Totally in love with the environment art in this trailer. Just love how wild and rugged it all looks. If I wasn't so preoccupied today, I would have watched that trailer non stop.
Beautiful work. Cant wait to play it! Props to Bethesda devs
I really hope the snow works as well as they hope to make it;
I can't stand static snow in games, sometimes. It just seems so weird, as snow is a moving substance. I've always loved snow, and messing with it.
Hopefully, snow moves/gathers on objects as they say it will.
Would really add to the atmosphere..hopefully you can get lost in blizzards. Like I did with duststorms in morrowind. Good times, that. Ended up in a horrible ruin filled with all kinds of nasty corpus creatures.
Oh wow, if that is an elf race it's an awesome improvement!
Also just gotta say that that city built ontop of that natural stone bridge formation-thing (help me) at about 1:22 looks absolutely AWESOME and is exactly the kind of environment I missed in Oblivion. Can't wait to throw people off it's edge
Also any word on how cities work yet? Will it be great and awesome and perfect like in Morrowind? Or immersion breaking like Oblivion?
I don't mind gates into cities to be honest, but it'd be better if it was an animation of them opening as you walk into a bustling city environment instead of a loading screen explaining how alchemy works
All this Skyrim talk is making me want to do a crazy Morrowind+expansions and Oblivion+expansions runthrough before November.
Totally in love with the environment art in this trailer.
i agree entirely, the enviro art is really eye catching!
I found the first one for it's time was really good, and i've been excited since this one got announced.
No offense intended to former char artists on oblivion etc, but man..... this is a whole new level. Huge level up! Mad props dudes whoeever you are!!!!!!
I hope the elves come with a less-weird-face option then, so I can play my generic Dunmer - ah wait, I'll just use haxx and play a golden saint again
To anyone being disappointed on graphics.. remember that they had to limit it so it can run on those ol' PS3s and Xboxes, not our infinitely upgradeable and awesome PCs ;D
New trailer looks great! Can't wait to explore this new world. Really curious how fighting dragons will turn out, always kind of tricky to fight against such big monsters in a believable way.
I hope the elves come with a less-weird-face option then, so I can play my generic Dunmer - ah wait, I'll just use haxx and play a golden saint again
To anyone being disappointed on graphics.. remember that they had to limit it so it can run on those ol' PS3s and Xboxes, not our infinitely upgradeable and awesome PCs ;D
That was just the sad side-effect of oblivion, elves in elderscrolls were always supposed to look alien I guess, but in oblivion they just looked like something went wrong.
In morrowind they weren't the best faces, but they were at the very least handbuilt
And if everything we've seen of skyrim is a hint on how they'll look, all those special cases races will look fantastic.
Ah, I see. I am going to guess/hope then, because it was mentioned being able to choose from some base faces and modify them a bit, that there is a more elven alien base face to choose, and they'll use that for NPCs, but players can choose what they want. Idunno. Making a face that can be tweaked so much might just be HARD (never had a job in the industry so what do I know!)
Also I forgot to agree that the hands look awful on those shots I don't remember Oblivion hands being that bad ... but then I got Robert's Bodies ASAP. Standard bodies are just terrifyingly bad. Are hands as hard for 3D artists as 2D artists always complain about?
Damn, now I gotta find some naked animal mods to post to match you, Eld, BBL Elsweyr.
it was simply too many options on a highly "dynamic" basemesh, and using just one baseface for everything wasn't a good idea.
Supposedly everything is built from custom built pieces, similar to mass effect or age of conan, that you can tweak in a more sensible matter. Which is just so many ways better for having good looking characters.
I also read somewhere that there'll be at least some kind of body tweaking this time around too.
Nice find on the elf! I'm definitely excited, the facial structure reminds me more of Morrowind than Oblivion.
krisCrash I'd say hands are one of the most difficult parts of the human body in any medium.
You can conquer them just like any other part though. I'm not too worried about the hands in Skyrim right now, since chances are I won't see them much, I'll be wearing some sort of awesome gauntlets. And let's hope we see a return of non-armor gloves too.
That's a Kajiit! It's one of the more elf like ones, but it's a Kajiit. Look at the nose and the mouth. The bridge of the nose is very broad at the top and the mouth is in an upside-down V.
That's a Kajiit! It's one of the more elf like ones, but it's a Kajiit. Look at the nose and the mouth. The bridge of the nose is very broad at the top and the mouth is in an upside-down V.
Khajiit's ears are more on the top of their head and cat-like. More rounded too. That paired with the hairstyle/lack of claws/lack of fur really make me doubt it's a Khajiit.
I can see what you're saying about the facial structure but I'd say it's just blurring/pixelating oddly due to the poor quality of the screenshot.
took some higher-res screenshots of the elf. Don't know why this has got me so excited.
