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What Are You Working On? 2010 Edition!


  • Kewop Decam
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    Kewop Decam polycounter lvl 9
    n88tr wrote: »
    it sounds to me like you're over-complicating things. Get a wide variety of references and just do it.
    he is most certainly not.

    Neox: Her biceps look too long and deltoids a bit too short.
  • keizza
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    keizza polycounter lvl 18
    @makkon(and swizzle)...thanks for the new desktop!!! AWESOME drawing man.
  • leslievdb
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    leslievdb polycounter lvl 15
    awesome work neox and makkon

    derdude : lol :D

  • Saman
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    Saman polycounter lvl 14
    Neox: It's looking great. What was the decision to not do a mohawk though?
    Here is something I'm working on. It's an orc inspired by Paul Bonner's style. I was just going for the character design at first but then I tried matching the painting style as well for the textures. It's still a WIP but critique is welcome!
  • marq4porsche
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    marq4porsche polycounter lvl 9
    And done with the texture! Now I need to create some lightening spell cast textures and I'll be good!
  • System
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    System admin
    Cute girlehs around these parts!

    More tinkering with mine.

  • lildragn
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    lildragn polycounter lvl 17
    Update #3. Now he's feeling more Comedian.. it's gotta be the stache ;)


    Probably won't update here again till I'm almost done the sculpt.

  • Dean
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    Dean polycounter lvl 9
    Josh_Singh wrote: »
    Yeah Neox/Ruz, Females are a pain. They are supposed to have all the facial Landmarks that Males Have,
    BUT you end up softening the crap outta them to make the face more "attractive" Black Females are an even bigger pain
    particularly if You are going a Modern Looking Black Female, In so many of the references of Prominent Black Models
    it is inaccurate to how they really look simply Because The lighting and Make up artist are skillfull
    at making their Noses Disappear and reducing the contrast from the Concave Nasal arch up into the Upper Corner Of the eyes.
    Sorry for the wall of Text But I am dealing with this now as well. :)

    Agreed, having trouble with my female sculpt as well:) This is a nice reason for me to post my first pic actually, I needed some loose, quick sculpting since sculpting my female bust was starting to feel rigid and I dunno, just not fluid.

    As such, I started sculpting a character I call 'Steve'. Steve is an old goblin that used to be a metal/rockstar back in his day but he's stuck doing crappy day jobs now a days. Will have him look bored/sadish eventually, handing a balloon from his stand to some ugly little goblin child.

    I would love some reactions/crits as I'm pretty new to mudbox and only recently got wise enough to look up anatomy.

    Big shoutout to Dave Rapoza for his mad designs:)

  • Sean VanGorder
    Awesome stuff guys.

    Still practicing hand painted metal textures for modular pieces. I'm doing all the textures on single planes, mostly because of time constraints for the project I'm working on, and also to see how much I can get out of just the texture.

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    ENODMI polycounter lvl 14
  • Rens
  • attattattack
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    attattattack polycounter lvl 8
    around 6300 tris elephant,
    I would really appreciate some crits.

    I think the texture looks wrong, should there be less contrast in the wrinkles?

    thanks guys

    @Ravenslayer , Love your piece. awesome proportion, are those people trapped in his eyes or are they reflections?
  • d1ver
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    d1ver polycounter lvl 14

    just a little teaser of my current project, that I made for my website. I'm gonna start a WiP thread once I actually have some nice wip shots to show=)

    attattattack, yeah, dude, I think a little less contrast on the wrinkles would do good. And I think you should actually work the spec map If you have one. Right now the skin at some places looks like a piece of wood. If you could make it look a bit not so dry I think that would help.
    Solid job by the way! It looks quite good already and you're just being hard on yourslef(a good thing=) )

    Sean_EG, I really love your textures man. Looking splendid!
  • Pedro Amorim
  • achillesian
    rens that's awesome, d1ver that has too much white, stop ruining the perfection that is polycount's color scheme.

    edit: pedro's color scheme has got it going on
  • Swizzle
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    Swizzle polycounter lvl 15
    I'm working on a vintage pulp magazine cover. This is more of a test than anything else; it's nowhere near finished.
  • Medestruit

    Adding in some color now that I'm fairly satisfied with the hair/"skin" portions of the design. Added base color and stippled shadow lowlights to accent the features of the face. Still a long way to go, but getting there. Millions of dots down, millions more to go -.-
  • Medestruit
    Hm, is that some half-toning I see Swiz, or just filtered stuff? I can teach you to do true halftone in the styles of the old comics if not! =D It's a neat concept you're going with, and I'm assuming you're gonna add in some color overlays on-top and that's why your design is grey scaled?

