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Deus Ex: Human Revolution



  • Irreal
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    Irreal polycounter lvl 10
    Honestly, who gives a shit about the object highlighting? The game is never going to live up the expectations of the hardcore fans who'll jump on anything that falls out of line with their ideal vision of the game.

    What I've seen of the game so far retains all the elements which made the first one such a classic. Is it going get me as excited as I did playing the first game? Probably not but then that might not be the fault of the game and more to do with me being nearly 10 years older.

    Oh and the books pretty good too.
  • keizza
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    keizza polycounter lvl 18
    the object highlighting i refer to has nothing to do with whether or not the game will live up to the original. or expectaions on the game in general.

    so "who gives a shit about the object highlighting?"? ME. I DO! it's a growing trend to tell players what to do. and that is not why i play games. i play games to figure shit out on my own.
  • Entity
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    Entity polycounter lvl 18
    A lot of handholding that's for sure, but then again I can't blame them considering the state of gamers these days.
  • keizza
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    keizza polycounter lvl 18
    i agree entity....that's why i'm praying for a disable option.
  • Slum
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    Slum polycounter lvl 18
    I think the average gamer is smarter than we give them credit for. There's this assumption that gamers are stupid and wont "get" something, so developers cater to that.
  • rooster
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    rooster mod
    I dunno, its a pretty age old problem isn't it of 'some doors work some doors don't'

    you either let people try every thing they thing might be interactive, and let them get frustrated, or you tell them somehow so they only try to use stuff they can use.

    if 'figuring out' means 'can I use this? no. can I use this? no. can I use this? yes' then I don't wanna :P. Give me access to all useful tactical knowledge without any noise. Having said that, I think it could definately be more subtle than super neon glow
  • oXYnary
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    oXYnary polycounter lvl 18
    Entity wrote: »
    A lot of handholding that's for sure, but then again I can't blame them considering the state of gamers these days.

    Thats what happens when you bring consoles into it.. (Yea, I went there).
  • Entity
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    Entity polycounter lvl 18
    Oh snap son!

    Here's hoping you can turn it off, but from past interviews they mention that this is a non optional augmentation. A lot of the genius moments in the original Deus Ex was discovered, ok, more like stumbled upon because of my own stupidity. Like throwing crates to lasers to trigger them, only to discover that they can actually block them off. Another was when I pretended to be superman and leaped from Maggie Chow's apartment (only to accidentally land in an apartment that was used as a base to spy on her)

    Slum wrote: »
    I think the average gamer is smarter than we give them credit for. There's this assumption that gamers are stupid and wont "get" something, so developers cater to that.

    True, not all of them are dumb. The core gamers (most of us here, and the few folks left from the PC era) are just as smart. Thing is though, we've just picked up a lot of stupid people along the way. It's pretty much unavoidable when anything gains popularity really fast, and the worse part is they make up the bulk of the gaming community.
  • Irreal
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    Irreal polycounter lvl 10
    I don't think it's a case of gamers being too dumb to figure out that a door can be opened or a ladder can be climbed. Anyone dumb enough not to try any of these things probably wouldn't get through the first mission of the game as their attention span would wane after listening to all the dialog.

    It's a game mechanic the same as displaying your energy and ammo on the screen. I wouldn't not buy a game because it told me how many bullets I had left in my gun.

    The one thing that annoyed me in the trailer was in the last play-through with the ramp of wood propped conveniently against the crate. Apart from looking bad it shows that the player charter won't be that agile.
  • eld
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    eld polycounter lvl 18
    rooster wrote: »
    I dunno, its a pretty age old problem isn't it of 'some doors work some doors don't'

    you either let people try every thing they thing might be interactive, and let them get frustrated, or you tell them somehow so they only try to use stuff they can use.

    if 'figuring out' means 'can I use this? no. can I use this? no. can I use this? yes' then I don't wanna :P. Give me access to all useful tactical knowledge without any noise. Having said that, I think it could definately be more subtle than super neon glow

    Exactly, the game doesn't tell you where you should go, it tells you what you can use, it doesn't highlight ramps that you can walk up on even if they're a path you could take, because you don't use those.

