SPOILERS from comic, don't read if you haven't read it before!
I think that what the science guy says to Rick, which btw never happened in the comics (the whole episode actually), is that everyone is infected by the dormant part of the virus. Because later in the comic it turns out that when you die, even without getting bitten, you will return. So they must all be infected by it already. And the science guy should know it from the samples he took from them.
So you could argue, with the whole episode, that it kinda breaks the whole future story line, because either the science guy didn't see the virus in everyone, which means people won't return after dying naturally (well, semi-natural, bullets gets into this category) OR Rick now know all this because the science guy told him, and it would make him make some act differently to everything in the future.
http://www.amctv.com/originals/The-Walking-Dead/ First video SHOULD be a "look" (kinda sorta not really) at season two, story wise. Gets me pumped for it all over again, but then I have a sad that it'll take a year before the next season starts...
Can the zombie craze hold out until we get this stuff or is it going to be DOA? I've always loved zombies and I really love the Walking Dead comic and show, so for me I'll be there to support it, but that doesn't mean everyone else will...
Basically, there are two comics on the stands that everyone should be reading. Walking Dead and Scalped. If you read comics, or just have a face with working eyes, and are not reading these two, please punch yourself in the genitals until you pass out.
Basically, there are two comics on the stands that everyone should be reading. Walking Dead and Scalped. If you read comics, or just have a face with working eyes, and are not reading these two, please punch yourself in the genitals until you pass out.
Ended in 2008. I think he was referring to currently ongoing series. That said, Y is excellent.
Also, DMZ, Fables, and the Joe the Barbarian miniseries. There are so many good comics that aren't cheesy guys in tights . There's really something for everyone out there.
Telltale huh? Interesting, I respect them for keeping the adventure genera alive but it always feels like the quality level they bring is only enough to do just that. They certainly have a knack for picking titles that gets everyone excited at the start.
Lets hope they do the show and genera justice with this one.
some dropkick murphy's and five finger death punch for me with a good sprinkling of apocalyptica in there for good measure, oh and tiesto. its all a bit random :P
me and my girlfriend are super excited about this, the comic shop in my town (which is owned by the head of dark horse) is doing a showing of the premier in one of the local theaters....for free. I love Things From Another World. They did it last year too. wasn't able to go then because of work though.
I love the comic, but didn't like the first series at all. Hey, since everyone's been fired, maybe there will be an upswing.
Seriously, I don't understand why this show was so popular last season. Ignoring the comics, It's still pretty boring and stale. I would like to see it completely break from the comic and become its own entity because the half-and-half of last season didn't do it for me.
I enjoyed the new episode but last season they established zombies could tell where you are by human smell yet they hid under cars and the entire horde just walked by?
to a bit that was far later into the comic.
Maybe they just wanted to randomly throw the environment in there?
Speaking of tributes.. I really hope they throw in a rogue town like the one in the comic with a zombie pit.
And is he just talking to himself through the radio? I think they might use that to mimic the parts where he starts to go insane and talks to his wife on the disconnected phone.
lol, I have a request: no spoiling things for those of us who haven't read the comics. Covering book spoilers in the spoiler tags, isn't distinct from the episode spoilers
I enjoyed the new episode but last season they established zombies could tell where you are by human smell yet they hid under cars and the entire horde just walked by?
Yeah, I kinda had issue with this too, especially since they used the 'cover the scent' thing as part of that scene too
Since I read your spoiler, I'll respond with this:
I wonder if they'll do a twist on it, where the guy(and his kid) that he left behind, have been hearing him, but just couldn't answer. That story line may be different in the comic, and kills me theory
Otherwise, I kind of took it as a verbal journal. Some people use journals, just as a way to share thoughts without judgement.
Since I read your spoiler, I'll respond with this:
I wonder if they'll do a twist on it, where the guy(and his kid) that he left behind, have been hearing him, but just couldn't answer. That story line may be different in the comic, and kills me theory
Otherwise, I kind of took it as a verbal journal. Some people use journals, just as a way to share thoughts without judgement.
Comic spoiler free:
I think that it may start off as a journal and go down a quick spiral.. Just going off of what Robert Kirkman usually does with small things like this.
The story seems really slow right now, but I think it's going to pick up very shortly.. They haven't met many people and they've only SO FAR taken a small mental toll.
It feels like they're in a very secluded perspective of the world at the moment, need to remember that it IS an apocalypse.
