Is it possible he was rescued some other way and staged cutting off his hand?
Yes, the helicopter saw some guy handcuffed to a roof, landed, asked him why hes handcuffed, sympathised with him and decided to help him stage the whole thing in the event that those others who left him to die there would come back to save him.
So they picklocked the cuffs and locked them back on the pipe, went on the streets to look for a caucasian zombie, chopped off his hand and went back up to the roof to put the hand there. Then they flew away to look for more people to help stage some more stories.
Anyone else think that the wife was being kindof a bitch?
Not like she was raped or anything. She slept with his friend willingly, then has the balls to not only lie about it, but put the blame on the friend as if he lied to her. Like he knew the husband was alive and lied to get laid? That's such BS. They both thought he was dead.
Anyone else think that the wife was being kindof a bitch?
Depends how he told her Rick died. Was it a definite "yes I went to the hospital to check on him and saw his corpse, definitely dead" or was it a "he's probably dead, can't survive in that hospital while the town is overrun by zombies".
The way she yelled at him, it sounded like he was definitely sure rick was dead. But then again he might not of said that and she might of misunderstood, in which case yes she is being a bitch.
But since we only got her side of the story we will have to kinda side with her. Its a stupid storyline either way. Even if he didn't tell her rick was dead, they'd still end up having sex anyway.
There's pretty much no way that a normal person would believe that their husband-in-coma-stuck-in-zombie-infested-town is going to suddenly wake up and get out of that town safely. And then find her in this random camp in the middle of no where by pure chance.
Yes, the helicopter saw some guy handcuffed to a roof, landed, asked him why hes handcuffed, sympathised with him and decided to help him stage the whole thing in the event that those others who left him to die there would come back to save him.
So they picklocked the cuffs and locked them back on the pipe, went on the streets to look for a caucasian zombie, chopped off his hand and went back up to the roof to put the hand there. Then they flew away to look for more people to help stage some more stories.
I was actually thinking that the other group in Atlanta found him, and picked the cuffs. He left a zombie hand behind with blood smeared on the cuffs so they would think that he's still alive and go looking for him. At that point he'd get his revenge.
I was actually thinking that the other group in Atlanta found him, and picked the cuffs. He left a zombie hand behind with blood smeared on the cuffs so they would think that he's still alive and go looking for him. At that point he'd get his revenge.
I still think there's something a bit fishy about the whole thing though. One thing I noticed was that there wasn't any blood on the hacksaw or on the ground below the cuffs. There was only blood on the cuffs.
Is it possible he was rescued some other way and staged cutting off his hand?
I replayed the end of the episode just to see if there really was no blood on the hacksaw, and dude, there was a ton of blood on the hacksaw. It just wasn't as obvious as the cuffs because you saw the hacksaw at a relatively flat angle because the camera was near the ground, while you saw the cuffs from a ganging more frontal view.
I'm pretty sure he told her that he died while knowing he was actually in coma rather than saying "He probably died".
But I'm guessing he lied to her because she would probably not have accepted a "probably died" with him knowing he was alive but in coma when he was left there.
So yeah, you could say he knowingly lied to her, and she knows that.
well she is a whore after mourning her hubby for a couple weeks and sleeping with his partner no matter how you slice it.
Not necessarily. Do you know what the rules are for dating in a zombie apocalypse? I'm guessing that she was scared and alone in her house when it all started while Rick was in the hospital. Shane rescued her from that situation and got her out of the city. Then after he protected her and saved her from the zombie apocalypse, she finds out her husband is probably dead (Depending on what Shane said). She's still going to need a man to protect her in the zombie apocalypse and after knowing Shane for so long (Being Rick's partner for an undefined period of time) I don't think it's that far fetched that she latches onto him.
There are a few other points I could bring up but that's the most logical reason for her being with Shane and not being a whore(Possibly).
Not necessarily. Do you know what the rules are for dating in a zombie apocalypse? I'm guessing that she was scared and alone in her house when it all started while Rick was in the hospital. Shane rescued her from that situation and got her out of the city. Then after he protected her and saved her from the zombie apocalypse, she finds out her husband is probably dead (Depending on what Shane said). She's still going to need a man to protect her in the zombie apocalypse and after knowing Shane for so long (Being Rick's partner for an undefined period of time) I don't think it's that far fetched that she latches onto him.
