Tom - Cheers for the note about Topology, have tweaked it quite a bit, think I could have made it a lot better but will keep it in mind for the next model, time is of the essence Prob won't finish texture in time for Fri but has been fun working on it this week:
Tom - Cheers for the note about Topology, have tweaked it quite a bit, think I could have made it a lot better but will keep it in mind for the next model, time is of the essence Prob won't finish texture in time for Fri but has been fun working on it this week:
Don't stop man! it didn't take me to long to do that simple texture I got, yours is much larger model sure but even a base texture will bring it to life. Even if you don't finish the texture in time, that's a amazing model, especially considering the time constraints.
@ crazyfool : Thanks for the feedback man :thumbup:. Since I am taking him further I think I will have to move those "sternocleidomastoid" muscles.... hahahah wow what great word instantly adds glasses and IQ points .
Your guy is looking killer, soo much character you have really nailed the style. My only sticking point would be that perhaps his shoulders are little too wide? maybe?
@ ScudzAlmighty : Great work Mr. Reminds me of Bill Compton from True Blood.
@ Torch : haha you are going all the way with that guy! AWESOME.
Forgot to post this up here yesterday. Not really any more to show yet but I did figure out who or what he is.
Keep em coming guys and girls...... This thread is the best Jerry....... the best.
Think Im calling him done, its gone a bit realistic haha but oh well. gotta be the fastest cloth sculptin Ive done everrrrr haha.
Weish - that is awesome man, please MOARRRRR!!!!!!
Carter - lovely bake and model, would be cool to see some wires
Speed87 - looks like a real solid base, might help to make the cloth extra thick to fit with the style possibly
Mats effect - looks lovely, some material definition or harsher lighting could send it over the edge maybe
Bonkahe - cool gif I think be careful of your cheek bones as they curl around the face a bit at the moment, studying planes of the face could help
alifarsangi - keeps getting better and better haha, hope to see you in future jams
Andreas - looking great so far, be careful not to make them too uniform or they will come across as fake, they are looking really good though,
Scudz - cheers man, Be careful of the outer brow maybe on yours as it pulls in a bit unnaturally at the moment.
Dado Almeida - love them dude, the dirty whalers haha. That last one is rocking it too
Stromberg90 - I got my fingers crossed you get the time to finish haha, maybe watch the strap as it has a funny angle on the bit that hangs.
Tehsplatt - yea instantly recognisable
EtotheRic - looking good, I think just be careful of the area between cheek bone and ear, it shouldnt go in there really.
Gilesruscoe - nice, got a bit of civil war feel to him, you could probably push the style a bit more but I like the forehead, the central brow maybe dips too much.
Jeff Parrot - thats really cool, love the style you have going on, makes it look really sweet and heart warming haha. lovely palette choice.
mat - thats wicked haha, got a castlevania vibe to me at the moment.
Torch - you are so mad to do a whole character haha, I think the loops around the upper arm could still go straighter and maybe some more edgeloops around the shoulder for deformation but yea probably best to try it on the next one.
Duncan - Brachio radialus is another gooden haha, hes looking sweeeeeeet will be interesting to see where you take him.
@CrazyFool - Thanks man, yeah I should probably have used more references, but live and learn. I'm done with this one guys, see you on the other side. For anyone wondering, cghub's a pretty good place to host images, still using dropcanvas for the gifs cause of their size and all.
PS: I know I could have used 1024x1024 textures and probably got close to the same result, and I would have, but I figured I'm not actually gonna put this in a game, its just a bust, so what the heck.
@Makecg - I think it will probably be like this one, where its anything having to do with the subject, I think I'm going to do something different, 2D or hand painted at least. I'm tired of throwing around millions of polys.
mat: awes dude, please post more ^^
crazyfool: always a fan of your work sir, very awesome
guedin: super fun man, i love it!
scudz: progressing awesome man : D
mat: awes dude, please post more ^^
crazyfool: always a fan of your work sir, very awesome
guedin: super fun man, i love it!
scudz: progressing awesome man : D
ScudzAlmighty - thanks for the pointers, yeah i had to go back and tried to push the shapes a bit more in the face , hopefully its a bit more dishonoredified now :P
Crazyfool- Hello Good call on the clothes , should try to not use dynamesh so much for stuff like that next time , or probably do a quick retopo for that The way you handled the cloth is super awesome. So much character.