    Inconsistency has always been a problem in game design in terms of what you can and cannot use.

    Polycount is turning into the new ttlg.com
    Irreal wrote: »
    The one thing that annoyed me in the trailer was in the last play-through with the ramp of wood propped conveniently against the crate. Apart from looking bad it shows that the player charter won't be that agile.

    Pretty much the same as in the original deus ex.

    Damned if they do damned if they don't.
  • glottis8
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    glottis8 polycounter lvl 9

    “All the design and changes to the design has been done in Montreal and sent to [Nixxes]. We review the builds. We review and then give comments about what works and what doesn’t. It’s the exact same process, except that the programmers aren’t in the same office. It’s the same game and the same creative team taking care of it.”

    here is what nixxes has done in the past

  • Malus
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    Malus polycounter lvl 17
    I'm a massive fan of Deus Ex 1 and I think the game looks fantastic, even with glowy bits I'm stoked and can't wait. :)

    Personally, I prefer to blunder my way through a game like this and find things on my own, its rewarding when 'I' find a path, or a console I can hack or grate to climb through.
    There's a massive difference between frustrating the player by giving nothing until they want to choke out the designer and spoon feeding the player by giving far too much ...."Hey look, a Ladder, oh and here's some ammo, oh and a door did you see the door...I SAID THERE'S A DOOR HERE!!"

    Give people some time to find it for themselves at the very least. :)

    As for gamers being dumb, I don't know how anyone in this industry can honestly believe that, in fact I'd suggest its damaging your ability to make decent decisions about what would be a successful title if you do.

    I think the issue is more likely many publishers/developers find a formula which equates to a larger demographic playing their game and they refine the life right out of it.
    They often become massively successful because they cater to a very broad market however you start losing the peaks and troughs in your stable of titles.
    Same thing happened with film, <cough> Michael Bay anyone?

    Console-itis is our common but unfair description, Casual-itis is probably more apt.
    I think the name only stuck because the issues became apparent during the rise of consoles where more casual players started to enter the market and the power began to shift away from the hardcore.
    Publishers equated casual to daft and we got stuck with having our hands held, the casual gamers..well they don't care, they are casual lol.
    And the hardcore cry foul over the rape of the genres they once cherished, problem is the hardcore market is tiny compared to the casual so status quo wins.

    In reality our industry is now largely based on lowest common denominator marketing.
    Ensure the broadest cross section of people have the easiest entry to your product and keep them hooked, never frustrate them...ever.

    Ergo, no risk, no niche, no threat, no soul and the results are vanilla games.

    Thank god for indie. :)
  • Autocon
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    Autocon polycounter lvl 15
    could the chick demoing the level be any less enthusiastic about the game? jeeze, for a prerecorded vid this chick should have been pumped for it. she seemed so bored so it made the video its self seem boring.
  • ScoobyDoofus
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    ScoobyDoofus polycounter lvl 19
    As I pointed out before, I have my criticisms, as I do with ALL games, even my favorites. That said, I am really looking forward to this game, and cant wait for its release. Each video I watch makes me more exited for more Deus Ex!
  • glottis8
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    glottis8 polycounter lvl 9

    I am very much excited about this game. But i don't know, there is just something about this video that makes the game look stale and lame. Or is it just me?
  • glynnsmith
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    glynnsmith polycounter lvl 17
    glottis8 wrote: »

    I am very much excited about this game. But i don't know, there is just something about this video that makes the game look stale and lame. Or is it just me?

    It does look a bit stale in this example, yes. I think that might be because they're using a pad to control it, and they've edited it so you only see the action. Without having the bits in between, there's no contrast in the pacing of the video - There's no anticipation.
  • Stinger88
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    Stinger88 polycounter
    Pre order is up!!!!! WOO HOO!!

