Man the pitchforks! We've got an objective opinion!
Aren't ALL opinions in regards to how something looks subjective? :>
I liked what I saw, it's no BF 3 or Crysis 2 imo, but it seems to sell it's world well and that is honestly all I care about when I'm playing a huge free-roaming RPG
Looks amazing! Huge improvements have been made to the environments. What really bugs me is the terrible dragon animation. God. Towards the end of that trailer, it looks like they hired a junior animator, or something. Character animations seem good though. But the dragon... wtf?
On a more positive note, I'm LOVING the style of architecture. It is fantasy, but not generic at all. It's incredibly impressive.
i think it looks great! everything besides those horrible first person hands, they look pretty bad. if something is going to be on screen all the time i think it would be worth putting a little extra effort in making them not look bad. you guys can now cry about it and post stupid animal pictures.
Every hair on my body stood up at the shout, both times I've watched the trailer. Amazing. I think Glynn and the other one fail to spot the fact that creating such a massive massive world is going to come at a certain cost i.e. It ain't gonna look like a stellar looking game, cause stellar looking games these days are corridor shooters that last four hours.
I hope the dragons fly miles above you and are unkillable in the final game, and that there is no magic and that you can die of old age. You know, to make this fantasy game realistic.
Every hair on my body stood up at the shout, both times I've watched the trailer. Amazing. I think Glynn and the other one fail to spot the fact that creating such a massive massive world is going to come at a certain cost i.e. It ain't gonna look like a stellar looking game, cause stellar looking games these days are corridor shooters that last four hours.
I think you're failing to read
I didn't say it looked shit. I said that it didn't look like a massive step up - from Oblivion or the Fallouts. Which were also massive, massive games. But Oblivion's also a rather old game, too. I remember thinking it looked awesome, when it came out. But the images and videos for this game, so far, I'm not blown away by. I want to be, but I'm not.
The "new engine" was being reported on like it's going to be some huge leap from the visuals of the past games. The game, so far, looks really good to me, but there's no massive leap. The way they're drip-feeding the drooling masses, like it is some leap, is a bad thing imo; Some kind of marketing hype machine that's, in my opinion, failing to deliver, so far.
So, there's no need to twist words. I want this game on launch day, too. I'm just able to keep my head when looking at new media releases, without filling my pants with jizz (which has been something repeatedly "coming up" in this thread, when something new is shown). Mostly because I don't wear pants.
Wonder how the other races will look this time, I hope they do more to set the humanoid races apart than change ears and skin colour. And make the beast races look... well.. not retarded :P
Thank you eld!!! Finally the thread is back on track.
As a side note I don't understand the hostility directed at people who voice any amount of unsatisfaction, it's far from trolling, I don't see people getting all pissed off because you like the way the game looks, I see no reason to put your dick in their butt because they didn't blow loads in their pants after watching it.
I think it looks amazing, a big step up from anything they have done, except those hotdog hands.
Thank you eld!!! Finally the thread is back on track.
As a side note I don't understand the hostility directed at people who voice any amount of unsatisfaction, it's far from trolling, I don't see people getting all pissed off because you like the way the game looks, I see no reason to put your dick in their butt because they didn't blow loads in their pants after watching it.
I think it looks amazing, a big step up from anything they have done, except those hotdog hands.
I think the amount of semen comes from peoples memories from oblivion when it came out, where we all went quite meh at the characters and their animations, and lack of shadows.
The reaction we're having is the fact that they've improved on ALL of those departments, it's shocking considering that fallout3 suffered from the same issues oblivion and morrowind had.
I agree with the hands though, even though oblivion was even way worse.
But the main thing is that, people have forgotten how oblivion looked.
There's more than just technology there, it's art being done right on the exact same hardware as oblivion and fallout 3 was running on
Hey cool I hope it's in the game, then I can see a city built like that in full 3D and walk around in it and experience it in a game, instead of seeing it from a few angles for a set amount of minutes. Massive improvement.
Hey cool I hope it's in the game, then I can see a city built like that in full 3D and walk around in it and experience it in a game, instead of seeing it from a few angles for a set amount of minutes. Massive improvement.
I'm just poking a bit of fun of course. It's just funny to see a specific piece and you can immediately figure out where all the influences came from.
my god, I'm so fuckin hyped!
I dont know if its because I have to contain myself in this office right now, but my chest is hurting like hell from the excitment.
Just so god damn happy right now!
