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The Walking Dead



  • Rick_D
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    Rick_D polycounter lvl 17
    i watched an episode last night. it's like taking a perfectly well-paced zombie move and dragging out all the boring bits to make a tv show.

    how dull.
  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    comic/tv show interlink spoler:
    Carl can't die, unless they want to completely divorce the show from the comic, because Carl is the driving force for Rick. Without Carl, Rick would just give up. especially after certain events come to pass.
    we already know that they're following the comic fairly closely as they're arriving at the farm next episode and the farmers daughter falls in love with the asian kid etc.
    there are a couple of issues left to resolve though, like that there's a certain person who should be dead by now and whos death helps rick confirm something very central to the plot.

    Mark has it right btw, Rick was giving out a message to the guy from the first season.
  • Zipfinator
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    Zipfinator polycounter lvl 9
    About the Shane not being dead yet thing; I think that hasn't happened yet since Carl hasn't been given a gun yet. Seems like they're waiting for them to start taking shooting practice on the farm before Carl gets his gun if he even will at all this season of the show. Also it seems Shane hasn't gone as crazy as he did in the comics yet. Yes, he got near there in season 1 when he was aiming at an unsuspecting Rick in the forest but that was just a heat of the moment thing where in the comic he was much more hostile towards Rick and threatened to shoot him to his face. He could even end up just leaving by himself like he said he would in the season premiere but he definitely wouldn't take Andrea with him because as we both said they can't just take a character heavily involved in the comic out like that. I'm fine with Shane sticking around for now though. He's one of the more fleshed out characters I usually enjoy the scenes with him.
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    Why should people have to read the comics? This is about the TV show. Things from the comics, that have been revealed in the show, I wouldn't consider spoilers. But things that haven't happened yet, shouldn't just be generalized as a spoiler.
  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    that's why i'm being careful to label my spolers as relevent to the comic or the show.
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    Carl teetering on the edge and the medical supply raid boring? you guys must be made of stone!
  • eld
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    eld polycounter lvl 18
    Carl teetering on the edge and the medical supply raid boring? you guys must be made of stone!

    Have to agree, the pacing of the series as a tv show is what makes it different from most other zombie movies and such, I'm loving even the downtime and non-zombie moments that helps build up for the zombie moments.
  • Mark Dygert
    I hate rednecks... but they're making Daryl pretty likeable which probably means... no I won't say it because Kirkman will do it... well maybe not? He seems to not be quite so hasty in the show as he was in the early comic days, *
    and he has said if he was going to rewrite the first few books he probably would of kept Shane around but he didn't think the book would last as long as it has so he was pretty loose with the characters.

    I'm glad they've adjusted the Shane character a bit so you come to understand what he meant to Rick before things went crazy. After last season and the attempted rape in the break room of the CDC I was ready to see his face get eaten by a pack of roamers, but now he's almost respectable. We know he wants to leave but how and when...

    I can see where people without kids might be bored by the whole Carl getting shot thing. "Oh well kids are a boat anchor, good residence" but it almost had my wife in tears and it seems to be a strong central plot line between the main characters, it was the whole reason Rick went into the city in the first place, it was the last place he knew his family was. So I expect for them to play on that relationship quite a bit.

    If the pacing of the show is too slow, try reading the comics month by month... with delays... its just fine. The "its to slow crowd" just want more which is right where you should be, so sit back and enjoy the ride, or tune out until it's released on DVD were you can sit down with your 18 cans of whatever energy drink you like and plow thru it in one sitting.

    *May contain trace amounts of comic spoilage.
  • Mark Dygert
    Oh and the spoiler tagging is kind of annoying, there isn't much of an excuse for not having read this far in the comic yet... but whatever I'll keep trying to keep comic spoilers from ruining it for you guys that can only watch the moving picture box instead of the still, colorless pictures...

    Seriously!? Its not that heavy of reading...
  • Rai
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    Rai polycounter lvl 15
    He did say he planned on killing people off that we wouldn't have expected..

