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Pre-Dom War V - 3D Character Art



  • weisheng
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    weisheng polycounter lvl 9
  • Arkhange
    Thanks for comment everyone, it's very appreciated.

    @RoboBunny : Thanks for the feedback on the eyes issue. In fact I have made the helmet and some tris inside for the eyes/face, so in a 3/4 view or front it seems weird but when you rotate it a bit in real-time, you can understand that it' not just paint on the helmet or strange skull shape, anyway thanks to point this problem I have make some tweaks on it in consequence ;) (refine on the face shape and add some shadow on the face)
    And I'm glad thatyou notice that it's in fact a girl inside the armor :D
    @ Levus : I hope that you will keep the front fabric panel, and that he is just missing for the screenshot of the pant !
    @Stinger88 : This secret-weapon thing is really teasing me, I hope to see these mozaic disappear very soon :D

    Today's advancement, as always crits are welcome
  • Der Hollander
    It's been hard to focus lately, but I've got a bit of a texture update. I'm not that fantastic of a hand painter, so anything grayscale is going to have a photo texture overlay to give it some more suggestion of material. Model sits at exactly 3k tris. Seeing the great texture work in this thread is really inspiring, and I've improved a bit just by looking at how some of the textures were handled.
  • shaggystiano
  • seven
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    seven polycounter lvl 13
    I wanted to thank a few people for their enthusiasm. I must have missed your comments in a multiple tired stupors.

    thank you @Dreamer, Levus, JFletcher, Arkhange, Firebat

    everyone has some really nice pieces. I'm proud to be working alongside so much talent.

    update before I go out of town for turkey day.

  • whiteshadow
    Here is some progress for today, I just started painting him in 3d coat and photoshop. Im really liking that workflow for a game character.

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    CAPGUN polycounter lvl 8
    Safe to say, this is the first time I've ever "painted" textures, so some suggestions and/or crits would be awesome!, (also very much appreciated). :)

  • kitsune
    Hi guys !

    The polycount team is awesome this year! There's a lot of really cool stuff and it's not the real challenge yet !

    Anyway, this is where I am with my character.
    I've unfold the UV and began a first diffuse texture.
    I made a little running cycle too. I'm sorry, it's too fast, I 'll do another one later when the texture will be done.

  • ledyr
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    ledyr polycounter lvl 7
    Cupgun I think that a dwarf wouldn't be so metrosexual (waxed eyebrow etc)
  • NathanA
    Awesome stuff so far folks. Loving the colors Seven, they really pop.

    Started the texture for my General fella. Started blocking in the colors and worked on the face.
  • Daharan86
    a bit late to begin but 'd like to try

    here is my shadow concept: gonna speed up a bit to finish model in short times

  • BadGeometry
    Woke up today. Textured. Textured. Textured. I burned myself out a bit on the surface texture work so a gave myself a small break by cranking out a first pass at the glow map. Still plenty left to do. I'm gonna unify the decorative trim he has on his armor pieces, and I still have the whole halberd-lance to work on too. Here's what I got so far.


    @weisheng: You're guy has a great design. His silhouette is strong and yet his details are simple and easy on the eyes. Can't wait to see him finished!

    @Arkhange: The way you've treated the metal on his gauntlets and legs looks awesome. I don't know how far along you are with the cloth along his hips, but I think you could push that a little more along the back.

    Keep up the good work, everyone!
  • {scumworks}
    @CAPGUN - Be careful not to make textures too monocrome, it doesnt entertain the eye, and isnt very true to life either.

    Could take a look at Ron Lemens head painting tutorials.


    Im so far behind, only just finished my concept...