    Augmented Edition

    £45 11% discount to £39.99

    Free, giftable copy of Deus Ex: Game of the Year Edition to play right now

    Exclusive 40-page Artbook - Showcasing the concepts behind the world of 2027.

    Discover the origins of the design, the characters and the weapons of Deus Ex: Human Revolution

    44-minute making-of chronicling the trials and tribulations of the Eidos-Montreal team

    Motion comic based on the first issue of the DC Comics adaptation

    Game soundtrack composed by Michael McCann

    E3 Trailer and animated storyboard

    Standard Edition

    £35 14% discount to £29.99

    no extras...

    Available AUG 11th

    Augmented Edition it is...SOLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • TomDunne
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    TomDunne polycounter lvl 18
    Is there any report on which if any pre-order DLC will come with the Steam Augmented edition? In the US, there are different packs, one for Gamestop buyers and one for other retailers. I actually have a pre-order with Game in the UK, because Euro editions get both DLC packs. I'd love to buy from Steam, but Idon't want to miss any of the content, either.

    On another note, fuck retailer specific DLC :/
  • Andreas
  • d1ver
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    d1ver polycounter lvl 14
    wow. thats really awesome.
  • glottis8
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    glottis8 polycounter lvl 9
    man... this looks sooooo good. I've read complaints on the prerendered cutscenes tho. Any thoughts on that? i didn't mind them at all in Arhkam Asylum. but they do kinda take you out of the whole experience at times.

    You gotta love those take downs, they look freaking sweet.
  • odium
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    odium polycounter lvl 18
    The cutscenes in the game are... Strange. They are sooo well done, so amazing, yet so low quality. Its like, they spent all the time in the world making them look stunning, 1080p quality stuff, and then... slapped it in a low quality divx 480p wrapper :| Doesn't make sense. At least, the PC version is like that. 360 will too I imagine, and PS3 will possibly get the best.
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    I hate you Odium.
  • odium
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    odium polycounter lvl 18
    Well thats up to you.
  • glottis8
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    glottis8 polycounter lvl 9
    Yea. maybe by now they have heard our complaints on prerendered and at least they will bump those up a little more. Not getting my hopes up on that one tho. I know some of these prerendered maybe hide loading times, but i wish more games continued with the seamless experience of playing the game. Plus.. there is something about in engine cutscenes that make them look nice. Like MGS or Red Dead Redemption.
  • thatanimator
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    thatanimator polycounter lvl 6
    1:21 .. 'the fuck?
  • Blaizer
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    Blaizer interpolator
    I hope them to hear all the complaints.

    Anyways, i already pre-ordered it, augmented edition PC version...
  • xvampire
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    xvampire polycounter lvl 14
    odium wrote: »
    The cutscenes in the game are... Strange. They are sooo well done, so amazing, yet so low quality. Its like, they spent all the time in the world making them look stunning, 1080p quality stuff, and then... slapped it in a low quality divx 480p wrapper :| Doesn't make sense. At least, the PC version is like that. 360 will too I imagine, and PS3 will possibly get the best.

    this one is better quality 1080p .. fully in game cinematic
  • odium
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    odium polycounter lvl 18
    xvampire wrote: »
    this one is better quality 1080p .. fully in game cinematic

    No no, the actual ingame cinematics, made with the media from the game, are spot on. They just render using the engine, so it depends on what settings you are running the game at.

    The actual CG movies that are in the game (that we are all wowed about) are all really highly compressed :( Its a shame to see them so... Low res :( At least as I said, this is in the PC version. PS3 will likely not have this problem.