There are 16 regular forms of khajiit + the Mane, a few of which are almost indistinguishable from Bosmer - so it could be!
My guess is they'll use the same 10 races as Morrowind and Oblivion, meaning the Suthay-Raht khajiit form. So it's probably a Mer in the screenshot.
krisCrash I'd say hands are one of the most difficult parts of the human body in any medium.
You can conquer them just like any other part though. I'm not too worried about the hands in Skyrim right now, since chances are I won't see them much, I'll be wearing some sort of awesome gauntlets. And let's hope we see a return of non-armor gloves too.
Well.. depends - imo they can be learned. Maybe I am just being picky ;D
But yes, gauntlets, and I'll probably play in third person too.
You know guys, maybe that northern coast will be too cold for mudcrabs?!!
Yeah, I highly doubt they would not use the most regular type of khajiit, since that's the one that people have been accustomed to since every elderscrolls game.
And besides, wasn't the khajiit look explanation a retcon to explain why they changed things from the different games, from daggerfall to morrowind to oblivion on the beast-races?
high brows, slim shape, yellow skintone, typical fancypancy altmer hairdo, can only be:
Saw some concept art of argonians on one of the first GI videos, shit looked awesome.
Would be great if each race has at least one armour for JUST that race :P
I suppose there's a small chance it's a Khajiit, but my initial thought was definitely a high elf. Those ears are pretty definitely "elf", not those of a cat, based on past Elder Scrolls games.
Regardless of what exactly it is though I just wanted to point it out - it was the only instance of a race other than presumably Nord/perhaps Imperial I'd managed to catch a glimpse of. Very exciting!
Gaah, so damn excited for this. I'm not one for modding a game to be very different, but you can bet I'll be whipping up some of my own dungeons and player homes in no time. And to think - I was initially a little disappointed that it was going to be in Skyrim, I was expecting a huge tundra, with everyone in furs and seeing way too much snow everywhere. But the beauty in this game is going to be mindblowing.
There's definitely similarity in art style from Oblivion, but this is like Oblivion + cooler landscapes and cities + Qarl's Texture Pack + wicked dynamic shadows + superior character appearance and animation + a fuck ton of other equally awesome gameplay mechanics.
Todd Howard mentioned in a podcast that this time around, they are using all hand-made character art with tweakable proportions, etc. Which means the different races can look vastly more different from each other than Oblivion allowed, and each individual character will look better since it's not FaceGen
eld: I see your khajiit dick and raise you a minotaur tit.
she is miffed that her Elsweyr mod will be too far from the new game, what'll she do then?
end of animal picture time, not internet savvy enough to find a clever text to paste on!
related to the hands thing, wanted to show that it can be done:
since roberts bodies were ported to Fallout there's a good chance we'll see them in Skyrim too "just cause they can"
Is it healthy that i've watched this trailer about 50-100 times over the past 24 hours? Has anyone else had it on repeat for nearly an hour :S
I'm right there with you buddy. Pretty much the Skyrim theme has been my background music to my days since yesterday morning, atleast in my mind, because it's been completely blown away you see.
I've never wanted to be a part of a game or company so much lol
I wonder what goes through a persons head when they make that. I mean.. is it a one handed job? are they fapping furiously at the "super hawt" gene disaster they're porting in game?
That is all.
What the hell is wrong with the model. Why is he pale white..but his wong dong is like, flesh color? I mean like, yea sweet whatever you're a weirdo and make...weirdo models but at least make it look good!
Maybe it's supposed to look like a gay paedophile Frankenstein-monster? It most certainly would scare the shit out of me if they hid that in a Oblivion Dungeon
I'm right there with you buddy. Pretty much the Skyrim theme has been my background music to my days since yesterday morning, atleast in my mind, because it's been completely blown away you see.
I've never wanted to be a part of a game or company so much lol
I still get a stiffy everytime he shouts and the music kicks in
I wonder what goes through a persons head when they make that. I mean.. is it a one handed job? are they fapping furiously at the "super hawt" gene disaster they're porting in game?
That is all.
I would guess most of those "weird" models are transfered over from either 2nd life or poser.
Bethesda apparently will grant you every Zenimax game (and any Zenimax games to ever be released) for free if you have a kid on the 11th of November and name them Dovahkiin.
I also wonder what sort of authentication process they'll have to go through...because photo shopping a birth certificate can't be too hard.
Any way, I am amazed that they tuned up the Gamebryo engine this well. But I think a lot has to do with their final abandonment of Facegen and more fluid animations. Over all, I'm excited.
Is it Gamebryo...? I thought it was a new custom built engine?