  • Faf
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    Faf interpolator
  • Daven
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    Daven greentooth
    scumworks: Thanks for those tutorials. I'll reference them from now on. You'd better get a move on if you want to keep up with this crowd :)
    CAPGUN: If you haven't done so already, I'd say do a quick pass paint over of one of your untextured renders with lighting (or wireframe) and block out your color and shade. The direction you're going in now doesn't seem to compliment the character you've created. Try using some different brushes with adjustable falloff to get those nice, painted lines. Also, you need to put more shade in areas of lower light. This contest really pushes baking your lighting into your texture by hand, so keep that in mind.
    seven: Gotta love it. Everything is clear, dirty, and down right creepy. Keep it up! :)
    Arkhange: You've got your color in and I think it looks great, but you should really play around with more saturated colors. In a game environment without dynamic lighting or shadows, I think your character might get lost easily with all of those light hues. You've got a good start, but really try and push this character with color.

    Everyone else is doing a phenomenal job. Make us proud :D
  • Sixton
    Tweaked the model annnd it's done. Unwrapping and starting on the, oh so tasty, texturing.


    This thread is starting to be full of win and cookies! Keep it up guys!
  • AimBiZ
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    AimBiZ polycounter lvl 14
    Looks cool Sixton, though I think her head is too small. A closeup on that part would be nice as well.
  • Daharan86
    the body is going to its end. Think I'l be able to end modeling of the head and stuff this night. :)

  • SpeCter
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    SpeCter polycounter lvl 14
    I made some changes to my model, removed the walker legs and gave him some real legs, what do you think?


    To me the walker legs didn´t fit, i dunno, maybe i´m just looking to much on it :/
  • SpeCter
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    SpeCter polycounter lvl 14
    @Sixton: As said before, her head seams to small even after the changes, but this could be due to the perspective, One shoot from front please

    Edit: AimBiz said the same, just saw that now :)

    Edit2: Thought i was editing my post, didn´t see that the old content was missing , need to sleep...
  • Daven
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    Daven greentooth
    Darahan86: The proportions are well enough along, but you might want to give him more space under his arms. It could cause weird stretching for animation if you don't give him more of an armpit.

    edit: Also, i don't think you need that many tris in the hands. For most MMOs the fingers aren't usually that articulate and even if they are there isn't much focus on them. Try lowering the budget for that area and utilize them to better your silhouette.
  • Veko
    was watching jungle book yesterday and decided to ditch my ape riding war general.
    Going for a im-being-mind-controlled-by-a-snake kinda guy now :)

  • Levus
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    Levus polycounter lvl 11
    @Chai - I like 5 and 6:) But I saw something like 5 and also 7 on gameartisans dw thread: http://www.gameartisans.org/forums/showpost.php?p=251390&postcount=1220

    @weisheng - I like your style and color theme, It seems to be great model!

    @Arkhange - It's going nice:) One suggestion, character looking stiff a little, maybe some twaeks on pose should help.

    @seven - Cool coloring, looks really great! One suggestion, maybe some delicate shadow casting by the hood on his face, not too much.
  • Sixton
    @AimBiZ, @SpeCter: thanks a lot for the input guys - i'll do that when i get back to it! Either the hood or fov could be a problem

    Also, Spec, noo! mech-legs all the way baby!
  • SpeCter
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    SpeCter polycounter lvl 14
    Hm.. i´m not sure, hopefully i get more comments on the legs.At the moment i´m really desperate since i don´t know what i like more :(
  • Xyniph
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    Xyniph polycounter lvl 12
    SpeC, I would stick with walker legs of some kind. They were a pretty strong part of the characterization. Maybe try different variants of the mech legs? I'd only say replace them with regular legs if you did something else with him to keep the figure more original.
  • Elyaradine
  • Sirdelita
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    Sirdelita polycounter lvl 10
    @Seven-That is looking quite sexy
    @Veko-Great start! Keep pushing that silhouette! Could be an awesome piece
    @BadGeometry-Your art is very pretty, but something isn't popping. I don't even know what to suggest, but it needs some personality!
    @NathanA-Your paint is looking very blurry? Cool design tho!
    @Specter-Man...I loved the robotic legs... <3 BRING EM BACK! :)
  • sp0kelset
    Some progress with the modeling. Going to add some feathers with the remaining polys. It's at 2887 at the moment, will probably overlook the weapons a bit more.
    All kinds of comments appreciated.
  • SpeCter
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    SpeCter polycounter lvl 14
    @Sixton & Xyniph: You where both right, thx for clearing my headaches :D

