use to having foreigners around.
Everyone thats being interviewed about the brothers say they didnt seem off. seemed normal. Not shady or anything.
Which news broadcasters are saying Al Queda? The only talks of Al Queda I've heard this whole time was authorities did not believe they had anything to do with it and weren't claiming responsibility.
Well they did find propaganda on the feed of one of their Youtube accounts... and the news i'm watching (local Boston stations) haven't been name-dropping al Qaeda at all or even making connections to Chechnyan rebels either.
is where ive heard al qaeda thrown around a lot. Not in the last little bit. but definitely before. Right now they are mainly focusing on all the people that said they are good kids.
If it was a group that organized more people would have died
I don't think you understand what 'Al Qaeda' actually is. It's not an organised group, it's an ideological movement that would operate much like Anonymous does.
I don't think you understand what 'Al Qaeda' actually is. It's not an organised group, it's an ideological movement that would operate much like Anonymous does.
Isn't that "Jihad" ? Pretty sure Al Qaeda is a group reddit's being hit by a DDoS attack. Dunno if it's related...but the news-compilation thread over there (not the sleuth threads, mind you) was a pretty good thing to refresh occasionally.
FRELL just little kiddo who enjoy witch hunt stuff, what to expect ... his entire post just screaming FOX news and quality.
hoahm ..
you guise never seen something like this aren't you? the suspect won't go away. sit back and relax , let police do the job. if you see them, report it to police.
and being accused as terrorist is not fun.
lol lol lol lol.
If the police and enforcement could've done their job, this wouldnt've happened at the first place. Assuming US spends billions of dollars on their intelligence agencies.
Being accused as terrorist is not fun indeed but I am sure whom they are going to point their fingers to as i see people at work already start saying that "bomb-blasting and suicide bombing is a muslim thing."
Any hoo, please disregard my gibberish as I cant help it sometimes in terms of speaking my mind.
Stop, you've been trying to bait someone this whole discussion. You are equally responsible for the bad behavior that's been going on in this thread.
Certainly not. Take your personal feelings elsewhere. I've been baiting no one, merely expressing my horror at the loss of life etc. Two, three posts max. does not indicate bating or 'lol I'm trolling for fun to piss you gaiz off'. All in your head lad.
That was posted yesterday by your fellow "lets all link to the conspiracies on the net" breathern. Hel, You even got beat to the punch by Mike who posted real official news from the FBI. You can only get credit for starting the thread. But your follow ups immediately dived into hearsay.
Holy Toledo Batman! You're right! No wonder your the worlds greatest detective!
those two guys were hired by NRA (financed by weapons manufacturers) and brain washed to carry out these acts to create more fear about security and government that would lead to more weapon sales.
HOW THE HELL did you find a Grey and take a picture of it!!! :poly136:
I guess all the speculation will eventually lead to the right people, just have to go down that list I suppose.
That kid should speak with a lawyer and ass rape that news paper.
well he is lucky that he stopped the witch hunt himself, other wise there would be some NRA nut job out there trying to carry out street justice.
Glad you're enjoying all of this.
Some of you need to seriously grow up.
something going down near MIT right now..
Thursday, April 18, 2013 11:20
Responding agencies continue to investigate active shooter incident at building 32(Stata). Please stay indoors and away from Building 32((Stata) and surrounding area.
At 10:48 PM today gunshots were reported near Building 32 (Stata) which is currently surrounded by responding agencies. The area is cordoned off. Please stay clear of area until further notice. Unknown if injuries have occurred.. Although the situation is considered active and extremely dangerous, an investigation is underway. Updates will be provided at this site when more information becomes available.
You should not 'enjoy' speculating on horrific events like this. It should not be a stimulating exercise, three people are fucking dead. Might I suggest leaving the house this weekend, going to the movies, or on a road trip, or read a book or play some games, or hell, push some polys. Let the men who are paid to investigate do so and let's have less of your 'just sayin' '.
Apparently it's related to the Boston marathon bombing and is involving one of the suspects and gun fire.
I personally feel if you find any information you should just give it to police. Feel free to post all the videos and photos you have from the incident, but don't go naming penitential suspects. People are irrational and you don't need to smear someone's name just because they look like someone.
EDIT: Apparently dead. The other suspect is still at large
Another photo, taken at the 7-11 (courtesy of WBZ)
hoahm ..
you guise never seen something like this aren't you? the suspect won't go away. sit back and relax , let police do the job. if you see them, report it to police.
and being accused as terrorist is not fun.
(associatedpress information released this hour, not some reddit witchhunt information)
No actually I had no clue he was Arab and honestly did not care, I was expecting this to be some mentally unstable white dude from inside the US from the get-go
World View: Islam... just sayin
It's not cool, and you need to dial it right down or you'll be removed from the conversation. You're on thin ice
Anyway they got to his uncles in Maryland, one couldn't believe it, and the other regarded the suspect that was shot as a "loser". Lots of relatives questioned, no doubt they have the correct guy identified, and the dead suspect is his brother (Tamerlan Tsarnaev) who is 7 years older.
But of course ....
Stay safe you guys. They're warning everyone to only answer the door for uniformed police/fbi.
I just want to reenforce this, anyone trolling in this thread may have their posting privileges removed either temporarily or permanently.
Stop, you've been trying to bait someone this whole discussion. You are equally responsible for the bad behavior that's been going on in this thread.
I get that they are not from the US. And I get that they are muslim. But, again, as soon as they found this stuff out, all thats being said is Al Qaida now. One of the news reports I just watched said Al Qaida at least 5 times in the same sentence. It's possible to do bad things without being apart of that group. The only good news report ive seen so far is the one that said they havent lived in russia for quite a long time, so much so that they should be looking at who raised them lately, rather than way back when. They moved long before they were a mature age. Just because they came from a different country, doesnt mean they are part of a specific terrorist group. But I dunno. Maybe Im just use to having foreigners around.
Everyone thats being interviewed about the brothers say they didnt seem off. seemed normal. Not shady or anything.
I hope they catch this other fucker though.
If it was a group that organized more people would have died
is where ive heard al qaeda thrown around a lot. Not in the last little bit. but definitely before. Right now they are mainly focusing on all the people that said they are good kids.
I don't think you understand what 'Al Qaeda' actually is. It's not an organised group, it's an ideological movement that would operate much like Anonymous does.
Al-Qaeda (pron.: /
lol lol lol lol.
If the police and enforcement could've done their job, this wouldnt've happened at the first place. Assuming US spends billions of dollars on their intelligence agencies.
Being accused as terrorist is not fun indeed but I am sure whom they are going to point their fingers to as i see people at work already start saying that "bomb-blasting and suicide bombing is a muslim thing."
Any hoo, please disregard my gibberish as I cant help it sometimes in terms of speaking my mind.
please continue on with your discussion.
Certainly not. Take your personal feelings elsewhere. I've been baiting no one, merely expressing my horror at the loss of life etc. Two, three posts max. does not indicate bating or 'lol I'm trolling for fun to piss you gaiz off'. All in your head lad.