lol, that's the bigger issue to me. December becomes a month of shitty shows. Nothing to watch, and terrible weather (here), to go outside and do something instead.
Winter with no shows sounds like some good Skyrim weather Immersive!
I must admit I felt this season was a little slow and lacked the mystery and anxiety of the start of season 1. That sense of discovery of the unknown was lost, mostly.
But the mid season ending was stunning, great to see everything come together even for a small beautiful moment.
lol, that's the bigger issue to me. December becomes a month of shitty shows. Nothing to watch, and terrible weather (here), to go outside and do something instead.
Caught a bit of the "Hell on Wheels" marathon today on AMC. Pretty good stuff so far, and a bit unique in the plot. Anyone looking for something decent to watch during the slow season should give it a look.
i do however feel like the writers are trolling me with shane. like... they know comic book readers are expecting him to bite it at some point, and they keep throwing him into situations where he should, but doesn't.
i do however feel like the writers are trolling me with shane. like... they know comic book readers are expecting him to bite it at some point, and they keep throwing him into situations where he should, but doesn't.
There haven't really been any situations where he SHOULD have died. Why should Dale have shot him or the zombies at the housing development have gotten him? I guess the High School scene was pretty close but his sacrifice of Otis was enough for me to believe he would escape.
I'm expecting them to finally kill him during the next half season in a pretty similar way to how it was done in the comics.
It's such a huge event for Carl's development that it would be stupid to do it some other way unless they plan to kill off Carl which would also be stupid since he's the driving force for Rick throughout the entire story.
There haven't really been any situations where he SHOULD have died. Why should Dale have shot him or the zombies at the housing development have gotten him? I guess the High School scene was pretty close but his sacrifice of Otis was enough for me to believe he would escape.
I think they are teasing us, when they keep showing Shane exploding in anger, with the expectation that a shot will come out of the corner. I think that was more to his point
Shane's a cock, but his rant sure as hell hit the nail right on the head about why I hated most of this season.
He pointed out the complete irrationality of it all.
I think the show would suck if he died. Without Shane, it seems like the rest of the characters are 1-dimensional and completely flat caricatures. Even Daryl was interesting at the start of season 1, but he seemed to neutered for most of this season. I personally think it would have been more in line if he gave that rant.
Shane is by far the most conflicted, and the most flawwed. He also plays such a pivotal role in the groups survival, and has recently been a fantastic reality check for everyone in the series that seemed to be living in complete denial.
I can't stand Shane. Yeah, he's pointing out how irrational their search is/was, but his reaction, and continuing pissyness, was a bit over the top, and not realistic (IMO). Most people in that scenario, would have just left (like he has suggested earlier).
I can't stand Shane. Yeah, he's pointing out how irrational their search is/was, but his reaction, and continuing pissyness, was a bit over the top, and not realistic (IMO). Most people in that scenario, would have just left (like he has suggested earlier).
I hear you. Shane is a complete cock, but I would rather half the group die before him.
T-Dog and Carol are so completely useless they're not even plot devices! There are red-suits in Star Trek that bring more use than those 2.
Dale doesn't want anyone to have any guns? WTF? Then tried to bury them all? He's a senile idiot.
Darryl seemed to have completely lost his balls.
Yes, Shane is a tempermental asshole, but at least he has the right idea.
why didn't he put the bullet in sophia? he was just as wrecked by it as the rest of them.
look at it this way. Hershel saw all of the walkers in the barn as people.. and shane told him it was nonsense.. to shane they were just walkers. when they saw sophia, they all understood hershel's point of view. the fact that EVERYONE put their guns down shows a huge hypocrisy on all their parts.. which just made it even more outstanding for Rick (as a leader) to be the one to shoot her.
look at it this way. Hershel saw all of the walkers in the barn as people.. and shane told him it was nonsense.. to shane they were just walkers. when they saw sophia, they all understood hershel's point of view. the fact that EVERYONE put their guns down shows a huge hypocrisy on all their parts.. which just made it even more outstanding for Rick (as a leader) to be the one to shoot her.
That's actually a very good point, I never thought of that.
I agree with the guys saying that Shane is an important character, if anything for the balance of the whole group's personalities and views. There has to be a conflict, otherwise it will get very boring. If Shane were to be killed then somebody else would most likely take his place as the opposing asshole of the group. Some of them are already showing some potential in doing that.