    @Sirdelita: You won, here you have your beloved legs back ;)

    @sp0kelset: I like it, but maybe you could define the finger shape a little bit more, to me they look a little bit like sausages ;)

    Ok..Ok you convinced me people, brought the cyberlegs back(I think he should have them anyway because otherwise he could not hold the tank, which i made bigger btw.), but made some slight changes. I think the silouette is better now.

    Hopefully he doesn´t look as static as before and more "funny" :)


    Let me know what you think, top is new one, bottom is old one.
  • audi100
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    audi100 polycounter lvl 11
    @onelunglewis: Thx hope i don't disappoint too much.
    @Swizzle: Don't give up! There is plenty of time left you still can do it with ~1-2h per day.
    @seven : just lovely great colors going on.
    @ Arkhange: pretty nice progress. Agree with the one who mentioned the saturation, all the same values now, not much contrast.
    @Jfletcher: Awesomeness, would really fit nicely in the machinarium world.
    @Faf: Interesting proportions, curious too see how it will turn out. Not sure if i like the hand from the side view, fingers to thick imho.

    Started on the first texture pass, should be through soon, then concentration on details and better shading. Screengrab has 100% Selfillumination.

  • InProgress
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    InProgress polycounter lvl 14
    Some progress on the model. Finished the UV mapping, so I can finally start work on the textures.

  • dregoloth
    I'm finally getting somewhere on the model, and I'd like to hear where I could improve on the existing geometry
  • SpeCter
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    SpeCter polycounter lvl 14
    @audi100: Nice idea and execution so far, just the hightlights seem to be to saturated, while other parts seem too dull.
    I´m confident, that you will fix that while going on with your texture :)
  • AimBiZ
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    AimBiZ polycounter lvl 14
    Cool stuff audi. Since it's the first pass I'll hold my crits for the now though one suggestion could be to perhaps play around more with warm and cool colors. Like give key areas warmer colors or make the armor cold and organic stuff warm?
  • Flow
    audi100 and Arkhange and seven and Bad geometry : Nice texture pass !, I like !
    Everyone else is doing really cool stuff !!

    For me a little up on the diffuse map...still work to do on....

  • Ithoual
    I've made the Magic Gauntlet, I'll start the legs/feet soon but I'm still trying to improve what i have and make few research about features on the character. Thx for your advices/feedback, it helps a lot!


    Audi100 :
    Really cool , nice concept and 3D :]

    Fletcher :
    Great character, and great style! I really learn a lot watching you :]

    SpeCter :
    There are right, you have a nice concept, it's simple but it works, it's sad to cut of the main feature from it. Actually I think what gives to your anatomy a strange feeling is that the energy flow/weight are a bit wrong. Try to place your feet where you feel the weight is and try to draw your leg shape the more natural way possible. Event if it's mechanic it works the same way as real legs to fight against the gravity. I made a little paint-over (horrible sry), it's just an example, there are hundred of possible design but it'll maybe give you an idea of what i mean, because i suck a little in english :].
  • {scumworks}
    @Elyaradine - Her shoulders look a tad wide and flat, almost as wide as her hips which shouldnt be the case. I realize you might not be aiming for realism, but peeking at some ref. would help sell it I think.

    @sp0kelset - Nice model, them legs are gonna snap anytime tho xD

    @SpeCter - The small seems to fit better, but the large could add some "character". Its a toss I guess.

    @audi100 - Nice concept, I like the model.

    @Flow - Looks good, but beware the tube arms syndrom.

    @Ithoual - Coming together real nice. Will you add the "smoke" aswell?