There are a few other points I could bring up but that's the most logical reason for her being with Shane and not being a whore(Possibly).
A quote from Robert Kirkman:
No one can see the world the way she saw it. For all she knew her husband was dead. And that was a very believable story because she was watching everyone around her die. Very few of us almost none of us in the United States ever experience something that traumatic. And while it may have only been three weeks or four weeks since she learned her husband was dead, Shane is someone that was very much a part of her life and someone she was very close to. Someone that is experiencing these things is going to be so desperate for some kind of a human connection, that they could be driven into the arms of someone that they very much liked before all this happened. That is a very easy jump to make and I think that if you try and understand things from her perspective, you will see just how much shes had to live through and how it is quite believable for her to have done these things. And Shanes the one you should hate!
Thanks for that quote Slum. That's from one of those interviews I posted up earlier. Another example of how those interviews are answering a lot of the discussion in this thread. Everyone should go read them if they haven't.
This is why I love the comics, and Robert Kirkman in general. The guy is a fucking genius, not afraid to dive into touchy subjects and ugly truths. It's the reason why many of us dislike Lori because of what she did with Shane, even though we can't really fault her for doing it given the circumstances they were in. I'm sure quite a few of us have been through tough breakups/cheating partners before.
The comic is filled with situations like this, just wait till they get to prison..crazy shit there.
I'm pretty sure he told her that he died while knowing he was actually in coma rather than saying "He probably died".
But I'm guessing he lied to her because she would probably not have accepted a "probably died" with him knowing he was alive but in coma when he was left there.
So yeah, you could say he knowingly lied to her, and she knows that.
I agree, and I think you should still hate him for picking up his buddies grieving wife, you can't really blame them for thinking he was dead. And no one really knows how they would handle their whole world being tipped upside down. We can say 4 weeks isn't really that long, but I've lived weeks that felt like days and days that felt like weeks. It really depends on what happens, if nothing well then time passes quickly as it does for most of us who aren't fighting zombies for scraps of food.
Even without a zombie infestation Rick was in a coma and on deaths door, which is probably why he wasn't eaten? But it could be that the zombies where well corralled and unable to wonder the floor.
"well... there's a chance that he can wake up on his own without any care,
and there's a small chance he won't die of dehydration or starvation,
and there's a small chance that zombies won't wonder into his room and get him,
and there's a small chance that as he wakes up he'll be strong enough to fend off the zombies and make it to some kind of shelter."
Instead, you'll probably shrug and say, yea he's a goner.
Not to stir up controversy but male characters do this all the time in our fiction and no-one bats an eye. SOCIETY, I JUDGE YOU!
I'm always against the person who took the vows, in an affair. She thought her hubby was dead, but what we've seen in the show he wasn't 'supposedly' dead for too long before they started hooking up.
It was determined a week or two (he'd have to have almost starved to death in the hospital if it was more then a few days) and a few minutes later she's bedding down with his partner, we didn't see 'weeks of time pass' there.
I doubt the hospital was overrun the same day he was admitted. It's entirely possible that the hospital or even the floor he was on was isolated well enough that he was getting care up until a few days before he woke up.
well she is a whore after mourning her hubby for a couple weeks and sleeping with his partner no matter how you slice it.
Wooooaaahhh, maybe a bit harsh.
I'm looking forward to more antics in the city, but I'm looking forward to whatever plot point will drive the group out of that boring, safe camp :poly124: I prefer the living minute to minute zombie survival plot lines over the thoughtful moral relationship plot lines most days of the week.
Gotta say I'm glad that shane gave that arsehole a beating at the end of the episode though, even if he did go too far and for the wrong reasons. I don't see Shane as all bad (yet), and I'm sure he's going to get some redemption role after all the lies come out. (sacrafiiicee!)
I still got her being mad at shane because of him most likely saying that he actually saw rick die in that hospital, since she would not have accepted leaving rick behind even in that state, while shane was trying to lead her and her son out of the town.
So death had basicly done them part in her point of view, while shane wasn't as sure about his death and keeping quiet about it.
I agree with Skanker, in the future I'll only be using spoiler tags to talk about things that happened in the comic that haven't happened in the show yet. If you're reading this thread and you haven't seen the show then its your own damn fault.
