why the fuck didn't Jimmy drive the damn RV away, once Rick and Carl were on the roof? And why did he go to the door, which for some damn reason, was open?
If anyone has owned an RV, the doors open outward.
I was think same way,when i saw that...
Can't wait for next season...:poly142:
Also, i want more crossbow action!!! thee's 1 crossbow kill per episode.:poly117:
Screw the crossbow as badass as it was, I'll take more katana kills.
Comic spoiler:
So now that Michonne is joining the group does that mean that T-Dawg is Tyrese? If he is, he's kind of disappointing if you ask me. They could write Tyrese into the prison, I really want to see one guy go nuts on a horde of zombies after being locked in he gym. Come on Kirkman the group needs a tough as nails claw hammer wielding badass. Or is Daryl filling that roll? that gets a sad face from me too...
Robert has said that T-Dog and Tyrese are two completely different characters. I'm pretty sure Tyrese will be showing up in the show. Maybe he'll be written in as one of the convicts in the prison instead (Since I doubt they'll be writing in his retarded daughter now that they know how the infection works for the most part).
I like how AMC schedules their stuff. Move on to mad men, then last season of breaking bad. Then to walking dead/dexter(showtime).
It's all going to be beautiful. Except its the final season of breaking bad. They start shooting it this week. Almost makes we want to drive down to NM and say hi/bye.
When I saw the helicopter, I was thinking that it would be the perfect way to clear out an area, just lead them all to a large trench and get them to fall in (and if they don't want to jump in, the pressure of the other zombies behind them will make them) and when there is enough, just get a crop duster to fly over with gasolin and burn them. Rinse and repeat until area/town is empty of zombies. Would help making the area safer.
When I saw the helicopter, I was thinking that it would be the perfect way to clear out an area, just lead them all to a large trench and get them to fall in (and if they don't want to jump in, the pressure of the other zombies behind them will make them) and when there is enough, just get a crop duster to fly over with gasolin and burn them. Rinse and repeat until area/town is empty of zombies. Would help making the area safer.
I'm quite sure that the helicopter at the beginning of the episode was from the series premiere when Rick was in Atlanta with the horse. The walkers hear a sound and just start walking towards where they believe it came from and any other walkers along the way will most likely follow them. That's how the herds are formed. So if you want to wait a few weeks for them all to pile up together and have a trench quite a few miles away then I guess you could give it a shot! That is if your helicopter pilot hasn't been killed and you have enough fuel left.
i haven't read the comics so i dont know who this chick is, but whats stopping the zombies from chewing her ass up?! sure they have no arms... but dont they have teeth? and i fail to see the how they can be useful. only reason i can think of is for some sort of testing for a cure maybe but this girl in that attire doesn't look like the lab rat type nor does that hoodie really help with her field of vision lol ...........she just feels out of place to me
i haven't read the comics so i dont know who this chick is, but whats stopping the zombies from chewing her ass up?! sure they have no arms... but dont they have teeth? and i fail to see the how they can be useful. only reason i can think of is for some sort of testing for a cure maybe but this girl in that attire doesn't look like the lab rat type nor does that hoodie really help with her field of vision lol ...........she just feels out of place to me
guess i have to wait for season 3 !
ps: i hope she is hot, just saying :P
Remember how they smeared themselves in guts to blend into the walkers for a bit earlier? Walking around with two walkers chained and under your control would have the same effect I would say.
Without spoiling too much of the character check out the lower jaws on both of those zombies. They are gone. Also think about the possible psychological connection that could be present between the hooded chick (michonne) and the two guys she has chained up.
i thought they might be used to blend in but didn't understand how she would control them and prevent them from i guess ...rubbing up on her, since they cant do harm i figured they would still be trying - but now your saying its some sort of psychological connection, tricky tricky lol
Yeah but really they are more of a story telling device than a based in reality kind of thing. At least in the comics they were. I dunno how Rick's group in the show is going to react to them especially after the barn fiasco....
Robert has said that T-Dog and Tyrese are two completely different characters. I'm pretty sure Tyrese will be showing up in the show. Maybe he'll be written in as one of the convicts in the prison instead (Since I doubt they'll be writing in his retarded daughter now that they know how the infection works for the most part).
Ahh good.
Maybe they'll find him in the gym as the only living thing after he had slaughtered a bunch of zombies? That could be a pretty sweet intro? For a while I kind of through they would turn Shane into Tyresse since he was filling that badass co-leader role. But Shane was always looking to get rid of Rick not really be his equal who had his back.
That's the thing, it seemed like Tyresse never wanted that leadership responsibility, and he respected Rick (once they grew to trust each other). For me, that trust progressed after they met at the freeway. I think meeting him in the prison, would be interesting, but I can't see the same build up of trust.
Robert has said that T-Dog and Tyrese are two completely different characters. I'm pretty sure Tyrese will be showing up in the show. Maybe he'll be written in as one of the convicts in the prison instead (Since I doubt they'll be writing in his retarded daughter now that they know how the infection works for the most part).
Ahh good.
