Yeah, the fact that they took the time to do all of that was enough reason for me to not really be upset. It was hardly a deal breaker when it came to the games. It'd sorta be like getting upset with someone who cooked you a 5 course meal and gave you slightly dirty silverware. You know?
I was always amazed there was never a mass explosion when you'd go into a room or something and there was a split second of things dropping into place from loading.
I think it is due to physics objects going into an inactive rested state, where they are frozen until acted upon by an outside force.
Which is the cause of the funny explosion of bethesda placed physics objects on tables and stuff, which causes a chain reaction of physics activation when you bumped into something :P
Eld: What were you expecting from Destructoid? Dtoid and Kotaku are awful, and it's shocking how many people read it. They're also largely responsible for your average gamer thinking they know what an engine is, and then proceeding to say 'Oh that game's idtech3, I can tell because it's indoors'
I dunno guys, Kotaku and Destructoid may be horrible HORRIBLE sites but at least the ratio of "people happy about a game" seems to be slightly higher there than say, Rock Paper Shotgun, where every game has to live up to some ancient standard set by a prickish elitist fanbase.
I'd still pick RPS above Destructoid and Kotaku though, the fact that it's PC centric filters out some of the stupid that clogs the internet elsewhere.
Also in before the reviews: "While the Creation Engine gives us great new faces, it causes the animations to look wonky in certain situations. Some of the textures are also of a lower resolution than anything seen in Gamebryo. But it's fine because the engine creates a really huge world that the developers obviously had fun populating with enemies and items."
It irritates me to no end when I see people posting complaints about the engine on the bethsoft forums, kotaku, etc. Like, I don't understand how these people know the name of the game's engine when they clearly have no idea what an engine does.
That age-old trend of blaming the faces in Fallout 3 and Oblivion on Gamebryo makes me weep on the inside.
At the end of the day, all these people who complain about the engine/graphics are still going to buy the game and enjoy it immensely. (Even if the graphics didn't change at all)
Personally I think it looks great, lovely environments in particular. You can clearly see change, but at the same time they're not obsessing over it. Going to be a great game no matter what.
People just want something to complain about to make themselves feel better. Like the whole BF3 DLC pre-ordering thing which if anything is just a heads up to hardcore fans and not a money grabbing scheme...
"All I want are more polygons and higher res textures!" "Omg this game looks so pretty! WHY DOES IT RUN SO BAD!?" "Fight Night has really good graphics why can't GTA 4 look that good? SHITTY GAME!" "Where's the multiplayer!?" "OMG DLC SHOULD BE FREE!"
4-5 years of your life making something for people like THAT^
Whatever you guys are paid it's not enough B|
Skamberin: I don't know, I think there's quite a lot of positivity on rps as well. Granted, cod/moh/etc. get simplified down to 'shooty manfest 1, 2 and 3', but... honestly, is that even wrong to do?
And a lot of the grumpy comments are done in a tongue-in-cheek kind of way.
Either way, Dtoid/Kotaku bring out my hatred for humanity, even without reading the comments, so I avoid them on purpose.
Which is why I think most texture upgrade mods that will come out for skyrim (as they did for oblivion) will be the "hurr durr resolution beats EVERYTHING" kind of stuff.
Where people will find the closest google image, run the original from 512^2 to 2048^2, overlay the normalmap on itself a few dozen times, and go "super hd mod!"
And then the pc crowd goes "yeas look at how good the pc version looks now!"
(I know there are a bunch of good graphics mods, but most treasure specs and polycounts above good art-direction and quality)
I dunno guys, Kotaku and Destructoid may be horrible HORRIBLE sites but at least the ratio of "people happy about a game" seems to be slightly higher there than say, Rock Paper Shotgun, where every game has to live up to some ancient standard set by a prickish elitist fanbase.
Personally I have no idea precisely what an engine is, but I never assumed it responsible for poorly constructed meshes :poly124:
If I am right, it is possible to mod Oblivion enough to make hawt and interesting characters - and it is! I have found the facegen head fairly flexible but it has some weak points for sure.
oh all this made me realize why I have the problem below..: people don't know shit about 3D and how it is made!
On a sidenote, I'm willing to bet that most of the modding community consists of people who are heavily into secondlife on the side.
A lot of them are like this: with way more ideas than 3D skill.
I've been building mods with a dude and I just ran away screaming from his incessant expansion ideas. I wish they would hang around places like this and get some insight. :poly127: oh hello my bitterness.
