If it's ok with everyone, I would like to take over running the Art Jams for a bit. I think it's important to keep this going. katana, LordSebbington, and myself reviewed the suggestions made on this thread and talked to some other polycounters who would like to take part, and we have decided on some themes which I have writen below.
We also noticed there was a divide between people who wanted to use this as a short weekend project (just for fun) and people who want to spend a bit longer (perhaps to make something for their portfolio). For this reason we have set a main theme (1st title) which will run over the two weeks, and two sub-themes (2nd and 3rd title) which will run over the first half and second half of the two weeks. These are not rules, but options to help people get the most out of this Art Jam.
Here are the themes we have at the moment and their respective dates;
14th June - Warhammer - wk1: Fantasy, wk2:40k
28th June - Shadowrun - wk1: Magic, wk2: Technology
12th July - Aliens - wk1: We Come In Peace, wk2: We've Come For Dinner
We have a load more topics prepared, so if people seem happy with this set up after a few weeks we will add some more to the calendar!
Just to be clear, the main theme, for example 'Warhammer', will take place over both weeks, so people can enter anything under this theme. The sub-themes, for example 'Fantasy' and '40k', will be optional challenges for people to complete within the first and second week ('Fantasy' for the 1st week, '40k' for the second week).
We are currently operating a rotational system for who ultimately decides the themes. I've chosen Warhammer for the first two weeks and I'll be responsible for helping start and oversee the Art Jam on while this theme is on. katana will help out with the Shadowrun theme, and LordSebbtington with the Aliens theme. We'll keep switching who picks the themes every two weeks, so if anyone wants to get involved in this rotation let me know!
Good reference material,
Some are harder than others but its never going to please both disciplines unfortunately. I can see it being very character heavy in the end.
Also I don't find it very character driven at all, the only one that seemed like it is "pets" and even that can be worked with.
Try to do something during lunch.
Thought I would start with some fanart for Slackjaw, just a block-in right now so got a ways to go - C&C would be great too
...and just a self crit of stuff I gotta fix.
Great start though, Hopefully I will be able to get something going tomorrow.
I'm gonna do something Environment driven for this, need to push myself with small deadlines so this will be great!
a little thing from me:
I started to learn drawing 3 months ago so its not much but still im quite happy.:D Based on one of the sculpts from dishonored.
Torch: looking great
Hatred: Could picture that guy in the dishonored universe or it could be Wayne Rooney
Here is what I got done during lunch, yes it is a "steampunk" wacom pen, still quite some to do on it before starting on the lowpoly and textures
Torch - looking good, look forward to seeing your cloth
Hatred - recognised him straight away, keep it up
Stromberg90 - I want one haha
g2000 - cant wait
heres a 30 minute scribble from last night, still early on
Edit: Ok scratch that, Idk who I'm going to make, its gonna be a bust but not that, we will see.
well i'm having a go at the overseer's mask. need to fix up the eye area a lot
Here's my WIP. To break a spell something not connected with dishonored the game xD
I tried to paint a self portrait in Dishonored's style; it's not really successful because the game works with overly wrinkly middle aged men and I'm too baby faced if anything, so it became a bit of an in-between that doesn't actually look like me. Regardless, Lord Zwebbleton:
Well I was really inspired by the Golden Cat location in Dishonored so decided to go down that route. Gonna work on this all week and see how far I can push it, will probably add a few more assets
great job crazyfool,appreciate the effort!
But more of the build along the line of this guy:
Or this guy:
So after a few hours of work this evening I give you, Not a bad guy... guy.
A few things that need work, the ears need to be actually worked on, the nose needs to be drawn out, and the rest of the head needs to be done not just the face. I want to say a HUGE thanks to Joe, his anatomy class however short lived as it was, was amazing and taught me allot of things, I'm using the base he loaned me for this guy, I hope he doesn't mind, as I wont be using it for anything other than practice, thanks Joe, hope whatever happened blows over.
Had a quick go at bashing something together. Just a random head, really need to refine it so much wrong right now. I will also add some story and clothes to the bust later on. Modeled from a sphere.
So yeah, I'm thinking Bill the butcher as a character of Dishonored. He has that nasty feeling that a lot of the characters exude in the game.
Pretty much base meshes so far, and def. doesn't have that dishonored feeling yet, tho I think I should get the look right before changing proportions and such. Crits are welcome.
@zweebie and phixel: Really nice sketches!
Im gonna do a bust, and here I started out with the main form.Soon he's gonna turn into someone else when I "Dishonor" him.
LP model inbound.
Avanthera: Damn, those mustachy, heat wearing.. magician kind of looking characters are so awesome.
pixelb: I was looking at that concept as well, very atmospheric. Will look forward on how you'll balance out all the red color. Gogogogo
I've decided to go with the crossbow for now. I've found only 1 drawing from the side + a blocked out model, but it's a bit confusing as they don't match up at quite a few places. But hey.. that leaves room for imagination and freeeeeedom
Modeling and texturing done in 3D coat.
No no, I meant those were what I was referencing, here I'll fix it, the one at the bottom is my 3d Model, spent 2-3 hours on it, shout-out to Joe Brown for teaching me muscle groups of the face.