    Comic Spoiler:
    Carl and Rick are one in the same, so I do doubt they'd kill him off..
    Reminds me of the guy back in Rick's home town, the moment his son died is when he lost his lifeline and just went completely nuts.

    Major Comic Spoiler:
    I don't know how comfortable they are with killing characters off in the show, but I'm honestly waiting for massacres, that's when the series grabs you by the balls and kicks you around a little, not just the once in awhile Oregon Trail deaths.. I want the Prison scene shit.

    It also seems like they're about 2/3rds into the comic as far as story goes, but they could be throwing things around.. Need more of the interesting characters, the ones that have been mended by the apocalypse, Katana wielding, eyeball gouging, mind numbing and chaotic characters.

    I want civilized chaos, zombie arena deathmatches and mental anguish that just makes you choke up. :)

    Are the Talking Dead episodes online as well?
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    Seriously!? Its not that heavy of reading...
    For me, I can't afford them right now, nor to I have the time to read them.
  • Rai
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    Rai polycounter lvl 15
    notman wrote: »
    For me, I can't afford them right now, nor to I have the time to read them.

    I actually torrented them at first, then my girlfriend was nice enough to get me all of the issues (Up to date) for Christmas. :D

    Each issue is a pretty quick read, tbh.. And will give you some extra insight on the general story.
  • Mark Dygert
    notman wrote: »
    For me, I can't afford them right now, nor to I have the time to read them.
    Well I can understand the money aspect but the time to read them... well its a comic with about 17 words per page not a hardback series by Stephen King.

    Volume 1 issues 1-6 (season 1)
    [ame="http://www.amazon.com/Walking-Dead-Vol-Days-Gone/dp/1582406723"]Amazon.com: The Walking Dead, Vol. 1: Days Gone Bye[/ame]

    [ame="http://www.amazon.com/gp/offer-listing/1582406723/ref=dp_olp_used?ie=UTF8&condition=used"]59 used[/ame] from $4.98

    Volume 2 issues 7-12 (season 2)
    [ame="http://www.amazon.com/Walking-Dead-Vol-Miles-Behind/dp/1582404135"]Amazon.com: The Walking Dead Vol. 2: Miles Behind Us[/ame]

    [ame="http://www.amazon.com/gp/offer-listing/1582404135/ref=dp_olp_used?ie=UTF8&condition=used"]20 used[/ame] from $2.32

    $10-15 and 20min of reading and you will have caught up and sprinted ahead. Christmas is coming up... Just saying.
  • Oniram
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    Oniram polycounter lvl 17
    i just may go ahead and buy those. thanks for the share mark.
  • e-freak
    I found last night's episode to be much better than the first one from this season.
    Love how they developed the characters in this one and got away with barely no zombies until the very last scene
    :) Give me moreeeee!
  • Rai
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    Rai polycounter lvl 15
    e-freak wrote: »
    I found last night's episode to be much better than the first one from this season.
    Love how they developed the characters in this one and got away with barely no zombies until the very last scene
    :) Give me moreeeee!
    The Walking Dead was never really about zombies, the zombies are a byproduct of the situation, the story is really based on the basic premise of a modern-day apocalypse.

    Shit your pants Spoiler:
    "The Walking Dead" doesn't refer to the zombies.. But to the last remaining that are alive.

    Edit: .. I feel like everything I say has to have spoiler tags. =[
  • Polygoblin
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    Polygoblin polycounter
    Love this show! They've managed to bring zombie-theory to life, in many ways


    It really bugged me on last night's episode how they distracted zombies by throwing road flares. I mean, why would a group of zombies shuffle towards road flares??? The sound and light? Doesn't add up...
  • Rai
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    Rai polycounter lvl 15
    Polygoblin wrote: »
    Love this show! They've managed to bring zombie-theory to life, in many ways


    It really bugged me on last night's episode how they distracted zombies by throwing road flares. I mean, why would a group of zombies shuffle towards road flares??? The sound and light? Doesn't add up...

