Loving the show, cant believe there is only 6 eps. That sucks hardcore.
Yeah that's disappointing that the first season is only 6 episodes. Quality rather than quantity though. Plus their second season has already been green lit (I think) so at least we know that we'll at least have one more season of it!
Another AMC show, Breaking Bad (awesome show btw) had a 7 episode 1st season, but season 2 and 3 were 13 episodes. AMC might do that to see how well a show is received.
I think the pacing of the show is fine, it is like some sort of action flick compared to the mind numbingly boring Rubicon and even Mad Men.
DKK: Yeah, she does come off as a bit more bitchy in the show, then again I never liked her in the comics either. I admit I kinda enjoyed what happened to her in the comics..
What annoys me about it is what annoys me about all those shows, which is that hardly anything happens in an episode.
Tonight's episode was great, but really, they barely did anything. Got into the hideout, made camouflage, escaped from the city. Each episode is the length of about a 1/3rd of a movie, and yet the stuff that happens in it is about what happens in 15mins of a film.
Comparing it to a movie is the problem. You are right, in 15 minutes of a movie you cover a lot of ground (about an hours episode of a typical show).
But what a TV show (a good one....like Walking Dead) does is really build up the characters and the world.. each episode they can focus on certain things that really give a viewer a sense of reality.
Sort of a book. Quite often hundreds and hundreds of pages get translated to about ~2hr of action with a lot of the fine details left out.
What annoys me about it is what annoys me about all those shows, which is that hardly anything happens in an episode.
Tonight's episode was great, but really, they barely did anything. Got into the hideout, made camouflage, escaped from the city. Each episode is the length of about a 1/3rd of a movie, and yet the stuff that happens in it is about what happens in 15mins of a film.
I prefer it that way, it gives them enough time to build tension. If it was in a smaller time frame, you might not get that. I thought the second episode was amazing, though it wasn't long enough. :[
What annoys me about it is what annoys me about all those shows, which is that hardly anything happens in an episode.
You will probably want to ignore the show then and wait to watch it when the whole thing gets packaged into a boxed set. I did that with lost except I caught up to the and the last 2 seasons and watched those on TV. Those where absolute murder but at least the discussion between episodes was almost as good if not better than the show.
Whatever you do... if you think there isn't enough per show and the wait is too long till more content, do NOT read comics (any of them) the month long wait between issues/episodes will kill ya. Especially when they slip off of their ship date by a week or sometimes a month...
Im really loving the thought that went into some of the small details: like the effects firing a pistol inside of a sealed tank, the fact that the radio suddenly starts getting through when an electrical storm is passing overhead, and even the dude trying to shoot his wife from the window sitting back inside the room to muffle the sound heard outside. Its rare to see that kind of detail go into a movie, let alone a TV show.
I'll try hard not to nerdrage and rant here but overall this show so far fails as an adaption of Walking Dead but succeeds as great televised zombie fiction.
There are so many things from the actors, to the plot and character changes that really make me nerdrage hard. I was ranting about it all day to my friends. Just... RAGE
However, taken as a divorced series I think I would quite like it. Zombie effects are great, pacing in the second episode was a lot better and it's pretty enjoyable. I almost wish they had just done an original story/characters instead of shitting all over pre-established work.
It's confirmed for a second season now anyway, so I will definitely be watching. It would make me happy if they take it in a completely different direction at some point, like Dexter or True Blood. I guess we'll have to see!
I'll try hard not to nerdrage and rant here but overall this show so far fails as an adaption of Walking Dead but succeeds as great televised zombie fiction.
There are so many things from the actors, to the plot and character changes that really make me nerdrage hard. I was ranting about it all day to my friends. Just... RAGE
However, taken as a divorced series I think I would quite like it. Zombie effects are great, pacing in the second episode was a lot better and it's pretty enjoyable. I almost wish they had just done an original story/characters instead of shitting all over pre-established work.
It's confirmed for a second season now anyway, so I will definitely be watching. It would make me happy if they take it in a completely different direction at some point, like Dexter or True Blood. I guess we'll have to see!
Just accept is as it's own thing.
They said it was going to go off on it's own anyways.
Frump more than likely they will just steal ideas and action bits from the comics for the show but go in different directions than the comics. Think of all those directions that Kirkman could have taken but didn't, he might have had a lot of ideas about where those choices could have taken them and might use this as a method of expressing them. You just have to remember hes helping write the show, and directing its pat so why would he just want to retell the same one he has already?
Yeah, like I said, I hope they do take it in totally new directions.
Right now they're straddling the line between being accurate to the comic and not. Following certain things closely enough that I can't help but draw comparisons. Other things I'm okay with, like the new characters in episode 2.