I am so pumped. Those environments make me want create foliage and natural landscapes (except when I'm working on my own project not thinking about Skyrim, I hate them)
Try and bend your index finger like that, it's almost impossible to do, unless you're really flexible! I know it's really critical, I just thought I'd mention it!
Try and bend your index finger like that, it's almost impossible to do, unless you're really flexible! I know it's really critical, I just thought I'd mention it!
That's why he can cast spells and you can't. You haven't mastered the impossible finger bending.
ZOMGS *nirn*root :P
I've seen the entire process of this trailer, and I still get a lump in my throat when he does the shout.
Arnie couldn't kill a T-Rex, and a T-Rex can't fly or breathe fire.
This shit is ridiculous.
Also, the graphics don't seem to have taken any big leap. It just looks like they're using their engine better, and have a decent animation team now.
Go sit with Docm30 in that corner over there.
Man the pitchforks! We've got an objective opinion!
He is no man, he is Dovakiin - DRAGONBORN.
Dude is strapped to the scales with ancient dragon magic.
I liked what I saw, it's no BF 3 or Crysis 2 imo, but it seems to sell it's world well and that is honestly all I care about when I'm playing a huge free-roaming RPG
Also those animations looked great :0
Geezus, you must be having a blast down there world building, I'd love to take a field trip and check out that shiny new engine.
Arnie could snap their neck like chicken, then deflect a dragon or 2 off his chest while flexing his lats to fly andkick some dragon ass in the air.
On a more positive note, I'm LOVING the style of architecture. It is fantasy, but not generic at all. It's incredibly impressive.
Arnie couldn't even snap that woman's neck at the airport
His muscles must have melted due to the intense heat of dragon breath... or something. Obviously.
I think you're failing to read
I didn't say it looked shit. I said that it didn't look like a massive step up - from Oblivion or the Fallouts. Which were also massive, massive games. But Oblivion's also a rather old game, too. I remember thinking it looked awesome, when it came out. But the images and videos for this game, so far, I'm not blown away by. I want to be, but I'm not.
The "new engine" was being reported on like it's going to be some huge leap from the visuals of the past games. The game, so far, looks really good to me, but there's no massive leap. The way they're drip-feeding the drooling masses, like it is some leap, is a bad thing imo; Some kind of marketing hype machine that's, in my opinion, failing to deliver, so far.
So, there's no need to twist words. I want this game on launch day, too. I'm just able to keep my head when looking at new media releases, without filling my pants with jizz (which has been something repeatedly "coming up" in this thread, when something new is shown). Mostly because I don't wear pants.
Wonder how the other races will look this time, I hope they do more to set the humanoid races apart than change ears and skin colour. And make the beast races look... well.. not retarded :P
Just, for god's sake, blur that thing out, or mosaic it, or something!
Also, any mention on how large the world is this time? :0 And I loved those clouds and that fog, PLEASE bring levitation back.
i'm pretty pumped
As a side note I don't understand the hostility directed at people who voice any amount of unsatisfaction, it's far from trolling, I don't see people getting all pissed off because you like the way the game looks, I see no reason to put your dick in their butt because they didn't blow loads in their pants after watching it.
I think it looks amazing, a big step up from anything they have done, except those hotdog hands.
Wonder where that idea came from?
I think the amount of semen comes from peoples memories from oblivion when it came out, where we all went quite meh at the characters and their animations, and lack of shadows.
The reaction we're having is the fact that they've improved on ALL of those departments, it's shocking considering that fallout3 suffered from the same issues oblivion and morrowind had.
I agree with the hands though, even though oblivion was even way worse.
But the main thing is that, people have forgotten how oblivion looked.
There's more than just technology there, it's art being done right on the exact same hardware as oblivion and fallout 3 was running on
Hey cool I hope it's in the game, then I can see a city built like that in full 3D and walk around in it and experience it in a game, instead of seeing it from a few angles for a set amount of minutes. Massive improvement.
I'm just poking a bit of fun of course. It's just funny to see a specific piece and you can immediately figure out where all the influences came from.
I also love the fact that one of their mood boards features the Techno Viking [ame]
Also I am hoping for technoviking hair and beard in the game :P
I dont know if its because I have to contain myself in this office right now, but my chest is hurting like hell from the excitment.
Just so god damn happy right now!
Try and bend your index finger like that, it's almost impossible to do, unless you're really flexible! I know it's really critical, I just thought I'd mention it!
That's why he can cast spells and you can't. You haven't mastered the impossible finger bending.