    The Herd: From the wiki
    "As described by Dr. Eugene Porter, a herd is when zombies act with a mob mentality. One zombie might brush his hand on a door knob and another will see this and mistake it as an attempt to get in. Then he will beat on the door to get in, and the first zombie will see this and try to get in. This will spark a chain reaction."

    So I guess in that instance, one might have flinched and started walking towards the flares because they were interested and others followed?

    There's a lot to Mob mentality and the way zombies interact with the environment.. Seriously, read the comic for more insight on subjects like these. - Though I do hope the TV series gives much needed in-depth information like this as well.
  • Mark Dygert
    Polygoblin wrote: »
    Love this show! They've managed to bring zombie-theory to life, in many ways


    It really bugged me on last night's episode how they distracted zombies by throwing road flares. I mean, why would a group of zombies shuffle towards road flares??? The sound and light? Doesn't add up...
    The road flares where a bit questionable but if you have the iq of a rock and have been shuffling around the same patch of pavement for the last 5 weeks any change in your environment will get your attention.

    The part that got me was that they just busted out of the door when they where leaving. They take that much care getting in but can't take 2 seconds to open the door slowly and see what the zombies are up to?

    Better solutions than just bolting out the door:
    • Maybe rub some dead people on you to disguise your fresh meatiness, then make a run for it? It worked last time until it was washed off.
    • Why did both need to go in, why not just the guy who knew what he was looking for. He could have easily been guilted into it. That way Shane could distract or lead the zombies away when he needed to leave.
    • They're in a room full of medical supplies you can't McGuiver some shit together?
      • Two projectiles connected by wire can cut off some heads.
      • Can you tranq a zombie?
      • Can you rig a blow gun to take them out a few at a time, quietly?
      • Can you find some bags of blood and throw it on some zombies so they think one of them is fresh meat? No blood bags, have Otis drain out a few pints from both of them and use that.
    • How hard would it have been to hang onto a road flare and distract them again?
    • Can they get on top of the trailer and distract them all to one side and slip off the other? How about out the bottom?
    • What about using a vehicle?
    There seemed like there would be a lot of potential ways to get out besides just slamming the door open and bolting for it. But in all honesty they aren't the brightest bulbs...
  • Rai
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    Rai polycounter lvl 15
    There seemed like there would be a lot of potential ways to get out besides just slamming the door open and bolting for it. But in all honesty they aren't the brightest bulbs...

    Their thoughts were to run in, grab the supplies and run out.. I don't believe they could have really sat on potential schemes, someone dying for the supplies would surely give them stress to be as quick as possible.
  • Mark Dygert
    Rai wrote: »
    Their thoughts were to run in, grab the supplies and run out.. I don't believe they could have really sat on potential schemes, someone dying for the supplies would surely give them stress to be as quick as possible.
    Yea that makes sense but why just grab the handle and slam the door open. Why not apply some of the same care they applied to opening the trunk?

    It was opening the door quickly that alerted the zombies... oh well hindsight I guess.
  • Rai
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    Rai polycounter lvl 15
    It was opening the door quickly that alerted the zombies... oh well hindsight I guess.

    Maybe they wrote it that way to put them into a situation that would kill one of them off?

    Badly written if that's the case, to be honest.. But I hope not.

    Maybe it's just Shane? He's a godamn derp, shoot first and ask questions later kind of guy, you know? .. Otis just followed Shane's moves for protection.

    So I think it might be a mixture of the two, Shane being derpish and general anxiety to get the equipment.
  • PatrickL
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    PatrickL polycounter lvl 9
    I might be wrong but...
    Wasn't the meth in the redneck's stash blue? A sign The Walking Dead takes place in Breaking Bad's universe?
  • ErichWK
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    ErichWK polycounter lvl 12
    I think it was just an easter egg time thing to call back to the show.
  • Polygoblin
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    Polygoblin polycounter
    PatrickL wrote: »
    I might be wrong but...
    Wasn't the meth in the redneck's stash blue? A sign The Walking Dead takes place in Breaking Bad's universe?