If it goes down anything like in the comics then you're in for a treat. If ever there was a reason to hate the guy its in the last few minutes of his life. The dick takes Rick out to a secluded spot and tries to kill him, mumbles some shit about how Rick should be dead and its not fair. His gun misfires or he misses (I forget which), Carl (Rick's son) saves Rick by killing Shane, yea its fucked up. Rick buries him but doesn't put a bullet in his brain because he wants to doom him to a life of wandering. It haunts Rick for quite a while, he might of gone back and put him down for good at some point...
Damn it I read Frumps Spoiler tags thinking they were about the show! Oh well, I had guessed it would happen sometime after Kirkman saying the comic will kill off characters in a snap in all of the interviews.
I think she was hooking up with the deputy before the outbreak. In the first ep, when they're in the car talking about girls, the guy asks the sheriff how his wife is, then does one of those tropey arkward stares. And then the sheriff starts talking about how she's being an asshole, saying stuff in front of the kid.
So, they were probably at it before people started eating people.
from what I remember in the comic he was in love (or lust or whatever) with her for a while, but nothing ever happened before the outbreak
They never got together before the outbreak, at least in the comics. She actually was very distraught over it for a long time. The comics are very, very good. I just caught up to the most recent issue and there are a lot of surprises along the way.
I only started to watch this the other day on recomendation from a mate and I was amazed by the qulaity of it for a tv series. Still find it weird hearing Andrew Lincoln with an american accent tho, just keep thinking of his character in Teachers
I agree with Skanker, in the future I'll only be using spoiler tags to talk about things that happened in the comic that haven't happened in the show yet. If you're reading this thread and you haven't seen the show then its your own damn fault.
In the comic...
If it goes down anything like in the comics then you're in for a treat. If ever there was a reason to hate the guy its in the last few minutes of his life. The dick takes Rick out to a secluded spot and tries to kill him, mumbles some shit about how Rick should be dead and its not fair. His gun misfires or he misses (I forget which), Carl (Rick's son) saves Rick by killing Shane, yea its fucked up. Rick buries him but doesn't put a bullet in his brain because he wants to doom him to a life of wandering. It haunts Rick for quite a while, he might of gone back and put him down for good at some point...
Yeah, it was a really amazing and powerful scene. I doubt the actors have chops to pull it off,
Carl specifically. I'm also not sure if they want to do a scene like that on cable. If they leave it as it is now, they keep playing up the relationship drama. If they do that scene it might be the finale for the season so a couple episodes away. Until then, more annoying drama, and frog fishing.
Separate spoiler:
Is "T-Dog" supposed to be Tyreese? If so, he doesn't have a daughter, which essentially cuts out the whole Glenn and her plotline. That would be disappointing. Also T-Dog is not as commanding and manly as Tyrone, no leadership struggles.
Oh noes... the hottest girl in the apocalypse just died. That made me sad.
And yeah, I had the same thought, that the zombies were led there by Merle. Which is kinda badass.
Also, did Rick already use that one grenade from the first episode? It suddenly popped to my mind, and I don't think he has, unless I'm forgetting something.
I don't think Merle lured the Zombies back to the camp. For all he knew, his brother could have been there with them, and you also gotta factor in the women and children who basically had nothing to do with ditching him. He'd have to be real sick to do that. I'm guessing he's more of a straight up confrontational guy and he wants to get his revenge in a real direct way.
They mentioned the zombies were leaving the city looking for more food, and they had a run in earlier. It was probably a matter of time, plus the smell of cooking fish that brought them all there.
I don't think he used the grenade at all either. He didn't use it coming out of the tank, and the only other place he might have used it is during the first escape from the city, which I don't remember either.
This episode was great. I loved the twist with the gang in the middle of the episode, and the suspense as to what role Merle played in the zombies showing up at the camp.
How exactly could Merle have lead them up to the camp anyway?
If you had never seen the show before and just read the last page and a half, you would think this show is a soap opera.
Laurie and Shane, who cares,
he's going to die anyway (hopefully).
That's why the show fails, 90% soap opera and 10% zombies ... should be the other way around. About people trying to survive not people having crappy arguments (yes, yes I know that's how things might actually play out but we have other soaps for that crap).
The reverse is quite true as well. There are dozens of zombie movies with literally no plot to them and it's just a non-stop action packed fight to the finish.