  • SpeCter
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    SpeCter polycounter lvl 14
    Thanks Ithoual , this actually helped me alot, , i will try to make his legs more dynamic(at the moment it seems like he can only walk forward)

    Unfortunately i only have about 16 polys left, so I have to change what i have so far, but i think I got a good idea to make the leg´s shape more natural :)

    By the way, really nice art Ithoual and i like the idea of the shimmering/glowing/smoking parts :)

    @scumworks: What do you mean exactly? Are you talking about the legs or about the tank on his back?
  • SpeCter
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    SpeCter polycounter lvl 14
    Please delete, i seem to have problems with this thread atm:poly122:
  • Slave_zero
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    Slave_zero polycounter lvl 8
    It's been a while since my last update, but here it is. I was occupied by some family events so no work for the whole weekend. Anyway Last weeks thrusday I started the model and ran into some problems of finding a proper volume and porportion for the charakter.
    So I decided to start with a naked basemesh for the human inside this big armor to get a feel for the proportions and the volumes that the armor has to hold.
    Monday was mostly modeling the Mainbody, Tuesday was spent with further refining topology and modeling the Sword,.Today I mostly spend time on poly reduction. It was quite close yesterday I was sitting at 3200 triangles. I'm glad the areas where I reduced the mesh don't have much of an impact but it was pretty close.

    The model hangs now at 2982 trinagles. So I have 18 triangles left for special-effects like the lighning from my concept.

    Tomorrow it is unwrapping so hopefully I can start texturing on friday night.


  • Nix
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    Nix polycounter lvl 13
    Ithoual: the smoke just looks too awesome, definitely hope you can make it look like that in the final model. I'm sure you can though.

    SpeCter: another "yay" for the mech legs here. :p

    Anyways I think I could use some help with my geometry, cuz I think I must be breaking at least a dozen rules.

    I'm probably doing the reverse from everyone else, starting from lowpoly and refining. I just don't know any better. :p I will definitely try it the "proper" way for my next model.

    This one's sitting at about 1400 tris now, so it's still pretty rough and needs lots of cleanup, but please don't hesitate to point out mistakes regardless:


    Oh and this is a quick back view concept, which I hadn't yet posted. I'm just putting it up for completion's sake:
  • kirian
    adding colors, just test like this
  • MNeMiC
    Here are my updates for now. Currently at about 2900. The cape has plenty of polygons that can be shaved off when I need to save those precious triangles.

    The proportions are a bit off though, I'll try to fix that after some baking has taken place.

    The idea is that the cape will be transparant and gassy or something like a darkness power or a dark mist. It should be able to completely enshroud the character to hide her in the darkness, very assassiny :shifty:

    The "demonic hand" or another weapon will get the Polycount logotype.
    I'd appreciate some feedback on her.
  • TonyBTiger83
    Almost done with UV's textures will begin soon. Here's an update to see what hes looking like.


    I also have a pencil sketch I'll use to do color test it in PS one I get done with the UV's.

  • Levus
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    Levus polycounter lvl 11
    Hello again!
    More modeling, boots, bottles, some minor tweaks:
  • 3D Freak
    Here is what I have so far the tri is is at 2,388 and I still have to make the fave and mask, and feet

    any help is great

  • Snex

    Loving it. How did you get the jacket and hands so smooth? What Zbrush brush did you use?
  • XenoKratios
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    XenoKratios polycounter lvl 15
    Thanks for your help illusion, I followed the image you gave me and your advice, this is what I have now. I am going to UVW Unwrap now, maybe model a few more things if more ideas come to mind and try some texturing.


    I love all the characters everyone, great work!
  • Mrandk
    Been a while since I updated last, had to put everything on hold for a mocap final. Anyways after looking at my character in terms of interest I wasn't happy with the simplicity of the model so I went back and rearranged some triangles to get a more witchdoctor'y look for my corrupter Also put more color back into the pallet since I was getting scary close to an all gray character.

    So much more to do and so little time!
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