wouldnt have been as dramatic if they just did that after a few episodes. dragging it out really did add to the emotion of it. i do agree though that the episodes are a bit less entertaining than the first few of season 1, where now its more focused on the relationships of the people rather than their fight for survival. being in a remote area is great but it doesnt really say anything except that they are pretty much safe if they stay put.
Well, hopefully the shit hits the fan soon, like it does in the comics. Shane's character becomes unnecessary in the comics, because the characters get more hardened and things never get cozy/safe for them. There are other points in the future though, where things will probably slow down again. I just wish they didn't spend so much time on the ordinary. It didn't feel like it took this long in the comics. The continuing character development/adaptations are the entertaining part, and right now, they are just camping, with no threat.
Enjoying the series but these episodes are going so fucking slow. They spend like 90% of the time doing that sad, staring into blank space talking bullshit about how everything's fucked and they gotta make it through this. I feel like almost nothing has really happened in the second season.
I and my brother noticed the same thing. Watching the episodes back to back it must be annoyingly obvious. I wonder if they will edit this on bluray/dvd. Seems like if you find that it works better to have the scenes in episode 9 be at night you could at least have a smoother transition.
Yeah and them being back to the farm when its bright ? Ok more plausible than what you are talking about but still. How much time did they spend there ? More than 12 hours ? They had a few shots, talked with old man, killed two dudes, had a bit of fun with few more dudes, they tried to perform surgery under 1 minute (they really thought they can do that... ?), took one guy from the fence and came back. For me its 3h tops... and I usually call it Monday.
I think that this half of the season is a little bit better than before.
As far as the time stuff goes, who cares? You don't know how long they were waiting for those guys to leave. You don't know how far away this town center area is from the farm. Yes the daylight to night change was cut a little sharp. But who cares. Didn't they also say that they needed to stop and get supplies or something on the way back?
The thing that really bothers me is the actually quality of the filming. I guess they could be putting an overlay of grain in on purpose... that's what I did think. Until I realize how crappy the audio is. You can clearly hear the ambient noise being turned up and down when someone is talking. Drives me insane.
no i have no problem with the rest of the show, just the in between of 8 - 9. Like he was literally standing in front of the fat guy, when ep. 9 came back. and the shot right in the beginning where you hear the gun shots from outside the bar, and it was dark. those threw me off. I just want zombies, more zombies!!!
I agree, on both the night shifting, and the film grain. The thing about the daylight, is I would have assumed that whole scene would have been filmed in one day, despite being 2 episodes. It's almost as though they wanted the night time for the action later.
I noticed the film grain and thought something was wrong with my cable. I actually changed the channel for a moment, to check the signal (because we've been having other issues with that box). It was crystal clear on the other channels. It just confirmed intentional film graining
in daily light yet episode 9 it was night? did i miss something?
After he does that he says to Glenn "Guess you were right". I believe that the dude came back as a zombie and Rick shot and killed him again hours later. If I remember correctly in the comic they figure out they are all infected to begin with.
After he does that he says to Glenn "Guess you were right". I believe that the dude came back as a zombie and Rick shot and killed him again hours later. If I remember correctly in the comic they figure out they are all infected to begin with.
Errr... Not at all what happened there. He shot Dave in the head on his first shot, then shot scrawny Tony 2 times in the chest and then once in the head after he fell on the floor. You see that all in the first episode. Then at the beginning of the second one you hear the 5 shots (Including Tony's shotgun shot into the ceiling) and then it just shows the camera from his angle for dramatic effect. Then Rick ask's Glenn and Hershel "Are you all right?", not "Guess you were right."
I know this story is about the human characters and interactions but if there isn't a looming threat of zombie attack whats the point of making hard hitting decisions.
The comic is the same. Not really about the zombies at many points.
I just saw ep 8. How in the hell did she flip that car?
She was looking for Rick driving way too fast and hit a walker, swerved and rolled
I think the second half of series 2 is really picking up, stuff's happening again. I didn't mind all the talking and slow pace of the first half in the autumn, but I'm definitely glad the pace is picking up again.
I know this story is about the human characters and interactions but if there isn't a looming threat of zombie attack whats the point of making hard hitting decisions.
No zombies = No Problems
I feel like its other way around. Since we can see zombies really rarely and every encounter seems like its something hard for characters it makes it even better. Every other movie shows that even hundreds of zombies aren't a threat. In Walking Dead even few zombies are a reason to panic and avoid confrontation. I hope they won't make it gore fest with lots of zombies.
I feel the ending of ep 9 was kinda lame. The music tried to force tension, but fell short of it, i think. Should have shown rick get up and start walkin to go deal with the problem he was just presented.
I feel like its other way around. Since we can see zombies really rarely and every encounter seems like its something hard for characters it makes it even better. Every other movie shows that even hundreds of zombies aren't a threat. In Walking Dead even few zombies are a reason to panic and avoid confrontation. I hope they won't make it gore fest with lots of zombies.