    Even the zombie apocalypse can't stop Heisenburg :p
  • ebagg
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    ebagg polycounter lvl 17
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    Those are the issues my wife has with the show. Seriously, why would she run? In real life, a kid would be too scared to move after that.

    love that comic btw :D
  • Polygoblin
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    Polygoblin polycounter
    You do crazy things to survive in Zombieland. The traditional moral compass is skewed. Sucks for Otis, though.

    How do you create spoiler tags, btw?
  • slipsius

    Good episode. Finally some more stellar character development.
    I think alot of people missed what the "mark" was on his head. it was ripped out hair, which is why he had to shave his head. so people wouldnt see it
  • Oniram
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    Oniram polycounter lvl 17
    slipsius wrote: »
    I think alot of people missed what the "mark" was on his head. it was ripped out hair, which is why he had to shave his head. so people wouldnt see it

    yeah that took me a little bit to figure out
    initially i thought he got bit (before it started to show the flashback) because he had marks also on his arm and shoulder.. but once i saw what he did i almost stood up and screamed "what an asshole!" i guess that explains though why he looked so horrified when he got back.
  • Mark Dygert
    slipsius wrote: »

    Good episode. Finally some more stellar character development.
    I think alot of people missed what the "mark" was on his head. it was ripped out hair, which is why he had to shave his head. so people wouldnt see it
    Yea Otis grabbed his hair and ripped out a big chunk in the struggle. I didn't agree with the host of Talking Dead that Shane was being fully transformed to evil Shane by shaving his head. I think he was just packing down all the crap he did on top of all the other crap hes been packing down. He doesn't handle things well and I'm pretty sure all that crap is going to come back and haunt him soon... well, I can only hope.
    I wonder if the little girl is going to find the group again next season and she'll be a badass zombie slayer, AKA Michonne?

    When Shane was hanging from the window it looked like he punched one of the zombies in the mouth, I wonder if that counts as a bite... probably too minor to do anything to a "main character".

    I wonder if Shane is going to tell people that he shaved his head so it can't be grabbed... by walkers... I bet Glen and Maggie dig the idea and shave their heads hahaha.
  • slipsius
    thats a good thought, mark. cover it by saying they grabbed his hair, and he doesnt want that happning again.

    next weeks should be good. im excited
  • DrunkShaman
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    DrunkShaman polycounter lvl 15
    ebagg wrote: »

    lol good one.
  • slipsius
    just finished watching this weeks. ohhhh man. the end was gooood!
    The barn slaughter? with the girl coming out last.... I was expecting her to be in the barn, but when she didnt come out with the main group, i let my guard down. great ending tonight!
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    Very emotional ending, but still a very slow moving show. Again, a huge diversion from the comic too. The ending definitely made up for the rest of the episode though.
  • MrOneTwo
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    MrOneTwo polycounter lvl 12
    All those episodes of searching and doing nothing payed off. This episode was soooooo gooooood. They really had balls (screen writers). All this hope building stuff like Daryls flowers etc. vs what ending brought, DAAAAAAAAAAAMN! And I don't see any problem with slow pacing. Heroes of this serial aren't in a hurry. After last episode I really appreciate how they took their time to bring us to this episodes ending.
  • Polygoblin
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    Polygoblin polycounter
    Some say it's slow, but I'm really loving how well I'm getting to know each person and personality and relate to all of them in a way. Makes things very dramatic and thought-provoking for me. The end was a jaw-dropper, and reminded me of the epicness of Breaking Bad's last finale.
    That little rugrat just had to wait in the frickin' roots for like 10 minutes too :/
    Damn, AMC does good tv.