That's what bugging me, the following but not following. I'll get past it eventually.:)
I'd be bored with it pretty quick if it was a panel for panel recreation. I'm sure a lot of fans of the comic would be too. Considering those are the fans they want to pull in and spread the word they don't want the message to be "super P-r-e-d-i-t-a-b-l-e".
Think of it as a directors cut or alternate version?
I thought the pilot episode was perfect. Didn't like the new episode much. Some good parts to it, but damn. The part near the end where he tripped,
went into bullet time and dropped the key out of his fucking breast pocket?
. Disappointingly contrived and kind of ruined it for me. Really hope that's at a minimum in the coming episodes as this show had the promise of being something really great.
when they were covered in guts, why didn't they just nip around the corner to pick up the bag of weapons? Or lead the zombies away and, after, pick up the weapons with the van?
No other cable series has ever attracted as many Adults 18-49 as The Walking Dead. The shows kickin' major butt, not in a "it'll stay on TV kind of way", but a "Holy shit we better start making shows as good as AMC" kind of way. Between Walking Dead and Conan things aren't so bad on the airwaves
Anyone catch the latest episode? It was pretty good, seems like things are headed for destination crazy.
Just one thing I was wondering about the end:
At the end of the episode, I got the impression that he didn't manage to get to the hacksaw in time, and something must have gotten to him and chewed him up and dragged him off the roof, leaving only his hand. Some other people get the impression that he got to the hacksaw, but instead of cutting the metal, he inexplicably ends up cutting off his hand instead to escape. I'll admit the hacksaw did look like it was closeby, but it doesn't seem to make any sense that he'd cut his hand off rather than cutting the rusty bolt or the chain on the cuffs. What's your take on it?
Alright, cutting his hand off seems to be the way it went but to be honest I don't think it makes much sense. I remember he was begging T-Dog for the hacksaw earlier and he seemed to have a pretty sure idea of what he was going to do with it then. At that point it didn't seem like he had any intention of using it on his hands. I don't see why he wouldn't have cut through the metal instead of his hand. I guess that's a bit of a hole in the plot.
I guess another possibility is that he eventually got to it, but it was too late and the zombies found some other way up.
Alright, cutting his hand off seems to be the way it went but to be honest I don't think it makes much sense. I remember he was begging T-Dog for the hacksaw earlier and he seemed to have a pretty sure idea of what he was going to do with it then. At that point it didn't seem like he had any intention of using it on his hands. I don't see why he wouldn't have cut through the metal instead of his hand. I guess that's a bit of a hole in the plot.
I guess another possibility is that he eventually got to it, but it was too late and the zombies found some other way up.
you know, if he felt that time was of the essences...
I dont see how he could have possibly got through the hand faster than the metal. That shit would hurt. There would definitely be some pausing for agony in there.
This last episode was boring... I'm not attached to the characters or actors and there's nothing really going on. I kind of wanted to fast forward on at least one occasion.
Hopefully we will see some more running from zombies next week. They're wading through the beginning of the comics far too slowly. This stuff was not all that interesting in there and it's still not that interesting. I guess next season will be the "good stuff".
Compared to Mad Men and Breaking Bad, this is by far the weakest of AMC's original series. Except for that one I've never seen.
Still watching in the hopes that it gets better. It's somewhat entertaining.
I dont see how he could have possibly got through the hand faster than the metal. That shit would hurt. There would definitely be some pausing for agony in there.
Well, the guy did have his adrenalin pumping. I know that wouldn't stop the pain, but if there are a bunch of Zombies trying to get at you, it might be enough to get through the pain.
slum, arcanox, etc... he did it because he was all strung out and delirious and all that. That's why they focused on the intact handcuffs... after all this, I doubt the show is dumb enough to miss such a glaring plot and logic hole, and then focus on it so hard.
This last episode was boring... I'm not attached to the characters or actors and there's nothing really going on. I kind of wanted to fast forward on at least one occasion.
Hopefully we will see some more running from zombies next week. They're wading through the beginning of the comics far too slowly. This stuff was not all that interesting in there and it's still not that interesting. I guess next season will be the "good stuff".
Compared to Mad Men and Breaking Bad, this is by far the weakest of AMC's original series. Except for that one I've never seen.
Still watching in the hopes that it gets better. It's somewhat entertaining.
Wow, I totally feel the opposite. This episode is needed to set things up, and I appreciate that they're telling a story, and not just having Zombies pop up to try to scare you all the time. That would give cheep thrills, instead of a story line with depth. Not taking the time for story, IMO would be boring and just make this show like any other.
This my second favorite show on TV right now behind Justified.
By the way, how are you guys hiding your text under that black box? I'm not seeing how to do that.
This last episode was boring... I'm not attached to the characters or actors and there's nothing really going on. I kind of wanted to fast forward on at least one occasion.