^ this! I think the drama and tension adds a whole lot to the series, and like many have said before, the show doesn't revolve around the walkers, but around the people.
Looks like Rick will finally be making the tough decisions next week with (what looks like) an interrogation and a trial. Think he'll shoot the kid? My money's on no. Slowly but surely, I'm starting to favor Shane's attitude though...
He wont shoot him. He'll use a knife! Weren't you paying attention this week? haha Also, I think Shane finally got the hint this week when he saw Rick leaving... at the end, in the car, he had that look of wtf am I doing.
What the fuck was the point in that car crash? They set it up like a story thing and left it as a dramatic twist at the end of the previous episode yet she....just.....gets out and goes back, and that's it? What was the point of that, it didnt affect her or the story in any way.. :S
Just finished watching it, great episode, but again, what the fuck, with all the depressing "brooooo, we gotta get through this brroooo" speeches. It's beginning to really annoy me because I'm willing to bet money that they'll have a similar speech in the next bloody episode as if it's new. I get it's more about the people than the zombies but count up how many times you hear "Things are different now!"
Also, it seems like they could have very easily slipped away from all those walkers if they just made the move as soon as they saw them, by the looks of the area, it seems like they would have just needed to sprint for like, what, 5-10 seconds to get back to the car? Why didn't they check inside the building to begin with, isn't that like the highest priority?
But I guess there wouldn't have been much tension then. I just like ranting common sense, shows you care about the show.
Still annoyed by the fact that Lori seems perfectly f'ing fine after
an insanely dangerous crash that would have broken every bone in her body. Didn't even see her in a bed recovering, or anything like that. She's just instantly gone back to her laundry and making her trademark staring face.
This weeks episode was boss! Holy crap, best one yet, without a doubt.
Anyone else feel the girl that tried to commit suicide was scratched by her mom in the barn attack? I feel shes gonna turn....
Caution Comic Spoiler Alert:
It doesn't really work like that. You could put a zombie in a blender, drink it and nothing would happen.
However you die, you come back and it has nothing to do with contact. So even if you have zero contact with zombies a heart attack could get you and turn you into one. The title "walking dead" refers to the living characters not the dead ones, like Slum pointed out earlier.
The last thing I would nick to get a few drops of blood would be my palm or my finger. Not only will it make it harder to grip things, slippery + painful but how you have a wound on something that touches every surface everywhere, not to mention you're rubbing it on everything and leaving a trail wherever you go. All this in a world that doesn't have an unlimited supply of antibiotics...
Think of another way to get their head in a predictable place, think cattle knocker guys... come on its not a new problem heh. You could even set up a mobile zombie slaughter house. Need to clear out an area, no problem roll up ring the dinner bell and in they go.
Yeah, I thought it was odd for Shane to cut his palm, then again, he doesn't strike me as very bright
They could put all of the guts from Daryl's killin's, into a jar, then throw it to the ground, whenever they need a temp distraction. They obviously aren't particular between human or animal.
Mark: To your spoiler, it's funny to see the predictions, when you know the comics. I see many people saying the same thing.
The guards at the location, had no bite marks, as Shane and Rick observed, which suggests hear attack, like you mentioned. Or something along those lines
As much as you comic guys "know" whats happening next... you really dont. Remember...
Shane should be dead already
I know what you mean, and irl, I usually reference to people, how they've already deviated from the comic. I still think that some of the core items will remain true, and what Mark referenced, will likely remain the same. I think other items, like the one you referenced, are changes that they think are part of doing TV for american audiences.
There are people that would be PISSED if Shane were dead, whereas, I wish he was already gone
As much as you comic guys "know" whats happening next... you really dont. Remember...
Shane should be dead already
True but a deviation that large would fundementally change the way the story is delivered in a few ways and take a few plots that hinge on that fact, some that are already starting to play out. It's not like Kirkman to fall in line with "classic" zombie lore just for the sake of it. He pushes back against the classic tropes in most cases, quite a bit, trying to make his story different.
I think it would be awesome if they run into some clean freaks who don't want the group hanging around because they are "unclean" and tainted.
But I think that they'll have to start doing things that doesn't appear totally random. Like doing stuff in group, moving towards a goal rather than procrastinating. They haven't even gone of gathering food or something relevent to surviving in ages. Everything just seems totally random at the moment in my opinion.
I feel in this type of situtation, for the MOST PART... its true. I know its incredibly sexist, but most girls wont want to do all the killing, and heavy lifting of bodies and such. If andrea wants to, all the power to her. But honestly, if she cant hold her own with a knife, not a gun, or have the strength to save my ass if need be, then I would not want any women next to me on the front lines. Stay in the kitchen and bake me a pie! I need people beside me I know I can trust and save my ass.
and Im only saying this for THIS SITUATION. Not real life. I'm all for equality in real life.