    I don't have any other "must watch" shows in the meantime. Any suggestions?
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    Just to clarify, when I say 'slow' I'm just saying I'd like to see a little more going on, rather than watching the same conversations over and over again. I'm not looking for it to change into the Fast and Furious ;)
  • Jeremy Lindstrom
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    Jeremy Lindstrom polycounter lvl 18
    Just for the record I HATE split seasons. Show me 16-22 episodes at once without reruns week after week. Don't farm them out 7 at a time.. I hate this new phenomena of splitting up shows mid season for maximum profits and loss of viewers.
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    I hate it too, but I think they did it this time, because of the holidays. I was surprised they didn't cut it off the weekend before Thanksgiving.
  • Slum
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    Slum polycounter lvl 18
    Just for the record I HATE split seasons. Show me 16-22 episodes at once without reruns week after week. Don't farm them out 7 at a time.. I hate this new phenomena of splitting up shows mid season for maximum profits and loss of viewers.

    I also hate it when the things I like are marketed in such a way that allows them to make money and continue existing.
  • Jeremy Lindstrom
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    Jeremy Lindstrom polycounter lvl 18
    They were marketed a way to make money previously to continue existing, but this way they can push other 'mid season' shows in teh same spots, and not lose sponsers, for the 8 month span the show isn't on teh air. It's worked like that since TV began, it's no different now they are just maximizing their profits at the expense of the viewer.

    Another nice article explaining it as well.

    Well, TV networks split seasons for a number of reasons. If you're a network like AMC, you have just a handful of water-cooler shows with which to spread the wealth across your schedule. So people will watch year-round, and advertisers will pay to reach them. It also makes sense for a network to schedule a batch of episodes so that the season finale airs just as another of its shows starts up. There's no better way to expose a new property to an existing audience.
    Another reason for breaking up a season is to duck competition. A Sunday show like "The Walking Dead" doesn't want to go up again postseason football, TVs biggest attraction.
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    If they don't want to compete against football, then why have it on Sunday? Is there a reason Sunday is the optimum day for killing zombies?
  • Slum
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    Slum polycounter lvl 18
    They were marketed a way to make money previously to continue existing, but this way they can push other 'mid season' shows in teh same spots, and not lose sponsers, for the 8 month span the show isn't on teh air. It's worked like that since TV began, it's no different now they are just maximizing their profits at the expense of the viewer.

    Another nice article explaining it as well.


    Thats exactly my point.
    maximizing their profits at the expense of the viewer.

    What expense? The show is included with standard cable package. Or you can buy it per episode on iTunes. What are you losing that you feel entitled to when a show takes a break?
  • Jeremy Lindstrom
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    Jeremy Lindstrom polycounter lvl 18
    What am I losing? I should actually be more excited now instead of 1 cliffhanger per season at the very end of the season you get 2! Because now you get 2 mini seasons instead of one!

    Oh, we will also release the first half of the mini season on DVD so you can view them at the same price as a full season!

    Now, I see why they are doing it, don't get me wrong. It seems like you are suggesting.. I can't have an opinion that states, I like TV how it used to be when you could watch a whole season of shows week after week without a break, and then 6 months or so before it came back on? Is that what you are saying? :D Oh I forgot this is the intarnets, nobody can has differing opinions.

    It's just like May and November sweeps, let's put crappy reruns and filler shows on 3 weeks before sweeps so we can really wow the viewers with new content!!
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    lol, that's the bigger issue to me. December becomes a month of shitty shows. Nothing to watch, and terrible weather (here), to go outside and do something instead.
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    Slum wrote: »
    I also hate it when the things I like are marketed in such a way that allows them to make money and continue existing.

    Because both things can't co-exist? Haven't in the past?

    Wish people wouldn't white-knight bullshit.
  • LRoy
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    LRoy polycounter lvl 14
    Am I the only one that prefers it? I hate waiting another year and completely forgetting about the series I'm watching.
  • Zipfinator
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    Zipfinator polycounter lvl 9
    I don't feel strongly either way about the split season. I guess it's nice to not have to wait an entire year before new episodes come since they'll start in February and then new ones will start in October again.

    @Jeremy, what dang show are you watching that has a 16-22 episode season...
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    LRoy wrote: »
    Am I the only one that prefers it? I hate waiting another year and completely forgetting about the series I'm watching.

    Depends on the series I guess. Its not so bad for shows like the office and modern family.
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