New iteration of their engine you could say, with gamebryo(the rendering engine) replaced with their own.
But all artistical improvements are all purely due to the new push in their art department.
On a sidenote, I'm willing to bet that most of the modding community consists of people who are heavily into secondlife on the side.
Oh, I just looked into it and it's the "Creation Engine", for some reason I remember reading an article back before Skyrim was even announced that they'd be making another game on the Gamebryo and everyone threw a hissy fit. Whatever, forget I said that, I'm too behind on these things.
Oh, I just looked into it and it's the "Creation Engine", for some reason I remember reading an article back before Skyrim was even announced that they'd be making another game on the Gamebryo and everyone threw a hissy fit. Whatever, forget I said that, I'm too behind on these things.
Yeah, but the gamebryo thing has been blown out of proportions, since about 99% of the people whining about it have no idea what they're talking about and constantly refer to gamebryo as a game engine, and blame it for animations, facegen travesties and general gameplay related crashes.
Theres no doubt in my mind the problem was with the art team when it came to the "look" of Oblivion/Fallout, but even then, physics in that old beast was... Random, at best. And that hurt a lot of things, including animation.
Everything so far SEEMS solid, but there isn't a doubt in my mind I'll load up this game and not see several bugs in the first hour of play. You just can't make such a massive detailed world and NOT have bugs... At this stage, as long as it launches with less problems than New Vegas, I'll be happy. Now THAT was a buggy game...
Actually the physics were on the Havoc engine implemented into the Gamebryo. But they were wonky as shit, trying to put two things on top of eachother always resulted in them exploding across a room.
Yeah, that'll happen with any physics implementation if you don't handle it carefully.
In real life two solid bodies usually do not enter eachother, but in games the implementations are often not super accurate due to the way we fake things in games or do it on other cores where the syncing isn't always the best, they'll just end up inside eachothers collision bodies and then forcefully explode away from eachother violently.
And in the case of bethesdas games they had a thousand different objects places in a thousand different ways in a thousand different locations.
Yeah, the fact that they took the time to do all of that was enough reason for me to not really be upset. It was hardly a deal breaker when it came to the games. It'd sorta be like getting upset with someone who cooked you a 5 course meal and gave you slightly dirty silverware. You know?
I was always amazed there was never a mass explosion when you'd go into a room or something and there was a split second of things dropping into place from loading.
The physics in this game only kicks in after you interact with them, its the reason why some objects seem to be perfectly placed one minute and appear to be floating when you bump into them
Loving the new trailer, have rewatched it half a dozen times now
Also, in before the inevitable dragon pet mod. If you can shout their language surely you can ride em
Great trailer and as it appears the soundtrack is pretty much like oblivion, really epic.
I better start booking my 100 hours of gameplay for November right away! ;p
Beautiful work. Cant wait to play it! Props to Bethesda devs
I can't stand static snow in games, sometimes. It just seems so weird, as snow is a moving substance. I've always loved snow, and messing with it.
Hopefully, snow moves/gathers on objects as they say it will.
Would really add to the atmosphere..hopefully you can get lost in blizzards. Like I did with duststorms in morrowind. Good times, that. Ended up in a horrible ruin filled with all kinds of nasty corpus creatures.
Anyone notice what looked like one of the elf races, in this screenshot?
Also just gotta say that that city built ontop of that natural stone bridge formation-thing (help me) at about 1:22 looks absolutely AWESOME and is exactly the kind of environment I missed in Oblivion. Can't wait to throw people off it's edge
Also any word on how cities work yet? Will it be great and awesome and perfect like in Morrowind? Or immersion breaking like Oblivion?
I don't mind gates into cities to be honest, but it'd be better if it was an animation of them opening as you walk into a bustling city environment instead of a loading screen explaining how alchemy works
All this Skyrim talk is making me want to do a crazy Morrowind+expansions and Oblivion+expansions runthrough before November.
i agree entirely, the enviro art is really eye catching!
I found the first one for it's time was really good, and i've been excited since this one got announced.
Holy shit, you're right, that looks like an altmer.
Edit: also, that fire is a minecraft accident waiting to happen.
To anyone being disappointed on graphics.. remember that they had to limit it so it can run on those ol' PS3s and Xboxes, not our infinitely upgradeable and awesome PCs ;D
That was just the sad side-effect of oblivion, elves in elderscrolls were always supposed to look alien I guess, but in oblivion they just looked like something went wrong.
In morrowind they weren't the best faces, but they were at the very least handbuilt
And if everything we've seen of skyrim is a hint on how they'll look, all those special cases races will look fantastic.
Also I forgot to agree that the hands look awful on those shots
Damn, now I gotta find some naked animal mods to post to match you, Eld, BBL Elsweyr.