There will be plenty of conflict later, if they follow the comics. The group has conflict among each other, and they encounter more people to have conflict with. Hershel being one of them.
look at it this way. Hershel saw all of the walkers in the barn as people.. and shane told him it was nonsense.. to shane they were just walkers. when they saw sophia, they all understood hershel's point of view. the fact that EVERYONE put their guns down shows a huge hypocrisy on all their parts.. which just made it even more outstanding for Rick (as a leader) to be the one to shoot her.
oh i completely agree, in fact that was my point just in more words.
Well, it has returned. Tonight was the first of the new season. Thoughts?
For me, I liked the episode, but once again, they had the actors take unrealistic actions. So Rick goes into town, and 5 seconds later, his wife wants someone to run into town after him? Nothing changed at the farm, so nothing requiring him to return sooner, and risk other lives.
I do wish they would add more during the show, rather than having a climax at the end, after a slow episode. Even maybe a minor climax, half way through the episode.
Why did he shoot the two guys at the end? I realize they were not wanted at the farm but I looked away for 2 secs and they were both dead. Did they try to raise a gun to Rick before he shot them?
Why did he shoot the two guys at the end? I realize they were not wanted at the farm but I looked away for 2 secs and they were both dead. Did they try to raise a gun to Rick before he shot them?
"anyone in there? we just looking for our friends."
I'm thinking they're going to stretch the next episode out and only have the action in the last 5 minutes again.
I doubt it. Why would Rick, Glenn and Hershel sit in that bar when they were about to leave (Before Dave and the fat guy showed up). I don't think that they'd not show anything with Rick and them until the last few minutes of the episode. You're right that it'd fit the pacing of the previous episodes to save it all for the last few minutes but it really doesn't seem like it'll happen like that this time.
Well, it has returned. Tonight was the first of the new season. Thoughts?
For me, I liked the episode, but once again, they had the actors take unrealistic actions. So Rick goes into town, and 5 seconds later, his wife wants someone to run into town after him? Nothing changed at the farm, so nothing requiring him to return sooner, and risk other lives.
I do wish they would add more during the show, rather than having a climax at the end, after a slow episode. Even maybe a minor climax, half way through the episode.
Yeah wtf was that ? Why ? So she could solve the baby problem with a car accident ? That was pointless. They needed a reminder that they should be back fast ? They knew it (they were taking their time though ;]). I love the show and this episode was great. Only thing I didn't like was this random car crash... but like I said I think it was to solve the baby problem.
His wife wanted someone to get the doctor not Rick for Beth who was in shock. An they did have a climax half way to the end when the 2 guys come in the bar.
No, because Rick already knew about Beth when he went for Hershel. They didn't need Lori to check in, like a nagging wife. Honestly, it just felt like another attempt to inject drama, with a very loose reason for Lori to drive out there.
It was SO obvious that she was going to be in an accident. Was it really necessary to point out the gun on the passenger seat? And her looking at that map way to long? Obviously, next week, she'll get attacked by walkers, and have problems reaching her gun, because it got thrown around the car (or outside of it).
On another note the guy with the wounded arm was picking up zombie bodies with no gloves or anything. I mean what if the blood got on his wound. But I guess I have to remember its just TV.
I thought the same, but after reading the comics, it probably doesn't matter.
MrOneTwo: I don't think they'll off the kid with that. I wouldn't mind seeing that happen, and realistically, she probably would after an accident like that. The baby becomes a driving force for them to keep going, so they'll probably keep her pregnant.
Yea I agree the lori thing seemed pretty contrived.
"Oh I'm on a long one lane dirt road in a rural area where all the roads lead to town and I need a map" No you don't need to go get them, they know, stop trying to get yourself killed. As we saw with Daryl almost shooting Carol when she came stumbling out of the woods its not good to go off alone and sneak up on people who aren't expecting you.
Also, it seemed like the zombie shambled out onto the right side of the road, hit the right side of the car, THEN she drove off the right side of the road? She would have jerked the wheel to the left to go around an obstetrical on the right. But instead she swerved into the zombie? I fully support grilling zombies but she should have gone off the left side of the road.
Also I liked rick being a bad ass and killing the two guys before Glen could even grab his shotgun. Never really knew he would be so good and calm with his background being a small town cop who barely had a reason to think about his gun. Also nice to see him put one the fat guys head just so he doesn't have to kill him again in a min or two.
Hersals look after the fact was "ok buddy you're a fuckin rockstar, good thing you're here" and his talk about being wrong and a fool, makes me think he won't kick them off the farm after all.
I also wonder if these two guys and their friends that come looking for them in the next episode are going to lead to bigger problems.
