Yeah just play Deus Ex of the best games ever imo.
Slightly OT, but one of the reasons I enjoyed Deus Ex so much was beacuse of JC dentons hammy vioce acting, in fact almost all of them, Gunther etc. It made me feel like I was in a Steven Seagal film. I enjoyed Far Cry for precisiely the same reason, B-movie plot, B-movie style voices. How much do you think this was down to design, or were they just crap?
Personally I love the B-movie stuff when its in context, and I think its one of the quirky joys that we'll lose as production quality goes up.....
Yeah just play Deus Ex of the best games ever imo.
Slightly OT, but one of the reasons I enjoyed Deus Ex so much was beacuse of JC dentons hammy vioce acting, in fact almost all of them, Gunther etc. It made me feel like I was in a Steven Seagal film. I enjoyed Far Cry for precisiely the same reason, B-movie plot, B-movie style voices. How much do you think this was down to design, or were they just crap?
Personally I love the B-movie stuff when its in context, and I think its one of the quirky joys that we'll lose as production quality goes up.....
WTF?? Did you just compare Deus Ex's plot to Far Cry?
Deus Ex holds up pretty well these days. It was never a particularly attractive game, even when it was first released, but the gameplay is just as compelling as it always was.
haha no not the plot, far cry was waaay deeper than deus ex, everybody knows that :P
My point was that with ever increasing amounts of money being thrown at games, I hope we can keep some of the funny over the top voice acting that seems standard through many good past video games, from duke nukem, to far cry to deus ex. It becoming too hollywood would be a tragedy imo....
Nice, its getting me excited. I can't wait to see what they do with it, such an excellent IP. If they do it Blade Runner dark, with the global scale again, it should be epic.
I hope the gameplay/gunplay is solid if its going to be a rpg shooter, i hate floaty shooting where you miss a ton till you level it up.
aka Alpha Protocol
Well I'm pumped for it no matter what, I'm also on the wagon about not playing the 2 other ones, I've wanted to... but deus ex 1 graphics kill me, and I've heard horrible things about invisible war.
I met the Art Director afterwards, but wasn't quite prepared and my mind went blank! I babbled incoherently about the 'black thingys around the models' and that I couldn't 'remember what they where called in UDK'.
I feel your pain. I met Chet Faliszek in London and wanted to tease him about EP3 and try and pry facts about Portal 2 out of him but my mind also went blank and I think I just shook his hand and stared at him like a zombeh.
Oh wow, now that's a cool company page, at least from my point of gamer-view. Love the music, really cool background music and I got to admit I was thinking it was a website for a virtual thing, like a game or something, and after I been looking though it I'm still unsure, its well done.
I'm getting insane goosebumps every time I hear Michael McCann's DX music. This is a good sign.
Gotta appreciate the work EM is putting into the game... /crossing fingers/
That firewall hacking was cool, not an easy thing to come up with those mini-puzzles so they provide ample challenge but not one that becomes annoying or redundant after a while. If the in-game one provides more exciting stimuli it'd be better.
Seriously, I was extremely sceptical when I first heard about it; I'm not a fan of sequels done by different authors. But the more I hear about it, the more convinced I'm that this is not going to be a cheap ride with a critically acclaimed branded slapped on it.
I dont know why, but its whole style just clicks with me, even though Im generally not a huge fun of cyberpunk.
Another thing; am I the only person who gets strong Toshiro Mifune/Clint Eastwood vibes from Adam?
This thread made me re-install Deus Ex, I hope the third will be good even if it will end up as something between the first one and the second one, gonna have a night playing it again
I don't get it, I can still play this game today and ENJOY the visuals, nevermind tolerate it. The art style is solid enough to carry it through, lowpollies n all.
It's the gameplay and riveting story that earned this game it's reputation, not visuals, honestly people.. what the fuck.
And if the graphic is a problem, there is mods out there that can improve the textures, and even got whole conversion mods with new storylines. This game is AWESOME, and there is no excuse to not play it (And of course we are talking about the first/only Deus Ex)
McGreed: Sadly, that's a lie. There really aren't any mods out there that improve the textures. Most just make them bigger, but at the same time more hideous.
I agree with Razorbladder, I don't think the graphics are that horrible. In fact, I quite like the character textures. Anyway, get the updated renderer though:
McGreed: Sadly, that's a lie. There really aren't any mods out there that improve the textures. Most just make them bigger, but at the same time more hideous.
I agree with Razorbladder, I don't think the graphics are that horrible. In fact, I quite like the character textures. Anyway, get the updated renderer though:
Oh really? I just remembered I used a couple last time I played it (again again again), and did a quick google for it, and saw something like 3 different mods with textures improvments. Now I kinda feel like redoing the textures myself or gather a group to do it.
I just can't get enough of this game, gotta sniff out every bit of info So far the only things that look a bit worrying are a) the ingame voice overs are terrible, and b) the "lets hold your hand and highlight EVERYTHING you can do" style that seems to be there... But god damn if it isn't some amazingly sexy design.
Its gonna be an utter joy to play I'm sure, and I cant wait.