I think having been a fan of the comic does affect how much enjoyment you get from the tv series. IMO it's quite good for what it is (a zombie show), but I'm really not getting the same kind of suspense others who haven't read the comics are getting.
Which is a shame, cause I'm a nut for anything zombie related. Wish I could forget everything I read from the comics and just enjoy this
The bit with the hand and handcuff. Handcuffs are made of hardened steel, I wouldn't be surprised if the bolt it was attached to was hardened steel too. Hardened steel isn't easy to cut through with a hacksaw. There's also the fact of all the zombies at the door that were trying to force their way through (I expected the handle to break off), so there was the added urgency to the situation. The hand would take a lot less time than hardened steel to cut through.
He could of always cut the really small pipe or whatever it was that the handcuff was attached to. If I remember correctly it really wasn't that thick.
I can't wait to see the last 4 episodes (sad there are only 6!!)
There will be 12 more (a new season that was just recently announced). Almost all TV shows that would be considered a series (Friends, ER, Stargate, Heroes, etc.) are always purchased on an episode, half, full season basis.
These six episodes are essentially a dry run on the series to see if they got a large enough following to order more episodes and move ahead with the series.
You'll notice this a lot when new shows come out. There will be 3 - 6 episodes and based off the reception of the first few, they will order more (half to full seasons) If the series ever starts to dwindle in fan base or reviews, you'll see fewer new episodes, larger gaps between reruns and new stuff, and eventually, cancellation (e.g. Heroes).
Not their best episode yet, but i'm more pumped than ever for the next. The preview didn't give away much and there's some real potential for the next episode to be incredible.
As Keg mentioned it's probably hardened steel and the bar he was cuffed to didn't look like the flexible iron bar that is used to reinforce concrete and such. Considering his condition I would doubt he would've had the power to bend such a thing espec with his hand cuffed to it. Meaning he would've had to cut it in two places? The bone is alot softer.
I think the show is doing an excellent job. I mean, if you've seen a few zombie movies you know where the general quality level is. Pretty low.
Ofcourse it's not perfect but what show is? I havn't seen Mad men but I doubt it's perfect.
Personally I thought the first episode of The Walking Dead was good. The second was kind of weak; slow plot, new character intro dialogues felt contrived and they seemed to be deliberately skimping on the gore during a few scenes. Third episode redeemed my faith in the series and is probably my favorite so far. Really keen to see what happens in #4.
PS- I can totally buy the handcuff/hacksaw plot device. Personal experience with hacksaws has taught me that using the wrong blade on the wrong type of metal gets you nowhere and can quickly blunt it too. I guess Merle crapped out in that department... Makes for an interesting potential re-encounter later on though, that's for sure.
Just found these interesting interviews with Robert Kirkman. Seems like they'll be doing one for every episode. They answered a few questions that I've seen asked in this thread and a few questions that I had myself.
Anyone else got the feeling that the extra ammo he got from his 'friend' might be duds? Since it kinda seemed like he didn't want him to live so he could get on with the sherifs wife. So he hands him bad ammo, so he might get eaten by zombies, thus there is a free widow (for good this time)
Personally I thought the first episode of The Walking Dead was good. The second was kind of weak; slow plot, new character intro dialogues felt contrived and they seemed to be deliberately skimping on the gore during a few scenes. Third episode redeemed my faith in the series and is probably my favorite so far. Really keen to see what happens in #4.
PS- I can totally buy the handcuff/hacksaw plot device. Personal experience with hacksaws has taught me that using the wrong blade on the wrong type of metal gets you nowhere and can quickly blunt it too. I guess Merle crapped out in that department... Makes for an interesting potential re-encounter later on though, that's for sure.
I still think there's something a bit fishy about the whole thing though. One thing I noticed was that there wasn't any blood on the hacksaw or on the ground below the cuffs. There was only blood on the cuffs.
Is it possible he was rescued some other way and staged cutting off his hand?
Yeah that's disappointing that the first season is only 6 episodes. Quality rather than quantity though. Plus their second season has already been green lit (I think) so at least we know that we'll at least have one more season of it!
I think the pacing of the show is fine, it is like some sort of action flick compared to the mind numbingly boring Rubicon and even Mad Men.
Comparing it to a movie is the problem. You are right, in 15 minutes of a movie you cover a lot of ground (about an hours episode of a typical show).
But what a TV show (a good one....like Walking Dead) does is really build up the characters and the world.. each episode they can focus on certain things that really give a viewer a sense of reality.
Sort of a book. Quite often hundreds and hundreds of pages get translated to about ~2hr of action with a lot of the fine details left out.
I prefer it that way, it gives them enough time to build tension. If it was in a smaller time frame, you might not get that. I thought the second episode was amazing, though it wasn't long enough. :[
Whatever you do... if you think there isn't enough per show and the wait is too long till more content, do NOT read comics (any of them) the month long wait between issues/episodes will kill ya. Especially when they slip off of their ship date by a week or sometimes a month...