And fuck, man, you have some horrible mods. I can't compete at all, this is all I have left
Eld: Aside from Stalker Complete, I can't recall any texture mods that were an imnprovement on the original. I'd be interested to find others ofcourse!
I remember trying to find a good one for Deus Ex for friends because they're all 'this game looks old, yuck', and I didn't want them to miss out on such a good game...
Sadly I never succeeded in finding any good ones. Same thing goes for Oblivion, the original wasn't perfect by any means, but while playing I never found a suitable replacement.
I remember one in particular that just made all the normalmaps ultra-noisy, thinking 'extra detail = good'.
It was, as it turned out, not good at all.
Its a bit odd really that in this day and age we don't get devs releasing a high res pack of sorts. For some games I can see this as being a larger workload, of course, but if you make all art assets at a higher resolution than you intend to ship at and then down sample, it allows you to release the original ones at a later date with little effort.
In games like Rage for example its even easier, as the mega texture is a one click compile process is asking what resolution you want.
Games come out and they look all dashing but a year down the line they look old and blurred compared to newer titles, and lets be honest who wouldn't like an offical upgrade pack?
Then again, this is PC we are talking about, and PC users get shafted up the arse with even the most basic of patches never mind anything else... Yes, I'm looking at you EA and DLC...
Eld: Aside from Stalker Complete, I can't recall any texture mods that were an imnprovement on the original. I'd be interested to find others ofcourse!
I remember trying to find a good one for Deus Ex for friends because they're all 'this game looks old, yuck', and I didn't want them to miss out on such a good game...
Sadly I never succeeded in finding any good ones. Same thing goes for Oblivion, the original wasn't perfect by any means, but while playing I never found a suitable replacement.
I remember one in particular that just made all the normalmaps ultra-noisy, thinking 'extra detail = good'.
It was, as it turned out, not good at all.
Yeah, I'd rather take a unison low-spec look over a bunch of unfitting, lowquality highresolution textures with superbump.
Yeah, but the gamebryo thing has been blown out of proportions, since about 99% of the people whining about it have no idea what they're talking about and constantly refer to gamebryo as a game engine, and blame it for animations, facegen travesties and general gameplay related crashes.
It went on and on and on.
I had to work with Gamebryo in a professional capacity for almost 10 weeks and I can tell you, any bugs or lack of shadows, AO etc. are absolutely down to Gamebryo being a piece of crap.
I had to work with Gamebryo in a professional capacity for almost 10 weeks and I can tell you, any bugs or lack of shadows, AO etc. are absolutely down to Gamebryo being a piece of crap.
What title and engine was it integrated with? I would love to hear some good and honest true experiences about it.
As far as I know gamebryo has shadows, and oblivion had them at a point, but it there just wasn't enough performance around with gamebryo to have it run at full speed on the 360.
Also, I just checked on wikipedia, RIFT is listed as using gamebryo, is this true?
Eld: Aside from Stalker Complete, I can't recall any texture mods that were an imnprovement on the original. I'd be interested to find others ofcourse!
I know Morrowind had some very good texture mods, though they were just diffuse replacements. Darker Morrowind comes to mind.
Qarl's texture pack in oblivion is the best one out there. However, I sometimes just get the feeling that he took some of Oblivions uncompressed textures, Crazybumped everything, and called it is. Some of those textures (normal maps and Parallax) are ridiculously noisy. But because the Normal Maps stand out more (not in a good way), people think it looks amazing.
Yeah, some (thakfully not all) of them really don't know what normal maps do, I have noticed, and how they are best used.
Good = normalmap filter directly on the diffuse!
Better = moar detail and noise!
Same for some specular maps I have seen, that just used a greyscale copy of the texture - which is bad for a face where the skin is light and the lips much darker.
Nah, that's just youtube doing an auto takedown while waiting for those calling for the takedown to specify why so it can be deleted.
I watched the NGP Tokyo Press Epic Citadel Tech demo on youtube next to this, it's the exact same. Just a guy with a lot of free time filming his PC monitor with his cellphone and uploading it as "omg skyrim" to youtube :P
Ok I just found this thread , is this to discuss about skyrim among us or we can ask questions for SKYRIM ....