Jeff Parrot - Such an interesting Idea there , maybe pop out the highlights more on the heart .
mat - looks pretty cool for an hour and half dude, maybe you could decrease the collar size slightly , unless you're stylizing it
Torch- O_0 you so fast dude .pls finish the textures.
duncan - Love the proportions on this guy , some nice harder edges in the body to fit the dishonored style would be killer.
Bonkahe - Nice final and textures , eyes could be a lil less flat , if you have the upper eyelid slightly overlapping the lower eyelid , and having them harder . Till the next one
alifarsangi - NIce mask maybe the wires and cords holding it together could have a bit more tension and variation in thickness .
Carter - woot , so nice , maybe some painterly strokes here and there.
Lady Knowles- Nice textures , so cool .
Weisheng - Love dat diffuse.
Afisher -THis is awesome , thanks for the timelapse
first let me introduce me. My name is Sebastian and I´m a freelance artist from germany.
I was happy to see another art thread from crazyfool, after I had a lot of fun in the daily sculpting thread at GA.
I hope I´ll find enough time to participiate in a few themes.
The quality of work by everyone, produced in one week, is absolutely stunning.
I decided to sculpt the strange horse. I don´t know if it´s really in the game, but I like the concept.
Well I am having another go at this, going for an extreme expression. Its very early days so i will make it more angular and add some more clothes, hair, glasses etc. awesome work everyone.
This is my sculpt for the art jam. I don't think I will be able to make much more progress on it by tomorrow but I am looking forward to the next art jam. Thanks for organizing the Art Jam Friday's crazyfool. Awesome work everyone!
Whelp... I got fed up with this almost straight away; no idea why. Maybe cause I've not played the game. End result is disastrous but just need to be done with it. Hope the idea is conveyed anyways. Planned to do droplets of blood on the crossbow bolt and use a smarter camera angle but feck it, I'm done with it. Had a wake-up call or two along the way too re: how far my organic modelling skills have slipped. I'm just a hobbyist these days but still. So gonna take it as lesson learned and practice these things more.
Great work everyone! Some amazing busts here. Lady, your entry is my favourite. Really nice colour harmony. For an artist who has only been at it for as long as you have it's pretty clear you're going places.
Thanks crazyfool and dchung! Really awesome week in here. Tons of variety and ideas. Awesome inspiration and start to this. I'm call this done. All hand painted in 3D Coat. It's 343 polys or something around there.
So, I have never posted any work on Polycount before, but this looked fun so I thought I would join in. I am still pretty new to Zbrush and learning how to do stuff in it, but this is my attempt at making something Dishonored themed. I had a lot of fun doing this and am looking forward to the other art jams.
i havnt played the game so i went with the images i found online . The main thing i tried to do is get that hard facialplanes look in there but its hard to get the balance right. Maybe i`ll tweak it a bit tomorrow
So much amazing work here... I especially like your work Weisheng, you kept the art direction while being very low poly.
I really adored this game, it would be a shame if I hadn't join the fun, and I had plenty of it while doing my modest contribution.
Not sure if i'll be part of the Ghibli's Jam though ^^ But I'll keep my eyes on your work guys.
Lol, I thought a woman would be easier than a man (not the reason I did it) but getting it to look womanly and dishonoredly wasn't that easy. Hope I got it rite. Anyway, tried to present it nicely lol:
Some cool art in here; I especially like dat whale, frump. I haven't seen them in game yet, but that looks so cool
Well I got a late start with this yesterday, but I wanted in on the Dishonored theme. Decided to try my hand at painting an older Empress Emily Kaldwin, as I really liked her character in the game.
Love Dishonoured, the focus on the heavy frowns reminded me a lot of DBZ so I had a quick go at mashing the two together. Not sure it's that successful but I had fun
Then got a bit jealous of all the awesome sculpts here so tried real fast to knock something together before bed - sadly I need sleep but here's something I might finish over the weekend.