    Also, that cinematic isn't all "fully ingame". The part where Adam is thrown through the screen and gets stabbed with all the glass (Where the green I think acid stuff gets thrown on the bad guy), thats a movie, not ingame.
  • xvampire
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    xvampire polycounter lvl 14
    it seems it still got the same mass effect/dragon age problem when studio dealing with massive dialogue script..., maybe because its quite hard to tweak face fx for animator?

    otherwise i really love the concept. and i hope the release going smoothly :D
  • Jeremy-S
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    Jeremy-S polycounter lvl 11
    I'm still so psyched for this game. I'm absolutely loving the look of everything. Also the music... Fantastic!! I'm thinking I might be a huge fan of this one. Can not wait
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    As a big final fantasy fan back in the day, I love FMV's :D And there are so well done it's stupid, they look hawt! If I have the money and the means to get it I hope to get the edition with the statue.

    EDIT: Is it just me or is the gameplay shown in that trailer a hundred times better looking than what we've seen before? Is it actually pre-rendered lies or did they recently chuck in a load of shadows and real-time lighting and stuff?
  • shotgun
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    shotgun polycounter lvl 19
    The only thing which is bound to be good so far is the soundtrack. I think McCann is doing an amazing job with that
  • rooster
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    rooster mod
    it looks ok, I just wish they'd used a bit more black and gold
  • Snefer
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    Snefer polycounter lvl 16
    odium wrote: »
    The cutscenes in the game are... Strange. They are sooo well done, so amazing, yet so low quality. Its like, they spent all the time in the world making them look stunning, 1080p quality stuff, and then... slapped it in a low quality divx 480p wrapper :| Doesn't make sense. At least, the PC version is like that. 360 will too I imagine, and PS3 will possibly get the best.

    Wait, so you downloaded the leaked torrent?
  • odium
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    odium polycounter lvl 18
    You mean the one Eidos is currently actively encouraging people to play for positive AND negative feedback on their own forums, right at this very second? For the game that I’ve had paid for about a month, that isn’t even a full game and is in no way, shape or form representative of the final retail release? Are you honestly shocked at the prospect of somebody downloading not even 30% of one of the most anticipated games to preview, three months before its release, official leak or not?

    How many people do you think have really already played it. I mean… REEEEAAAALLY? This isn’t like when Crysis 2 hit and it was the full game, this is a tiny portion of the game with very early stuff and a lot of bugs. I’m happy that Eidos are currently taking the CORRECT approach to this whole situation and are asking for feedback of any kind. It means that come release, there’s less chance of a cluster fuck of a game coming out that has to be patched for the next month just to make it playable.

    Lets be honest here, how many people would have liked Bethesda to have said the same thing with regards to Fallout 3/New Vegas?
  • oXYnary
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    oXYnary polycounter lvl 18
    xvampire wrote: »
    it seems it still got the same mass effect/dragon age problem when studio dealing with massive dialogue script..., maybe because its quite hard to tweak face fx for animator?

    otherwise i really love the concept. and i hope the release going smoothly :D

    Mass effect had better facial animation.

    Still makes me a sad panda that they couldn't get a better facial system integrated into this. HalfLife 2 still looks years ahead in this regard.
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    odium wrote: »
    You mean the one Eidos is currently actively encouraging people to play for positive AND negative feedback on their own forums, right at this very second? For the game that I’ve had paid for about a month, that isn’t even a full game and is in no way, shape or form representative of the final retail release? Are you honestly shocked at the prospect of somebody downloading not even 30% of one of the most anticipated games to preview, three months before its release, official leak or not?

    Eh, I doubt they are actually encouraging people to pirate their game.
    odium wrote: »
    How many people do you think have really already played it. I mean… REEEEAAAALLY? This isn’t like when Crysis 2 hit and it was the full game, this is a tiny portion of the game with very early stuff and a lot of bugs.

    Liiiiiike, low-res cut scenes? Put in the game to outline plot progression, but not annoy devs at having to watch/load the same cut scenes each time?

    I've never seen someone try to excuse themselves for being a pirate with so many layers of complete horses**t. Kudos I guess.