AS for one I asked lots of times even on the gameinformer blog but was never answered , is there a piecemeal armour system ala morrowind back in the Game ? Couse the Fallout system of one suit only sucked badly .... We want a system like separate pauldrons etc ....
Well it was like that in Oblivion do I don't see why not.
Pauldrons were attached to the cuirass in Oblivion. There were way less armor slots.
I won't mind if it's like that again but I miss all the slots they had in morrowind for separate pauldrons, separate gloves, clothing slots outside of armor, etc.
I'm really looking forward to more info about this game. Can't wait to see some proper gameplay footage. Have they said anything about when they are going to show some gameplay?
I seem to remember Bethesda releasing a video playthrough of the first dungeon before the game was released (or at least a small section of it).
Yeah that's one thing I learned my lesson on in Oblivion, quicksaves especially could be pretty notorious with getting corrupted.
I always had the one quicksave going, and I'd constantly cycle through 3 hard saves alongside it. Will be doing the same thing in Skyrim, assuming a similar system.
One thing I'm really hoping for in Skyrim - Character Profiles. Seriously, that was easily one of the best and simplest of mods for Oblivion, was being able to sort and have different character profiles each with their own series of save states.
Which is why I think most texture upgrade mods that will come out for skyrim (as they did for oblivion) will be the "hurr durr resolution beats EVERYTHING" kind of stuff.
Where people will find the closest google image, run the original from 512^2 to 2048^2, overlay the normalmap on itself a few dozen times, and go "super hd mod!"
And then the pc crowd goes "yeas look at how good the pc version looks now!"
(I know there are a bunch of good graphics mods, but most treasure specs and polycounts above good art-direction and quality)
I was actually working on a texture replacement mod for Oblivion, once upon a time, it was about giving the game that hand-painted fantasy look, and not going for realistic at all. I canned it for the very reasons mentioned here, that most people were only interested in the "omg super high res ultra hd" stuff.
I decided I wasn't going to spend months working on something like that when there would just be a handful of thankful people using it.
I think it is due to physics objects going into an inactive rested state, where they are frozen until acted upon by an outside force.
Which is the cause of the funny explosion of bethesda placed physics objects on tables and stuff, which causes a chain reaction of physics activation when you bumped into something :P
Jim Sterling :poly127: just when Tim Rogers stopped posting those pointless essays of his I'm starting to see THIS guy everywhere.
Real-life needs a votekick.
kotaku's lovely "new engine = better faces, not hindered by gamebryo faces"
I'd still pick RPS above Destructoid and Kotaku though, the fact that it's PC centric filters out some of the stupid that clogs the internet elsewhere.
Also in before the reviews: "While the Creation Engine gives us great new faces, it causes the animations to look wonky in certain situations. Some of the textures are also of a lower resolution than anything seen in Gamebryo. But it's fine because the engine creates a really huge world that the developers obviously had fun populating with enemies and items."
It irritates me to no end when I see people posting complaints about the engine on the bethsoft forums, kotaku, etc. Like, I don't understand how these people know the name of the game's engine when they clearly have no idea what an engine does.
That age-old trend of blaming the faces in Fallout 3 and Oblivion on Gamebryo makes me weep on the inside.
Personally I think it looks great, lovely environments in particular. You can clearly see change, but at the same time they're not obsessing over it. Going to be a great game no matter what.
People just want something to complain about to make themselves feel better. Like the whole BF3 DLC pre-ordering thing which if anything is just a heads up to hardcore fans and not a money grabbing scheme...
Might play through Oblivion again soon.
4-5 years of your life making something for people like THAT^
Whatever you guys are paid it's not enough B|
And a lot of the grumpy comments are done in a tongue-in-cheek kind of way.
Either way, Dtoid/Kotaku bring out my hatred for humanity, even without reading the comments, so I avoid them on purpose.
Where people will find the closest google image, run the original from 512^2 to 2048^2, overlay the normalmap on itself a few dozen times, and go "super hd mod!"
And then the pc crowd goes "yeas look at how good the pc version looks now!"
(I know there are a bunch of good graphics mods, but most treasure specs and polycounts above good art-direction and quality)
And I don't even post there.
I hate retards like this, fakefactory is just awful.
If I am right, it is possible to mod Oblivion enough to make hawt and interesting characters - and it is! I have found the facegen head fairly flexible but it has some weak points for sure.
oh all this made me realize why I have the problem below..: people don't know shit about 3D and how it is made! A lot of them are like this: with way more ideas than 3D skill.