The story seems really slow right now, but I think it's going to pick up very shortly.
I really hope so. I've always loved survival storylines like this, where society has been decimated, but my wife... not so much. Right now, I have to DVR this show, and find a time when she's distracted, to watch it. If it was a bit more exciting, she'd probably watch. That, and she hates when shows have people act unrealistically, which I admit, they do a lot in this show, and it annoys me a bit too. Like moments when all hell is breaking loose, and characters stop to tell each other how much they love each other, and make out a bit.
I think... the talking thing at the beginning links back to the first season. He met up with two people in a house that nursed him back to health. They decided to stay behind and he either left them a radio or their radio would only receive? Either way, he said he would keep in touch as long as he was in range. Now that they're leaving he was telling them good bye and good luck.
Yeah, I kinda had issue with this too, especially since they used the 'cover the scent' thing as part of that scene too
covering themselves with dead bodies
I had the same thought at first but thinking about it more wasn't it rather
that they identified living people because they didn't smell like zombies. They don't have good enough smell to find people but they can tell a human is not a zombie due to the missing smell of rotting meat.
? I haven't looked it up though so maybe I remember wrong.
@Phatty, I really REALLY doubt Carl dies... He could have passed out. He did in tonight's episode once. Also
Carl hasn't died yet in the comics which are way way ahead of the TV series. While the TV series doesn't follow the comic completely, I doubt they would kill off a character on the show that's so involved in the rest of the comics.
The rest has been good, but that episode was... well I'm sure they meant well.
On an interesting note.
Frank Darabont fired his entire writing staff last week.
Then was fired by the studio immediately afterward.
interesting turn of events.
Well that is good news for everyone. Powers sounds cool. I hope it doesn't put walking dead into a downhill slide however.
So you could argue, with the whole episode, that it kinda breaks the whole future story line, because either the science guy didn't see the virus in everyone, which means people won't return after dying naturally (well, semi-natural, bullets gets into this category) OR Rick now know all this because the science guy told him, and it would make him make some act differently to everything in the future.
Also... Telltale is making a walking dead game.
Can the zombie craze hold out until we get this stuff or is it going to be DOA? I've always loved zombies and I really love the Walking Dead comic and show, so for me I'll be there to support it, but that doesn't mean everyone else will...
it's so awesome i cannot describe it.
It is really good.
Basically, there are two comics on the stands that everyone should be reading. Walking Dead and Scalped. If you read comics, or just have a face with working eyes, and are not reading these two, please punch yourself in the genitals until you pass out.
Dont forget Y: The Last Man.
Ended in 2008. I think he was referring to currently ongoing series. That said, Y is excellent.
Also, DMZ, Fables, and the Joe the Barbarian miniseries. There are so many good comics that aren't cheesy guys in tights . There's really something for everyone out there.
Edit: Too sloooooow! :poly127:
Lets hope they do the show and genera justice with this one.
...seee. I've been only buying the Graphic Novels. And the last book still hasn't come out yet. Haha..so in MY WORLD. It hasn't ended. =p
i can already see big deviations from the comic though =[
Original Air Date—16 October 2011
fuuck yeah!
They're playing the entire first season right before the new episode airs, starting at 11:30 with the new episode at 6:00.
Seriously, I don't understand why this show was so popular last season. Ignoring the comics, It's still pretty boring and stale. I would like to see it completely break from the comic and become its own entity because the half-and-half of last season didn't do it for me.
took the words right out of my mouth....
Comic spoilers, beware.
I think the
Maybe they just wanted to randomly throw the environment in there?
Yeah, I kinda had issue with this too, especially since they used the 'cover the scent' thing as part of that scene too
Edit: Done
Since I read your spoiler, I'll respond with this:
Otherwise, I kind of took it as a verbal journal. Some people use journals, just as a way to share thoughts without judgement.
It really worked in "Shawn of the Dead" tho
I dont mean to spoil. Awesome series.
Comic spoiler free:
The story seems really slow right now, but I think it's going to pick up very shortly.. They haven't met many people and they've only SO FAR taken a small mental toll.
It feels like they're in a very secluded perspective of the world at the moment, need to remember that it IS an apocalypse.
I had the same thought at first but thinking about it more wasn't it rather
Spoilers Below
They show a clip of Carl and his parents Carl is in pain talks to his mother AND THEN DIES IN THE CLIP.
Cuts back to the aftershow