You should just stick to movies if the best thing about tv series actually annoys you
There are so many things from the actors, to the plot and character changes that really make me nerdrage hard. I was ranting about it all day to my friends. Just... RAGE
However, taken as a divorced series I think I would quite like it. Zombie effects are great, pacing in the second episode was a lot better and it's pretty enjoyable. I almost wish they had just done an original story/characters instead of shitting all over pre-established work.
It's confirmed for a second season now anyway, so I will definitely be watching. It would make me happy if they take it in a completely different direction at some point, like Dexter or True Blood. I guess we'll have to see!
Just accept is as it's own thing.
They said it was going to go off on it's own anyways.
Right now they're straddling the line between being accurate to the comic and not. Following certain things closely enough that I can't help but draw comparisons. Other things I'm okay with, like the new characters in episode 2.
That's what bugging me, the following but not following. I'll get past it eventually.:)
But I agree with a lot of you, the second episode was much better and I can't wait to see the last 4 episodes (sad there are only 6!!)
Think of it as a directors cut or alternate version?
I thought the pilot episode was perfect. Didn't like the new episode much. Some good parts to it, but damn. The part near the end where he tripped,
Just one thing I was wondering about the end:
or the beginning of SAW.
I guess another possibility is that he eventually got to it, but it was too late and the zombies found some other way up.
you know, if he felt that time was of the essences...
Hopefully we will see some more running from zombies next week. They're wading through the beginning of the comics far too slowly. This stuff was not all that interesting in there and it's still not that interesting. I guess next season will be the "good stuff".
Compared to Mad Men and Breaking Bad, this is by far the weakest of AMC's original series. Except for that one I've never seen.
Still watching in the hopes that it gets better. It's somewhat entertaining.
Well, the guy did have his adrenalin pumping. I know that wouldn't stop the pain, but if there are a bunch of Zombies trying to get at you, it might be enough to get through the pain.
Wow, I totally feel the opposite. This episode is needed to set things up, and I appreciate that they're telling a story, and not just having Zombies pop up to try to scare you all the time. That would give cheep thrills, instead of a story line with depth. Not taking the time for story, IMO would be boring and just make this show like any other.
This my second favorite show on TV right now behind Justified.
By the way, how are you guys hiding your text under that black box? I'm not seeing how to do that.
I think having been a fan of the comic does affect how much enjoyment you get from the tv series. IMO it's quite good for what it is (a zombie show), but I'm really not getting the same kind of suspense others who haven't read the comics are getting.
Which is a shame, cause I'm a nut for anything zombie related. Wish I could forget everything I read from the comics and just enjoy this
The bit with the hand and handcuff. Handcuffs are made of hardened steel, I wouldn't be surprised if the bolt it was attached to was hardened steel too. Hardened steel isn't easy to cut through with a hacksaw. There's also the fact of all the zombies at the door that were trying to force their way through (I expected the handle to break off), so there was the added urgency to the situation. The hand would take a lot less time than hardened steel to cut through.
There will be 12 more (a new season that was just recently announced). Almost all TV shows that would be considered a series (Friends, ER, Stargate, Heroes, etc.) are always purchased on an episode, half, full season basis.
These six episodes are essentially a dry run on the series to see if they got a large enough following to order more episodes and move ahead with the series.
You'll notice this a lot when new shows come out. There will be 3 - 6 episodes and based off the reception of the first few, they will order more (half to full seasons) If the series ever starts to dwindle in fan base or reviews, you'll see fewer new episodes, larger gaps between reruns and new stuff, and eventually, cancellation (e.g. Heroes).
I think the show is doing an excellent job. I mean, if you've seen a few zombie movies you know where the general quality level is. Pretty low.
Ofcourse it's not perfect but what show is? I havn't seen Mad men but I doubt it's perfect.
Instantly reminded me of Mad Max, too.
Personally I thought the first episode of The Walking Dead was good. The second was kind of weak; slow plot, new character intro dialogues felt contrived and they seemed to be deliberately skimping on the gore during a few scenes. Third episode redeemed my faith in the series and is probably my favorite so far. Really keen to see what happens in #4.
PS- I can totally buy the handcuff/hacksaw plot device. Personal experience with hacksaws has taught me that using the wrong blade on the wrong type of metal gets you nowhere and can quickly blunt it too. I guess Merle crapped out in that department... Makes for an interesting potential re-encounter later on though, that's for sure.
Getting eaten alive is not a way you want to go.
I still think there's something a bit fishy about the whole thing though. One thing I noticed was that there wasn't any blood on the hacksaw or on the ground below the cuffs. There was only blood on the cuffs.
Is it possible he was rescued some other way and staged cutting off his hand?