    Looking forward to the finished piece.
  • BlackulaDZ
    Medestruit those illustrations are pretty nifty, if shirts happen to become available in the near future with some of those on em, i would definitely get up in dat'
  • Razorb
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    Razorb polycounter lvl 15
    Rens!!! good to see you pumpin out work again :D! lookin hawt and swizzle i love that whole design and theme u got goin on really great stuff!

    just some concept pic thingy ;o
  • Pedro Amorim
  • Sean VanGorder
    Pedro - That looks fantastic man. Perfect amount of damage on it too.
  • catstyle
    pedro... that's fucking awesome
  • lildragn
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    lildragn polycounter lvl 17
    Really dig the paint work on that last render Pedro... what finish where you going for? It's great but there's an overall gloss on it that could be broken up a bit more. Nice stuff man.

  • Pedro Amorim
    Thanks! So glad you like it!
    I mean.. at some point i start to look at this. and everything looks like shit to me! so it's nice you like it! thanks!
  • karera
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    karera polygon
    Pedro, Love it. I want to eat it.
  • dansher
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    dansher polycounter lvl 8
    thats fucking awesome Pedro. how did you do the flame?
  • retleks
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    retleks polycounter lvl 18
    Nice Pedro, Razorb
    Heres my high for Comicon.
  • Pedro Amorim
    It's modeled. I made the shape by tracing the Black Label clothing line logo in 3d. then i background constrained it to the top canister.
    Here's the hipoly..
  • Skillmister
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    Skillmister polycounter lvl 11
    Saw the CCTV camera a few pages back and thought i'd give a similar one a go. With added firepower. Still wip.

  • laTarm
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    laTarm polycounter lvl 9
    some update on the sculpt.

  • Kewop Decam
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    Kewop Decam polycounter lvl 9
    Saw the CCTV camera a few pages back and thought i'd give a similar one a go. With added firepower. Still wip.

    the small gattling gun looks weird because they aren't that small and what kind of bullets would it even shoot? I think it would be better the other way around; regular sized gattling gun with a camera attached.

    Pedro: I love it, but I think you could lose that sticker or make the sticker more worn, less saturated with scratched white edges.
  • Jaco
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    Jaco polycounter lvl 17
    Very nice Pedro and retleks!

    Small update on my Comicon entry.


  • Marine
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    Marine polycounter lvl 19
    I really wish they'd use your Catwoman in the new Arkham game, Jaco
  • Nick Carver
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    Nick Carver polycounter lvl 10
    Looking great, Jaco! Great proportions and the suit design is nice and minimalist. The ring on the end of the zipper under her chin does feel a bit odd. Seeing as all the other costume details are from tactical gear, it seems like that zipper should match. The cat ears feel oddly realistic as well. Maybe go for a more simplified shape that's suggestive of cat ears (an equivalent to batman's bat ears) and sculpt them to look more obviously like they're made from leather or PVC or whatever.

    It's looking aces overall though. Can't wait to see how it progresses.
  • Papa_Austin
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    Papa_Austin polycounter lvl 10
    messing around with marmoset's new build, with a robot!
  • premium
  • Medestruit
    BlackulaDZ wrote: »
    Medestruit those illustrations are pretty nifty, if shirts happen to become available in the near future with some of those on em, i would definitely get up in dat'

    Thanks man. I'm not sure when/if any of them will actually be printed. It's been a venture of mine of late to branch off from the typical logo/brand design stuff I had been doing and try and spin off into more illustration/apparel design. Since it's a recent change of scenery for me, I'm trying to develop a "client" list of sorts and posting the illustrations on the open market for people to pick up for whatever needs they have. I've gotten 20-30 inquiries about my art in the last week or 2 but no bites officially, so if I happen to breakthrough I'll let everyone who might be interested in purchasing a shirt know.