I think Rick shooting them like a baus was tryin to show that after all this shit storm Rick is able to be the leader and from now on will not run away from hard decisions... or maybe I'm over interpreting it. One way or another Ricks character needed this scene because to be honest... he was kinda going with the flow. Not a good trait for a leader.
I hope she will lose the baby... kids in movies or shows make grown ups do stupid stuff. I know its one of the tools to build drama but I find it annoying.
In the comic, they drag out the pregnancy, which is why I wouldn't mind if she loses the baby in the show, but overall, I think it's one of the key elements to character developments.
@Notman, why do you say that with T-Dog it doesn't matter since you read the comics? T-Dog isn't in the comics. They've stated multiple times that him and Tyrone are separate characters.
Anyway on the subject of the wound, it's been a few weeks since he got it. It's probably already scabbed over or healing up and wasn't it bandaged anyway? Bites and scratches seem to be the only way to get infected. They've never given any indication in the comic or the show that it's like 28 days later where a drop of blood from a zombie would infect you.
@Mark, she hit the zombie and then in a panic while trying to steady the car with a fucked up bloody windshield she swerved off the road. That part is believable to me, but as you guys have said her reason to venture out to get Rick, Glenn and Hershel back was weak. If they just tweaked the writing a bit so Rick and Glenn had left to get Hershel before Beth collapsed I would have been fine with it though.
@Notman, if they lose the baby in the show that would lead to a huge moment for Rick not being as powerful. COMIC SPOILER:
When Lori and the baby die from the Governor at the prison it wouldn't be as damaging to Rick. He blames himself for quite a while for not being able to protect Lori and the baby and that's why he's so protective of Carl to extreme means from then on. For example at the community when he cuts off Carol's hand so she'll let go of Carl in the horde.
@Notman, why do you say that with T-Dog it doesn't matter since you read the comics? T-Dog isn't in the comics. They've stated multiple times that him and Tyrone are separate characters.
I didn't mean T-Dog specifically - comic stuff:
They suggest in the comics, that they are all infected already. It just triggered until you die. So T-Dog is already infected (just like everyone else)
As for the baby, Rick gets really focused on providing for the baby. Then, it was after he loses Lori and the baby, that he snaps and starts imagining the conversations with her. Essentially, it's what you said. He goes crazy because he didn't protect them.
I'm saying they wouldn't kill the baby yet, because of that, so I'm not sure what your point is on that one, unless you mistyped
Id say it does. The preview showed a big shootout in the bar.
I mean past the shoot out in the next episode.
I wonder if this group of trouble makers is linked to the governor and they're going to skip the prison, if they do its probably for budget and filming reasons.
If they do the prison, this could be a group of prisoners and this is how they find the prison?
It seems kind of weird to deviate that much and to make the farm such a pivotal location when they could go 20 miles in any direction and hit another one.
I was responding to your comment that you wouldn't care if she loses the baby from the car crash in the show.
Ah, ok. I just meant that I wouldn't care if they lost the baby, but I'm sure they will not do that, because of the reasons we were stating. I didn't mean that they would, just wishing they would
Another 'aside' of this episode. They are gunning it out, and there are no zombies. Why wouldn't that group just stay in that town?
Rick: "Hey Glenn..."
Glenn: "Yea Rick?"
Rick: "What kind of a guy rests a shotgun on the floor of a truck with the barrel pointed at his head, while driving down a bumpy dirt road?"
Glenn: "I should move this huh..."
Rick: "yea, probably."
Well the shotgun is to the side of him obviously... It's not like it's in between his legs pointing right at his face. Still that's probably unsafe, but not as silly as you guys make it seem. I doubt Glenn is that trained in gun safety so I will let it pass.
Don't know if I said this before, but I love the character development. Some things they say or do may seem dumb, but you have to look deeper. All these folks are acting appropriate to their version of survival. I find it amazing that I can hardly ever deny the logic of some of these characters. I keep saying "you can't blame him/her for feeling that way". It just keeps getting deeper, and now that this chick crashed.... it's going to get interesting.
they did a shot of the town where they panned up and away from it letting you see the whole main street area, to me it looked very stage-setting/ back-lot construction, and that can only mean one thing...massive destruction sequence.
Enjoying the series but these episodes are going so fucking slow. They spend like 90% of the time doing that sad, staring into blank space talking bullshit about how everything's fucked and they gotta make it through this. I feel like almost nothing has really happened in the second season.
