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The Walking Dead



  • Slum
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    Slum polycounter lvl 18
    I'm not one to complain about slow episodes on shows, but man that episode was lame. Nothing remotely useful till the last 5 minutes.
  • aajohnny
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    aajohnny polycounter lvl 14
    Idk why people think this show HAS to have zombie killing constantly for it to not be "boring". I am entertained every episode. I thought this was one of the best.
  • PhattyEwok
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    PhattyEwok polycounter lvl 9
    I wonder now that Carl feels bad for not killing the zombie if he'll hesitate in the future when another threat arises.

    *Cough Cough* Shane *Cough Cough*
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    Slum wrote: »
    I'm not one to complain about slow episodes on shows, but man that episode was lame. Nothing remotely useful till the last 5 minutes.

    I feel exactly the opposite. This was the first episode, in a while, that I actually liked the pace of. The discussions had meaning, they mixed in a little zombie action, and there was a big finally to it. The only thing I didn't like, was Dale constantly driving home the 'we are losing our humanity' argument.
  • slipsius
    More character development in this one. I was expecting Ricks kid to kill the guy in the barn... but alas.

    Next one looks like its gonna be goooood.
    I KIND OF expected dale to get attacked, but I wasnt expecting them to kill him off just yet. sweet! Now who is gonna be the groups voice of reason!?
  • MrOneTwo
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    MrOneTwo polycounter lvl 12
    Ohhh cmon this was awful... I hate kids in shows/movies. They are always dumb and act like morons and what you can do about it ?! He is off the hook because he is a kid... Now I really hate Ricks son ( I don't even remember whats his name...).
    Dale was great character. Good actor too.

    This moron kid just walks around whole episode making stupid things so I could hate him more. I can't even hope they will kill the kid... DAMN YOU Rick and all your children. Start using condoms or there is no future for human race!
  • Mark Dygert
    On one level, I'm kind of glad Dale is gone, his character on the show had one dimension (in everyone's business and totally ineffective at everything else) and the actor had one look...

    On the flip side I'll miss him more for what he could have been. In the comic he was a bit more of a stabilizing father figure, not doddering old fool. It was pretty clear that they where done with the Andrea/Dale story line so his character was running out of options.

    As long as they have another moral compass in the show along side Rick, someone to stand in the crowd and be the first guy to say "yea that makes sense" and convince the crowd when Rick makes a speech, the show should be fine.
  • Polygoblin
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    Polygoblin polycounter
    What the hell has T-dog been doing? Ain't seen him in forever, and suddenly it appears they were kind enough to include him in the farm meeting. Yet he says nothing.... T-dog is next.
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    Carl becomes a real asshole in the comics, and I think they are taking him there very quickly. Unfortunately, he's Rick's driving force, and thus, they will never kill him.

    They could have done better with Dale's lines, but in general, he was their moral compass. So, for the TV series, we exchange a moral compass, for an irrational crazed Shane.
  • Alberto Rdrgz
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    Alberto Rdrgz polycounter lvl 15
    DALE!!!!!!!!!!!! aww man....

    @Notman, how much of a-hole? god he's already getting on my nerves.

    anyway, last 2 episodes are building up to be awesome!
  • gaganjain
    Dale had same look in every scene...
    Last two ep sure change lot thing.let see what happen next ep...
  • MrOneTwo
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    MrOneTwo polycounter lvl 12
    Yeah Dale was one dimensional and pretty simple character... but one of those you really like and he dies because of character you really don't like... Dale should had this face whole time he was fighting the zombie that killed him :D ... maybe he did ;p Anyway I liked him.
  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    guys, there's a walking dead spoiler thread. please use it.

    bunch of assholes, we're a week behind here in europe. :(
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    The spoiler thread is for the comic book readers, so they don't release spoilers of things to come. If you know it's going to be another week, then why open this thread? :/

    Given, more spoiler tags should have been used here.

    @Notman, how much of a-hole? god he's already getting on my nerves.

    Think of him taking on Shane's personality completely. That's what he becomes.
  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    the spoiler thread is for the show/comic/whatever, if it's spoiler related, talk about it there.
  • slipsius
    They made the spoiler thread as a place for those who read the comics to talk about the differences without spoiling it for the show watchers who hasnt read it.

    We're 20 pages in on this thread. There's gonna be spoilers. Its not like we`re talking about about how you should watch this show cause its awesome. clearly we`re talking about each weeks episode now. Wait a week before you open the thread.