    I didn't even know a build had leaked... I'm glad it wasn't the full thing. I for one will be waiting for the full release, and will probably be playing it one handed with my trousers round my ankles! :D
  • odium
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    odium polycounter lvl 18
    ...or you could, you know, check the Eidos forums?

    Fun fact: You can't pirate a game that isn't complete. Thats like saying people could pirate a demo before it was released. Sure this isn't a demo per se, but its also not the full game, not even close. Its a leaked beta build. So far, everything is pointing towards this doing far, far more GOOD than harm to the game. Sure its not perfect, but then, its an old build that got out months before release.

    Like I said before, I'm glad this happened, simply due to the stance Eidos are taking on it. It means we get a betetr product in the end. They are still getting my money, hell, they already HAVE my money since this has been paid for on Steam for a while.
  • TomDunne
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    TomDunne polycounter lvl 18
    odium wrote: »
    You mean the one Eidos is currently actively encouraging people to play for positive AND negative feedback on their own forums, right at this very second? For the game that I’ve had paid for about a month, that isn’t even a full game and is in no way, shape or form representative of the final retail release? Are you honestly shocked at the prospect of somebody downloading not even 30% of one of the most anticipated games to preview, three months before its release, official leak or not?

    How many people do you think have really already played it. I mean… REEEEAAAALLY? This isn’t like when Crysis 2 hit and it was the full game, this is a tiny portion of the game with very early stuff and a lot of bugs. I’m happy that Eidos are currently taking the CORRECT approach to this whole situation and are asking for feedback of any kind. It means that come release, there’s less chance of a cluster fuck of a game coming out that has to be patched for the next month just to make it playable.

    Lets be honest here, how many people would have liked Bethesda to have said the same thing with regards to Fallout 3/New Vegas?

    When you feel the need to answer a direct yes-or-no question with a three paragraph defense of your behavior, that's probably a sign you're up to no good. Just sayin'
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    odium wrote: »

    Fun fact: You can't pirate a game that isn't complete.

    Did you have to torrent it, or is there a direct link to the .exe on the eidos forums.

    I love how you are completely rewriting the rules to suit you.
  • [HP]
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    [HP] polycounter lvl 13
  • odium
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    odium polycounter lvl 18
    All I'm saying is that the leak wasn't supposed to happen, yet because it did, Eidos are taking every advantage of it, and I find that amazing and fully support it. The fact you don't, is quite odd.
  • Skamberin
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    Skamberin polycounter lvl 14
    It was leaked? That's terrible!
    I for one am not going to be a terrible person and download it illegally, it's just wrong to do so.
  • man_o_mule
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    man_o_mule polycounter lvl 18
    Snefer wrote: »
    ScoobyDoofus: have you played Deus Ex? JC Denton sounds like a bag of gravel dipped in whiskey. ^^

    I think i just soiled myself laughing too hard.
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    odium wrote: »
    All I'm saying is that the leak wasn't supposed to happen, yet because it did, Eidos are taking every advantage of it, and I find that amazing and fully support it. The fact you don't, is quite odd.

    Never said I didn't. I just said you were a filthy little pirate, that's all. Don't put words in peoples mouths.
  • Wahlgren
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    Wahlgren polycounter lvl 17
    I assume this is the leaked version?
    One can hope things will change. Hope. I doubt it will... but I'll hope!

    No spoilers really. Just a guy shooting AI in the face, then another AI comes to check on his dead buddy, gets shot in the head, another guy comes to check, etc

  • Mcg.
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    Just completed the original (DE1) today never got round to do doing and is still awesome so looking forward to it
  • shotgun
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    shotgun polycounter lvl 19
    its like, since DE1, the graphics has been improved leaps and bounds but the AI is just as stupid
  • Entity
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    Entity polycounter lvl 18
    same can be said about any game..I have yet to be impressed by game ai (including the one in fear)
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