It's not sexist, if you ask me. It's basically common sense. In a zombie apocalypse, women have to be key to the race's survival. Only women can get pregnant, and when they are, they should be considered vips and kept away from all possible forms of danger when possible. Somehow creating a new generation has to be a priority at some point.
Ugh, I sound like such a douche. No offense, ladies. We love you
Haha! Dude, I was thinking this exactly!
I and my brother noticed the same thing. Watching the episodes back to back it must be annoyingly obvious. I wonder if they will edit this on bluray/dvd. Seems like if you find that it works better to have the scenes in episode 9 be at night you could at least have a smoother transition.
As far as the time stuff goes, who cares? You don't know how long they were waiting for those guys to leave. You don't know how far away this town center area is from the farm. Yes the daylight to night change was cut a little sharp. But who cares. Didn't they also say that they needed to stop and get supplies or something on the way back?
The thing that really bothers me is the actually quality of the filming. I guess they could be putting an overlay of grain in on purpose... that's what I did think. Until I realize how crappy the audio is. You can clearly hear the ambient noise being turned up and down when someone is talking. Drives me insane.
I noticed the film grain and thought something was wrong with my cable. I actually changed the channel for a moment, to check the signal (because we've been having other issues with that box). It was crystal clear on the other channels. It just confirmed intentional film graining
aside some of the sillyness, mid-season is looking good.
Errr... Not at all what happened there. He shot Dave in the head on his first shot, then shot scrawny Tony 2 times in the chest and then once in the head after he fell on the floor. You see that all in the first episode. Then at the beginning of the second one you hear the 5 shots (Including Tony's shotgun shot into the ceiling) and then it just shows the camera from his angle for dramatic effect. Then Rick ask's Glenn and Hershel "Are you all right?", not "Guess you were right."
I just saw ep 8. How in the hell did she flip that car?
The title refers to the human characters.
No zombies = No Problems
I think the second half of series 2 is really picking up, stuff's happening again. I didn't mind all the talking and slow pace of the first half in the autumn, but I'm definitely glad the pace is picking up again.
I feel like its other way around. Since we can see zombies really rarely and every encounter seems like its something hard for characters it makes it even better. Every other movie shows that even hundreds of zombies aren't a threat. In Walking Dead even few zombies are a reason to panic and avoid confrontation. I hope they won't make it gore fest with lots of zombies.
^ this! I think the drama and tension adds a whole lot to the series, and like many have said before, the show doesn't revolve around the walkers, but around the people.
I for one, loved this episode!
but in regards to the episode before:
But I guess there wouldn't have been much tension then. I just like ranting common sense, shows you care about the show.
Still annoyed by the fact that Lori seems perfectly f'ing fine after
However you die, you come back and it has nothing to do with contact. So even if you have zero contact with zombies a heart attack could get you and turn you into one. The title "walking dead" refers to the living characters not the dead ones, like Slum pointed out earlier.
The last thing I would nick to get a few drops of blood would be my palm or my finger. Not only will it make it harder to grip things, slippery + painful but how you have a wound on something that touches every surface everywhere, not to mention you're rubbing it on everything and leaving a trail wherever you go. All this in a world that doesn't have an unlimited supply of antibiotics...
Think of another way to get their head in a predictable place, think cattle knocker guys... come on its not a new problem heh. You could even set up a mobile zombie slaughter house. Need to clear out an area, no problem roll up ring the dinner bell and in they go.
They could put all of the guts from Daryl's killin's, into a jar, then throw it to the ground, whenever they need a temp distraction. They obviously aren't particular between human or animal.
Mark: To your spoiler, it's funny to see the predictions, when you know the comics. I see many people saying the same thing.
I know what you mean, and irl, I usually reference to people, how they've already deviated from the comic. I still think that some of the core items will remain true, and what Mark referenced, will likely remain the same. I think other items, like the one you referenced, are changes that they think are part of doing TV for american audiences.
I think it would be awesome if they run into some clean freaks who don't want the group hanging around because they are "unclean" and tainted.
without spoiling anything, i think they're definitely building up to "THE HERD IS COMING!!!!"after the latest gunshot commentary.
Plus I personally like the episodes where they start towards the end. Pilot of Breaking Bad was like that.
Can already see how she will ruin The Walking Dead. I'm surprised she can even get a job in the industry.
We have learned, exclusively from Rutinas representatives, that, once again, this is not true. They said that she: Likes the show, but not true.
But there's always a chance! :poly142:
I just paraphrased her rant. I'm just glad she got bitched out.
Right!? I was flabbergasted with her rant.
and Im only saying this for THIS SITUATION. Not real life. I'm all for equality in real life.
Ugh, I sound like such a douche. No offense, ladies. We love you