Supposedly everything is built from custom built pieces, similar to mass effect or age of conan, that you can tweak in a more sensible matter. Which is just so many ways better for having good looking characters.
I also read somewhere that there'll be at least some kind of body tweaking this time around too.
I'd say hands are one of the most difficult parts of the human body in any medium.
You can conquer them just like any other part though. I'm not too worried about the hands in Skyrim right now, since chances are I won't see them much, I'll be wearing some sort of awesome gauntlets. And let's hope we see a return of non-armor gloves too.
That's a Kajiit! It's one of the more elf like ones, but it's a Kajiit. Look at the nose and the mouth. The bridge of the nose is very broad at the top and the mouth is in an upside-down V.
I can see what you're saying about the facial structure but I'd say it's just blurring/pixelating oddly due to the poor quality of the screenshot.
took some higher-res screenshots of the elf. Don't know why this has got me so excited.
My guess is they'll use the same 10 races as Morrowind and Oblivion, meaning the Suthay-Raht khajiit form. So it's probably a Mer in the screenshot.
Well.. depends - imo they can be learned. Maybe I am just being picky ;D
But yes, gauntlets, and I'll probably play in third person too.
You know guys, maybe that northern coast will be too cold for mudcrabs?!!
And besides, wasn't the khajiit look explanation a retcon to explain why they changed things from the different games, from daggerfall to morrowind to oblivion on the beast-races?
high brows, slim shape, yellow skintone, typical fancypancy altmer hairdo, can only be:
Would be great if each race has at least one armour for JUST that race :P
Regardless of what exactly it is though I just wanted to point it out - it was the only instance of a race other than presumably Nord/perhaps Imperial I'd managed to catch a glimpse of. Very exciting!
Gaah, so damn excited for this. I'm not one for modding a game to be very different, but you can bet I'll be whipping up some of my own dungeons and player homes in no time. And to think - I was initially a little disappointed that it was going to be in Skyrim, I was expecting a huge tundra, with everyone in furs and seeing way too much snow everywhere. But the beauty in this game is going to be mindblowing.
There's definitely similarity in art style from Oblivion, but this is like Oblivion + cooler landscapes and cities + Qarl's Texture Pack + wicked dynamic shadows + superior character appearance and animation + a fuck ton of other equally awesome gameplay mechanics.
So epic, makes me shiver when he yells it.
she is miffed that her Elsweyr mod will be too far from the new game, what'll she do then?
end of animal picture time, not internet savvy enough to find a clever text to paste on!
related to the hands thing, wanted to show that it can be done:
since roberts bodies were ported to Fallout there's a good chance we'll see them in Skyrim too "just cause they can"
I'm right there with you buddy. Pretty much the Skyrim theme has been my background music to my days since yesterday morning, atleast in my mind, because it's been completely blown away you see.
I've never wanted to be a part of a game or company so much lol
Still the reigning champion.
Edit: holy shit I regret finding this:
That is all.
I still get a stiffy everytime he shouts and the music kicks in
I would guess most of those "weird" models are transfered over from either 2nd life or poser.
I also wonder what sort of authentication process they'll have to go through...because photo shopping a birth certificate can't be too hard.
Any way, I am amazed that they tuned up the Gamebryo engine this well. But I think a lot has to do with their final abandonment of Facegen and more fluid animations. Over all, I'm excited.
New iteration of their engine you could say, with gamebryo(the rendering engine) replaced with their own.
But all artistical improvements are all purely due to the new push in their art department.
On a sidenote, I'm willing to bet that most of the modding community consists of people who are heavily into secondlife on the side.
Yeah, but the gamebryo thing has been blown out of proportions, since about 99% of the people whining about it have no idea what they're talking about and constantly refer to gamebryo as a game engine, and blame it for animations, facegen travesties and general gameplay related crashes.
It went on and on and on.
Everything so far SEEMS solid, but there isn't a doubt in my mind I'll load up this game and not see several bugs in the first hour of play. You just can't make such a massive detailed world and NOT have bugs... At this stage, as long as it launches with less problems than New Vegas, I'll be happy. Now THAT was a buggy game...
Also, an example of professional gaming journalism:
In real life two solid bodies usually do not enter eachother, but in games the implementations are often not super accurate due to the way we fake things in games or do it on other cores where the syncing isn't always the best, they'll just end up inside eachothers collision bodies and then forcefully explode away from eachother violently.
And in the case of bethesdas games they had a thousand different objects places in a thousand different ways in a thousand different locations.
Again, QA hell.
I was always amazed there was never a mass explosion when you'd go into a room or something and there was a split second of things dropping into place from loading.