    Hopefully that's soon, and it gets to a point where I can personally release a line for print from myself instead of selling off everything.
  • Rens
    Thanks Razor! I really like how you worked out that piece.

    Great work in here!

    ok, spamspam
  • bbob
    Wow rens, this is shaping up very nicely.

    However though, I think where his jacket and coat ends, it looks a bit clumped up and floaty. Also, the folds on his trousers lacks overall volume, while it has superficial detail..

    Make a thread though, I wanna be sure I don't miss any progress :D
  • eric.
  • Swizzle
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    Swizzle polycounter lvl 15
    Medestruit, I'd love to know a good method of doing halftones. I found some pretty decent Photoshop tutorials, but I'm interested in seeing how you do it.

    Here's the latest, sans kinda crappy Photshop filter silliness. I still need to pose her fingers since I didn't actually rig them, since I'm a doofus, and I still need to do some other cleanup on the pose, since I'm not very experienced with rigging and painting weights and such, but eh. It's getting there.
  • Medestruit
    Swizzle wrote: »
    Medestruit, I'd love to know a good method of doing halftones. I found some pretty decent Photoshop tutorials, but I'm interested in seeing how you do it.

    Here's the latest, sans kinda crappy Photshop filter silliness. I still need to pose her fingers since I didn't actually rig them, since I'm a doofus, and I still need to do some other cleanup on the pose, since I'm not very experienced with rigging and painting weights and such, but eh. It's getting there.

    Oh absolutely. There's actually a nifty video on Vimeo from Jimmy Heartcore(he's pretty well known in the band/shirt illustration scene) that works just as well for re-creating some older comic type covers. It's a method I tweak a little when doing color separations to set up an image for print, but it works very well for that effect.


    You can look at the other video as well, it's a little more complicated, but looks just as good(if not, better...but takes considerably more time). Hope that helps some, because I'm certainly looking forward to seeing more of this.
  • Phones
    Trying out Zbrush with Mr. Sauturn. Very awesome program.
    Question:I have a bowtie that I want to put on the model that's already a tool in Zbrush. How do I attach the bowtie to Mr. Saturn so that they're both editable in 3d?
  • Skamberin
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    Skamberin polycounter lvl 14
    uh, I, oh my God. I will not sleep tonight.
  • Der Hollander
    I really dig looking at this thread, but I've never posted here, so I thought I'd start with a Space Marine model I started a while ago. I haven't had time to finish up the low poly until this weekend, just got through with a student production. The character is 8256 tris and the gun is 940.

    There's a lot of geometry not shown, specifically in the shoulders, where he's got his secondary pauldron, some pipes for the hydraulics that support the main pauldron, and there's a shoulder mesh in there for when he raises his arms. I've attempted to make the model as detailed as possible while still maintaining a reasonable polycount. The initial idea was to make a template marine where individual details could be added to change the model.

    Not sure what to do about the arms, I'll have to move them for rigging, I suppose I should just let them clip through the rest of the body for ease of rigging?
  • Sean VanGorder
    Here's something I'm working on for class. I am in no way, shape, or form a character artist, so I chose to do something simple and light-hearted so I could have some fun with it. If you can't tell who it is supposed to be from this block-out, then I have failed miserably.

  • JusticeMoose
    the small gattling gun looks weird because they aren't that small and what kind of bullets would it even shoot? I think it would be better the other way around; regular sized gattling gun with a camera attached.

    I think he intendede it to be more comedic than realistic >.> that is an awesome pic.
  • CJE
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    CJE polycounter lvl 13
    Jaco wrote: »
    Very nice Pedro and retleks!

    Small update on my Comicon entry.



    Looks very good man, what Matcap are you using?
  • GoodDreams
This discussion has been closed.