Personally, that's why I've stopped going to movies. When you get immersed into the 3D culture, run of the mill visual effects sort of take the WOW out of everything you see. I really only see movies that have a really interesting dynamic story where actual character development and emotions are involved.
These AMC shows are a change of pace to what you generally see, and I find them more interesting. If that's not your cup of tea, I'm sure the next Resident Evil movie will come out not too long from now.
That's why the show fails, 90% soap opera and 10% zombies ... should be the other way around. About people trying to survive not people having crappy arguments (yes, yes I know that's how things might actually play out but we have other soaps for that crap).
If you want 90% zombies you should either watch zombie movies or play zombie games.
Tv series are meant to have drama.
There is no fail in this show IMO. If you don't like it, it sure isn't because it's a bad show, it's probably because you want more action than character development and story line. I can tell you right now, if this show was 90% action and 10% soap, I wouldn't even be watching.
Oh, and on a side note, I loved how the story had Jim digging all those holes because of his dream. You thought he had gone crazy or something, and then at the end of the episode when he says "now I remember why I dug those holes" you realize he had a premonition of what was going to happen. Great writing.
Now they better pull themselves together, look at the situation, and put a bullet through the head of all their dead friends so they don't sit up and start coming at the survivors as wave 2 of the zombie attack.
I gotta stop coming to this thread. Love the show but i can't help looking at the censored links, I'm weak.
Also love the drama, nice well rounded cast with just enough real world small talk and machismo. Hell 90% of the time it leads to violence. It's like a soap opera/ zombie killing one-two punch.
Yeah I love the drama in this. I actually wish they took it even deeper. Like touch on the issue of running across a loved one as a zombie, which they kinda did with the father/son at the beginning, and maybe now when that chick got bitten.
I think they played out the story in the way of making us believe that his brother would go back to camp and go nuts to make us not expect a horde of dead people.
Yes, the helicopter saw some guy handcuffed to a roof, landed, asked him why hes handcuffed, sympathised with him and decided to help him stage the whole thing in the event that those others who left him to die there would come back to save him.
So they picklocked the cuffs and locked them back on the pipe, went on the streets to look for a caucasian zombie, chopped off his hand and went back up to the roof to put the hand there. Then they flew away to look for more people to help stage some more stories.
Not like she was raped or anything. She slept with his friend willingly, then has the balls to not only lie about it, but put the blame on the friend as if he lied to her. Like he knew the husband was alive and lied to get laid? That's such BS. They both thought he was dead.
Depends how he told her Rick died. Was it a definite "yes I went to the hospital to check on him and saw his corpse, definitely dead" or was it a "he's probably dead, can't survive in that hospital while the town is overrun by zombies".
The way she yelled at him, it sounded like he was definitely sure rick was dead. But then again he might not of said that and she might of misunderstood, in which case yes she is being a bitch.
But since we only got her side of the story we will have to kinda side with her. Its a stupid storyline either way. Even if he didn't tell her rick was dead, they'd still end up having sex anyway.
There's pretty much no way that a normal person would believe that their husband-in-coma-stuck-in-zombie-infested-town is going to suddenly wake up and get out of that town safely. And then find her in this random camp in the middle of no where by pure chance.
I was actually thinking that the other group in Atlanta found him, and picked the cuffs. He left a zombie hand behind with blood smeared on the cuffs so they would think that he's still alive and go looking for him. At that point he'd get his revenge.
That's just me though.
you're thinking too hard about it.
I replayed the end of the episode just to see if there really was no blood on the hacksaw, and dude, there was a ton of blood on the hacksaw. It just wasn't as obvious as the cuffs because you saw the hacksaw at a relatively flat angle because the camera was near the ground, while you saw the cuffs from a ganging more frontal view.
But I'm guessing he lied to her because she would probably not have accepted a "probably died" with him knowing he was alive but in coma when he was left there.
So yeah, you could say he knowingly lied to her, and she knows that.
Not necessarily. Do you know what the rules are for dating in a zombie apocalypse? I'm guessing that she was scared and alone in her house when it all started while Rick was in the hospital. Shane rescued her from that situation and got her out of the city. Then after he protected her and saved her from the zombie apocalypse, she finds out her husband is probably dead (Depending on what Shane said). She's still going to need a man to protect her in the zombie apocalypse and after knowing Shane for so long (Being Rick's partner for an undefined period of time) I don't think it's that far fetched that she latches onto him.
