Here's my start on the Ghibli week. It's stupid high poly at 2330 now. Going to try and reduce some. More concerned with the textures though. This is shown unlit with no shading currently. Using 1 1024x512 texture I'll prolly reduce that in half though at the end.
@Bishop313 - I also was thinking about Porco Rosso! Fingers crossed for your model @jocz - Totoro creepier than ever xD
My favorite Ghibli movie is Howl's Moving Castle, movie and book are just amazing!!!<3
Here's Howl stylized for character concept from some Korean MMO mixed with k-pop boysband singer
I really like the way the thread is so I hope we don't get ninja'd. P&P gets the most exposure and it will be a great thread to go through in the end. The crossover days make it a bit weird but it should fade out pretty quickly into the new theme
I'm with crazyfool. 1 thread for everything. It's cool scrolling and seeing all the approaches to subject easier. Most of these are giant projects too. If they were month topics then sure. But weekly topics are going to be smaller projects (busts, mini enviros, props, etc).
What about just posting in the WAYWO thread or something else if you miss the deadline. I agree that it gets a little confusing when the subjects are blending. After crazyfools giant orange letters it should just be the new topic.
Anyways that's my 2 cents on it.
Here's my progress. I haven't gotten much time to texture the bridge more. still chipping away. The shadows are just block in too to try it. I reduced it to 1782 polys and probably leave it there since it's just for fun.
@Crazyfool: How about, some kind of page index in your starting post to find the right topic?
Maybe somthing like this!
1st February - Ghibli (in time for Ni No Kuni Europe release) PAGE 9 @ Madzia: Hey that "Hauro" is nice. I like the style! Lets see how far i can push my Porco this evening!
@Jeff Parrott: I love your little chibi scene, the only thing I think you should change is to probably make the colors a bit darker and add some length difference in the stone bricks.
Failed to complete the Dishonored arch dome, got stuck on the glass and I hope I can redeem myself with this scene, yes I'm going to lower the box and the wall as they are too high at the moment. Think you can guess what scene it is? high-res
Hmm, this is a really difficult theme. I was wondering if anyone could explain the charm of Ghibli's style to me? I mean, I can understand that the studio has a distinct way of drawing, but it doesn't strike me as something that I can really learn a lot from. What is it that Ghibli does so well that I should pay attention to?
Hmm, this is a really difficult theme. I was wondering if anyone could explain the charm of Ghibli's style to me? I mean, I can understand that the studio has a distinct way of drawing, but it doesn't strike me as something that I can really learn a lot from. What is it that Ghibli does so well that I should pay attention to?
Now i selected one concept which i will be make , its "Nobel".
model and texture both i will do.
I select this image from "Ghibli PS3 Game"
Very soon i will update my model.
Hmm, this is a really difficult theme. I was wondering if anyone could explain the charm of Ghibli's style to me? I mean, I can understand that the studio has a distinct way of drawing, but it doesn't strike me as something that I can really learn a lot from. What is it that Ghibli does so well that I should pay attention to?
Hmm, this is a really difficult theme. I was wondering if anyone could explain the charm of Ghibli's style to me? I mean, I can understand that the studio has a distinct way of drawing, but it doesn't strike me as something that I can really learn a lot from. What is it that Ghibli does so well that I should pay attention to?
I'm not too sure what you mean by learning something from their style? To me they're pretty much the Disney of Japan. Ghibli is held in such high esteem because their films are animated beautifully and have great storytelling not just because of their distinct style.
The way of telling stories for one, The thing i admire most about those movies are the backdrops. If you can`t appreciate that kind of craftsmanship im afraid you have a visual impediment
I'm not too sure what you mean by learning something from their style? To me they're pretty much the Disney of Japan. Ghibli is held in such high esteem because their films are animated beautifully and have great storytelling not just because of their distinct style.
I do happen to have a visual impediment, but I was hoping to get by regardless, if that's okay .