    That being said. Ya, MAJOR plot spoilers should have spoiler tags. Such as deaths and what not. Besides that, dont open the thread if you dont wanna know stuff. otherwise the whole thread is gonna be spoiler tags now (which is why the other thread started, because all the comic spoiler tags)
  • Alberto Rdrgz
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    Alberto Rdrgz polycounter lvl 15
    notman wrote: »
    Think of him taking on Shane's personality completely. That's what he becomes.

    wow, that's like worst case scenario. :\
  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    bearing in mind i'm the one who made the spoiler thread... you might want to re-read the first post:
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    I actually remember you making that thread, and what I recall, was me originally complaining, because everyone kept referencing the comic, on this thread, and it was ruining surprises. That being said, I completely understand the frustration.

    I do try to limit my posts here, to where I think things are going, or opinions of how good/bad I think the episode was. If I reference the show, I try to keep to spoiler tags.

    I still think that, common sense wise, you'd avoid this thread until the show airs in your region. That's what I would do, just because people may not realize something they posted, could be considered a spoiler.

    Has anyone here caught the "Talking Dead" after show (usually runs at midnight here)? I caught it for the first time this week, because Scott Ian was one of these guests this week, and I'm a big Anthrax fan. It was interesting to get some inside takes on the show.
  • LRoy
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    LRoy polycounter lvl 14
    Yeah I like the Talking Dead. It's kind of like a directors commentary. That and I love that the host is always horrified that the online poll results always favor the "Rape the child and feed them to zombies' option.
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    lol, well, this week, it was kill Shane or kill the hostage in front of Carl, and they voted for killing Shane ;)
  • Mark Dygert
    Yea the spoiler nonsense is garbage.

    The original premiss of the two separate threads (as stupid as it is) was to keep people who read the comics from spoiling the show, not to save people who view it a week late.If you're in a market that gets the show a week late, that sucks, but I'm not going to keep from discussing it all week long with people who saw it, just because one guy is behind the curve.

    I'm also done jumping back and forth between threads and dancing around spoilers, if you're a fan of the show and haven't read the comic, tough tacos! It's not like its a 4,000 page epic novel printed only in Latin. It's a comic with maybe 15-25 words per page, if that. They aren't even that far in the comic story line so you could be ahead of the show in 5-10min.

    To top it off they haven't really been following the comic that closely so not even the comic nerds can say with absolute certainty that something is definitely going to happen week to week. There are a few things that are major tent poles but it would surprise me if they rearranged them or knocked them down completely.

    They really could do just about anything they wanted to do with the show as long as they characters stay true to the characters and make the same decisions they would in the comic. When you have good characters the stories write themselves you just drop them in a situation and write how they would react.
  • slipsius
    Yup, I agree with Mark. Going back and forth, having 2 threads for the same show is dumb.

    But Gir, you can always watch it online. Its usually posted within an hour after airing where I am (EST -5). If i get home after the show starts, I usually do that.
  • charger
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    charger polycounter lvl 18
    You don't have to worry to much about spoilers. The only thing the comic and TV show have in common are the names of the characters.

    I might watch this season till the end, but I doubt it, it is just to slow and has to much bitching and stupid people. The comic is much better......their I said it :)
  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    Yea the spoiler nonsense is garbage.

    The original premiss of the two separate threads (as stupid as it is) was to keep people who read the comics from spoiling the show, not to save people who view it a week late.If you're in a market that gets the show a week late, that sucks, but I'm not going to keep from discussing it all week long with people who saw it, just because one guy is behind the curve.

    I'm also done jumping back and forth between threads and dancing around spoilers, if you're a fan of the show and haven't read the comic, tough tacos! It's not like its a 4,000 page epic novel printed only in Latin. It's a comic with maybe 15-25 words per page, if that. They aren't even that far in the comic story line so you could be ahead of the show in 5-10min.

    To top it off they haven't really been following the comic that closely so not even the comic nerds can say with absolute certainty that something is definitely going to happen week to week. There are a few things that are major tent poles but it would surprise me if they rearranged them or knocked them down completely.