I've been building mods with a dude and I just ran away screaming from his incessant expansion ideas. I wish they would hang around places like this and get some insight. :poly127: oh hello my bitterness.
And fuck, man, you have some horrible mods. I can't compete at all, this is all I have left
I remember trying to find a good one for Deus Ex for friends because they're all 'this game looks old, yuck', and I didn't want them to miss out on such a good game...
Sadly I never succeeded in finding any good ones. Same thing goes for Oblivion, the original wasn't perfect by any means, but while playing I never found a suitable replacement.
I remember one in particular that just made all the normalmaps ultra-noisy, thinking 'extra detail = good'.
It was, as it turned out, not good at all.
In games like Rage for example its even easier, as the mega texture is a one click compile process is asking what resolution you want.
Games come out and they look all dashing but a year down the line they look old and blurred compared to newer titles, and lets be honest who wouldn't like an offical upgrade pack?
Then again, this is PC we are talking about, and PC users get shafted up the arse with even the most basic of patches never mind anything else... Yes, I'm looking at you EA and DLC...
Yeah, I'd rather take a unison low-spec look over a bunch of unfitting, lowquality highresolution textures with superbump.
Game devs create a female character that doesn't fall into the stereotypes commonly associated with the territory...
Modders are like
"Fuck that, T&A"
"Those look so good it's more than a little frightening."
"A Great mod I use it for my new game can't imagen to play without it now."
"first time i saw the screenshots i acctualy thought it was a picture of real ground...speachless"
I had to work with Gamebryo in a professional capacity for almost 10 weeks and I can tell you, any bugs or lack of shadows, AO etc. are absolutely down to Gamebryo being a piece of crap.
What title and engine was it integrated with? I would love to hear some good and honest true experiences about it.
As far as I know gamebryo has shadows, and oblivion had them at a point, but it there just wasn't enough performance around with gamebryo to have it run at full speed on the 360.
Also, I just checked on wikipedia, RIFT is listed as using gamebryo, is this true?
Good = normalmap filter directly on the diffuse!
Better = moar detail and noise!
Same for some specular maps I have seen, that just used a greyscale copy of the texture - which is bad for a face where the skin is light and the lips much darker.
Lol when did we stop discussing skyrim?
Oh yes.
That. Is. Epic.
EDIT: Yep, snooped around a bit more NGP Tech Demo from Epic, I'm going out to get something to clear my head out now :P
I watched the NGP Tokyo Press Epic Citadel Tech demo on youtube next to this, it's the exact same. Just a guy with a lot of free time filming his PC monitor with his cellphone and uploading it as "omg skyrim" to youtube :P
AS for one I asked lots of times even on the gameinformer blog but was never answered , is there a piecemeal armour system ala morrowind back in the Game ? Couse the Fallout system of one suit only sucked badly .... We want a system like separate pauldrons etc ....
Well it was like that in Oblivion do I don't see why not.
I won't mind if it's like that again but I miss all the slots they had in morrowind for separate pauldrons, separate gloves, clothing slots outside of armor, etc.
A simple interview with Todd Howard.
I am looking forward to this and I hope it is awesome+mode.
I seem to remember Bethesda releasing a video playthrough of the first dungeon before the game was released (or at least a small section of it).
I totally thought an elephant was being sliced in half by a giant Bear-c0ck
Ever heard of having multiple game saves?
I always had the one quicksave going, and I'd constantly cycle through 3 hard saves alongside it. Will be doing the same thing in Skyrim, assuming a similar system.
One thing I'm really hoping for in Skyrim - Character Profiles. Seriously, that was easily one of the best and simplest of mods for Oblivion, was being able to sort and have different character profiles each with their own series of save states.
Mother of god.
It does look good though.
Morrowind was better than Oblivion on initial release in my opinion.
I'd rather have Gameplay over graphics every day all
I'm assuming a forum of game artists might :P
I was actually working on a texture replacement mod for Oblivion, once upon a time, it was about giving the game that hand-painted fantasy look, and not going for realistic at all. I canned it for the very reasons mentioned here, that most people were only interested in the "omg super high res ultra hd" stuff.
I decided I wasn't going to spend months working on something like that when there would just be a handful of thankful people using it.
YES. FINALLY. Underwater vegetation. I felt that Oblivion lacked this. Underwater was so... lifeless. But now, HELLO SWIMMING!