See, I've never seen any of their films, so I'm only familiar with their reputation as the "Disney of Japan". All right, but what I admire about Disney's art work is that they convey the emotions of their characters as a whole. Here's a sketch by Glen Keane that illustrates what I mean. The entire face will change shape, eye sockets and eye brows always work in unison to create a shape, noses aren't static, and so on... whereas the Japanese, Ghibli included, near as I can tell, always tend to treat the face as a collection of symbols. I don't think I can judge them by the same standards... I'm just at a bit of a loss what standards I should use. The backgrounds are quite obviously very skillfully made, but what's the worth of their characters?
Zwebbie, here's a collection of Disney's trailers for Ghibli films that could give you a quick look into Ghibli stuff (doesn't really do Ghibli justice..) [ame=""]The Films of Studio Ghibli / Hayao Miyazaki - YouTube[/ame]
@Zwebbie - from the first post "every week a new topic will be released and its completely up to you how you interpret it." Just do whatever you want, topics are only base to start somewhere, so it's Art Jam not sketch or sculpting tread
I would love to spend more time on my pic but other projects are waiting me so I will finish here. maybe get back to this some day
Hmm, this is a really difficult theme. I was wondering if anyone could explain the charm of Ghibli's style to me? I mean, I can understand that the studio has a distinct way of drawing, but it doesn't strike me as something that I can really learn a lot from. What is it that Ghibli does so well that I should pay attention to?
besides beeing awesome, ghibli movies as opposed to all the latest disney movies are not just plain stupid massmedia to sell toys, their stories have character, their characters have a story to tell. Besides beeing nice i don't remember much about any of the past few disney movies. There is not even one disney movie thats as hard as the tomb of fireflies. All their stories are ao much deeper compared to all of disneys princess barbie flicks.
The animation is superb and while the faces are not as complex as some from disney, they still sell so much more than just ordinary beauty.
Gonna be busy this coming week so I went on and "finished" my #2 for the Ghibli theme.
It was a challenge for me trying to do anime in 3D! the eyes were so hard to get. I don't know but I'm kinda glad I was able to make it "close enough" to my reference! haha
*bg by brukner jan. [got it from google, then blurred it in ps]
@Zwebbie - from the first post "every week a new topic will be released and its completely up to you how you interpret it." Just do whatever you want, topics are only base to start somewhere, so it's Art Jam not sketch or sculpting tread
I would love to spend more time on my pic but other projects are waiting me so I will finish here. maybe get back to this some day
Wow you did an amazing job
Bishop - great idea, I'll do that in a bit
Zwebbie - it's cool man, without seeing the movies I think it may be real difficult to understand as its not the art of a ghibli movie that makes them great, it's the story themselves. So much charm and whimsy, it's a really similar style to some French cinema. It's just lovely haha. It's completely free to interpretation though as others have said
**Edit: i changed some proportions on him makes it look a lot better i think but wasnt worth another post haha
Love Ghibli!
@BrwnBread love that sculpt! Nice presentation too.
Here's my start on the Ghibli week. It's stupid high poly at 2330 now. Going to try and reduce some. More concerned with the textures though. This is shown unlit with no shading currently. Using 1 1024x512 texture I'll prolly reduce that in half though at the end.
heres the timelapse of the Dishonored sculpt
and YAY ghibli
Maybe Porco Rosso
I think that you have to reset the target app to go to photoshop. thats what i had to do
heres a quick sketch I did tonight, just feeling around the style at the moment
You are fast sir! I love Porco Rosso! You've definitely got the feel of his appearance right. =D
I'm gunna get some assymetry going, and also a differnt face for each head.
Jeff parrot, I was totally gonna do no face... that lowpoly and on a bridge aswell LOL. looks like you got it covered though :P
Awesome video ravenslayer, what music did you use?