    They really could do just about anything they wanted to do with the show as long as they characters stay true to the characters and make the same decisions they would in the comic. When you have good characters the stories write themselves you just drop them in a situation and write how they would react.

    no, the reason i started the thread was so that this one could be used for "i think x, or y will happen in future", while the spoiler thread could be used for "x or y has just happened in the show/comic zomg!".

    which is why i was a little pissed to come into this thread and have next weeks episode spoiled, when having the two threads actually worked pretty well until recently. but regardless of that, seriously, when someone posts:
    On one level, I'm kind of glad Dale is gone, his character on the show had one dimension (in everyone's business and totally ineffective at everything else) and the actor had one look...

    On the flip side I'll miss him more for what he could have been. In the comic he was a bit more of a stabilizing father figure, not doddering old fool. It was pretty clear that they where done with the Andrea/Dale story line so his character was running out of options.

    As long as they have another moral compass in the show along side Rick, someone to stand in the crowd and be the first guy to say "yea that makes sense" and convince the crowd when Rick makes a speech, the show should be fine.

    that's a fucking spoiler (ESPECIALLY for those who read the comics prior to now), use the tags you idiots.
  • Mark Dygert
    Gir whatever you do don't go to the official Walking Dead website, or the walking dead forums or blogs... or anything walking dead related until next week. No one is going to hold off on discussing the show until you can catch up and its easier for everyone if you just unplug rather than everyone dancing around and catering to you.

    Like I said I'm done using spoiler tags, so you might as well put me on ignore or stay out of the thread until you manage to catch up.
  • Slum
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    Slum polycounter lvl 18
    I usually watch the show a day late, or at least a few hours (thanks DVR!). You know what I do? I DO NOT READ THE POLYCOUNT THREAD if I haven't seen that weeks episode. It's pretty easy...
  • Wesley
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    Wesley polycounter lvl 14
    Man I really hoped that zombie would eat the kid. Annoying as hell.
  • Polygoblin
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    Polygoblin polycounter
    Everyone keep in mind that spoiler tags don't work in the notification email [of this subscribed thread]. I don't even click that email if I'm not up to date, but I usually watch it live and I'm in the first time zone it broadcasts. Still, I hate spoilers so I try to avoid breaking anything significant by default.

    Also, Rick is a sissy. That is all.
  • slipsius
    Ok, 2 threads is kinda pointless, and it divides the conversation. So how bout everyone just agrees that anything major is a spoiler tag, like a death, who it is. how it happens. but little things like what they found, or conflicts between people. dont worry about it. otherwise we have to spoiler tag every single thing just cause it doesnt air in a certain area till later. Sorry Gir, but its common sense to not open a thread if you know its gonna talk about this weeks episode. watch it online or something, or wait til you see it, then come in..

    But, as an example. Seeing as the next episode looks like they are finally moving away from the farm, here is what a post could look like...

    "Great episode. Its about fucking time they left that damn farm. The new compound they found is awesome though. They should be able to hold out for awhile there. Seems to have everything they need. Daryl bitching out shane was good. That zombie attack was great, but HOLY FUCKING HELL! WTF! I CANT BELIEVE

    Otherwise asking everyone to tag their entire post is just pointless and annoying. We're clearly no longer talking about how good the show is, but why it's good and what happened this week.
  • Mark Dygert
    I'll do the comic spoilers but I won't spoiler wrap stuff about last weeks episode, that includes talking about the recently deceased in the open, without spoiler tags.

    Haven't seen it? Don't read the thread.

    Spoiler Categories
    1. Comic Spoiler
    2. Comic past issue xx Spoiler
    3. Europe Spoiler
    4. People who haven't gotten around to watching it but have it DVR'ed Spoiler
    5. People with squeamish stomachs Spoiler
    Seriously lets just keep adding spoiler categories until its all just big blocks of black text.

    oh and...
    Vader is Luke's father.
    Rosebud is a sled.
    Soilent Green is people!
    Aeon was the clone of Trevor's wife.
    Ash was a robot, the only two biological beings to survive were Ripley and the Cat.
    Multiple trips back failed to make things right. Evan decided to kill himself during his own birth.
    Alex was not "entirely" cured.
    Dil was actually a male transvestite.
    The Dark City was an alien creation in space.
    Tyler Durden wasn't real.
    The killer was Mrs. Voorhees, Jason's mother.
    Nancy found Mathew but it was too late he was already a pod person and he was the one to rat her out.
    Grace and her children were the ghosts haunting the house.
  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    you forgot:
    snape kills dumbledore
  • Mark Dygert
    NOOOOoOooOo I haven't seen that one yet! jk
  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    btw, let's explore tyler durden not being real...