Also, am I the only one who actually likes Shane, and think everyone else is being pussies? He seems to be the only one making hard decisions and moving things forward yet everybody thinks he's a dick. The season moving so damn slow only made me like the character even more because
if he didn't open the barn
they'd be doing fuck all.
For all the long, drawn out, depressing 'we gotta do what we gotta do' speeches there are in this series, Shane is the only one actually going by that philosophy.
None the less, awesome show and can't wait for more. Just wish they'd cut the crap.
Winter with no shows sounds like some good Skyrim weather
I do have to admit, it makes it easier to justify taking over the TV to play BF3
But the mid season ending was stunning, great to see everything come together even for a small beautiful moment.
Caught a bit of the "Hell on Wheels" marathon today on AMC. Pretty good stuff so far, and a bit unique in the plot. Anyone looking for something decent to watch during the slow season should give it a look.
i do however feel like the writers are trolling me with shane. like... they know comic book readers are expecting him to bite it at some point, and they keep throwing him into situations where he should, but doesn't.
There haven't really been any situations where he SHOULD have died. Why should Dale have shot him or the zombies at the housing development have gotten him? I guess the High School scene was pretty close but his sacrifice of Otis was enough for me to believe he would escape.
I'm expecting them to finally kill him during the next half season in a pretty similar way to how it was done in the comics.
i was kinda expecting him to turn on rick after finishing off the barn job. but then something else came out of the barn, and my girlfriend cried.
I think they are teasing us, when they keep showing Shane exploding in anger, with the expectation that a shot will come out of the corner. I think that was more to his point
He pointed out the complete irrationality of it all.
I think the show would suck if he died. Without Shane, it seems like the rest of the characters are 1-dimensional and completely flat caricatures. Even Daryl was interesting at the start of season 1, but he seemed to neutered for most of this season. I personally think it would have been more in line if he gave that rant.
Shane is by far the most conflicted, and the most flawwed. He also plays such a pivotal role in the groups survival, and has recently been a fantastic reality check for everyone in the series that seemed to be living in complete denial.
I hear you. Shane is a complete cock, but I would rather half the group die before him.
T-Dog and Carol are so completely useless they're not even plot devices! There are red-suits in Star Trek that bring more use than those 2.
Dale doesn't want anyone to have any guns? WTF? Then tried to bury them all? He's a senile idiot.
Darryl seemed to have completely lost his balls.
Yes, Shane is a tempermental asshole, but at least he has the right idea.
Dale hid the guns because he was trying to stop a barnyard massacre before Rick worked something out with Hershel.
why didn't he put the bullet in sophia? he was just as wrecked by it as the rest of them.
look at it this way. Hershel saw all of the walkers in the barn as people.. and shane told him it was nonsense.. to shane they were just walkers. when they saw sophia, they all understood hershel's point of view. the fact that EVERYONE put their guns down shows a huge hypocrisy on all their parts.. which just made it even more outstanding for Rick (as a leader) to be the one to shoot her.
That's actually a very good point, I never thought of that.
I agree with the guys saying that Shane is an important character, if anything for the balance of the whole group's personalities and views. There has to be a conflict, otherwise it will get very boring. If Shane were to be killed then somebody else would most likely take his place as the opposing asshole of the group. Some of them are already showing some potential in doing that.
oh i completely agree, in fact that was my point just in more words.
For me, I liked the episode, but once again, they had the actors take unrealistic actions. So Rick goes into town, and 5 seconds later, his wife wants someone to run into town after him? Nothing changed at the farm, so nothing requiring him to return sooner, and risk other lives.
I do wish they would add more during the show, rather than having a climax at the end, after a slow episode. Even maybe a minor climax, half way through the episode.
Dave (Michael Raymond-James) lunged for his gun.
I'm thinking they're going to stretch the next episode out and only have the action in the last 5 minutes again.
I doubt it. Why would Rick, Glenn and Hershel sit in that bar when they were about to leave (Before Dave and the fat guy showed up). I don't think that they'd not show anything with Rick and them until the last few minutes of the episode. You're right that it'd fit the pacing of the previous episodes to save it all for the last few minutes but it really doesn't seem like it'll happen like that this time.
Yeah wtf was that ? Why ? So she could solve the baby problem with a car accident ? That was pointless. They needed a reminder that they should be back fast ? They knew it (they were taking their time though ;]). I love the show and this episode was great. Only thing I didn't like was this random car crash... but like I said I think it was to solve the baby problem.
No, because Rick already knew about Beth when he went for Hershel. They didn't need Lori to check in, like a nagging wife. Honestly, it just felt like another attempt to inject drama, with a very loose reason for Lori to drive out there.