Omega: Thats pretty awesome, would love to see a Dishonored Vegeta.
Two Listen: Aside from Samuel, Emily was the only character I liked.
Brwnbread: I think you got it! I noticed a lot of the characters have slightly rat-like features, so good job
Abrvpt: You NAILED it!
Ravenslayer: Gotta agree with Scudz, its very well done but I think you took the stylization too far. I think you just over-enlarged the facial features, a lot of the characters seem to have beady little eyes.
Here's mine, I had a lot of fun with this! I'll get around to posting a better render. Maybe instead of doing Ghibli I'll take this guy to low-poly
This sounds so cool , sadly Im not a character artist myself , and my schedule is filled , but I gladly visit the thread , maybe give some feedack and gasp at the awesome art.
fantastic work everyone, thats it for 'dishonored' but if you are still going then feel free to post your updates in here still as we all want to see them
this weeks theme is.....
so remember you can do whatever you want aslong as it somehow relates to the theme,
Tom - Cheers for the note about Topology, have tweaked it quite a bit, think I could have made it a lot better but will keep it in mind for the next model, time is of the essence
Don't stop man! it didn't take me to long to do that simple texture I got, yours is much larger model sure but even a base texture will bring it to life. Even if you don't finish the texture in time, that's a amazing model, especially considering the time constraints.
Your guy is looking killer, soo much character you have really nailed the style. My only sticking point would be that perhaps his shoulders are little too wide? maybe?
@ ScudzAlmighty : Great work Mr. Reminds me of Bill Compton from True Blood.
@ Torch : haha you are going all the way with that guy! AWESOME.
Forgot to post this up here yesterday. Not really any more to show yet but I did figure out who or what he is.
Keep em coming guys and girls...... This thread is the best Jerry....... the best.
Weish - that is awesome man, please MOARRRRR!!!!!!
Carter - lovely bake and model, would be cool to see some wires
Speed87 - looks like a real solid base, might help to make the cloth extra thick to fit with the style possibly
Mats effect - looks lovely, some material definition or harsher lighting could send it over the edge maybe
Bonkahe - cool gif
alifarsangi - keeps getting better and better haha, hope to see you in future jams
Andreas - looking great so far, be careful not to make them too uniform or they will come across as fake, they are looking really good though,
Scudz - cheers man, Be careful of the outer brow maybe on yours as it pulls in a bit unnaturally at the moment.
Dado Almeida - love them dude, the dirty whalers haha. That last one is rocking it too
Stromberg90 - I got my fingers crossed you get the time to finish haha, maybe watch the strap as it has a funny angle on the bit that hangs.
Tehsplatt - yea instantly recognisable
EtotheRic - looking good, I think just be careful of the area between cheek bone and ear, it shouldnt go in there really.
Gilesruscoe - nice, got a bit of civil war feel to him, you could probably push the style a bit more but I like the forehead, the central brow maybe dips too much.
Jeff Parrot - thats really cool, love the style you have going on, makes it look really sweet and heart warming haha. lovely palette choice.
mat - thats wicked haha, got a castlevania vibe to me at the moment.
Torch - you are so mad to do a whole character haha, I think the loops around the upper arm could still go straighter and maybe some more edgeloops around the shoulder for deformation but yea probably best to try it on the next one.
Duncan - Brachio radialus is another gooden haha, hes looking sweeeeeeet
Fantastic stuff guys
PS: I know I could have used 1024x1024 textures and probably got close to the same result, and I would have, but I figured I'm not actually gonna put this in a game, its just a bust, so what the heck.
thanks ScudzAlmighty & Bonkahe for feedback ! i changed overall texture and material setting !
So here is my Double Final Render for Corvo's mask !
Some great looking stuff here! Almost done with this, clocking in at 1484 tris will take a look at it tomorrow
All textured, still WIP in some places (Specially that marble) but there ya go:
crazyfool: always a fan of your work sir, very awesome
guedin: super fun man, i love it!
scudz: progressing awesome man : D
decided to tidy this up a smidgen
weish, crazyfool, duncan, TehSplatt, ladyknowles: Great stuff!!