@jocz - Totoro creepier than ever xD
My favorite Ghibli movie is Howl's Moving Castle, movie and book are just amazing!!!<3
Here's Howl stylized for character concept from some Korean MMO mixed with k-pop boysband singer
I really like the way the thread is so I hope we don't get ninja'd. P&P gets the most exposure and it will be a great thread to go through in the end. The crossover days make it a bit weird but it should fade out pretty quickly into the new theme
Sry for the late upload but here is my Dishonored sculpt:
What about just posting in the WAYWO thread or something else if you miss the deadline. I agree that it gets a little confusing when the subjects are blending. After crazyfools giant orange letters it should just be the new topic.
Anyways that's my 2 cents on it.
Here's my progress. I haven't gotten much time to texture the bridge more. still chipping away. The shadows are just block in too to try it. I reduced it to 1782 polys and probably leave it there since it's just for fun.
I am making one concept
for this, need to push myself with your valuable advice so this will be great!
Very soon i will post my concept.
Maybe somthing like this!
1st February - Ghibli (in time for Ni No Kuni Europe release) PAGE 9
@ Madzia: Hey that "Hauro" is nice. I like the style! Lets see how far i can push my Porco this evening!
Failed to complete the Dishonored arch dome, got stuck on the glass and I hope I can redeem myself with this scene, yes I'm going to lower the box and the wall as they are too high at the moment. Think you can guess what scene it is? high-res
goose bumps? :poly142:
Now i selected one concept which i will be make , its "Nobel".
model and texture both i will do.
I select this image from "Ghibli PS3 Game"
Very soon i will update my model.
The way of telling stories for one, The thing i admire most about those movies are the backdrops ,
If you can`t appreciate that kind of craftsmanship im afraid you have a visual impediment
Also theres only one (animated) movie that got me to the point of tearing up and that was ghiblis Grave of the fireflies
I'm not too sure what you mean by learning something from their style? To me they're pretty much the Disney of Japan. Ghibli is held in such high esteem because their films are animated beautifully and have great storytelling not just because of their distinct style.
*edit: Ravenslayer beat me to it!
I do happen to have a visual impediment, but I was hoping to get by regardless, if that's okay
See, I've never seen any of their films, so I'm only familiar with their reputation as the "Disney of Japan". All right, but what I admire about Disney's art work is that they convey the emotions of their characters as a whole. Here's a sketch by Glen Keane that illustrates what I mean. The entire face will change shape, eye sockets and eye brows always work in unison to create a shape, noses aren't static, and so on... whereas the Japanese, Ghibli included, near as I can tell, always tend to treat the face as a collection of symbols. I don't think I can judge them by the same standards... I'm just at a bit of a loss what standards I should use. The backgrounds are quite obviously very skillfully made, but what's the worth of their characters?
btw, it's gonna be these
I would love to spend more time on my pic but other projects are waiting me so I will finish here. maybe get back to this some day
besides beeing awesome, ghibli movies as opposed to all the latest disney movies are not just plain stupid massmedia to sell toys, their stories have character, their characters have a story to tell. Besides beeing nice i don't remember much about any of the past few disney movies. There is not even one disney movie thats as hard as the tomb of fireflies. All their stories are ao much deeper compared to all of disneys princess barbie flicks.
The animation is superb and while the faces are not as complex as some from disney, they still sell so much more than just ordinary beauty.
Gonna be busy this coming week so I went on and "finished" my #2 for the Ghibli theme.
It was a challenge for me trying to do anime in 3D! the eyes were so hard to get. I don't know but I'm kinda glad I was able to make it "close enough" to my reference! haha
*bg by brukner jan. [got it from google, then blurred it in ps]
awesome jeff and madzia!
Wow you did an amazing job
Bishop - great idea, I'll do that in a bit
Zwebbie - it's cool man, without seeing the movies I think it may be real difficult to understand as its not the art of a ghibli movie that makes them great, it's the story themselves. So much charm and whimsy, it's a really similar style to some French cinema. It's just lovely haha. It's completely free to interpretation though as others have said
Now i wanna to go 4 low-res and texture...