Maybe they'll find him in the gym as the only living thing after he had slaughtered a bunch of zombies? That could be a pretty sweet intro? For a while I kind of through they would turn Shane into Tyresse since he was filling that badass co-leader role. But Shane was always looking to get rid of Rick not really be his equal who had his back.
Fuck I need to buy the comics. I can't wait until October when I know all the answers are out there.
Well they don't really follow the comics all that close so I wouldn't get too attached to what is in the comics. But the trade paperbacks are pretty cheap and I think they released them on Kindle if you have one.
Without spoiling too much of the character check out the lower jaws on both of those zombies. They are gone. Also think about the possible psychological connection that could be present between the hooded chick (michonne) and the two guys she has chained up.
That is all :P
Comic Spoiler:
If I remember correctly they are her boy friend and his brother or best friend. They killed her kids so she went crazy on them, she's a little vindictive
I agree I think the zombies and the poncho work as camouflage. She might also use them as early warning systems when she's sleeping, since zombies get excited when they see other zombies around and congregate, a bit like a bug zapper heh. I also think she smears zombie smell on the poncho so she can take it off, who wants to stink like a zombie all the time...
That's the thing, it seemed like Tyresse never wanted that leadership responsibility, and he respected Rick (once they grew to trust each other). For me, that trust progressed after they met at the freeway. I think meeting him in the prison, would be interesting, but I can't see the same build up of trust.
But Rick does have an opening for a best buddy and Lori is too much of a flake and a spaz to be of much use... Maybe since they might be bringing Tyresse on late they will be keeping him around longer?
Either way I hope at some point Lori goes down
but not like in the comic falling on the baby and killing it come on...
or they start writing her character to be less of a boat anchor and much more useful.
I thought Lori was shot in the back with high powered weapon so it went through her and killed the baby as well
As far as everyone going "WTF, why are they acting like that?" you've never had weird family drama before? If a holiday dinner is enough to cause feuds and drama, imagine how people will behave in a zombie apocalypse.
i thought the bullet went through both lori and the baby in the comic?
anyway... they didn't find tyrese in the gym, he met them at the farm along with the scientist... he went into the gym, which they'd barracaded to preserve ammo, because his daughter had just died... he went in to take out his frustrations.
still pretty badass.
now... my issue with the governor. they say they're not going to water him down at all, but there's a LOT of shit that i just can't see them showing on tv, as graphic as the show is, there's a suspension of disbelief that comes into play when it's people vs zombies. but the governor is a different case all together, and that suspension of disbelief won't hold up too well with the things that goes down both to him, and because of him.
I thought Lori was shot in the back with high powered weapon so it went through her and killed the baby as well
As far as everyone going "WTF, why are they acting like that?" you've never had weird family drama before? If a holiday dinner is enough to cause feuds and drama, imagine how people will behave in a zombie apocalypse.
i thought the bullet went through both lori and the baby in the comic?
You guys...
might be right I thought she was shot in the chest but was carrying it low and then fell on it and smothered it, leaving it to come back as a zombie and Rck had to put zombie-Lori and zombie-Baby down? Damn I have to re-read everything, its been too long.
anyway... they didn't find tyrese in the gym, he met them at the farm along with the scientist... he went into the gym, which they'd barricaded to preserve ammo, because his daughter had just died... he went in to take out his frustrations.
still pretty badass.
Yea but
I don't think they'll bring his daughter on, she was the one that tipped them off to not needing to be bitten, when she died and came back. So she would pretty much be a red shirt now, which hey, they've lost a few they need to build up the supply I guess
now... my issue with the governor. they say they're not going to water him down at all, but there's a LOT of shit that i just can't see them showing on tv, as graphic as the show is, there's a suspension of disbelief that comes into play when it's people vs zombies. but the governor is a different case all together, and that suspension of disbelief won't hold up too well with the things that goes down both to him, and because of him.
Yea that's going to be weird but maybe my imagination read more into what was there? I thumbed through those issues briefly the other day and a lot of it was implied.
When he tortured Michonne, they showed enough to know what was going to happen but then the storage door went down and the real bad things happened. But when she got her revenge... it was much more graphic...
anyway... they didn't find tyrese in the gym, he met them at the farm along with the scientist... he went into the gym, which they'd barracaded to preserve ammo, because his daughter had just died... he went in to take out his frustrations.
Mark wasn't saying that's where they met Tyresse. He was just saying that may be how they'll do it now. Besides
they met Tyresse on the freeway, before the farm. The physics teacher is accompanied by the other bad ass (can't remember his name). He's the guy who refers to the zombies as hurds, and explains why they shouldn't be firing off their guns like idiots.
Tyresses spends his whole time at the farm, trying to keep his daughter from banging her boyfriend.
Mark wasn't saying that's where they met Tyresse. He was just saying that may be how they'll do it now.
Or right I actually forgot to say that... I must have been too busy managing spoiler tags and quotes, ha. But yea I meant that is how they can do it now instead of how it was done.