I couldn't resist and had to join in the fun
and a timelapse if anyone's interested:
Could we by any chance get a texture flat?
Good job guys! \o/
Crazyfool- Hello
Jeff Parrot - Such an interesting Idea there , maybe pop out the highlights more on the heart .
mat - looks pretty cool for an hour and half dude, maybe you could decrease the collar size slightly , unless you're stylizing it
Torch- O_0 you so fast dude .pls finish the textures.
duncan - Love the proportions on this guy , some nice harder edges in the body to fit the dishonored style would be killer.
Bonkahe - Nice final and textures , eyes could be a lil less flat , if you have the upper eyelid slightly overlapping the lower eyelid , and having them harder . Till the next one
alifarsangi - NIce mask
Carter - woot , so nice , maybe some painterly strokes here and there.
Lady Knowles- Nice textures , so cool .
Weisheng - Love dat diffuse.
Afisher -THis is awesome , thanks for the timelapse
first let me introduce me. My name is Sebastian and I´m a freelance artist from germany.
I was happy to see another art thread from crazyfool, after I had a lot of fun in the daily sculpting thread at GA.
I hope I´ll find enough time to participiate in a few themes.
The quality of work by everyone, produced in one week, is absolutely stunning.
I decided to sculpt the strange horse. I don´t know if it´s really in the game, but I like the concept.
Looking forward to ghibli week...
oy gov'nor
Whelp... I got fed up with this almost straight away; no idea why. Maybe cause I've not played the game. End result is disastrous but just need to be done with it. Hope the idea is conveyed anyways.
Great work everyone! Some amazing busts here. Lady, your entry is my favourite.
See you guys for Ghibli tomorrow.
So, I have never posted any work on Polycount before, but this looked fun so I thought I would join in. I am still pretty new to Zbrush and learning how to do stuff in it, but this is my attempt at making something Dishonored themed. I had a lot of fun doing this and am looking forward to the other art jams.
i`ll put a timelapse up tomorrow
I really adored this game, it would be a shame if I hadn't join the fun, and I had plenty of it while doing my modest contribution.
Not sure if i'll be part of the Ghibli's Jam though ^^ But I'll keep my eyes on your work guys.
Some cool art in here; I especially like dat whale, frump. I haven't seen them in game yet, but that looks so cool
Then got a bit jealous of all the awesome sculpts here so tried real fast to knock something together before bed - sadly I need sleep but here's something I might finish over the weekend.
Two Listen: Aside from Samuel, Emily was the only character I liked.
Brwnbread: I think you got it! I noticed a lot of the characters have slightly rat-like features, so good job
Abrvpt: You NAILED it!
Ravenslayer: Gotta agree with Scudz, its very well done but I think you took the stylization too far. I think you just over-enlarged the facial features, a lot of the characters seem to have beady little eyes.
Here's mine, I had a lot of fun with this! I'll get around to posting a better render. Maybe instead of doing Ghibli I'll take this guy to low-poly
Here is mine. I think I messed up the hair...
next time ill actually render hopefully.
My first post on polycount =D
Was debating whether to go bed or not, but knocked something off in about 2hrs, didnt want to miss the chance
Good luck.
and awesome sculpt of course. Looks sweet!
this weeks theme is.....
so remember you can do whatever you want aslong as it somehow relates to the theme,
There's tons of reference here, from sets, character sheets and vehicule designs and concept art on this site
Heres some stuff I did so far working on more.
Has anyone had luck using Applink in z4R5? I get an error about some text file.
Part 4
Part 5
I think next time I do videos I'm just going to splice them all together and post one at the end.
@crazyfool - Thanks for the feedback! I fixed his cheekbones, then covered them in hair. I swear I fixed it though!
Here is what I came up with for the Dishonored challenge.
Thanks again for the idea, had loads of fun working on this + have learnt a few things.
I've got a question though: would 4k tris for this weapon be acceptable in a game like Dishonored? Thank you