I so can't wait for this game. Looks fantastic, IMO. I loved the first one, and even enjoyed the 2nd one as well (fuck all you haters). Its a bit late for me to work on this title, but hopefully they make another and I can make my way onto that team one day.
That CG trailer looked lethal, definitley number one on my anticipated games list. Havent played the 1st two games either, but after watching that trailer I might just pick them up and give them a go.
so I just came across these badboys, and am curious if anyone knows the name of the concept artist responsible....
I'd like to find this out as well. I've done a bit of google detective work to try and find out more but my Columbo skills aren't working.
I know that the guys at Steambot Studios have been working on Deus Ex 3. They may have done these. They did do Environment concepts but i'm not sure about the weapons but IMO all of the Artwork looks very Steambot.
I find it funny that in the original Deus Ex, Anna Navarre and Gunther are considered relics from the tale end of the era when this new game is starting, yet their robotic mods look like some silly 80s movie costumes versus this game's sleek streamlined robotic designs. It's obvious why this is the way it is, but it always gives a series this weird disconnect when they make a prequel so many years later.
While I'm not holding my breath for a truly awesome, professionally done remake to the original Deus Ex, I am looking forward to any and all easter eggs this game has towards the original. JC's parents or lab creation (it's been a long time so I do not remember the story well) gotta be hinted at in this game somewhere!
A shame that the sequel one was very disappointing, though. I'd miss it if I were you
Slightly OT, but one of the reasons I enjoyed Deus Ex so much was beacuse of JC dentons hammy vioce acting, in fact almost all of them, Gunther etc. It made me feel like I was in a Steven Seagal film. I enjoyed Far Cry for precisiely the same reason, B-movie plot, B-movie style voices. How much do you think this was down to design, or were they just crap?
Personally I love the B-movie stuff when its in context, and I think its one of the quirky joys that we'll lose as production quality goes up.....
WTF?? Did you just compare Deus Ex's plot to Far Cry?
This Deus Ex looks very promising, so much that it's in my "want to play list".
I used to work with the guy who did the voices for JC and Paul Denton.
My point was that with ever increasing amounts of money being thrown at games, I hope we can keep some of the funny over the top voice acting that seems standard through many good past video games, from duke nukem, to far cry to deus ex. It becoming too hollywood would be a tragedy imo....
Nice, its getting me excited. I can't wait to see what they do with it, such an excellent IP. If they do it Blade Runner dark, with the global scale again, it should be epic.
aka Alpha Protocol
Well I'm pumped for it no matter what, I'm also on the wagon about not playing the 2 other ones, I've wanted to... but deus ex 1 graphics kill me, and I've heard horrible things about invisible war.
I feel your pain. I met Chet Faliszek in London and wanted to tease him about EP3 and try and pry facts about Portal 2 out of him but my mind also went blank and I think I just shook his hand and stared at him like a zombeh.
Oh wow, now that's a cool company page, at least from my point of gamer-view.
I want more firewall hacking mini-games!
Going to start looking for easter eggs.
Gotta appreciate the work EM is putting into the game... /crossing fingers/
That firewall hacking was cool, not an easy thing to come up with those mini-puzzles so they provide ample challenge but not one that becomes annoying or redundant after a while. If the in-game one provides more exciting stimuli it'd be better.
I dont know why, but its whole style just clicks with me, even though Im generally not a huge fun of cyberpunk.
Another thing; am I the only person who gets strong Toshiro Mifune/Clint Eastwood vibes from Adam?
It's the gameplay and riveting story that earned this game it's reputation, not visuals, honestly people.. what the fuck.
I agree with Razorbladder, I don't think the graphics are that horrible. In fact, I quite like the character textures. Anyway, get the updated renderer though:
Oh really? I just remembered I used a couple last time I played it (again again again), and did a quick google for it, and saw something like 3 different mods with textures improvments. Now I kinda feel like redoing the textures myself or gather a group to do it.
Yes! I'm sure you'd be able to gather enough artists that'd donate some time to it. Me included.
Me too, but don't forget it's already being done:
Its gonna be an utter joy to play I'm sure, and I cant wait.
Also, 25 minutes of Deus Ex 3 gameplay.
It's usually hobbyists replacing the work of paid professionals, it's not always worth fidelity you gain.
makes me want to play it!!
The main characters in that being called Tim Bisley and Daisy Steiner...
Seems especially likely as the cover artist for the Deus Ex: Icarus Effect book is the same guy that drew Tim's comic artwork in the series.
I be damned.
*drools all over the table*
I'd like to find this out as well. I've done a bit of google detective work to try and find out more but my Columbo skills aren't working.
I know that the guys at Steambot Studios have been working on Deus Ex 3. They may have done these. They did do Environment concepts but i'm not sure about the weapons but IMO all of the Artwork looks very Steambot.
Though we've had quite a few concept artists involved inhouse and out.
art direction - they specifically said the palette is "gold & black"
While I'm not holding my breath for a truly awesome, professionally done remake to the original Deus Ex, I am looking forward to any and all easter eggs this game has towards the original. JC's parents or lab creation (it's been a long time so I do not remember the story well) gotta be hinted at in this game somewhere!