By the way, has anyone else wondered if this whole thing will just end up being a dream, playing out in Rick's head, as he sits in a coma at the hospital? The whole thing starts with Rick getting shot, then jumps to him in the hospital. Just a thought, that I hope isn't true
By the way, has anyone else wondered if this whole thing will just end up being a dream, playing out in Rick's head, as he sits in a coma at the hospital? The whole thing starts with Rick getting shot, then jumps to him in the hospital. Just a thought, that I hope isn't true
Dude, don't say that. I think I'd be emotionally crushed.
By the way, has anyone else wondered if this whole thing will just end up being a dream, playing out in Rick's head, as he sits in a coma at the hospital? The whole thing starts with Rick getting shot, then jumps to him in the hospital. Just a thought, that I hope isn't true
This isn't some cheesy soap opera!
It's not like Lori was off sleeping with Ricks best friend after his friend lied about Rick dying but was actually in a coma... oh I see your point...
By the way, has anyone else wondered if this whole thing will just end up being a dream, playing out in Rick's head, as he sits in a coma at the hospital? The whole thing starts with Rick getting shot, then jumps to him in the hospital. Just a thought, that I hope isn't true
I can't remember the show but it was a medical drama from the 80's and the end of the show revealed it all took place inside the head of a kid with a mental disorder.
Ok, it's pretty criminal that they advertised the crap out of the Facebook game during last season but didn't mention anything about the Telltale Walking Dead game. If you haven't tried it yet, it's a strong game of the year contender - LINK
We actually had a commerical airing throughout their fourth of July marathon! But apparently, AMC doesn't like that they aren't involved with our game apparenty and went straight to Skybound, Kirkman's comic company, for the rights.
Can't wait for next season...:poly142:
He could just run over them...
Going to be a long time until next Halloween. Can't wait until Breaking Bad starts back up.
Comic spoiler:
I like how AMC schedules their stuff. Move on to mad men, then last season of breaking bad. Then to walking dead/dexter(showtime).
It's all going to be beautiful. Except its the final season of breaking bad. They start shooting it this week. Almost makes we want to drive down to NM and say hi/bye.
hahaha that does sound better.... :shifty:
That would have been so fucking awesome! hahaha
btw, i seriously forgot about breaking bad omg!
Bittersweet. Love that show. Guess the story couldn't last forever, though...
lots more here!
This made me laugh so hard when it happened.
I'm quite sure that the helicopter at the beginning of the episode was from the series premiere when Rick was in Atlanta with the horse. The walkers hear a sound and just start walking towards where they believe it came from and any other walkers along the way will most likely follow them. That's how the herds are formed. So if you want to wait a few weeks for them all to pile up together and have a trench quite a few miles away then I guess you could give it a shot! That is if your helicopter pilot hasn't been killed and you have enough fuel left.
i haven't read the comics so i dont know who this chick is, but whats stopping the zombies from chewing her ass up?! sure they have no arms... but dont they have teeth? and i fail to see the how they can be useful. only reason i can think of is for some sort of testing for a cure maybe but this girl in that attire doesn't look like the lab rat type
guess i have to wait for season 3 !
ps: i hope she is hot, just saying :P
Remember how they smeared themselves in guts to blend into the walkers for a bit earlier? Walking around with two walkers chained and under your control would have the same effect I would say.
That is all :P
Comic Spoiler:
As far as everyone going "WTF, why are they acting like that?" you've never had weird family drama before? If a holiday dinner is enough to cause feuds and drama, imagine how people will behave in a zombie apocalypse.
anyway... they didn't find tyrese in the gym, he met them at the farm along with the scientist... he went into the gym, which they'd barracaded to preserve ammo, because his daughter had just died... he went in to take out his frustrations.
still pretty badass.
now... my issue with the governor. they say they're not going to water him down at all, but there's a LOT of shit that i just can't see them showing on tv, as graphic as the show is, there's a suspension of disbelief that comes into play when it's people vs zombies. but the governor is a different case all together, and that suspension of disbelief won't hold up too well with the things that goes down both to him, and because of him.
Mark wasn't saying that's where they met Tyresse. He was just saying that may be how they'll do it now. Besides
Tyresses spends his whole time at the farm, trying to keep his daughter from banging her boyfriend.
By the way, has anyone else wondered if this whole thing will just end up being a dream, playing out in Rick's head, as he sits in a coma at the hospital? The whole thing starts with Rick getting shot, then jumps to him in the hospital. Just a thought, that I hope isn't true
It's not like Lori was off sleeping with Ricks best friend after his friend lied about Rick dying but was actually in a coma... oh I see your point...
Damn it.
I can't remember the show but it was a medical drama from the 80's and the end of the show revealed it all took place inside the head of a kid with a mental disorder.
Played a bit at lunch, but internet here is spotty now so the lag is making it unplayable. Looks like a bunch of fun between lags though!
We actually had a commerical airing throughout their fourth of July marathon! But apparently, AMC doesn't like that they aren't involved with our game apparenty and went straight to Skybound, Kirkman's comic company, for the rights.
they start up on the 14th again