It was SO obvious that she was going to be in an accident. Was it really necessary to point out the gun on the passenger seat? And her looking at that map way to long? Obviously, next week, she'll get attacked by walkers, and have problems reaching her gun, because it got thrown around the car (or outside of it).
I thought the same, but after reading the comics, it probably doesn't matter.
MrOneTwo: I don't think they'll off the kid with that. I wouldn't mind seeing that happen, and realistically, she probably would after an accident like that. The baby becomes a driving force for them to keep going, so they'll probably keep her pregnant.
"Oh I'm on a long one lane dirt road in a rural area where all the roads lead to town and I need a map"
No you don't need to go get them, they know, stop trying to get yourself killed. As we saw with Daryl almost shooting Carol when she came stumbling out of the woods its not good to go off alone and sneak up on people who aren't expecting you.
Also, it seemed like the zombie shambled out onto the right side of the road, hit the right side of the car, THEN she drove off the right side of the road? She would have jerked the wheel to the left to go around an obstetrical on the right. But instead she swerved into the zombie? I fully support grilling zombies but she should have gone off the left side of the road.
Also I liked rick being a bad ass and killing the two guys before Glen could even grab his shotgun. Never really knew he would be so good and calm with his background being a small town cop who barely had a reason to think about his gun. Also nice to see him put one the fat guys head just so he doesn't have to kill him again in a min or two.
Hersals look after the fact was "ok buddy you're a fuckin rockstar, good thing you're here" and his talk about being wrong and a fool, makes me think he won't kick them off the farm after all.
I also wonder if these two guys and their friends that come looking for them in the next episode are going to lead to bigger problems.
I hope she will lose the baby... kids in movies or shows make grown ups do stupid stuff. I know its one of the tools to build drama but I find it annoying.
Anyway on the subject of the wound, it's been a few weeks since he got it. It's probably already scabbed over or healing up and wasn't it bandaged anyway? Bites and scratches seem to be the only way to get infected. They've never given any indication in the comic or the show that it's like 28 days later where a drop of blood from a zombie would infect you.
@Mark, she hit the zombie and then in a panic while trying to steady the car with a fucked up bloody windshield she swerved off the road. That part is believable to me, but as you guys have said her reason to venture out to get Rick, Glenn and Hershel back was weak. If they just tweaked the writing a bit so Rick and Glenn had left to get Hershel before Beth collapsed I would have been fine with it though.
@Notman, if they lose the baby in the show that would lead to a huge moment for Rick not being as powerful. COMIC SPOILER:
As for the baby, Rick gets really focused on providing for the baby. Then, it was after he loses Lori and the baby, that he snaps and starts imagining the conversations with her. Essentially, it's what you said. He goes crazy because he didn't protect them.
If they do the prison, this could be a group of prisoners and this is how they find the prison?
It seems kind of weird to deviate that much and to make the farm such a pivotal location when they could go 20 miles in any direction and hit another one.
Ah, ok. I just meant that I wouldn't care if they lost the baby, but I'm sure they will not do that, because of the reasons we were stating. I didn't mean that they would, just wishing they would
Another 'aside' of this episode. They are gunning it out, and there are no zombies. Why wouldn't that group just stay in that town?
I saw this thread. Checked out trailer. Started watching....
Wasted 5 hours....
Yaya! 2 a.m. Here I come!
Rick: "Hey Glenn..."
Glenn: "Yea Rick?"
Rick: "What kind of a guy rests a shotgun on the floor of a truck with the barrel pointed at his head, while driving down a bumpy dirt road?"
Glenn: "I should move this huh..."
Rick: "yea, probably."
I hope Glenn and his girlfriend make it in the future. I like them.
they did a shot of the town where they panned up and away from it letting you see the whole main street area, to me it looked very stage-setting/ back-lot construction, and that can only mean one thing...massive destruction sequence.
Enjoying the series but these episodes are going so fucking slow. They spend like 90% of the time doing that sad, staring into blank space talking bullshit about how everything's fucked and they gotta make it through this. I feel like almost nothing has really happened in the second season.
Also, am I the only one who actually likes Shane, and think everyone else is being pussies? He seems to be the only one making hard decisions and moving things forward yet everybody thinks he's a dick. The season moving so damn slow only made me like the character even more because
For all the long, drawn out, depressing 'we gotta do what we gotta do' speeches there are in this series, Shane is the only one actually going by that philosophy.
None the less, awesome show and can't wait for more.