    my interpretation from the film, which was then strongly reinforced by the book, is that tyler durdan is very real... in that he IS jack/joe (i am jack/joe's liver)... or rather, he is who the character wishes to be. all of the personality and traits tyler has, are traits jack/joe lacks. and his bouts of insomnia are when that personality surfaces... as he sleeps, tyler comes out to play.

    so in a sense, to everyone around jack/joe, he IS tyler. but to jack/joe, tyler is a halucination.

    zomg, spoilers.
  • aajohnny
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    aajohnny polycounter lvl 14
    Holy crap... that's all I gotta say
  • Polygoblin
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    Polygoblin polycounter
    Polygoblin wrote: »
    Also, Rick is a sissy. That is all.


    Gentlemen... the internet is about to explode.
  • Disaster
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    Disaster polycounter lvl 9
    Wow. Probably one of the greatest hours of television I have watched this year.
  • LRoy
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    LRoy polycounter lvl 14
  • The Mad Artist
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    The Mad Artist polycounter lvl 13
    Disaster wrote: »
    Wow. Probably one of the greatest hours of television I have watched this year.

    I second this. Amazing.
  • Oniram
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    Oniram polycounter lvl 17
    U know what. I'm glad. Happiest moment in the show.
  • Wonkey
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    Wonkey polycounter lvl 10
    Oniram wrote: »
    U know what. I'm glad. Happiest moment in the show.


    I was so happy that happened!
  • Irreal
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    Irreal polycounter lvl 10
    Awesome. They've really turned this show around.
  • Slum
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    Slum polycounter lvl 18
    Irreal wrote: »
    Awesome. They've really turned this show around.

    Just in time for the season to end.

    I'm glad we can finally stop watching Shane's Walking Dead. It's hard to believe there are a dozen other characters on the show after nearly a whole season wrapped around Shane "Ticking Time Bomb" Walsh.
  • Y_M
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    Y_M polycounter lvl 10
    We got's a spammer here.

    Also, amazing episode once again. Can't wait to see how this situation plays out, given that next episode is the finale, I can't help but feel it won't go so well.. even if we have had an exceptional number of fatalities in the last two weeks.
  • slipsius
    Holy hell!!!!
    SHANE IS DEAD! Good job Rick!!! Though, I kind of liked the tension he added to the group, so we shall see how the show progresses now. Especially since he didnt tell anyone where the camp of guys is.

    That's all the spoiler tags I'm using. if you havent seen the episode, stop reading now. Consider this your spoiler tag.

    Soooo, it looks like people come back as walkers no matter what! Even if they arent scratched or bit. Holy F! I was told that's how it is in the comic, but i havent read it myself. If so, this is gonna be real real interesting. I wonder if they HAVE to die, or if eventually, it just turns you. That ending though. with the 50 some odd walkers going towards the house. This is gonna be one hell of a season finale! I cant wait! I just hope they dont just sit in the basement for the 3 days, like Hershel said they can do.

  • Rhinokey
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    Rhinokey polycounter lvl 18
    i've read all the books, and watched all the shows up to lat nite, while i'm enjoying the show. i will say the books are better.

    The show has been doing so much bitching and crying, seems everyone is having personal problems with everyone else. and maybe thats acurate to how it would be in real life. its just making the characters more anoying.

    I am totaly disapointed they changed shanes death. I knid of understand them prolonging it, but it should have been Carl. I was at least expecting Carl to kill the boy they had hostage. but seems they are content to just keep him a kid.

    oh small anoyance. they walk thru the woods for 30 minutes in the show just for rick and shane to end up in a field right in front of the house? wtf

    but all things considered i like the show.
  • slipsius
    Ya, I was expecting shane to lead them straight to the camp of other guys, so they know, that way they shane could do the whole "we need to kill them all!" thing.
  • Oniram
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    Oniram polycounter lvl 17
    i imagine there will be some sort of run in with the group of other guys in the finale.
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    That's the thing slipsius
    they are already infected. When they die, the virus takes over. Those security guards probably died of heart attacks, or strokes, etc. Then, Shane broke that guy's neck, killing him, then the virus kicked in.

    Loved the episode. I agree, it should have been Carl initially, but still a great episode. These last two episodes are exactly what I meant, when I said the other episodes were too slow. It doesn't need a bunch of zombies, just less whiney BS, and stupid time fillers.
  • MrOneTwo
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    MrOneTwo polycounter lvl 12
    Great episode. Now shit will hit the fan :D
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