There are a few other points I could bring up but that's the most logical reason for her being with Shane and not being a whore(Possibly).
A quote from Robert Kirkman:
The comic is filled with situations like this, just wait till they get to prison..crazy shit there.
Not to stir up controversy but male characters do this all the time in our fiction and no-one bats an eye. SOCIETY, I JUDGE YOU!
Even without a zombie infestation Rick was in a coma and on deaths door, which is probably why he wasn't eaten? But it could be that the zombies where well corralled and unable to wonder the floor.
"well... there's a chance that he can wake up on his own without any care,
and there's a small chance he won't die of dehydration or starvation,
and there's a small chance that zombies won't wonder into his room and get him,
and there's a small chance that as he wakes up he'll be strong enough to fend off the zombies and make it to some kind of shelter."
Instead, you'll probably shrug and say, yea he's a goner.
I'm always against the person who took the vows, in an affair.
It was determined a week or two (he'd have to have almost starved to death in the hospital if it was more then a few days) and a few minutes later she's bedding down with his partner, we didn't see 'weeks of time pass' there.
Wooooaaahhh, maybe a bit harsh.
I'm looking forward to more antics in the city, but I'm looking forward to whatever plot point will drive the group out of that boring, safe camp :poly124: I prefer the living minute to minute zombie survival plot lines over the thoughtful moral relationship plot lines most days of the week.
Gotta say I'm glad that shane gave that arsehole a beating at the end of the episode though, even if he did go too far and for the wrong reasons. I don't see Shane as all bad (yet), and I'm sure he's going to get some redemption role after all the lies come out. (sacrafiiicee!)
So death had basicly done them part in her point of view, while shane wasn't as sure about his death and keeping quiet about it.
the rest is just chemicals in the brain.
Laurie and Shane, who cares,
In the comic...
So, they were probably at it before people started eating people.
The slut.
They never got together before the outbreak, at least in the comics. She actually was very distraught over it for a long time. The comics are very, very good. I just caught up to the most recent issue and there are a lot of surprises along the way.
Yeah, it was a really amazing and powerful scene. I doubt the actors have chops to pull it off,
Separate spoiler:
And yeah, I had the same thought, that the zombies were led there by Merle. Which is kinda badass.
Also, did Rick already use that one grenade from the first episode? It suddenly popped to my mind, and I don't think he has, unless I'm forgetting something.
They mentioned the zombies were leaving the city looking for more food, and they had a run in earlier. It was probably a matter of time, plus the smell of cooking fish that brought them all there.
I don't think he used the grenade at all either. He didn't use it coming out of the tank, and the only other place he might have used it is during the first escape from the city, which I don't remember either.
How exactly could Merle have lead them up to the camp anyway?
That's why the show fails, 90% soap opera and 10% zombies ... should be the other way around. About people trying to survive not people having crappy arguments (yes, yes I know that's how things might actually play out but we have other soaps for that crap).
Personally, that's why I've stopped going to movies. When you get immersed into the 3D culture, run of the mill visual effects sort of take the WOW out of everything you see. I really only see movies that have a really interesting dynamic story where actual character development and emotions are involved.
These AMC shows are a change of pace to what you generally see, and I find them more interesting. If that's not your cup of tea, I'm sure the next Resident Evil movie will come out not too long from now.
If you want 90% zombies you should either watch zombie movies or play zombie games.
Tv series are meant to have drama.
Hehe, or make a Heavy Rain Zombie game, 10% zombies, 90% drama
wrong, that's why it has the ratings it does, and why I love the graphic novels.
Oh, and on a side note, I loved how the story had Jim digging all those holes because of his dream. You thought he had gone crazy or something, and then at the end of the episode when he says "now I remember why I dug those holes" you realize he had a premonition of what was going to happen. Great writing.
Now they better pull themselves together, look at the situation, and put a bullet through the head of all their dead friends so they don't sit up and start coming at the survivors as wave 2 of the zombie attack.
Also love the drama, nice well rounded cast with just enough real world small talk and machismo. Hell 90% of the time it leads to violence. It's like a soap opera/ zombie killing one-two punch.